Software Engineering + Architektur, UX Design, Anwendungsentwicklung, Prozessautomatisierung, Blockchain
Aktualisiert am 18.11.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 01.03.2025
Verfügbar zu: 100%
davon vor Ort: 30%
distributed systems
Message Queuing
native speaker
elementary proficiency



Urbar bei Koblenz am Rhein (+150km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



3 Jahre 1 Monat
2021-12 - heute

developing large-scale consumer application

senior software engineer & engineering manager Typescript Javascript Node ...
senior software engineer & engineering manager
  • At Bitly I am responsible for enhancing the conversion-related systems through various measures. 
  • This mainly includes the checkout and onboarding processes. 
  • The interesting aspect of this project is the scale of several million users per day, where minor changes have great impact, and performance & security must never be neglected. 
Typescript Javascript Node Vue SQL Event Streaming NoSQL Serverless Lambda AWS Docker Laravel Go / Golang
Bitly, Inc.
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2020-10 - 2021-11

led development of large-scale data center management app

lead/senior software engineer, as well as product owner Typescript Javascript Node ...
lead/senior software engineer, as well as product owner
  • I led a team of seven software developers/engineers using agile practices at Northern Data. 
  • The software system for which I was responsible consists of multiple services (some of them rather monolithic) that talk to each other via message brokers. 
  • The system is mainly constructed with nodeJS-services using Typescript, but it also involves microcontrollers and a proprietary operating system (which is derived from Tinycore Linux). 
  • The purposes of the software system are the setup, automation, operation and optimization of thousands of servers distributed across the world. 
  • It solves large-scale machine-to-machine communication problems that reputable competitors could not solve, and is valued accordingly. 
  • Apart from leading the team of devs together with the CTO, I also had the role of product owner, resulting in respective tasks and responsibilities
Typescript Javascript Node Event Streaming React React Native SQL NoSQL Docker
Northern Data AG
2 Jahre
2018-10 - 2020-09

developed self-service-platforms in Kubernetes-context

senior software engineer & engineering manager Typescript Javascript Vue ...
senior software engineer & engineering manager

  • At German Edge Cloud I first developed a self-service-portal that was able to spin up enterprise Blockchain networks via Kubernetes. 
  • The respective web application was built with Laravel, VueJS, and Hyperledger Besu. 
  • After finishing this project I was part of an engineering team to maintain and improve an internal billing application based on Python, interfacing with Kubernetes. Other than that I implemented UX-improvements in several projects.   

Typescript Javascript Vue SQL NoSQL Python Docker Hyperledger (Blockchain) Laravel
German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co KG (previously iNNOVO Cloud GmbH)
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2018-05 - 2020-01

executed crowdfunding-campaign (security token offering)

  • Intelligent Fluids saw Blockchain technology as a way of funding global expansion in the form of new plants at different locations, through a so-called token offering. 
  • With this goal I designed the respective token in accordance with the BaFin and prepared the offering with specific digital tools. 
Intelligent Fluids GmbH
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2018-04 - 2020-01

co-founded and managed IT service provider

Typescript Javascript Vue ...
  • I co-founded treevolve with a good friend of mine after leaving the previous company as a reaction to the market need for technical competence regarding Blockchain technology. 
  • We successfully implemented several projects, executed technical audits, and gave multiple talks and seminars on the topic. 
  • We had a team of seven people ranging from lawyers and sales-staff to software engineers.  
Typescript Javascript Vue React Node Go / Golang SQL NoSQL Docker Hyperledger (Blockchain) Laravel
on request
11 Monate
2018-04 - 2019-02

developed FinTech-application including Blockchain

senior software engineer & engineering manager Typescript Javascript Vue ...
senior software engineer & engineering manager
  • At finbc I helped design and develop a factoring application that leveraged Blockchain technology to help SMEs get funding and stay liquid. 
  • The software was created with Laravel and Hyperledger Fabric. 
Typescript Javascript Vue SQL NoSQL Docker Docker Swarm Hyperledger (Blockchain) Laravel
finbc GmbH
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2016-07 - 2018-03

developed software for medical practices (incl. Blockchain)

software engineer, team lead, and product owner Javascript SQL NoSQL ...
software engineer, team lead, and product owner
  • At eoceo I led the development of a software system that leveraged automation and the aggregation/combination of patient data to greatly improve diagnostics (and more). 
  • My team consisted of six software engineers with different specializations.
Javascript SQL NoSQL Solidity (Blockchain)
eoceo GmbH
3 Jahre
2013-07 - 2016-06

developed content management system

software engineer, as well as key account manager Java Javascript SQL
software engineer, as well as key account manager
  • Chamaeleon developed its own successful content management system and I designed and implemented new features for this product, using mainly Java. 
  • Apart from that I held customer workshops and was responsible for managing specific key accounts.
Java Javascript SQL
Chamaeleon AG

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

7 Jahre 6 Monate
2005-10 - 2013-03

Bachelor of Science Information Management (computer science & economics)

Bachelor of Science Information Management, Universität Koblenz-Landau
Bachelor of Science Information Management
Universität Koblenz-Landau
  • Zunächst Grundstudium Computervisualistik, dann Umstieg auf Information Management nach Bolognareform.



