C++ Software Engineer & Software Architect
Aktualisiert am 23.01.2025
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 01.02.2025
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davon vor Ort: 100%
Numerical Methods
Asynchronous Programming
Concurrent Computing
Numerische Simulationsverfahren



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz



6 Monate
2024-07 - 2024-12

Medical device for eye surgery

Modern C++ STL Boost ...
  • Implemented new features in Modern C++ for middleware designed to run on an ARM embedded device. 
  • The middleware was highly complex, containing thousands of classes, with a sophisticated architecture and strict compliance-imposed restrictions. 
  • I contributed significantly to the middleware's unit testing effort, which involved approximately 3,000 unit tests, and wrote many of these tests to ensure high-quality and robust functionality. 
  • Code quality was exceptionally high, with all pull requests undergoing thorough reviews to maintain standards and consistency.
Modern C++ STL Boost Multithreading Visual Studio Code CMake Software Architecture ARM Embedded Azure DevOps
Munich, Germany / Remote
2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-04 - 2024-07

ERP system used in the pharmaceutical industry

Senior Software Engineer Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Bug fixing, maintenance, implementation of new features, and code modernization
Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL Boost Multithreading Maintenance MFC Qt QML GUI Git Jira Confluence Visual Studio
Frankfurt, Germany / Remote
7 Monate
2022-02 - 2022-08

Application for managing satellites, antennas, and positioning systems

Senior Software Engineer Legacy C++ Modern C++ Maintenance ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Bug fixing and code modernization
Legacy C++ Modern C++ Maintenance Unit Testing CMake SVN Jira Visual Studio
Satellites / Antennas / Positioning Systems
St. Gallen, Switzerland
9 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-03

Accounting Product

Senior Software Engineer Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Migration of DAO implementation to MongoDB
Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL Boost Multithreading Maintenance MFC GUI MongoDB Unit Testing CMake Git Visual Studio Visual Studio DevOps
Financial Services / Tax Consultancy
Vienna, Austria / Remote
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2020-09 - 2021-09

Low Latency Video Data Transmission

Senior Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Senior Software Engineer

Application and library for efficient encoding, transmission, and decoding of video data

  • Efficient implementation for encoding, transmitting, and decoding video data, video display, and development of efficient hybrid data structures (both lock-based and lock-free).

Modern C++ STL Boost Qt QML OpenGL Multithreading GUI Unit Testing CMake Git Jira
Entertainment / Hardware
Vienna region, Austria / Remote
4 Monate
2020-01 - 2020-04

Software architecture

Senior Software Engineer C++ 17 using boost STL ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Define the software architecture of a product that is going to be a Visual Programming Platform for Robotic Applications.
  • Have full responsibility of the software architecture and the backend implementation.
  • Write code in modern C++ 17 (using boost, STL, flatbuffers, asio).
  • Setup the build environment for both backend and frontend, based on CMake.
  • Support the frontend developer with Qt and QML development, when needed.
C++ 17 using boost STL flatbuffers asio
high tech company
Vienna, Austria
6 Monate
2019-10 - 2020-03

Prototype of an application

Senior Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Senior Software Engineer

Prototype of an application for creating workflows to control industrial robots.

  • Requirements engineering, architectural design, and implementation of a prototype application for creating and executing workflows to control industrial robots. 
  • Features included variable input/output, if-conditions, and loops (with conditions).

Modern C++ STL Boost RapidJson Flat Buffers Asio Multithreading Architecture State Machine GUI Qt QML Python Unit Testing CMake Git Jira
Ludwigshafen, Germany
3 Monate
2019-10 - 2019-12

Redefined the software architecture

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Redefined the software architecture for a product that has an user interface written in C# (WPF).
  • Wrote code in C# and XAML using the MVVM pattern.
  • Wrote code in C++ and Win32 API used for process hooking. Wrote unit tests using MSTest.
IT Software Services
Linz, Austria
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2018-06 - 2019-10

