Strategy Consulting, Project Management, Interims Management, Market Entry/Exit and Venture Architecture/Building
Aktualisiert am 17.01.2025
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Verfügbar ab: 17.01.2025
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Business Development
Interim Manager
Ausnutzung von Marktchancen (Produkteinführung
Full Professional
Limited Working
Native or Bilingual



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



Make or Buy Decision & B2B Strategy

Customer: Enercon


Improvement of the B2B online store for spare parts (wind energy)

  • Enercon had an underperforming B2B online store for spare parts for wind turbines.
  • They asked me to help them evaluate their current status quo technically and strategically, rethink their B2B offering and to identify whether to ?make or buy? a solution.
  • During the project, we then drew up a roadmap on how to increase the strategic relevance of the B2B store and bring it back to a modern technical and operational level.
  • This also included identifying the end customer and necessary features for scaling.

Status Quo & Technology Assessment

  • Together with external IT experts, we analyzed the status quo from team composition to the current technical solution (SAP Commerce).
  • We looked at key features down to the smallest detail and examined their scalability by incorporating both internal and customer perspectives.

Make or Buy & Business Case

  • Based on research and data, I then created a business case to determine the approximate costs between either bringing the current version to a scalable state or starting a new technology development with new partners (make vs. buy).

Target Plan

  • I developed a strategy and presented it to the decision-makers in a workshop.
  • This included a proposal for the technology (incl. core features for scaling), the team composition (required to operate eCommerce), target groups, the associated investment requirements and the market entry approach.


  • Roadmap and next steps for the implementation of the B2B store
  • Identification of target groups and growth areas
  • Comprehensive technology assessment (down to feature level)
  • Identification of a short list for the implementation partners


B2B, spareparts, windpower, ecommerce, makeorbuy, sap, roadmap

Project Management & Problem Solving

Customer: foodspring


Managing a product country exit

  • A very strong competitive environment in the fitness food sector led to the decision to leave the UK market while sitting on a huge stock that needed to be depleted.
  • My task was to manage the country exit across all different workstreams (operations, retail, ecommerce, marketing, communication, legal and finance) coordinating internal experts and agencies.

Project Management

  • I transferred the key milestones and tasks for the individual workstreams to a project plan and made them available to everyone with an PMO tool (ClickUp).
  • Weekly reports ensured that key stakeholders and the leadership team stayed informed.
  • Communication channels have been streamlined by creating working groups in slack.

Marketing & Communication

  • Together with the internal marketing team and an external marketing agency responsible in the UK, we developed a three-phase plan to sell off the remaining stock.
  • We also developed a communication that would allow us to exit the market without damaging the brand.

Stock Depletion

  • As there were too many stocks of certain products that could not be sold in the specified time, I negotiated with various (fast moving consumer goods) brokers.


  • I managed to leave the UK Market in the prescribed time.
  • Achieved one of the highest UK eCommerce turnovers with the clearance sale.
  • Communicated the exit to customers and stakeholders without damaging the brand.
  • Sold all remaining stocks.


fitness, food, pmo, retail, ecommerce, marketing, country, exit

Optimization of digital customer acquisition

Customer: sonova


Building a Lead Generation Venture

  • A highly competitive market situation in the hearing aid industry and a lack of acquisition options led the leading producer of hearing aids to commission us.
  • The aim was to identify growth potential and to establish a digital sales organization, in order to increase the lead acquisition and the quality of the leads.

Fields of Action

  • We prioritized fields of action based on an internal and external analysis.
  • Together with a team of partners and relevant stakeholders we used an agile project process to build up the new company from scratch while delivering on preset sales KPIs.

Marketing & Tech

  • We managed the IT integration and setup of a data warehouse, dashboard, and a direct booking tool.
  • This enabled the new entity to gain transparency through end-to-end real time KPIs along the whole funnel, from first impression to after-sales-management.

Team & Recruiting

  • Within 6 months, we recruited, onboarded and managed >20 employees for the new digital entity which then took over operations and were ready to scale the business.


  • An operating lead gen venture with 25+ employees
  • ptimization of 4 Marketing channels
  • etup of tech infrastructure (e.g. CRM, DWH) and stateof- the-art customer service team with end-to-end real time data dashboard.


MedicalDevices, VentureBuilding, MedicalDevices, LeadGeneration, CustomerCare, FunnelAnalysis, Validation, ProjectManagement

Business Model Development

Customer: Berliner Volksbank


Development of "Energy-as-a-Service? businessmodels

  • In sprints lasting several weeks (consisting of workshops and research activities), we developed multiple business models in the field of energy-asa- service for Berliner Volksbank.
  • And presented them to the management board in the form of a decision document.

Preparation & execution of interviews

  • In the initial phase, we conducted eight qualitative interviews with potential users and artisans to identify needs & blockers as well as feedback on scenarios.

Market/competition analysis

  • Benchmarking of competitive offers and success factors in the market.
  • Synthesis workshop with three to five employees (e.g. sales) to challenge & refine the scenarios.

Elaboration of three business models

  • Elaboration of three business models, including relevant value propositions, key requirements (e.g., necessary capabilities), and cost/revenue blocks.


  • Consolidated decision document with 3 scenarios incl. qualitative feedback from potential users and partners.
  • Identification of possible next steps for the implementation.


Energy, Startup, Scaling, BusinessModelling, EAAS, Strategy, Services, DescisionDocuments, SalesPlan, Validation, ProjectManagement

Value Preservation & Service Offerings

Customer: Porsche


A Blockchain-Based Platform for Classic Cars

  • Classic cars are becoming an increasingly popular investment object.
  • However, it is hard for car manufacturers, such as our client (Porsche), to monetize on the trend, since a significant share of transactions is happening ?under their radar.?
  • The question we wanted to answer: How does the OEM get in touch with classic car owners?

New business model

  • After an initial conceptual phase and thorough market evaluation, we developed the idea for a blockchainbased platform for the classic car market.

Market platform

  • The goal was two-fold:
    • create value for collectors as well as new business opportunities for manufacturers and service providers.

Venture building

  • We established collaborations with various players in the ecosystem, such as insurers, mechanics, other OEMs, etc., and built a startup and minimum viable product.
  • Today, the startup has grown into a fully-financed spin-off company.