  • Software Engineer & Engineering Manager
  • Auditor & Tester




Blockchain TypeScript Vue.js Typescript Go Scrum Laravel Microservices Vue.js React Angular Ethereum distributed systems Message Queuing Testautomatisierung Solidity Workshops Javascript Node.js

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

additional tech

  • Test-driven-development
  • Relational and document-based databases
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Distributed Systems
  • Golang

    Versioning Systems
    • Git



    Urbar bei Koblenz am Rhein (+150km)
    Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



    3 Jahre 1 Monat
    2021-12 - heute

    developing large-scale consumer application

    senior software engineer & engineering manager Typescript Javascript Node ...
    senior software engineer & engineering manager
    • At Bitly I am responsible for enhancing the conversion-related systems through various measures. 
    • This mainly includes the checkout and onboarding processes. 
    • The interesting aspect of this project is the scale of several million users per day, where minor changes have great impact, and performance & security must never be neglected. 
    Typescript Javascript Node Vue SQL Event Streaming NoSQL Serverless Lambda AWS Docker Laravel Go / Golang
    Bitly, Inc.
    1 Jahr 2 Monate
    2020-10 - 2021-11

    led development of large-scale data center management app

    lead/senior software engineer, as well as product owner Typescript Javascript Node ...
    lead/senior software engineer, as well as product owner
    • I led a team of seven software developers/engineers using agile practices at Northern Data. 
    • The software system for which I was responsible consists of multiple services (some of them rather monolithic) that talk to each other via message brokers. 
    • The system is mainly constructed with nodeJS-services using Typescript, but it also involves microcontrollers and a proprietary operating system (which is derived from Tinycore Linux). 
    • The purposes of the software system are the setup, automation, operation and optimization of thousands of servers distributed across the world. 
    • It solves large-scale machine-to-machine communication problems that reputable competitors could not solve, and is valued accordingly. 
    • Apart from leading the team of devs together with the CTO, I also had the role of product owner, resulting in respective tasks and responsibilities
    Typescript Javascript Node Event Streaming React React Native SQL NoSQL Docker
    Northern Data AG
    2 Jahre
    2018-10 - 2020-09

    developed self-service-platforms in Kubernetes-context

    senior software engineer & engineering manager Typescript Javascript Vue ...
    senior software engineer & engineering manager

    • At German Edge Cloud I first developed a self-service-portal that was able to spin up enterprise Blockchain networks via Kubernetes. 
    • The respective web application was built with Laravel, VueJS, and Hyperledger Besu. 
    • After finishing this project I was part of an engineering team to maintain and improve an internal billing application based on Python, interfacing with Kubernetes. Other than that I implemented UX-improvements in several projects.   

    Typescript Javascript Vue SQL NoSQL Python Docker Hyperledger (Blockchain) Laravel
    German Edge Cloud GmbH & Co KG (previously iNNOVO Cloud GmbH)
    1 Jahr 9 Monate
    2018-05 - 2020-01

    executed crowdfunding-campaign (security token offering)

    • Intelligent Fluids saw Blockchain technology as a way of funding global expansion in the form of new plants at different locations, through a so-called token offering. 
    • With this goal I designed the respective token in accordance with the BaFin and prepared the offering with specific digital tools. 
    Intelligent Fluids GmbH
    1 Jahr 10 Monate
    2018-04 - 2020-01

    co-founded and managed IT service provider

    Typescript Javascript Vue ...
    • I co-founded treevolve with a good friend of mine after leaving the previous company as a reaction to the market need for technical competence regarding Blockchain technology. 
    • We successfully implemented several projects, executed technical audits, and gave multiple talks and seminars on the topic. 
    • We had a team of seven people ranging from lawyers and sales-staff to software engineers.  
    Typescript Javascript Vue React Node Go / Golang SQL NoSQL Docker Hyperledger (Blockchain) Laravel
    on request
    11 Monate
    2018-04 - 2019-02

    developed FinTech-application including Blockchain

    senior software engineer & engineering manager Typescript Javascript Vue ...
    senior software engineer & engineering manager
    • At finbc I helped design and develop a factoring application that leveraged Blockchain technology to help SMEs get funding and stay liquid. 
    • The software was created with Laravel and Hyperledger Fabric. 
    Typescript Javascript Vue SQL NoSQL Docker Docker Swarm Hyperledger (Blockchain) Laravel
    finbc GmbH
    1 Jahr 9 Monate
    2016-07 - 2018-03

    developed software for medical practices (incl. Blockchain)

    software engineer, team lead, and product owner Javascript SQL NoSQL ...
    software engineer, team lead, and product owner
    • At eoceo I led the development of a software system that leveraged automation and the aggregation/combination of patient data to greatly improve diagnostics (and more). 
    • My team consisted of six software engineers with different specializations.
    Javascript SQL NoSQL Solidity (Blockchain)
    eoceo GmbH
    3 Jahre
    2013-07 - 2016-06

    developed content management system

    software engineer, as well as key account manager Java Javascript SQL
    software engineer, as well as key account manager
    • Chamaeleon developed its own successful content management system and I designed and implemented new features for this product, using mainly Java. 
    • Apart from that I held customer workshops and was responsible for managing specific key accounts.
    Java Javascript SQL
    Chamaeleon AG

    Aus- und Weiterbildung

    Aus- und Weiterbildung

    7 Jahre 6 Monate
    2005-10 - 2013-03

    Bachelor of Science Information Management (computer science & economics)

    Bachelor of Science Information Management, Universität Koblenz-Landau
    Bachelor of Science Information Management
    Universität Koblenz-Landau
    • Zunächst Grundstudium Computervisualistik, dann Umstieg auf Information Management nach Bolognareform.



    • Software Engineer & Engineering Manager
    • Auditor & Tester




    Blockchain TypeScript Vue.js Typescript Go Scrum Laravel Microservices Vue.js React Angular Ethereum distributed systems Message Queuing Testautomatisierung Solidity Workshops Javascript Node.js

    Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

    additional tech

    • Test-driven-development
    • Relational and document-based databases
    • Docker
    • Kubernetes
    • Distributed Systems
    • Golang

      Versioning Systems
      • Git

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