Defined and maintained the software architecture

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Defined and maintained the software architecture for an innovative device comparable with a breathalyzer.
  • Implemented core functionality of the product using multithreaded modern C++ 17 (using boost, STL and flatbuffers, asio).
  • Wrote CMake build files. Wrote unit tests using Google Test (and Google Mock) framework.
  • Developed code that can run on Ubuntu, Windows and ARM. Was part of a scrum team with a size range between 7 - 14 persons.
software & hardware development services
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2018-09 - 2019-09

Alcohol Testing Device

Modern C++ STL Boost ...
  • Analysis of existing state machine implementations (The Boost Statechart Library, Boost Meta State Machine, Yasmine, The C++ State Machine Framework). 
  • Development of a dynamic state machine for GUI workflows that can be modified at runtime. 
  • Implementation of network-related algorithms for data transmission.
Modern C++ STL Boost Flat Buffers Asio Multithreading Architecture ARM Embedded Architecture State Machines Lua Unit Testing CMake Git Jira
Vienna, Austria / Lübeck, Germany / Remote
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2018-03 - 2019-09

Libraries for Cloud Integration

Modern C++ STL Boost ...
  • Cloud integration of computationally intensive algorithms for image reconstruction used in stroke detection
Modern C++ STL Boost C# Message Queues Microsoft Azure GPU Git Jira
Vienna, Austria / Remote
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2017-03 - 2018-03

A library for generating supports

Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Software Engineer
A library for generating supports for 3D printing, integrated into the client's main product
  • Development and visualization of support structures for 3D objects used in 3D printing, based on publicly available research
Modern C++ STL Boost OpenGL Protocol Buffers (protobuf) Multithreading Unit Testing CMake Git Jira GPU
3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
Linz, Austria / Lübeck, Germany
8 Monate
2017-05 - 2017-12

Self-Checkout System

Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Software Engineer
Implementation of the state machine in Modern C++ and computer vision algorithms.
  • Defined and maintained the software architecture of the product
  • Developed multithreaded code in modern C++ 14 (under Ubuntu) using STL and boost
  • Implemented computer vision algorithms in modern C++ using OpenCV
  • Developed tools in Qt and modern C++ that were used by the computer vision / machine learning team
  • Wrote unit tests using Google Test ( and Google Mock) framework
  • Was part of a scrum team of 6 persons
Modern C++ STL Boost Flat Buffers Asio OpenCV Multithreading State Machines Git Jira
Innovation / Startup
Salzburg, Austria
9 Monate
2016-06 - 2017-02

Software Development

Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Software Engineer

Software Development Kit (SDK) designed to simplify the creation of Augmented Reality products for creators and developers.

  • Integration of HoloLens v1 into the SDK, based on the Ogre3D Game Engine

Modern C++ STL Boost Direct3D Rendering 3D Graphics Multithreading Git
Entertainment / Augmented Reality
Vienna, Austria
11 Monate
2015-09 - 2016-07

technical implementation

Software Engineer & Co-Founder
Software Engineer & Co-Founder
  • Had full responsibility for the technical implementation of the project.
  • Defined and maintained the software architecture of the platform.
  • Developed both the backend and frontend components in C#, .net core, Angular.
own company [name on request]
4 Monate
2015-06 - 2015-09

Defined the software architecture

Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed a WPF client application in C# .NET.
  • Developed a thermal printer interface that has been integrated in the client application
Bitstem GmbH
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2014-04 - 2015-05

Defined the software architecture

Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed an enterprise application in C#, .NET in the financial sector.
  • Developed the integration with different external systems: topup providers, banks, sms system.
Transpaygo GmbH
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2013-01 - 2014-01

technical implementation

Software Engineer & Co-Founder
Software Engineer & Co-Founder
  • Had full responsibility for the technical implementation of the project.
  • Developed custom mobile, augmented reality applications using Vuforia SDK, Java and C++.
  • Gained experience using the Android SDK and NDK.
own company [name on request]
Vienna, Austria
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2011-02 - 2013-10

