React/Java/Wordpress developer Main tech:Java,Kotlin,React, Wordpress
Aktualisiert am 15.02.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 19.02.2024
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davon vor Ort: 5%
Apache Camel
Mother tongue



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



4 months
2023-10 - 2024-01


Senior Front end developer ReactJS Node.js JavaScript ...
Senior Front end developer
Guiding Juniors in completing daily/weekly tasks
Code Reviews
Creating forms, user interfaces, performance optimizations and refactoring code base to be more in clean code
Refactoring older application into new Design and new code base
Giving inputs on library/technology selection based on requirements
Unfortunately short experience due to client closing whole team in Zagreb to have it localized in Brazil
Technologies: React, ES6, NodeJS, AWS, MongoDB, React query, React hook form, React hooks, Redux, Material UI,
Styled components, HTML, SCSS
ReactJS Node.js JavaScript AWS MongoDB
8 months
2023-02 - 2023-09

Frontend Development with React

FULL STACK DEVELOPER, Admin dashboard for analytics and statistics React ES6 Java ...
FULL STACK DEVELOPER, Admin dashboard for analytics and statistics

  • Frontend Development with React: Develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces using React and JavaScript
  • Collaborate with UX/UI designers to transform designs into a seamless user experience
  • Backend Development with Java: Design and implement robust and scalable microservices using Java. Develop business logic, handle database operations, and ensure high responsiveness to requests from the frontend
  • Data Management with PostgreSQL (NoSQL variant): Design, create, and manage database schemas. Implement robust data handling and storage solutions using the NoSQL variant of PostgreSQL to ensure efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation
  • Microservices Architecture: Structure the backend services following microservices best practices, ensuring decoupled, scalable, and maintainable components
  • API Gateway Integration: Utilize API Gateway to create, deploy, and manage secure and scalable APIs that interface with your microservices, ensuring seamless connectivity between frontend and backend
  • Code Review and Assistance: Conduct code reviews to uphold code quality and standards across the team. Offer constructive feedback to team members and aid in the implementation of changes and improvements

React ES6 Java PostgreSQL (NoSQL) API Gateway Yup RHF Redux React Query MUI AWS
7 months
2022-08 - 2023-02

Orange Bees main website

Front end developer, FULL STACK DEVELOPER
Front end developer, FULL STACK DEVELOPER

  • Spearheaded website enhancements, incorporating new features, and promptly addressing bugs using React and ES6
  • Collaborated closely with team members, providing assistance for timely task completion
  • Engineered user-centric web features with a keen focus on structure and design
  • Leveraged React Hook Form (RHF), Redux, React Query, and Material-UI (MUI) to ensure code reusability and optimized performance
  • Employed diverse markup languages, consistently optimizing page load times

Java 11 Spring Boot Apache Camel Microservices Jackson MapStruct Swagger API Open API Project Lombok Logstash JMS Spring Security Mockito Maven Hibernate JPQL Docker NodeJS JavaScript ES6 ReactJS SCSS HTML GatsbyJS Microsoft SQL Server Azure
Zagreb, Croatia, remote
7 months
2022-08 - 2023-02

Outage Notification System


Outage Notification System - Planned and unplanned outages as notifications/ events

  • Architected and initiated the project, defining its structure from the ground up
  • Collaborated with architects to decide on the optimal tech stack
  • Developed an API gateway leveraging webClient
  • Documented code extensively, ensuring clarity and fulfilling client requirements
  • Designed an exception management service for centralized exception and log handling
  • Developed ten distinct services, adhering to microservices architecture
  • Structured and managed database tables, relationships, and views
  • Implemented security measures using Spring Auth, integrating with Microsoft Azure
  • Configured messaging services using Active MQ and later Artemis, supporting event-driven architecture
  • Designed custom logging with LogStash, integrated within the application context
  • Managed version control using GIT, creating separate branches for distinct services
  • Crafted Docker configurations to containerize services
  • Wrote comprehensive tests, ensuring robust coverage, and conducted vital integration tests
Java 11 Spring Boot Apache Camel Microservices Jackson MapStruct Swagger API Open API Project Lombok Logstash JMS Spring Security Mockito Maven Hibernate JPQL Docker NodeJS JavaScript ES6 ReactJS SCSS HTML GatsbyJS Microsoft SQL Server Azure
Zagreb, Croatia
6 months
2022-03 - 2022-08

transition the front-end architecture from Angular to React

Front end developer, SOFTWARE DEVELOPER React Redux JEST ...
Front end developer, SOFTWARE DEVELOPER

Undertook a comprehensive project to transition the front-end architecture from Angular to React