  • iOS app in app store within eight weeks.
  • Established collaborations with various players in the ecosystem, such as insurers,
  • Starting as MVP and corporate venture, today, the startup has grown into a fully-financed spin-off company.


Automotive, ProductDevelopment, CorporateVenture, Blockchain, NFT, BusinessCase, InvestorDocuments

Aufbau einer Corporate Venture Unit



Strategy & Setup: Corporate Venture Unit

  • Digitalization offers new opportunities for the financial services industry. A major German financial service provider commissioned us, to plan, build and position their new business unit as a venture client partner and early stage investor in the ecosystem.

Investment Strategy & Venture Capital Fond

  • We planned and structured both, the investment fund and business case for the whole innovation Unit accompanied by a roadmap and goals (OKR?s) for the upcoming years.

Structural & Operational Basics

  • Definition of structural and operational foundations such as reporting lines, recruiting processes and quality gates.
  • This also includes the setup of the tool landscape (e.g. Notion).

Recruiting and staffing of the team and board

  • We implemented a recruiting approach and filled several key-roles in order to meet objectives.
  • In addition, We also addressed and filled suitable candidates for the advisory board.

Interim support of key positions

  • Interim takeover of not yet filled roles (e.g. Investment Lead, Inv. Analyst, Innovation Lead and PR Manager) in order to have enough time to hire the right talent, while being fully operational.


InvestmentStrategy, CompanyBuilsing, CorporateVentureCapital, FinancialSector, Hiring, Recruiting, InvestmentAnalyst, InterimsManagement

FromTrade to Service

Customer: TUI


A Future-Proof Business Model in the Travel Market

  • With flight and hotel bookings already being transformed by digital platforms, tours and activities is considered the last major growth market in the digitalization of travel - and therefore highly competitive.
  • Our client wanted to adapt the current business model to this new environment.

Analysis & strategy

  • Analysis of the market and competitive situation, including the identification of possible takeover candidates and the evaluation of strategic options for TUI - in terms of business model, growth ambitions and build-or-buy options.

Business cases

  • Evaluation of strategic options with the help of business cases as a basis of decision for the executive board.

Recommendation to buy

  • Preparation of a decision memo for the board of directors.
  • The board decided to follow our recommendation to enter into a due diligence with the acquisition target Musement.


  • Support in due diligence and negotiations with the founding team.
  • Three months after completion of the project, it was announced that TUI would take over Musement, thereby strengthening its position in the tours and activities market in the long term.


Travel, BusinessModelling, Build-or-Buy, M&A, Strategy, DueDiligence, PitchDeck, Transformation

Future of Chemical Distribution

Customer: Helm


Vision, Strategy and Planning of a Digital Unit & Portal

  • Our customer in the automotive after-sales sector was facing new competitors in its core business and had set itself the goal of increasing its market share via digital channels.
  • We were asked to help build a digital customer journey and the skills needed to do so.

Vision & strategy definition with strategic foresight

  • In a first collaborative project phase, we defined with the client the vision and strategy for digitalization activities within the company using a scenario-based approach.
  • Considering different future developments in the chemicals market led to a robust plan and concrete future actions.

Organizational design & governance for a new digital unit

  • Based on the defined strategy we helped with the next steps to a more digital company:
  • the organizational model, responsibility in the organization, the required team composition and capabilities, internal processes, organizational roadmap and the investment plan.

Strategy & roadmap for digital products

  • Starting with one product (a customer portal) we ran through an exemplary product development process including requirement gathering, concept generation and user testing.
  • We prioritized other existing ideas and concluded with a roadmap for the portal and other digital initiatives.


Chemicals, CorporateForesight, OrgDesign, Portal, InnovationUnit, Strategy, Transformation #MarketResearch

Product Development for Car OEMs

Customer: Bosch


Product Concept and Business Model Design for Tier 1 Manufacturer

  • The client had developed several potential product concepts, but a cohesive product concept and vision was missing.
  • As a result, deriving a solid product concept and business model was difficult, but a requirement for an internal success gate which needed to be passed.

Business modelling

  • We rapidly built an understanding of the defined concepts and underlaying use cases and backed it up with market research and competitive analysis.
  • In the next step, we formed a view of business model options based on our analysis and defined the client's potential positioning in the market.
  • In addition, we refined a potential concept scope for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and identified most promising business models and developed two business cases based on two scenarios.


  • The overall product concept has been reprioritized in the top three innovation initiatives with substantial funding committed. In addition, next steps have been agreed on and funded to conduct in-depth market interviews with end-users, customers and industry experts.
  • We also built up internal capabilities to develop proof of concepts that could be used in sales pitches with potential customers.


Automotive, CockpitInterfaces, BusinessModelling, ProductConceptDesign, Strategy, BusinessModelling, Governance, ProductMarketFit

From Strategy toMVP

Customer: dmk Group


Setting up a D2C Baby Brand for a German Dairy Cooperative

  • We were tasked with finding ways for a traditional private label dairy business to reach their customers by developing a direct-to-consumer strategy for a new, digital and modern target group, while utilizing the potential for higher margins and customer data.

Strategy & pilot

  • Based on market analyses, user research and client assets, we defined the business unit baby formula and a corresponding customer value proposition.
  • We developed a pilot brand and website and used real market traction conversion testings on social media for validation.

Development of MVP

  • With the help of continuous user research and focus groups, we developed the brand design, packaging and product requirements.
  • We further developed the web shop, content and marketing strategy as well as built the product portfolio.

Financials & governance model

  • We calculated the business case and funding needs and developed a governance structure for building an external venture.
  • We organized meetings with financial investors and negotiated support agreements.


  • A new brand based on service design process and customer value propositions.
  • A lean team: 2 consultants, 2 designers (packaging & web), brand and content creatives, 3 developers


Dairy, DirectToConsumer, D2C #Startup, CorporateInnovation, Strategy, ProjectManagement, MVP, Prototyping, SmokeTesting, PitchDeck

Strategy for Ecommerce Ecosystem

Customer: Atem Motus


Recommendation on eCommerce setup for DTC golfing brand

  • Two founders have identified an unserved target segment within the golfing community driven by luxurious quality and performance apparel and who are looking for well-designed products.
  • To fulfill the need of this customer segment, they are aiming to launch a new DTC golfing apparel brand in mid of 2023.
  • Until then, the team is looking for investors to kick-off the implementation of the tech setup and work on their go-to-market approach.