Developed tools for EEG signal analysis

Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed tools for EEG signal analysis in MATLAB and C++.
  • Developed a user interface using C++ and Qt.
  • Developed tools for automating the validation process
The Siesta Group GmbH
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr
2010-01 - 2010-12


Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed tools for helping the group with data analysis.
  • Developed an interface for integrating a special video camera used for experiments
The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr
2009-02 - 2010-01

Development of an application for the maritime sector

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Was part of the team that developed an application for the maritime sector.
  • Developed the application (both backend and frontend) in C# .NET.
  • Had to solve performance related tasks.
Frequentis AG
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr
2008-02 - 2009-01

various tasks

Software Engineer - permanent position (mostly)
Software Engineer - permanent position (mostly)
  • Implemented a research paper based on HOGs in C++ for detecting in real time humans in video streams.
  • Developed a user interface able to render up to 128 video streams, written in C++, MFC and DirectShow.
  • Developed various simple tools in C++.
KiwiSecurity Software GmbH
Vienna, Austria

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

8 Jahre 9 Monate
2003-03 - 2011-11

Software Engineering

Bachelor (GPA 2.0), Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Bachelor (GPA 2.0)
Vienna University of Technology, Austria



Software Engineer & Founder




Qt C++ Boost C# GPGPU OpenCL OpenGL Direct3D Win32 WPF MFC UML MATLAB Numerical Methods CMake Asynchronous Programming Concurrent Computing Algorithmen Numerische Simulationsverfahren MVVM MVC Linux Windows

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


I am focused on both creating and maintaining a clean software architecture and writing clean, expressive and efficient code. Besides software development, I am interested in mathematics and (computational) sciences.


Medical Software Success

  • Implemented software for CE-marked medical devices

Codebase Efficiency Boost

  • Increased codebase efficiency using modern C++ standards

Project Time Reduction

  • Managed projects with significant decrease in development time

Client Growth Expertise

  • Achieved client growth in augmented reality projects


  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • x86 architecture software development
  • ARM architecture (embedded) software development
  • UML
  • software development under Windows
  • software development under Linux
  • (modern) C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python
  • Matlab
  • Fortran
  • Haskell
  • Cobol
  • STL
  • Boost
  • Win32 API
  • Qt
  • QML
  • MFC
  • Winforms
  • WPF
  • CUDA
  • OpenCL
  • OpenGL
  • OpenCV
  • Android SDK
  • Unit Testing
  • System Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Test Planing
  • Google Test
  • Turtle Mock
  • Boost Test
  • CMake
  • Conan
  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • InformiX
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • iOS
  • Android

Work Expeience

07/2016 - today

Austria & Switzerland

Role: Software Engineer / Architect & Founder 

Customer: on request


  • Defined and implemented software requirements and software architecture
  • Wrote (cross-platform) code in modern C++ 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23
  • Wrote (cross-platform) code in C#
  • Wrote code in Cobol, Python, Lua, Matlab
  • Defined and implemented test planning for unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing
  • Worked with legacy code
  • (Re-) Wrote build environments using CMake and Conan


augmented reality, computational geometry, computer graphics, computer vision, telematics, e-health, aviation, very low latency data / video transmission and decoding, satellite systems, metallurgical industry, medicine


Qt/QML, ILOG View Foundation, Win32 API, WinForms, WPF, STL, boost, asio, flatbuffers, CMake, Google Test, OpenCV, Win32 API, Direct3D, CUDA, OpenCL, Ogre3D, Jira, Confluence, YouTrack

09/2015 - 07/2016

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer & Co-Founder

Customer: on request

04/2014 - 05/2015

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer & Software Architect 

Customer: Transpaygo GmbH

01/2013 - 01/2014

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer & Co-Founder

Customer: on request

02/2011 - 10/2013

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: The Siesta Group GmbH

01/2010 - 12/2010

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

02/2009 - 01/2010

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer

Customer: Frequentis AG

02/2008 - 01/2009

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: KiwiSecurity Software GmbH

