BackEnd Developer (Node.js)
Aktualisiert am 03.09.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 year 5 months
2023-04 - 2024-08


Lead BackEnd developer
Lead BackEnd developer

Project summary: A single tool for managing all projects? tasks for SAAS and project companies. The platform developed to address the shortcomings of existing tools. It covers everything from tracking time to coordinating teams, handling invoices, and financial reporting.

Tasks performed:

Authorization and authentication: Implement sign in/sign up via login + password and Google Auth. Implement user authorization across application.

Roles and permissions: Design permission system.

Third party services integration: Connect Linear, Jira, Notion, Google Calendar.

Users: Implement CRUD operations.

Time tracking: Implement time tracking logic (including entities from connected third party services above), duplicate, split, aggregate time entries.

Projects/Issues administration: Implement projects and issues administration logic, such as

CRUD operations, project member inviting logic etc.

Reporting: Implement report aggregation logic, export report in Excel format

Load testing: Perform load tests with Grafana k6.

1 year 6 months
2023-03 - 2024-08

Wildfire tracker

Senior BackEnd developer
Senior BackEnd developer

Project summary: A mobile app that helps stay up to date with real-time updates on wildfires, weather forecasts, air quality reports and important environmental data - all at your fingertips.

Tasks performed:

Parsing: Implement data parsing (fires, weather alerts, hurricanes, wind maps).

Push notifications: Implement push notifications with Firebase. Implement push

notifications preferences logic.

Database design.

API development: Built API for fires, weather alerts, wind maps, hurricanes etc.

Geolocation search: Implement search by coordinates with postgis.

2 years 5 months
2020-10 - 2023-02

MOOZ (ex. Voice class)

Middle BackEnd developer
Middle BackEnd developer

Project summary: An effective video call for online teaching and learning. MOOZ is ideal for teachers of Music, Vocals, Dance, Art, Painting, Public Speaking, etc. Using MOOZ your lessons will be more efficient with special features for education, and professional.

Tasks performed:

Database design.

CRM: Develop CRM API for teachers to help them manage their resources (students,

files, available time).

Booking: Implement lessons booking logic.

Third party services integration: Connect Stripe API for payments processing.

Admin panel: Implement statistics aggregation.

Videocall: Implement realtime client - server connection with websockets.

CRM refactor: Rebuild and extend existing CRM, add new logic (subscriptions, connected

with payments).

9 months
2022-04 - 2022-12

Yalla Banana

Tech Architect, Senior BackEnd developer
Tech Architect, Senior BackEnd developer

Project summary: An online store that gives you the opportunity to enjoy amazing local businesses and incredible experiences at low prices in the UAE.

Tasks performed:

Application architecture design.

Database design.

Authorization and authentication: Implement sign in/sign up via login + password and

Google Auth. Implement user authorization across application..

Third party services integration: Connect Stripe API for payments processing.

Shopping cart: Implement shopping cart logic (add/remove items, pay/refund order).

Admin panel: Implement system administration logic (statistics, settings etc.).

Catalog: Implement product catalog logic (list products, search + filter).

Catalog management: Implement product catalog management logic (add/edit/remove


1 year 3 months
2021-03 - 2022-05


Middle BackEnd developer
Middle BackEnd developer

Project summary: With the help of this app you can discover new places, share your views and help your community make better decisions. There is an opportunity to assess, leave feedbacks, etc.

Tasks performed:

Fuzzy text search: Implement fuzzy text search with postgres pg_trgm for places.

Parser: Implement Google Places data parsing.

Legacy code support: Rework category system.

Admin panel: Implement statistics aggregation (users, places and their reviews).

Ranging: Implement places ranging logic based on complex criterias.

Leaderboard: Implement leaderboard logic (based on user activity in system, such as

amount of reviews, invited referrals etc.).



Senior BackEnd Developer (Node.js)




As a dedicated BackEnd Developer with 5 years of experience, I have designed
robust project architectures and contributed to diverse projects across e-commerce,
healthcare, finance, and entertainment. My technical prowess and adaptability have
enabled me to navigate various domains effectively.

Having worked within both small agile teams and larger, structured units, I possess
a comprehensive understanding of team dynamics and can seamlessly integrate into
any development environment. My strategic approach to problem-solving ensures
the delivery of scalable, efficient, and maintainable systems that meet the evolving
needs of the industry.





Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 year 5 months
2023-04 - 2024-08


Lead BackEnd developer
Lead BackEnd developer

Project summary: A single tool for managing all projects? tasks for SAAS and project companies. The platform developed to address the shortcomings of existing tools. It covers everything from tracking time to coordinating teams, handling invoices, and financial reporting.

Tasks performed:

Authorization and authentication: Implement sign in/sign up via login + password and Google Auth. Implement user authorization across application.

Roles and permissions: Design permission system.

Third party services integration: Connect Linear, Jira, Notion, Google Calendar.

Users: Implement CRUD operations.

Time tracking: Implement time tracking logic (including entities from connected third party services above), duplicate, split, aggregate time entries.

Projects/Issues administration: Implement projects and issues administration logic, such as

CRUD operations, project member inviting logic etc.

Reporting: Implement report aggregation logic, export report in Excel format

Load testing: Perform load tests with Grafana k6.

1 year 6 months
2023-03 - 2024-08

Wildfire tracker

Senior BackEnd developer
Senior BackEnd developer

Project summary: A mobile app that helps stay up to date with real-time updates on wildfires, weather forecasts, air quality reports and important environmental data - all at your fingertips.

Tasks performed:

Parsing: Implement data parsing (fires, weather alerts, hurricanes, wind maps).

Push notifications: Implement push notifications with Firebase. Implement push

notifications preferences logic.

Database design.

API development: Built API for fires, weather alerts, wind maps, hurricanes etc.

Geolocation search: Implement search by coordinates with postgis.

2 years 5 months
2020-10 - 2023-02

MOOZ (ex. Voice class)

Middle BackEnd developer
Middle BackEnd developer

Project summary: An effective video call for online teaching and learning. MOOZ is ideal for teachers of Music, Vocals, Dance, Art, Painting, Public Speaking, etc. Using MOOZ your lessons will be more efficient with special features for education, and professional.

Tasks performed:

Database design.

CRM: Develop CRM API for teachers to help them manage their resources (students,

files, available time).

Booking: Implement lessons booking logic.

Third party services integration: Connect Stripe API for payments processing.

Admin panel: Implement statistics aggregation.

Videocall: Implement realtime client - server connection with websockets.

CRM refactor: Rebuild and extend existing CRM, add new logic (subscriptions, connected

with payments).

9 months
2022-04 - 2022-12

Yalla Banana

Tech Architect, Senior BackEnd developer
Tech Architect, Senior BackEnd developer

Project summary: An online store that gives you the opportunity to enjoy amazing local businesses and incredible experiences at low prices in the UAE.

Tasks performed:

Application architecture design.

Database design.

Authorization and authentication: Implement sign in/sign up via login + password and

Google Auth. Implement user authorization across application..

Third party services integration: Connect Stripe API for payments processing.

Shopping cart: Implement shopping cart logic (add/remove items, pay/refund order).

Admin panel: Implement system administration logic (statistics, settings etc.).

Catalog: Implement product catalog logic (list products, search + filter).

Catalog management: Implement product catalog management logic (add/edit/remove


1 year 3 months
2021-03 - 2022-05


Middle BackEnd developer
Middle BackEnd developer

Project summary: With the help of this app you can discover new places, share your views and help your community make better decisions. There is an opportunity to assess, leave feedbacks, etc.

Tasks performed:

Fuzzy text search: Implement fuzzy text search with postgres pg_trgm for places.

Parser: Implement Google Places data parsing.

Legacy code support: Rework category system.

Admin panel: Implement statistics aggregation (users, places and their reviews).

Ranging: Implement places ranging logic based on complex criterias.

Leaderboard: Implement leaderboard logic (based on user activity in system, such as

amount of reviews, invited referrals etc.).



Senior BackEnd Developer (Node.js)




As a dedicated BackEnd Developer with 5 years of experience, I have designed
robust project architectures and contributed to diverse projects across e-commerce,
healthcare, finance, and entertainment. My technical prowess and adaptability have
enabled me to navigate various domains effectively.

Having worked within both small agile teams and larger, structured units, I possess
a comprehensive understanding of team dynamics and can seamlessly integrate into
any development environment. My strategic approach to problem-solving ensures
the delivery of scalable, efficient, and maintainable systems that meet the evolving
needs of the industry.



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