Ecommerce platform decision & investment case

  • The start-up is looking for investments and therefore needed an estimation on the expected expenses for the tech ecosystem.
  • Therefore, they have collected functional and non-functional requirements of their business idea.
  • They needed an external consulting to understand state-of-the-art best practices, ecommerce platform evaluations and potential hurdles.
  • Further, they asked to deep-dive in the competitive landscape to leverage existing learnings and sharpen their brand positioning.

Recommendation, cost structure and roadmap

  • Within the project the Team collected functional and non-functional requirements and created a comparison between the most relevant ecommerce platforms.
  • Both out-of-the-box and headless platforms have been evaluated for this use case. Fulfillment partners have been recommended and a roadmap for the implementation has been created.
  • Within the roadmap we proposed various testing phases to understand the customers better before soft-launching (smoke testing, AB testing etc.).
  • Also, the competitive landscape from other DTC golfing brands were presented ? starting from their ecosystem, USP, key learnings and funding.

Well-defined ecommerce strategy

  • Within a short project timeframe, the founders are equipped with two platform recommendations and a roadmap to move forward.
  • The investment calculation gives transparency on what amount needs to be collected and the competitor analysis helped to build a stronger foundation for the marketing strategy.


startup, venturebuilding, ecommerce #strategy, fashion

Shifting towards a franchise model

Customer: Holzconnection


Digital routes and pitch deck development

  • In a one-week sprint (consisting of workshops and research activities), we explored which business models/routes could be considered for Holzconnection and which levers and requirements must be in place for this.

Deep Dive Business Models & Routes

  • Strategic analysis of the status quo of Holzconnection.
  • Workshop on potential strategic routes and business models
  • Establishment of criteria for implementation (e.g. required skills and capital)

Go-to-market approaches

  • During the sprint we analyzed potential target groups (D2C & B2B) and competitors and evaluated the different business models / routes in terms of scalability.

Pitch-Deck & Business Case

  • Based on the digital routes developed and the business models derived from them, we created a pitch deck for the search for investors with the help of a designer.
  • In addition, a business case for scaling was developed.


  • Identification of three digital routes
  • Creation and design of a pitch deck for the investor search process
  • Identification of levers for international scaling
  • Assessment by a private equity investor


Startup, Scaling, BusinessModelling, Strategy, Ecommerce, Growth, Expansion, Furniture, PitchDeck, MarketResearch

Strategy for IT Carve Out

Customer: Röhlig Logistics


IT Carve Out for a German logistics company

  • The client asked us to support during the negotiation phase of their IT carve out (joint venture). We established a strategy for both companies and created a business case in order to find an agreement.

Business Case & Documents

  • We built an understanding of the defined carve out and backed it up with market research and competitive analysis. In the next step, we formed a business case based on our analysis and defined the potential for a joint venture.
  • This also included to identify the capabilities and skills needed in the new company.
  • In addition, we created documents to support the CLevel decisions.


  • We could optimise the position of our client and therefore helped them to get a better deal during the negotiation.
  • We helped to close the deal (IT Carve Out / Joint Venture) which improves their balance sheet and reduces overall costs
  • Business Case
  • Skills & Capability Overview


Logistics, ITCarveOut, BusinessCase, Analytics, JointVenture, Merger, Acquisition, Capabilities, Skills

Product Development for Car OEMs

Customer: abcfinance


Product Concept and Business Model validation

  • Our client launched a financial startup a few years ago as part of their innovation unit.
  • However, this was not profitable and had difficulties acquiring new customers.
  • We were asked to analyze the current data and help decide whether the company should be discontinued.

Business Analytics & Strategy

  • We have prepared and analyzed the data and have challenged the entire business model.
  • Afterwards we evaluated the data and showed how much additional investment (e.g. for improving the technology, hiring new personnel and marketing) would be necessary to lead this startup into profitability and growth.
  • All information has then been presented to the CEO in order to make a final decision.


  • It was recognized that the investment requirements would be too high and that the current market situation might jeopardize the long-term success of the company. For this reason, the company was ultimately discontinued.
  • Data Dashboard
  • Decision Documents
  • Market Analysis


Finance, Leasing, BusinessModelling, Data, Analytics, MarketResearch, DueDiligence, FunnelAnalysis, Validation

Strategy for Ecommerce Ecosystem

Customer: Heel


D2C Strategy for a new product line

  • The client had developed a new product and was looking for support to create a D2C strategy in order to sell their products in an innovative way.
  • This included to explore community building activities which could improve the ROI over time.

D2C Strategy

  • In our project, we developed a comprehensive D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) strategy aimed at enhancing Heel?s presence and profitability.
  • We meticulously crafted a concept for implementation that outlined the key steps and milestones required to establish a successful D2C model.
  • Additionally, we devised an innovative webstore concept and aligned that with their brand identity and provided an engaging user experience for customers.
  • To support our strategy, we prepared a robust business case that analyzed market trends, potential revenue streams, and cost implications, providing a solid foundation for decision-making.


  • Created a prototype
  • Developed a brand and design concept for a new product line
  • Established a Business Case (inkl. Skills & Capabilities)
  • Created Documents for C-Level decision making
  • Market Analysis
  • Smoke Testing


Nutrition, Pharma, Ecommerce, Strategy, Brand, ProductDesign, Prototyping, D2C, Brand, Communications, Roadmap, Implementation

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2016 - 2017

International Management

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

SGH Warsaw School of Economics

2015 - 2017

International Management

Master of Science (MSc)

CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Education

2015 - 2017


Master of Science (MSc)

Nova School of Business and Economics

2011 - 2014

International Management

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

International School of Management



Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem / Budapesti Gazdasági F?iskola


(Semster Abroad) Part of my bachelor studies


  • Excel Specialist



  • Freelance Consultant
  • Venture Architect




Strategieberatung Projektmanagementoffice Projektmanagement Business Development Interim Manager Ausnutzung von Marktchancen (Produkteinführung Marktstudie E-Commerce Due-Diligence-Prüfung Digitalisierung Analysefähigkeit


(Agile) Project Management
Business Model Development
Interims Management
Prototyping & User Testing
Strategy & Innovation Consulting

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • The Freelancer worked in numerous projects for German SMEs and multi- /national corporations, supporting them with innovation relatedchallenges such as the development of new business models,market, trend and potential analysis.
  • generalist with a passion for digital business models, venture building and growth strategies
  • As a project lead, he helps clients solve their challenges by applying creative methods and facilitating workshops, with C-level involvement.
  • He has an academic background in international management.
  • ProjectManagement, VentureCapital, CompanyBuilding
  • InterimsManagement, Strategy, Growth, DataAnalysis



  • Development of three new business models incl. implementation roadmap as an Energy-as-a-Service provider (incl. Financing).