07/2005 - 09/2007

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: Agfa HealthCare GmbH



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz



6 Monate
2024-07 - 2024-12

Medical device for eye surgery

Modern C++ STL Boost ...
  • Implemented new features in Modern C++ for middleware designed to run on an ARM embedded device. 
  • The middleware was highly complex, containing thousands of classes, with a sophisticated architecture and strict compliance-imposed restrictions. 
  • I contributed significantly to the middleware's unit testing effort, which involved approximately 3,000 unit tests, and wrote many of these tests to ensure high-quality and robust functionality. 
  • Code quality was exceptionally high, with all pull requests undergoing thorough reviews to maintain standards and consistency.
Modern C++ STL Boost Multithreading Visual Studio Code CMake Software Architecture ARM Embedded Azure DevOps
Munich, Germany / Remote
2 Jahre 4 Monate
2022-04 - 2024-07

ERP system used in the pharmaceutical industry

Senior Software Engineer Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Bug fixing, maintenance, implementation of new features, and code modernization
Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL Boost Multithreading Maintenance MFC Qt QML GUI Git Jira Confluence Visual Studio
Frankfurt, Germany / Remote
7 Monate
2022-02 - 2022-08

Application for managing satellites, antennas, and positioning systems

Senior Software Engineer Legacy C++ Modern C++ Maintenance ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Bug fixing and code modernization
Legacy C++ Modern C++ Maintenance Unit Testing CMake SVN Jira Visual Studio
Satellites / Antennas / Positioning Systems
St. Gallen, Switzerland
9 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-03

Accounting Product

Senior Software Engineer Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Migration of DAO implementation to MongoDB
Legacy C++ Modern C++ STL Boost Multithreading Maintenance MFC GUI MongoDB Unit Testing CMake Git Visual Studio Visual Studio DevOps
Financial Services / Tax Consultancy
Vienna, Austria / Remote
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2020-09 - 2021-09

Low Latency Video Data Transmission

Senior Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Senior Software Engineer

Application and library for efficient encoding, transmission, and decoding of video data

  • Efficient implementation for encoding, transmitting, and decoding video data, video display, and development of efficient hybrid data structures (both lock-based and lock-free).

Modern C++ STL Boost Qt QML OpenGL Multithreading GUI Unit Testing CMake Git Jira
Entertainment / Hardware
Vienna region, Austria / Remote
4 Monate
2020-01 - 2020-04

Software architecture

Senior Software Engineer C++ 17 using boost STL ...
Senior Software Engineer
  • Define the software architecture of a product that is going to be a Visual Programming Platform for Robotic Applications.
  • Have full responsibility of the software architecture and the backend implementation.
  • Write code in modern C++ 17 (using boost, STL, flatbuffers, asio).
  • Setup the build environment for both backend and frontend, based on CMake.
  • Support the frontend developer with Qt and QML development, when needed.
C++ 17 using boost STL flatbuffers asio
high tech company
Vienna, Austria
6 Monate
2019-10 - 2020-03

Prototype of an application

Senior Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Senior Software Engineer

Prototype of an application for creating workflows to control industrial robots.

  • Requirements engineering, architectural design, and implementation of a prototype application for creating and executing workflows to control industrial robots. 
  • Features included variable input/output, if-conditions, and loops (with conditions).

Modern C++ STL Boost RapidJson Flat Buffers Asio Multithreading Architecture State Machine GUI Qt QML Python Unit Testing CMake Git Jira
Ludwigshafen, Germany
3 Monate
2019-10 - 2019-12

Redefined the software architecture

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Redefined the software architecture for a product that has an user interface written in C# (WPF).
  • Wrote code in C# and XAML using the MVVM pattern.
  • Wrote code in C++ and Win32 API used for process hooking. Wrote unit tests using MSTest.
IT Software Services
Linz, Austria
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2018-06 - 2019-10

Defined and maintained the software architecture

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Defined and maintained the software architecture for an innovative device comparable with a breathalyzer.
  • Implemented core functionality of the product using multithreaded modern C++ 17 (using boost, STL and flatbuffers, asio).
  • Wrote CMake build files. Wrote unit tests using Google Test (and Google Mock) framework.
  • Developed code that can run on Ubuntu, Windows and ARM. Was part of a scrum team with a size range between 7 - 14 persons.
software & hardware development services
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2018-09 - 2019-09

