Working as a Software Engineer in Observability and Troubleshooting at Flexperto GmbH, a company developing SaaS solutions for insurances and banks.
Working as Systems Engineer and consultant for AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies Ltd.
Technical design of the complete system architectureusing services like AWS EC2, AWS Cognito, AWS IoTGreengrass, AWS Kinesis, AWS S3, DynamoDB, AWSLambda, among others
Development of a tailored embedded linux distributionfor IoT devices, such as cameras and sensor devices usingYocto.
Definition of tasks and work packages for a remotedevelopment team to develop the client apps (iOS,Android)
Creation of a docker swarm cluster for the API,PostgreSQL database and Elasticsearch
Migration from Elasticsearch to Opensearch
Co-Development of an underwater 3D vision systemprototype used to gather under water image footage incooperation with the Fraunhofer IGD, using gstreameramong others
Working closely with a DevOps engineer to migrate theinfrastructure orchestration from Docker swarm toKubernetes
Management of the remote app development team.
Management of a team of annotators that annotated thegathered images to train CNNs to detect fish
Definition of image annotation pipelines for differenttypes of fish
Design and development of a fully clustered and resilientinfrastructure in AWS, using Terraform, Ansible, AWS CLI
Development of AWS Greengrass components ready tobe deployed on IoT devices using Kinesis data streams totransfer generated data from the edge to the cloud
Development of IaC scripts to configure and create AWSIoT Greengrass core devices that act as sensor integrationdevices at the fish farm facilities. (Ansible)
Development of sensor integration software includingresilient and fault-safe network discovery of sensordevices. (Python)
Development of an API to deliver data to the client apps(Node.js, MoleculerJS, elasticsearch-js, Sequelize).
Automatic generation of API documentation based onSequelize models and JSON schemas. (Node.js)
Development of a notification service using AWS SNS tonotify users whenever certain sensor values differed fromnormal. (Node.js)
Supervision of installations at the customer's site,including the installation of sensor devices, as well as 3Dunder water cameras and network infrastructure
Design and co-development of a data science backend togenerate holistic knowledge about the fish farm statebased on the data gathered at the farm. (Python, Plotly)
Adaptation of several Docker images to fit MonitorFish'srequirements, including PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch,Logstash, Kibana. (Docker)
Development of a real-time video streaming feature tostream the fish farm's underwater footage to a mediastreaming provider. (gstreamer, ffmpeg, RTSP, Wowza)
Development of gitlab CD/CI Pipelines for severalsoftware packages and libraries
Technical design, development, testing anddocumentation of an ETL gateway to transfer databetween systems. Developed with Node.js. 100% unit-testcoverage with Mocha
Implementation of a synchronization service for contactdata from Pega CRM system for DEVK. (Node.js, PHP, Yii2)
Extending Flexpertos WebRTC implementation tosupport Safari browser and iOS devices. (PHP, Yii2,Node.js)
Technical design, development, testing anddocumentation of a logging gateway to log applicationbehavior (both client and server), index the data inElasticsearch and create visualizations in Kibana to havean overview of the applications health. (Node.js,JavaScript, PHP, Yii2, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
Implementation of SAML integration for the platform(PHP, Yii2)
Technical design and PoC of a unified calendarintegration to support synchronizing free/busy times ofplatform users with different calendars (Office 365, iCloud,Google, Exchange). (Node.js, PHP, Yii2)
Technical design and PoC of WebRTC session recordingfor MiFID2 compliance. (Node.js, PHP, Yii2, CouchDB,RabbitMQ).
Technical design and PoC of a custom calendarintegration (Lotus Notes) for Helvetia
Implementation of multilingual support for the Flexpertoplatform
Technical design and PoC for integrating a Co Browsingprovider into the Flexperto platform
Maintenance of the application, goalkeeping bug reportsand managing the product request flow
Migration of Elasticsearch v2.3 to v6.1
Performing technical checks of the platform withcustomers before live deployment
Assisting CTO in customer calls, answering IT securityaudit related questions
Onsite WebRTC/Network debugging at customerpremises.