Acquisition of a multi-million travel startup to strengthen the position of the client and speed up the market-entry.


  • Planning and execution of a lead generation venture that has more than 100 Employees today.

How I can help

  • I will partner with my clients to creatively re-invent their business by combining the speed and ambition of an entrepreneur with the sophistication and maturity of a veteran business partner

Strategy Consulting

  • Spot new business opportunities and create pioneering visions to grow and transform the business.
    • Innovation Strategy
    • Growth Strategy
    • Digital Strategy

Proof Of Concept

Co-create innovative products and services around existing offerings or entirely new models.

  • Prototyping
  • Go-to-market
  • Product Development
  • Testing

Organizational Design

Transform organizations from the inside out by empowering teams to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

  • Capability Building
  • Culturalchange
  • Operating model
  • PMO

Ventrue Building

Build new companies and corporate spin-offs beyond the core business and take interim roles, if needed.

  • Corporate Venturing
  • Governance
  • Recuiting
  • Minimal Viable Branding

Technology Strategy

Create environments that make effective use of IT and data by assessing current and building future technology.

  • Data Strategy
  • IT Governance
  • Technology Organization
  • Technology Assessment

I can offer integrated services in Consulting, Venturing & Communications through my partner network

  • Implementation
  • Prototyping
  • Corporate Venturing
  • Product Development
  • Piloting
  • Innovation & Growth Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Transformational Strategy
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Growth Strategy
  • Business Strategy
  • Process Improvement
  • PMO
  • Capability Building
  • Cultural Change
  • Operating Model
  • Assess & Measures
  • Organizational Development
  • Technology Strategy
    • Data Strategy
    • IT Governance
    • Technology Organization
    • Technology Assessment
    • Platform Technology
    • Technology Innovation
    • Technology Strategy
  • Craft Ideas
    • Production
    • Content
    • Story & Experience
    • Social Media
    • Campaigning
    • Public Relations Content
  • Brand & Comm. Strategies
    • Communications Strategy
    • Brand Strategy
    • Customer Experience
    • Advocacy & Cultural Trends
    • Media & Opinion Leader Relations
  • Boutique Services
    • Digital Maturity Index
    • C-Level Brand Building
    • Custom Agency Model
    • Martech Concepts
  • Performance Media
    • Engagement Services
    • Data Analytics & Measurements
    • AI Solution
    • Impact & Sales

Why Me? I combine the right capabilities with a state-of-the art working mode


  • Hands-on, entrepreneurial project manager with strong expertise in digital transformation and innovation governance
    • I take full ownership from day one.
    • I can work in close cooperation with my network as a joint team (if needed).
    • I establish fast feedback loops and focus on outcomes not outputs.
    • I utilize modern digital tools to ensure seamless hybrid work.


  • I have a long history of creating digital services, products and companies


  • Deep understanding and distinctive knowledge on corporate innovation & entrepreneurship with proven track record
    • Deep understanding of core challenges, opportunities and white spaces in the industry. 
    • I have assisted companies of all sizes and in various sectors with innovation and governance relates challenges.


  • My commitment to partnerships 
    • Strong commitment to partnering to deliver the highest level of impact across all my engagements.
  • I utilize my network of experts
    • Where needed I can involve leading experts to ensure to have the strongest expertise for the job.

Exemplary Project Involvement: I have assisted companies in all stages of the Marketing & Sales process

    • Designing and building up of the Marketing and sales organization
      • Set up processes
      • Set up IT infrastructure
      • Define and fill relevant roles
    • Defining the target audience and creation of value propositions
      • Define demographics, characteristics & personas
      • Create, test & iterate value propositions
    • Building a lead-funnel and generating traffic.
      • Guide prospective customers from awareness to conversion
      • Build landing pages
      • Performance marketing
      • Sales staff engagement
    • Capturing, qualifying, nurturing & converting leads
      • Forms & call-to-actions
      • Evaluate the leads potential
      • Engage with leads until conversion
    • Measuring & optimizing
      • Track & analyze KPIs
      • Refine strategy
      • Improve results


  • Interim Management Services
  • Business Model Development
  • Go-to-Market Strategy

Work Experience

06/2023 - today

Place of Work: Berlin, Germany

Role: Freelance Consultant and Venture Architect

Customer: on request

03/2018 - 07/2023

Place of Work: Berlin

Role: Senior Consultant & Venture Architect

Customer: TLGG Consulting GmbH


  • Project Management (Lead)
  • Interims Management
  • Venture/Company Building
  • Growth Hacking- Business Model Innovation
  • Business Cases and Valuations
  • Investment Analytics
  • Rapid Prototyping and Testing 
  • Strategy Consulting

09/2019 - 06/2023

Place of Work: Berlin, Germany

Role: Founding Partner

Customer: on request


  • Art fund and private collectors community focussing on young / early stageBerlin artists

05/2017 - 12/2017

Place of Work: Berlin Area, Germany

Role: Co-Founder

Customer: on request


  • Advertisement-Technology Startup for embedded performance marketing invideo games

07/2017 - 09/2017

Place of Work: Tel Aviv Area, Israel

Role: Intern

Customer: Glispa Global Group


  • Publisher Management & Revenue Optimization 

02/2017 - 05/2017

Place of Work: Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

Customer: Uber


Consulting Project (CEMS)

  • CEMS Business Projects depend on the Company and may concernmanagement, finance, accounting, HRM and marketing

06/2013 - 08/2013

Place of Work: Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Role: Global Supply Chain Intern

Customer: RIMOWA North America Inc.


