Softwareentwickler - Quality Assurance Lead
Aktualisiert am 29.08.2024
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Berlin (+500km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich

Senior QA Engineer and Technical Team Leader responsible for manual and automated testing in web and mobile (Android and iOS) projects and leading QA teams in different assignments.




5 Jahre 5 Monate
2019-01 - 2024-05

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Lead

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Lead Testrail JIRA Redmine ...
Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Lead
The project consists of complex web application and a browser plugin used on different portals for reserving medical services.
Application using artificial intelligence, allows medical clinics to respond quickly to patient emails. AI generates responses for clinic customers, improving clinics' communication and allowing to increase sells.

Azure Devops Swagger Postman Matomo Playwright TypeScript Browserstack.
Testrail JIRA Redmine Confluence Cucumber Appium BrowserStack Android Studio Xcode adb Selenium Web Driver TestNG JMeter SoapUI Postman Swagger DevTools Git Kibana Firebase Proxyman Bitrise Github SQL Figma Chucker Crashlytics



Berlin (+500km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich

Senior QA Engineer and Technical Team Leader responsible for manual and automated testing in web and mobile (Android and iOS) projects and leading QA teams in different assignments.




5 Jahre 5 Monate
2019-01 - 2024-05

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Lead

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Lead Testrail JIRA Redmine ...
Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, Test Lead
The project consists of complex web application and a browser plugin used on different portals for reserving medical services.
Application using artificial intelligence, allows medical clinics to respond quickly to patient emails. AI generates responses for clinic customers, improving clinics' communication and allowing to increase sells.

Azure Devops Swagger Postman Matomo Playwright TypeScript Browserstack.
Testrail JIRA Redmine Confluence Cucumber Appium BrowserStack Android Studio Xcode adb Selenium Web Driver TestNG JMeter SoapUI Postman Swagger DevTools Git Kibana Firebase Proxyman Bitrise Github SQL Figma Chucker Crashlytics

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