Assisting CTO and taking over tasks before his sabbaticalleave
Assisting Infrastructure/DevOps with improvements in thedevelopment stack and general future vision.
Analysis of software development outsourcing modelsand execution. Assessing technical and social skills ofcandidates as well as contract negotiations with body-leasing companies offshore
Documentation of measures to become GDPR compliant
Prototyping an Elasticsearch based product search platform (Node.js, elasticsearch.js, AngularJS)
Design, development, testing and documentation of a microservices, framework based on Hapi.js,,. Seneca.js and amqp.node, providing a microservices boilerplate with everything needed for thin microservice development. Independent communication between microservices via AMQP, standardized, environmentaware configuration, straightforward REST API and emitters/listeners configuration, service registration in consul and logging. Unit testing done with jasmine and mocha. Documentation done with Markdown
End-of-life support for the legacy API (Node.js, LoopBack)
Database migration from MongoDB to MySQL using waterline ORM
Design, development, testing and documentation of a url-shortener microservice (MongoDB, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha
Product catalogue data visualization (Elasticsearch, Kibana)
Product catalogue database migration from MySQL to Elasticsearch using Waterline ORM and elasticsearch.js.
Design, development, testing and documentation of a search microservice based on Elasticsearch (with elasticsearch.js) to search through an index of product assets with location based data (polygon intersection, latitude/longitude), completion suggesters, aggregations, distance calculation and functional scoring. Provided a REST API for clients and emitters to emit cluster metrics. REST API testing done with Chakram, benchmark testing with benchrest. API documentation done with Apidoc and Markdown
Development and documentation of Chef recipes for installation and configuration of: Elasticsearch cluster, RabbitMQ cluster, Elasticsearch microservice (either standalone, as well as clustered using phusion passenger (nginx) or pm2), NPM local registry (skimdb) with kappa proxy to be able to support private repositories without having to replicate the whole public registry. Documentation done with Markdown
Development of deployment strategies for microservices to be ready to be deployed either as Docker containers (via Docker hub, monitored by Consul), via Chef with Jenkins or with chef-solo and Vagrant (locally, for developers). Design, development, testing and documentation of a shopping cart microservice to publish booked assets to its respective company and get asset availability information from a third-party system (SOAP, RabbitMQ, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha
Design, development, testing and documentation of a translation microservice to manipulate gettext files for different projects via a REST API and push them to GitHub so they can be used in the deployment pipeline (GNU gettext, nodegit, pofile, RabbitMQ, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha. Design, development, testing and documentation of a Slack microservice to publish certain application events in its respective Slack channel (Slack API, RabbitMQ, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha
Design, development and documentation of a dashboard to manage and monitor (in real-time) the Elasticsearch cluster and the Elasticsearch microservice (, React, Node.js).
Development of deployment strategies for microservices to be ready to be deployed either as Docker containers (via Docker hub, monitored by Consul), via Chef with Jenkins or with chef-solo and Vagrant (locally, for developers)
Design, development, testing and documentation of a url-shortener microservice (MongoDB, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha. Product catalogue data visualization (Elasticsearch, Kibana)
Product catalogue database migration from MySQL to Elasticsearch using Waterline ORM and elasticsearch.js.
Design, development and documentation of a dashboard to manage and monitor (in real-time) the Elasticsearch cluster and the Elasticsearch microservice (, React, Node.js).
Analysis and documentation of requirement specifications for the development of a collaboration platform for Charité. Analysis, prototyping and documentation of web technologies for the development team
Design of a scalable, database-agnostic, generic data model allowing the implementation and deployment in different environments with changing needs
Design and implementation of data (hundreds of thousands of documents) indexing strategies for an Elasticsearch backend (Node.js, elasticsearch.js, Sails.js).