  • Purchasing Department- Global Supply Chain Department



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



Make or Buy Decision & B2B Strategy

Customer: Enercon


Improvement of the B2B online store for spare parts (wind energy)

  • Enercon had an underperforming B2B online store for spare parts for wind turbines.
  • They asked me to help them evaluate their current status quo technically and strategically, rethink their B2B offering and to identify whether to ?make or buy? a solution.
  • During the project, we then drew up a roadmap on how to increase the strategic relevance of the B2B store and bring it back to a modern technical and operational level.
  • This also included identifying the end customer and necessary features for scaling.

Status Quo & Technology Assessment

  • Together with external IT experts, we analyzed the status quo from team composition to the current technical solution (SAP Commerce).
  • We looked at key features down to the smallest detail and examined their scalability by incorporating both internal and customer perspectives.

Make or Buy & Business Case

  • Based on research and data, I then created a business case to determine the approximate costs between either bringing the current version to a scalable state or starting a new technology development with new partners (make vs. buy).

Target Plan

  • I developed a strategy and presented it to the decision-makers in a workshop.
  • This included a proposal for the technology (incl. core features for scaling), the team composition (required to operate eCommerce), target groups, the associated investment requirements and the market entry approach.


  • Roadmap and next steps for the implementation of the B2B store
  • Identification of target groups and growth areas
  • Comprehensive technology assessment (down to feature level)
  • Identification of a short list for the implementation partners


B2B, spareparts, windpower, ecommerce, makeorbuy, sap, roadmap

Project Management & Problem Solving

Customer: foodspring


Managing a product country exit

  • A very strong competitive environment in the fitness food sector led to the decision to leave the UK market while sitting on a huge stock that needed to be depleted.
  • My task was to manage the country exit across all different workstreams (operations, retail, ecommerce, marketing, communication, legal and finance) coordinating internal experts and agencies.

Project Management

  • I transferred the key milestones and tasks for the individual workstreams to a project plan and made them available to everyone with an PMO tool (ClickUp).
  • Weekly reports ensured that key stakeholders and the leadership team stayed informed.
  • Communication channels have been streamlined by creating working groups in slack.

Marketing & Communication

  • Together with the internal marketing team and an external marketing agency responsible in the UK, we developed a three-phase plan to sell off the remaining stock.
  • We also developed a communication that would allow us to exit the market without damaging the brand.

Stock Depletion

  • As there were too many stocks of certain products that could not be sold in the specified time, I negotiated with various (fast moving consumer goods) brokers.


  • I managed to leave the UK Market in the prescribed time.
  • Achieved one of the highest UK eCommerce turnovers with the clearance sale.
  • Communicated the exit to customers and stakeholders without damaging the brand.
  • Sold all remaining stocks.


fitness, food, pmo, retail, ecommerce, marketing, country, exit

Optimization of digital customer acquisition

Customer: sonova


Building a Lead Generation Venture

  • A highly competitive market situation in the hearing aid industry and a lack of acquisition options led the leading producer of hearing aids to commission us.
  • The aim was to identify growth potential and to establish a digital sales organization, in order to increase the lead acquisition and the quality of the leads.

Fields of Action

  • We prioritized fields of action based on an internal and external analysis.
  • Together with a team of partners and relevant stakeholders we used an agile project process to build up the new company from scratch while delivering on preset sales KPIs.

Marketing & Tech

  • We managed the IT integration and setup of a data warehouse, dashboard, and a direct booking tool.
  • This enabled the new entity to gain transparency through end-to-end real time KPIs along the whole funnel, from first impression to after-sales-management.

Team & Recruiting

  • Within 6 months, we recruited, onboarded and managed >20 employees for the new digital entity which then took over operations and were ready to scale the business.


  • An operating lead gen venture with 25+ employees
  • ptimization of 4 Marketing channels
  • etup of tech infrastructure (e.g. CRM, DWH) and stateof- the-art customer service team with end-to-end real time data dashboard.


MedicalDevices, VentureBuilding, MedicalDevices, LeadGeneration, CustomerCare, FunnelAnalysis, Validation, ProjectManagement

Business Model Development

Customer: Berliner Volksbank


Development of "Energy-as-a-Service? businessmodels

  • In sprints lasting several weeks (consisting of workshops and research activities), we developed multiple business models in the field of energy-asa- service for Berliner Volksbank.
  • And presented them to the management board in the form of a decision document.

Preparation & execution of interviews

  • In the initial phase, we conducted eight qualitative interviews with potential users and artisans to identify needs & blockers as well as feedback on scenarios.

Market/competition analysis

  • Benchmarking of competitive offers and success factors in the market.
  • Synthesis workshop with three to five employees (e.g. sales) to challenge & refine the scenarios.

Elaboration of three business models

  • Elaboration of three business models, including relevant value propositions, key requirements (e.g., necessary capabilities), and cost/revenue blocks.


  • Consolidated decision document with 3 scenarios incl. qualitative feedback from potential users and partners.
  • Identification of possible next steps for the implementation.


Energy, Startup, Scaling, BusinessModelling, EAAS, Strategy, Services, DescisionDocuments, SalesPlan, Validation, ProjectManagement

Value Preservation & Service Offerings

Customer: Porsche


A Blockchain-Based Platform for Classic Cars

  • Classic cars are becoming an increasingly popular investment object.
  • However, it is hard for car manufacturers, such as our client (Porsche), to monetize on the trend, since a significant share of transactions is happening ?under their radar.?
  • The question we wanted to answer: How does the OEM get in touch with classic car owners?

New business model

  • After an initial conceptual phase and thorough market evaluation, we developed the idea for a blockchainbased platform for the classic car market.

Market platform

  • The goal was two-fold:
    • create value for collectors as well as new business opportunities for manufacturers and service providers.

Venture building

  • We established collaborations with various players in the ecosystem, such as insurers, mechanics, other OEMs, etc., and built a startup and minimum viable product.
  • Today, the startup has grown into a fully-financed spin-off company.


  • iOS app in app store within eight weeks.
  • Established collaborations with various players in the ecosystem, such as insurers,
  • Starting as MVP and corporate venture, today, the startup has grown into a fully-financed spin-off company.