Alcohol Testing Device

Modern C++ STL Boost ...
  • Analysis of existing state machine implementations (The Boost Statechart Library, Boost Meta State Machine, Yasmine, The C++ State Machine Framework). 
  • Development of a dynamic state machine for GUI workflows that can be modified at runtime. 
  • Implementation of network-related algorithms for data transmission.
Modern C++ STL Boost Flat Buffers Asio Multithreading Architecture ARM Embedded Architecture State Machines Lua Unit Testing CMake Git Jira
Vienna, Austria / Lübeck, Germany / Remote
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2018-03 - 2019-09

Libraries for Cloud Integration

Modern C++ STL Boost ...
  • Cloud integration of computationally intensive algorithms for image reconstruction used in stroke detection
Modern C++ STL Boost C# Message Queues Microsoft Azure GPU Git Jira
Vienna, Austria / Remote
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2017-03 - 2018-03

A library for generating supports

Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Software Engineer
A library for generating supports for 3D printing, integrated into the client's main product
  • Development and visualization of support structures for 3D objects used in 3D printing, based on publicly available research
Modern C++ STL Boost OpenGL Protocol Buffers (protobuf) Multithreading Unit Testing CMake Git Jira GPU
3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
Linz, Austria / Lübeck, Germany
8 Monate
2017-05 - 2017-12

Self-Checkout System

Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Software Engineer
Implementation of the state machine in Modern C++ and computer vision algorithms.
  • Defined and maintained the software architecture of the product
  • Developed multithreaded code in modern C++ 14 (under Ubuntu) using STL and boost
  • Implemented computer vision algorithms in modern C++ using OpenCV
  • Developed tools in Qt and modern C++ that were used by the computer vision / machine learning team
  • Wrote unit tests using Google Test ( and Google Mock) framework
  • Was part of a scrum team of 6 persons
Modern C++ STL Boost Flat Buffers Asio OpenCV Multithreading State Machines Git Jira
Innovation / Startup
Salzburg, Austria
9 Monate
2016-06 - 2017-02

Software Development

Software Engineer Modern C++ STL Boost ...
Software Engineer

Software Development Kit (SDK) designed to simplify the creation of Augmented Reality products for creators and developers.

  • Integration of HoloLens v1 into the SDK, based on the Ogre3D Game Engine

Modern C++ STL Boost Direct3D Rendering 3D Graphics Multithreading Git
Entertainment / Augmented Reality
Vienna, Austria
11 Monate
2015-09 - 2016-07

technical implementation

Software Engineer & Co-Founder
Software Engineer & Co-Founder
  • Had full responsibility for the technical implementation of the project.
  • Defined and maintained the software architecture of the platform.
  • Developed both the backend and frontend components in C#, .net core, Angular.
own company [name on request]
4 Monate
2015-06 - 2015-09

Defined the software architecture

Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed a WPF client application in C# .NET.
  • Developed a thermal printer interface that has been integrated in the client application
Bitstem GmbH
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2014-04 - 2015-05

Defined the software architecture

Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed an enterprise application in C#, .NET in the financial sector.
  • Developed the integration with different external systems: topup providers, banks, sms system.
Transpaygo GmbH
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2013-01 - 2014-01

technical implementation

Software Engineer & Co-Founder
Software Engineer & Co-Founder
  • Had full responsibility for the technical implementation of the project.
  • Developed custom mobile, augmented reality applications using Vuforia SDK, Java and C++.
  • Gained experience using the Android SDK and NDK.
own company [name on request]
Vienna, Austria
2 Jahre 9 Monate
2011-02 - 2013-10

Developed tools for EEG signal analysis

Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed tools for EEG signal analysis in MATLAB and C++.
  • Developed a user interface using C++ and Qt.
  • Developed tools for automating the validation process
The Siesta Group GmbH
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr
2010-01 - 2010-12