Design and implementation of document version control strategies for data persisted in MongoDB (Node.js, MongoDB)
Design and implementation of authentication and authorization strategies for applications and search backend (JWT, Passport.js, LDAP)
Prototyping of new functionalities (Node.js)
Implementation and documentation of CI strategies with automatized unit and end-to-end tests (Jenkins, Jasmine, Mocha, Frisby.js, Protractor, Selenium)
REST-Interface implementation and documentation (Node.js, Sails.js, Apidoc)
Supporting the front-end development (AngularJS, Sass, Foundation, Leaflet/OpenLayers)
Implementation and documentation of interfaces to import data from various third-party systems (Node.js, REST, SOAP, FTP)
Installation and configuration of MapServer with OpenStreetMap data to be able to autonomously serve maps (without google/bing/OpenStreet maps). Custom map and layer development based on data persisted in PostgreSQL with PostGIS
Development of interactive maps from data in GeoJSON/TopoJSON format with D3.js
Development of a custom workflow engine inspired by JBoss jBPM to organize complex, decision-driven and time consuming processes such as the proper creation of assets in the ERP system (Sage Office Line). Developed in a fully platform and database independent manner using web-based GUIs (C#, ASP.NET) and the ORM Framework NHibernate
Development of a centralized e-mail signature management system based on data stored in Active Directory and retrieved via LDAP to meet the requirements of the marketing department. Developed in C#. Development of a computer network administration platform to visually place network infrastructure (workstations, servers, printers, switches, etc.) in a zoomable layer (Google maps API based) with the company`s ground-plan as background. Developed in C#
Development of a web-based germ management software, to add and extract germs, their general data, as well as lot-based data and quantities. Developed with PHP, jQuery, Ajax, jquery-ui and jquerydatatables
Maintenance of the R-Biopharm website (gladly on request) and further development of the CMS backend. (PHP)
Relaunch of the R-Biopharm website (Wordpress, PHP, jQuery, und AJaX)
Development of a Wordpress plugin for generating tender price requests and merging the data with a Microsoft Word (.docx) file to generate the tender document. Integrated within the Wordpress framework with the open source PHP library OpenTBS (TinyButStrong)
Development of a Microsoft Excel add-in to expand the Excel function palette with user defined functions for data retrieval (Asset sales quantity, sale revenue, costcenter costs, outstanding receivables and payables, etc.) from SAGE Office Line databases. Developed with C# and the .NET Framework. Deployed in several subsidiaries around the world
Development of a Microsoft Outlook add-in for simplifying/automating common tasks such as the addition of certain types of appointments to the company`s calendar
Customer support at physician`s premises, installing and configuring an allergy screening management software, as well as photometers their installation and configuration
Administration of a 400+ clients network, installation and configuration of clients, servers and laboratory equipment
Experience with laboratory equipment like photometers, PCR systems, LateralFlow scanners
2012 - 2013: Design and Development of the job sharing platform
Role: Software Engineer and Co-Founder
Customer: gladly on request
Co-Founder and Software Engineer for ? A startup that aimed to build a physician's job-sharing platform (discontinued)
Development of custom functions to tag Wordpress custom post types with latitude and longitude information. Implementation of a radial search function to search for posts in nearby locations. PHP, JavaScript, Wordpress, Google Maps API
PHP, JavaScript, Wordpress, Google Maps API
2007 - 2008: Maintenance of a network
Role: network administrator
Customer: Schloss-Schule-Ilvesheim, Mannheim, Germany
Civilian Service (compulsory paid community service) as network administrator at the Schloss-Schule-Ilvesheim (school for blind people and people with visual impairment)
Maintenance of a network of approximately 500 computers and servers
Installation, configuration and support of special hardware and software for blind people such as Braille keyboards and speech recognition software
Network-wide deployment of applications and patches using OCS Inventory NG
Development of a web-based bibliography management system in PHP/PostgreSQL
OCS Inventory NG, PHP/PostgreSQL
2010 - 2014:
h_da, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt
Bsc. in Computer Science
2008 - 2010:
Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Professional Education as Computer Science Expert, Focus: Software Development
Working in IT for over 14 yearsin different industriesproviding high qualitysolutions to complexproblems
Working as a Software Engineer in Observability and Troubleshooting at Flexperto GmbH, a company developing SaaS solutions for insurances and banks.