Automotive, ProductDevelopment, CorporateVenture, Blockchain, NFT, BusinessCase, InvestorDocuments

Aufbau einer Corporate Venture Unit



Strategy & Setup: Corporate Venture Unit

  • Digitalization offers new opportunities for the financial services industry. A major German financial service provider commissioned us, to plan, build and position their new business unit as a venture client partner and early stage investor in the ecosystem.

Investment Strategy & Venture Capital Fond

  • We planned and structured both, the investment fund and business case for the whole innovation Unit accompanied by a roadmap and goals (OKR?s) for the upcoming years.

Structural & Operational Basics

  • Definition of structural and operational foundations such as reporting lines, recruiting processes and quality gates.
  • This also includes the setup of the tool landscape (e.g. Notion).

Recruiting and staffing of the team and board

  • We implemented a recruiting approach and filled several key-roles in order to meet objectives.
  • In addition, We also addressed and filled suitable candidates for the advisory board.

Interim support of key positions

  • Interim takeover of not yet filled roles (e.g. Investment Lead, Inv. Analyst, Innovation Lead and PR Manager) in order to have enough time to hire the right talent, while being fully operational.


InvestmentStrategy, CompanyBuilsing, CorporateVentureCapital, FinancialSector, Hiring, Recruiting, InvestmentAnalyst, InterimsManagement

FromTrade to Service

Customer: TUI


A Future-Proof Business Model in the Travel Market

  • With flight and hotel bookings already being transformed by digital platforms, tours and activities is considered the last major growth market in the digitalization of travel - and therefore highly competitive.
  • Our client wanted to adapt the current business model to this new environment.

Analysis & strategy

  • Analysis of the market and competitive situation, including the identification of possible takeover candidates and the evaluation of strategic options for TUI - in terms of business model, growth ambitions and build-or-buy options.

Business cases

  • Evaluation of strategic options with the help of business cases as a basis of decision for the executive board.

Recommendation to buy

  • Preparation of a decision memo for the board of directors.
  • The board decided to follow our recommendation to enter into a due diligence with the acquisition target Musement.


  • Support in due diligence and negotiations with the founding team.
  • Three months after completion of the project, it was announced that TUI would take over Musement, thereby strengthening its position in the tours and activities market in the long term.


Travel, BusinessModelling, Build-or-Buy, M&A, Strategy, DueDiligence, PitchDeck, Transformation

Future of Chemical Distribution

Customer: Helm


Vision, Strategy and Planning of a Digital Unit & Portal

  • Our customer in the automotive after-sales sector was facing new competitors in its core business and had set itself the goal of increasing its market share via digital channels.
  • We were asked to help build a digital customer journey and the skills needed to do so.

Vision & strategy definition with strategic foresight

  • In a first collaborative project phase, we defined with the client the vision and strategy for digitalization activities within the company using a scenario-based approach.
  • Considering different future developments in the chemicals market led to a robust plan and concrete future actions.

Organizational design & governance for a new digital unit

  • Based on the defined strategy we helped with the next steps to a more digital company:
  • the organizational model, responsibility in the organization, the required team composition and capabilities, internal processes, organizational roadmap and the investment plan.

Strategy & roadmap for digital products

  • Starting with one product (a customer portal) we ran through an exemplary product development process including requirement gathering, concept generation and user testing.
  • We prioritized other existing ideas and concluded with a roadmap for the portal and other digital initiatives.


Chemicals, CorporateForesight, OrgDesign, Portal, InnovationUnit, Strategy, Transformation #MarketResearch

Product Development for Car OEMs

Customer: Bosch


Product Concept and Business Model Design for Tier 1 Manufacturer

  • The client had developed several potential product concepts, but a cohesive product concept and vision was missing.
  • As a result, deriving a solid product concept and business model was difficult, but a requirement for an internal success gate which needed to be passed.

Business modelling

  • We rapidly built an understanding of the defined concepts and underlaying use cases and backed it up with market research and competitive analysis.
  • In the next step, we formed a view of business model options based on our analysis and defined the client's potential positioning in the market.
  • In addition, we refined a potential concept scope for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and identified most promising business models and developed two business cases based on two scenarios.


  • The overall product concept has been reprioritized in the top three innovation initiatives with substantial funding committed. In addition, next steps have been agreed on and funded to conduct in-depth market interviews with end-users, customers and industry experts.
  • We also built up internal capabilities to develop proof of concepts that could be used in sales pitches with potential customers.


Automotive, CockpitInterfaces, BusinessModelling, ProductConceptDesign, Strategy, BusinessModelling, Governance, ProductMarketFit

From Strategy toMVP

Customer: dmk Group


Setting up a D2C Baby Brand for a German Dairy Cooperative

  • We were tasked with finding ways for a traditional private label dairy business to reach their customers by developing a direct-to-consumer strategy for a new, digital and modern target group, while utilizing the potential for higher margins and customer data.

Strategy & pilot

  • Based on market analyses, user research and client assets, we defined the business unit baby formula and a corresponding customer value proposition.
  • We developed a pilot brand and website and used real market traction conversion testings on social media for validation.

Development of MVP

  • With the help of continuous user research and focus groups, we developed the brand design, packaging and product requirements.
  • We further developed the web shop, content and marketing strategy as well as built the product portfolio.

Financials & governance model

  • We calculated the business case and funding needs and developed a governance structure for building an external venture.
  • We organized meetings with financial investors and negotiated support agreements.


  • A new brand based on service design process and customer value propositions.
  • A lean team: 2 consultants, 2 designers (packaging & web), brand and content creatives, 3 developers


Dairy, DirectToConsumer, D2C #Startup, CorporateInnovation, Strategy, ProjectManagement, MVP, Prototyping, SmokeTesting, PitchDeck

Strategy for Ecommerce Ecosystem

Customer: Atem Motus


Recommendation on eCommerce setup for DTC golfing brand

  • Two founders have identified an unserved target segment within the golfing community driven by luxurious quality and performance apparel and who are looking for well-designed products.
  • To fulfill the need of this customer segment, they are aiming to launch a new DTC golfing apparel brand in mid of 2023.
  • Until then, the team is looking for investors to kick-off the implementation of the tech setup and work on their go-to-market approach.