Software Engineer - permanent position
Software Engineer - permanent position
  • Developed tools for helping the group with data analysis.
  • Developed an interface for integrating a special video camera used for experiments
The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr
2009-02 - 2010-01

Development of an application for the maritime sector

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Was part of the team that developed an application for the maritime sector.
  • Developed the application (both backend and frontend) in C# .NET.
  • Had to solve performance related tasks.
Frequentis AG
Vienna, Austria
1 Jahr
2008-02 - 2009-01

various tasks

Software Engineer - permanent position (mostly)
Software Engineer - permanent position (mostly)
  • Implemented a research paper based on HOGs in C++ for detecting in real time humans in video streams.
  • Developed a user interface able to render up to 128 video streams, written in C++, MFC and DirectShow.
  • Developed various simple tools in C++.
KiwiSecurity Software GmbH
Vienna, Austria

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

8 Jahre 9 Monate
2003-03 - 2011-11

Software Engineering

Bachelor (GPA 2.0), Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Bachelor (GPA 2.0)
Vienna University of Technology, Austria



Software Engineer & Founder




Qt C++ Boost C# GPGPU OpenCL OpenGL Direct3D Win32 WPF MFC UML MATLAB Numerical Methods CMake Asynchronous Programming Concurrent Computing Algorithmen Numerische Simulationsverfahren MVVM MVC Linux Windows

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


I am focused on both creating and maintaining a clean software architecture and writing clean, expressive and efficient code. Besides software development, I am interested in mathematics and (computational) sciences.


Medical Software Success

  • Implemented software for CE-marked medical devices

Codebase Efficiency Boost

  • Increased codebase efficiency using modern C++ standards

Project Time Reduction

  • Managed projects with significant decrease in development time

Client Growth Expertise

  • Achieved client growth in augmented reality projects


  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • x86 architecture software development
  • ARM architecture (embedded) software development
  • UML
  • software development under Windows
  • software development under Linux
  • (modern) C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python
  • Matlab
  • Fortran
  • Haskell
  • Cobol
  • STL
  • Boost
  • Win32 API
  • Qt
  • QML
  • MFC
  • Winforms
  • WPF
  • CUDA
  • OpenCL
  • OpenGL
  • OpenCV
  • Android SDK
  • Unit Testing
  • System Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Test Planing
  • Google Test
  • Turtle Mock
  • Boost Test
  • CMake
  • Conan
  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • InformiX
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • iOS
  • Android

Work Expeience

07/2016 - today

Austria & Switzerland

Role: Software Engineer / Architect & Founder 

Customer: on request


  • Defined and implemented software requirements and software architecture
  • Wrote (cross-platform) code in modern C++ 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23
  • Wrote (cross-platform) code in C#
  • Wrote code in Cobol, Python, Lua, Matlab
  • Defined and implemented test planning for unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing
  • Worked with legacy code
  • (Re-) Wrote build environments using CMake and Conan


augmented reality, computational geometry, computer graphics, computer vision, telematics, e-health, aviation, very low latency data / video transmission and decoding, satellite systems, metallurgical industry, medicine


Qt/QML, ILOG View Foundation, Win32 API, WinForms, WPF, STL, boost, asio, flatbuffers, CMake, Google Test, OpenCV, Win32 API, Direct3D, CUDA, OpenCL, Ogre3D, Jira, Confluence, YouTrack

09/2015 - 07/2016

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer & Co-Founder

Customer: on request

04/2014 - 05/2015

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer & Software Architect 

Customer: Transpaygo GmbH

01/2013 - 01/2014

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer & Co-Founder

Customer: on request

02/2011 - 10/2013

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: The Siesta Group GmbH

01/2010 - 12/2010

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

02/2009 - 01/2010

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer

Customer: Frequentis AG

02/2008 - 01/2009

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: KiwiSecurity Software GmbH

07/2005 - 09/2007

Place of Work: Vienna, Austria

Role: Software Engineer 

Customer: Agfa HealthCare GmbH

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