Working as Systems Engineer and consultant for AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies Ltd.
Technical design of the complete system architectureusing services like AWS EC2, AWS Cognito, AWS IoTGreengrass, AWS Kinesis, AWS S3, DynamoDB, AWSLambda, among others
Development of a tailored embedded linux distributionfor IoT devices, such as cameras and sensor devices usingYocto.
Definition of tasks and work packages for a remotedevelopment team to develop the client apps (iOS,Android)
Creation of a docker swarm cluster for the API,PostgreSQL database and Elasticsearch
Migration from Elasticsearch to Opensearch
Co-Development of an underwater 3D vision systemprototype used to gather under water image footage incooperation with the Fraunhofer IGD, using gstreameramong others
Working closely with a DevOps engineer to migrate theinfrastructure orchestration from Docker swarm toKubernetes
Management of the remote app development team.
Management of a team of annotators that annotated thegathered images to train CNNs to detect fish
Definition of image annotation pipelines for differenttypes of fish
Design and development of a fully clustered and resilientinfrastructure in AWS, using Terraform, Ansible, AWS CLI
Development of AWS Greengrass components ready tobe deployed on IoT devices using Kinesis data streams totransfer generated data from the edge to the cloud
Development of IaC scripts to configure and create AWSIoT Greengrass core devices that act as sensor integrationdevices at the fish farm facilities. (Ansible)
Development of sensor integration software includingresilient and fault-safe network discovery of sensordevices. (Python)
Development of an API to deliver data to the client apps(Node.js, MoleculerJS, elasticsearch-js, Sequelize).
Automatic generation of API documentation based onSequelize models and JSON schemas. (Node.js)
Development of a notification service using AWS SNS tonotify users whenever certain sensor values differed fromnormal. (Node.js)
Supervision of installations at the customer's site,including the installation of sensor devices, as well as 3Dunder water cameras and network infrastructure
Design and co-development of a data science backend togenerate holistic knowledge about the fish farm statebased on the data gathered at the farm. (Python, Plotly)
Adaptation of several Docker images to fit MonitorFish'srequirements, including PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch,Logstash, Kibana. (Docker)
Development of a real-time video streaming feature tostream the fish farm's underwater footage to a mediastreaming provider. (gstreamer, ffmpeg, RTSP, Wowza)
Development of gitlab CD/CI Pipelines for severalsoftware packages and libraries
Technical design, development, testing anddocumentation of an ETL gateway to transfer databetween systems. Developed with Node.js. 100% unit-testcoverage with Mocha
Implementation of a synchronization service for contactdata from Pega CRM system for DEVK. (Node.js, PHP, Yii2)
Extending Flexpertos WebRTC implementation tosupport Safari browser and iOS devices. (PHP, Yii2,Node.js)
Technical design, development, testing anddocumentation of a logging gateway to log applicationbehavior (both client and server), index the data inElasticsearch and create visualizations in Kibana to havean overview of the applications health. (Node.js,JavaScript, PHP, Yii2, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
Implementation of SAML integration for the platform(PHP, Yii2)
Technical design and PoC of a unified calendarintegration to support synchronizing free/busy times ofplatform users with different calendars (Office 365, iCloud,Google, Exchange). (Node.js, PHP, Yii2)
Technical design and PoC of WebRTC session recordingfor MiFID2 compliance. (Node.js, PHP, Yii2, CouchDB,RabbitMQ).
Technical design and PoC of a custom calendarintegration (Lotus Notes) for Helvetia
Implementation of multilingual support for the Flexpertoplatform
Technical design and PoC for integrating a Co Browsingprovider into the Flexperto platform
Maintenance of the application, goalkeeping bug reportsand managing the product request flow
Migration of Elasticsearch v2.3 to v6.1
Performing technical checks of the platform withcustomers before live deployment
Assisting CTO in customer calls, answering IT securityaudit related questions
Onsite WebRTC/Network debugging at customerpremises.