Ecommerce platform decision & investment case

  • The start-up is looking for investments and therefore needed an estimation on the expected expenses for the tech ecosystem.
  • Therefore, they have collected functional and non-functional requirements of their business idea.
  • They needed an external consulting to understand state-of-the-art best practices, ecommerce platform evaluations and potential hurdles.
  • Further, they asked to deep-dive in the competitive landscape to leverage existing learnings and sharpen their brand positioning.

Recommendation, cost structure and roadmap

  • Within the project the Team collected functional and non-functional requirements and created a comparison between the most relevant ecommerce platforms.
  • Both out-of-the-box and headless platforms have been evaluated for this use case. Fulfillment partners have been recommended and a roadmap for the implementation has been created.
  • Within the roadmap we proposed various testing phases to understand the customers better before soft-launching (smoke testing, AB testing etc.).
  • Also, the competitive landscape from other DTC golfing brands were presented ? starting from their ecosystem, USP, key learnings and funding.

Well-defined ecommerce strategy

  • Within a short project timeframe, the founders are equipped with two platform recommendations and a roadmap to move forward.
  • The investment calculation gives transparency on what amount needs to be collected and the competitor analysis helped to build a stronger foundation for the marketing strategy.


startup, venturebuilding, ecommerce #strategy, fashion

Shifting towards a franchise model

Customer: Holzconnection


Digital routes and pitch deck development

  • In a one-week sprint (consisting of workshops and research activities), we explored which business models/routes could be considered for Holzconnection and which levers and requirements must be in place for this.

Deep Dive Business Models & Routes

  • Strategic analysis of the status quo of Holzconnection.
  • Workshop on potential strategic routes and business models
  • Establishment of criteria for implementation (e.g. required skills and capital)

Go-to-market approaches

  • During the sprint we analyzed potential target groups (D2C & B2B) and competitors and evaluated the different business models / routes in terms of scalability.

Pitch-Deck & Business Case

  • Based on the digital routes developed and the business models derived from them, we created a pitch deck for the search for investors with the help of a designer.
  • In addition, a business case for scaling was developed.


  • Identification of three digital routes
  • Creation and design of a pitch deck for the investor search process
  • Identification of levers for international scaling
  • Assessment by a private equity investor


Startup, Scaling, BusinessModelling, Strategy, Ecommerce, Growth, Expansion, Furniture, PitchDeck, MarketResearch

Strategy for IT Carve Out

Customer: Röhlig Logistics


IT Carve Out for a German logistics company

  • The client asked us to support during the negotiation phase of their IT carve out (joint venture). We established a strategy for both companies and created a business case in order to find an agreement.

Business Case & Documents

  • We built an understanding of the defined carve out and backed it up with market research and competitive analysis. In the next step, we formed a business case based on our analysis and defined the potential for a joint venture.
  • This also included to identify the capabilities and skills needed in the new company.
  • In addition, we created documents to support the CLevel decisions.


  • We could optimise the position of our client and therefore helped them to get a better deal during the negotiation.
  • We helped to close the deal (IT Carve Out / Joint Venture) which improves their balance sheet and reduces overall costs
  • Business Case
  • Skills & Capability Overview


Logistics, ITCarveOut, BusinessCase, Analytics, JointVenture, Merger, Acquisition, Capabilities, Skills

Product Development for Car OEMs

Customer: abcfinance


Product Concept and Business Model validation

  • Our client launched a financial startup a few years ago as part of their innovation unit.
  • However, this was not profitable and had difficulties acquiring new customers.
  • We were asked to analyze the current data and help decide whether the company should be discontinued.

Business Analytics & Strategy

  • We have prepared and analyzed the data and have challenged the entire business model.
  • Afterwards we evaluated the data and showed how much additional investment (e.g. for improving the technology, hiring new personnel and marketing) would be necessary to lead this startup into profitability and growth.
  • All information has then been presented to the CEO in order to make a final decision.


  • It was recognized that the investment requirements would be too high and that the current market situation might jeopardize the long-term success of the company. For this reason, the company was ultimately discontinued.
  • Data Dashboard
  • Decision Documents
  • Market Analysis


Finance, Leasing, BusinessModelling, Data, Analytics, MarketResearch, DueDiligence, FunnelAnalysis, Validation

Strategy for Ecommerce Ecosystem

Customer: Heel


D2C Strategy for a new product line

  • The client had developed a new product and was looking for support to create a D2C strategy in order to sell their products in an innovative way.
  • This included to explore community building activities which could improve the ROI over time.

D2C Strategy

  • In our project, we developed a comprehensive D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) strategy aimed at enhancing Heel?s presence and profitability.
  • We meticulously crafted a concept for implementation that outlined the key steps and milestones required to establish a successful D2C model.
  • Additionally, we devised an innovative webstore concept and aligned that with their brand identity and provided an engaging user experience for customers.
  • To support our strategy, we prepared a robust business case that analyzed market trends, potential revenue streams, and cost implications, providing a solid foundation for decision-making.


  • Created a prototype
  • Developed a brand and design concept for a new product line
  • Established a Business Case (inkl. Skills & Capabilities)
  • Created Documents for C-Level decision making
  • Market Analysis
  • Smoke Testing


Nutrition, Pharma, Ecommerce, Strategy, Brand, ProductDesign, Prototyping, D2C, Brand, Communications, Roadmap, Implementation

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2016 - 2017

International Management

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

SGH Warsaw School of Economics

2015 - 2017

International Management

Master of Science (MSc)

CEMS - The Global Alliance in Management Education

2015 - 2017


Master of Science (MSc)

Nova School of Business and Economics

2011 - 2014

International Management

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

International School of Management



Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem / Budapesti Gazdasági F?iskola


(Semster Abroad) Part of my bachelor studies


  • Excel Specialist



  • Freelance Consultant
  • Venture Architect




Strategieberatung Projektmanagementoffice Projektmanagement Business Development Interim Manager Ausnutzung von Marktchancen (Produkteinführung Marktstudie E-Commerce Due-Diligence-Prüfung Digitalisierung Analysefähigkeit


(Agile) Project Management
Business Model Development
Interims Management
Prototyping & User Testing
Strategy & Innovation Consulting

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • The Freelancer worked in numerous projects for German SMEs and multi- /national corporations, supporting them with innovation relatedchallenges such as the development of new business models,market, trend and potential analysis.
  • generalist with a passion for digital business models, venture building and growth strategies
  • As a project lead, he helps clients solve their challenges by applying creative methods and facilitating workshops, with C-level involvement.
  • He has an academic background in international management.
  • ProjectManagement, VentureCapital, CompanyBuilding
  • InterimsManagement, Strategy, Growth, DataAnalysis



  • Development of three new business models incl. implementation roadmap as an Energy-as-a-Service provider (incl. Financing).


