Java Developer & Technical Lead
Aktualisiert am 12.09.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



6 Jahre 8 Monate
2018-01 - 2024-08

? Lead developer in the team working on development of IoT Management Platform. Responsible for analysis and implementation of complex tasks and guiding less experienced team members.

Senior Software Developer Java 8+ Spring Kotlin ...
Senior Software Developer

·  Lead developer of the backend team that implemented from scratch reporting system for international logistics company. System goal was predictive performance analysis and monitoring on various levels of organization and different countries. Responsible for requirements analysis and implementing them in the system.

·  Design and development of ticket booking platform for international and domestic trips.

·   Development of Java-based Backend for Health Advisory platform in UK

·   Development of the Web Administration Module of Blockchain-based platform of insurance broker company

Java 8+ Spring Kotlin JWT PostgreSQL MongoDB MySQL Spock Groovy Wiremock Deeplearning4j ElasticSearch



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



6 Jahre 8 Monate
2018-01 - 2024-08

? Lead developer in the team working on development of IoT Management Platform. Responsible for analysis and implementation of complex tasks and guiding less experienced team members.

Senior Software Developer Java 8+ Spring Kotlin ...
Senior Software Developer

·  Lead developer of the backend team that implemented from scratch reporting system for international logistics company. System goal was predictive performance analysis and monitoring on various levels of organization and different countries. Responsible for requirements analysis and implementing them in the system.

·  Design and development of ticket booking platform for international and domestic trips.

·   Development of Java-based Backend for Health Advisory platform in UK

·   Development of the Web Administration Module of Blockchain-based platform of insurance broker company

Java 8+ Spring Kotlin JWT PostgreSQL MongoDB MySQL Spock Groovy Wiremock Deeplearning4j ElasticSearch

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