Assisting CTO and taking over tasks before his sabbaticalleave
Assisting Infrastructure/DevOps with improvements in thedevelopment stack and general future vision.
Analysis of software development outsourcing modelsand execution. Assessing technical and social skills ofcandidates as well as contract negotiations with body-leasing companies offshore
Documentation of measures to become GDPR compliant
Prototyping an Elasticsearch based product search platform (Node.js, elasticsearch.js, AngularJS)
Design, development, testing and documentation of a microservices, framework based on Hapi.js,,. Seneca.js and amqp.node, providing a microservices boilerplate with everything needed for thin microservice development. Independent communication between microservices via AMQP, standardized, environmentaware configuration, straightforward REST API and emitters/listeners configuration, service registration in consul and logging. Unit testing done with jasmine and mocha. Documentation done with Markdown
End-of-life support for the legacy API (Node.js, LoopBack)
Database migration from MongoDB to MySQL using waterline ORM
Design, development, testing and documentation of a url-shortener microservice (MongoDB, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha
Product catalogue data visualization (Elasticsearch, Kibana)
Product catalogue database migration from MySQL to Elasticsearch using Waterline ORM and elasticsearch.js.
Design, development, testing and documentation of a search microservice based on Elasticsearch (with elasticsearch.js) to search through an index of product assets with location based data (polygon intersection, latitude/longitude), completion suggesters, aggregations, distance calculation and functional scoring. Provided a REST API for clients and emitters to emit cluster metrics. REST API testing done with Chakram, benchmark testing with benchrest. API documentation done with Apidoc and Markdown
Development and documentation of Chef recipes for installation and configuration of: Elasticsearch cluster, RabbitMQ cluster, Elasticsearch microservice (either standalone, as well as clustered using phusion passenger (nginx) or pm2), NPM local registry (skimdb) with kappa proxy to be able to support private repositories without having to replicate the whole public registry. Documentation done with Markdown
Development of deployment strategies for microservices to be ready to be deployed either as Docker containers (via Docker hub, monitored by Consul), via Chef with Jenkins or with chef-solo and Vagrant (locally, for developers). Design, development, testing and documentation of a shopping cart microservice to publish booked assets to its respective company and get asset availability information from a third-party system (SOAP, RabbitMQ, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha
Design, development, testing and documentation of a translation microservice to manipulate gettext files for different projects via a REST API and push them to GitHub so they can be used in the deployment pipeline (GNU gettext, nodegit, pofile, RabbitMQ, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha. Design, development, testing and documentation of a Slack microservice to publish certain application events in its respective Slack channel (Slack API, RabbitMQ, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha
Design, development and documentation of a dashboard to manage and monitor (in real-time) the Elasticsearch cluster and the Elasticsearch microservice (, React, Node.js).
Development of deployment strategies for microservices to be ready to be deployed either as Docker containers (via Docker hub, monitored by Consul), via Chef with Jenkins or with chef-solo and Vagrant (locally, for developers)
Design, development, testing and documentation of a url-shortener microservice (MongoDB, Hapi.js, Seneca.js). Unit testing done with Jasmine and Mocha. Product catalogue data visualization (Elasticsearch, Kibana)
Product catalogue database migration from MySQL to Elasticsearch using Waterline ORM and elasticsearch.js.
Design, development and documentation of a dashboard to manage and monitor (in real-time) the Elasticsearch cluster and the Elasticsearch microservice (, React, Node.js).
Analysis and documentation of requirement specifications for the development of a collaboration platform for Charité. Analysis, prototyping and documentation of web technologies for the development team
Design of a scalable, database-agnostic, generic data model allowing the implementation and deployment in different environments with changing needs
Design and implementation of data (hundreds of thousands of documents) indexing strategies for an Elasticsearch backend (Node.js, elasticsearch.js, Sails.js).