Acquisition of a multi-million travel startup to strengthen the position of the client and speed up the market-entry.


  • Planning and execution of a lead generation venture that has more than 100 Employees today.

How I can help

  • I will partner with my clients to creatively re-invent their business by combining the speed and ambition of an entrepreneur with the sophistication and maturity of a veteran business partner

Strategy Consulting

  • Spot new business opportunities and create pioneering visions to grow and transform the business.
    • Innovation Strategy
    • Growth Strategy
    • Digital Strategy

Proof Of Concept

Co-create innovative products and services around existing offerings or entirely new models.

  • Prototyping
  • Go-to-market
  • Product Development
  • Testing

Organizational Design

Transform organizations from the inside out by empowering teams to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

  • Capability Building
  • Culturalchange
  • Operating model
  • PMO

Ventrue Building

Build new companies and corporate spin-offs beyond the core business and take interim roles, if needed.

  • Corporate Venturing
  • Governance
  • Recuiting
  • Minimal Viable Branding

Technology Strategy

Create environments that make effective use of IT and data by assessing current and building future technology.

  • Data Strategy
  • IT Governance
  • Technology Organization
  • Technology Assessment

I can offer integrated services in Consulting, Venturing & Communications through my partner network

  • Implementation
  • Prototyping
  • Corporate Venturing
  • Product Development
  • Piloting
  • Innovation & Growth Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Transformational Strategy
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Growth Strategy
  • Business Strategy
  • Process Improvement
  • PMO
  • Capability Building
  • Cultural Change
  • Operating Model
  • Assess & Measures
  • Organizational Development
  • Technology Strategy
    • Data Strategy
    • IT Governance
    • Technology Organization
    • Technology Assessment
    • Platform Technology
    • Technology Innovation
    • Technology Strategy
  • Craft Ideas
    • Production
    • Content
    • Story & Experience
    • Social Media
    • Campaigning
    • Public Relations Content
  • Brand & Comm. Strategies
    • Communications Strategy
    • Brand Strategy
    • Customer Experience
    • Advocacy & Cultural Trends
    • Media & Opinion Leader Relations
  • Boutique Services
    • Digital Maturity Index
    • C-Level Brand Building
    • Custom Agency Model
    • Martech Concepts
  • Performance Media
    • Engagement Services
    • Data Analytics & Measurements
    • AI Solution
    • Impact & Sales

Why Me? I combine the right capabilities with a state-of-the art working mode


  • Hands-on, entrepreneurial project manager with strong expertise in digital transformation and innovation governance
    • I take full ownership from day one.
    • I can work in close cooperation with my network as a joint team (if needed).
    • I establish fast feedback loops and focus on outcomes not outputs.
    • I utilize modern digital tools to ensure seamless hybrid work.


  • I have a long history of creating digital services, products and companies


  • Deep understanding and distinctive knowledge on corporate innovation & entrepreneurship with proven track record
    • Deep understanding of core challenges, opportunities and white spaces in the industry. 
    • I have assisted companies of all sizes and in various sectors with innovation and governance relates challenges.


  • My commitment to partnerships 
    • Strong commitment to partnering to deliver the highest level of impact across all my engagements.
  • I utilize my network of experts
    • Where needed I can involve leading experts to ensure to have the strongest expertise for the job.

Exemplary Project Involvement: I have assisted companies in all stages of the Marketing & Sales process

    • Designing and building up of the Marketing and sales organization
      • Set up processes
      • Set up IT infrastructure
      • Define and fill relevant roles
    • Defining the target audience and creation of value propositions
      • Define demographics, characteristics & personas
      • Create, test & iterate value propositions
    • Building a lead-funnel and generating traffic.
      • Guide prospective customers from awareness to conversion
      • Build landing pages
      • Performance marketing
      • Sales staff engagement
    • Capturing, qualifying, nurturing & converting leads
      • Forms & call-to-actions
      • Evaluate the leads potential
      • Engage with leads until conversion
    • Measuring & optimizing
      • Track & analyze KPIs
      • Refine strategy
      • Improve results


  • Interim Management Services
  • Business Model Development
  • Go-to-Market Strategy

Work Experience

06/2023 - today

Place of Work: Berlin, Germany

Role: Freelance Consultant and Venture Architect

Customer: on request

03/2018 - 07/2023

Place of Work: Berlin

Role: Senior Consultant & Venture Architect

Customer: TLGG Consulting GmbH


  • Project Management (Lead)
  • Interims Management
  • Venture/Company Building
  • Growth Hacking- Business Model Innovation
  • Business Cases and Valuations
  • Investment Analytics
  • Rapid Prototyping and Testing 
  • Strategy Consulting

09/2019 - 06/2023

Place of Work: Berlin, Germany

Role: Founding Partner

Customer: on request


  • Art fund and private collectors community focussing on young / early stageBerlin artists

05/2017 - 12/2017

Place of Work: Berlin Area, Germany

Role: Co-Founder

Customer: on request


  • Advertisement-Technology Startup for embedded performance marketing invideo games

07/2017 - 09/2017

Place of Work: Tel Aviv Area, Israel

Role: Intern

Customer: Glispa Global Group


  • Publisher Management & Revenue Optimization 

02/2017 - 05/2017

Place of Work: Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

Customer: Uber


Consulting Project (CEMS)

  • CEMS Business Projects depend on the Company and may concernmanagement, finance, accounting, HRM and marketing

06/2013 - 08/2013

Place of Work: Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Role: Global Supply Chain Intern

Customer: RIMOWA North America Inc.


  • Purchasing Department- Global Supply Chain Department

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