Design and implementation of document version control strategies for data persisted in MongoDB (Node.js, MongoDB)
Design and implementation of authentication and authorization strategies for applications and search backend (JWT, Passport.js, LDAP)
Prototyping of new functionalities (Node.js)
Implementation and documentation of CI strategies with automatized unit and end-to-end tests (Jenkins, Jasmine, Mocha, Frisby.js, Protractor, Selenium)
REST-Interface implementation and documentation (Node.js, Sails.js, Apidoc)
Supporting the front-end development (AngularJS, Sass, Foundation, Leaflet/OpenLayers)
Implementation and documentation of interfaces to import data from various third-party systems (Node.js, REST, SOAP, FTP)
Installation and configuration of MapServer with OpenStreetMap data to be able to autonomously serve maps (without google/bing/OpenStreet maps). Custom map and layer development based on data persisted in PostgreSQL with PostGIS
Development of interactive maps from data in GeoJSON/TopoJSON format with D3.js
Development of a custom workflow engine inspired by JBoss jBPM to organize complex, decision-driven and time consuming processes such as the proper creation of assets in the ERP system (Sage Office Line). Developed in a fully platform and database independent manner using web-based GUIs (C#, ASP.NET) and the ORM Framework NHibernate
Development of a centralized e-mail signature management system based on data stored in Active Directory and retrieved via LDAP to meet the requirements of the marketing department. Developed in C#. Development of a computer network administration platform to visually place network infrastructure (workstations, servers, printers, switches, etc.) in a zoomable layer (Google maps API based) with the company`s ground-plan as background. Developed in C#
Development of a web-based germ management software, to add and extract germs, their general data, as well as lot-based data and quantities. Developed with PHP, jQuery, Ajax, jquery-ui and jquerydatatables
Maintenance of the R-Biopharm website (gladly on request) and further development of the CMS backend. (PHP)
Relaunch of the R-Biopharm website (Wordpress, PHP, jQuery, und AJaX)
Development of a Wordpress plugin for generating tender price requests and merging the data with a Microsoft Word (.docx) file to generate the tender document. Integrated within the Wordpress framework with the open source PHP library OpenTBS (TinyButStrong)
Development of a Microsoft Excel add-in to expand the Excel function palette with user defined functions for data retrieval (Asset sales quantity, sale revenue, costcenter costs, outstanding receivables and payables, etc.) from SAGE Office Line databases. Developed with C# and the .NET Framework. Deployed in several subsidiaries around the world
Development of a Microsoft Outlook add-in for simplifying/automating common tasks such as the addition of certain types of appointments to the company`s calendar
Customer support at physician`s premises, installing and configuring an allergy screening management software, as well as photometers their installation and configuration
Administration of a 400+ clients network, installation and configuration of clients, servers and laboratory equipment
Experience with laboratory equipment like photometers, PCR systems, LateralFlow scanners
2012 - 2013: Design and Development of the job sharing platform
Role: Software Engineer and Co-Founder
Customer: gladly on request
Co-Founder and Software Engineer for ? A startup that aimed to build a physician's job-sharing platform (discontinued)
Development of custom functions to tag Wordpress custom post types with latitude and longitude information. Implementation of a radial search function to search for posts in nearby locations. PHP, JavaScript, Wordpress, Google Maps API
PHP, JavaScript, Wordpress, Google Maps API
2007 - 2008: Maintenance of a network
Role: network administrator
Customer: Schloss-Schule-Ilvesheim, Mannheim, Germany
Civilian Service (compulsory paid community service) as network administrator at the Schloss-Schule-Ilvesheim (school for blind people and people with visual impairment)
Maintenance of a network of approximately 500 computers and servers
Installation, configuration and support of special hardware and software for blind people such as Braille keyboards and speech recognition software
Network-wide deployment of applications and patches using OCS Inventory NG
Development of a web-based bibliography management system in PHP/PostgreSQL
OCS Inventory NG, PHP/PostgreSQL
2010 - 2014:
h_da, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt
Bsc. in Computer Science
2008 - 2010:
Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Professional Education as Computer Science Expert, Focus: Software Development
Working in IT for over 14 yearsin different industriesproviding high qualitysolutions to complexproblems