  • Spearheaded the development of React components and modules, ensuring they were crafted from the ground up for optimal efficiency
  • Designed and architected the Redux store, meticulously formulating reducers to guarantee seamless data flow and management
  • Prioritized and executed unit tests for pivotal application segments using JEST to ensure robust performance
  • Demonstrated leadership by guiding junior team members, aiding in task completions and bug resolutions
  • Pioneered the creation of an efficient API to facilitate backend communication, ensuring seamless data interchange

Team Structure:

Operated within an agile framework with bi-weekly sprints

Atlassian JIRA Agile
React Redux JEST Material UI Docker GIT HTML CSS JavaScript (ES6) Angular Agile team
Zagreb, Croatia, Remote
1 year
2021-01 - 2021-12

platform for creating remote groups of people for certain jobs

FULL STACK DEVELOPER MySQL Docker Microservices ...

Permanent Full time work for Blazing Edge company, recently taken from DEPT, one of the largest digital agencies in Netherlands

  • Globalization Partners (platform for creating remote groups of people for certain jobs, finding people from different states, simple role and work people tracking, full support of payments over platform (salaries, other transactions), etc
  • Agile team, 2 week sprints
    • Implementing new features and advising solutions on certain tasks
    • Fixing old Java application that was being developed
    • Adapting old Java application and implementing all new features with newer code that had to work with new features and microservice architecture written in NodeJS
    • Fixing bugs on demand
    • Helping other developers understand newly written code logic and architecture
    • Presenting solutions to customer
    • Assisting in front end development with React and NodeJS microservices on back end when major team member was off or on vacation
    • Creating complex queries in Java with JPQL and adjusting them for best performance with multithreading
    • Structured whole Exception management service to handle all kind of exceptions and logging as needed
    • Deploying and monitoring application on AWS, including executing scripts for migrations

Atlassian JIRA Agile
MySQL Docker Microservices JavaScript TypeScript HTML CSS React Node.js AWS GIT Hibernate JPA Spring Boot Maven Swagger JIRA Confluence IntelliJ IDE Ultimate Visual studio code Java 8
Blazing Edge company
Zagreb, Croatia, Remote
1 year 3 months
2019-05 - 2020-07


Full stack developer Oracle SQL WebLogic RTC ...
Full stack developer

  • Permanent Full time work for EEAS (European External Action Service) in IT department of European Commission
  • GOALKEEPER ( web application for recruiting people outside and inside of European Union for work in European Institutions)
    • Agile team, 2 week sprints
    • Designing, implementing and constructing project from scratch to finish
    • Resolving tasks which included front end and back end implementations
    • Resolving bugs reported by tester in the team as priority
    • Resolving complex issues with Kendo UI and customizing its features to accommodate needs for the requests
    • Designing front end part with custom CSS and Bootstrap
    • Structuring project and a?pplying clean code in back end architecture

Oracle SQL WebLogic RTC Jazz platform KendoUI JavaScript Html CSS jQuery Maven Spring Spring DATA JPA Hibernate JSP Java (7/ 8)
EEAS (European External Action Service), FUJITSU BELGIUM
Bruxelles, Belgium
9 months
2018-07 - 2019-03

FINA e-Invoice

Full stack developer Java Spring Apache cxf/JAX B/JAX WS ...
Full stack developer

FINA e-Invoice is an online service intended for business entities for the electronic exchange of invoices between suppliers and customers and management of the entire business process of issuing, receiving and archiving e-invoices. Users of the service can send e-invoices to public procurement payers and other business entities, as well as receive e-invoices

  • Working on already on-going project e-invoice (70% done)
  • Implementing solutions and features to application logic in Java
  • Creating front end look with JavaScript and jQuery and later on converting front end to Angular5
  • Fixing bugs as needed
  • Exploring possibilities with at that time Angular 5 as newest version and implementing them to improve code design and solutions
  • Creating security with Spring Security

Atlassian JIRA Agile
Java Spring Apache cxf/JAX B/JAX WS WebSphere Tomcat JSP CSS3 HTML JavaScript SQL XML Angular TypeScript Bootstrap
Zagreb, Croatia
1 year
2017-01 - 2017-12


Java developer Java Vaadin GWT ...
Java developer
  • Developing web application Nausys, assisting team with learning and testing Vaadin whole product and make it work with appropriate examples
  • Transferring all data from Riak KV to Cassandra, working with GWT, JavaFx and Vaadin designer to make desktop UI application (like windows UI) as requested
  • Created advanced UI look with JavaFX and Vaadin to be like Windows 8 start search pop up
  • Assisting team members in usage of Vaadin designer and his features
  • Solving bugs and participating in daily meetings
Atlassian JIRA Agile
Java Vaadin GWT Rest JPA Cassandra Riak KV Elasticsearch Amazon S3 SQL JSF JavaScript
Zagreb, Croatia
1 year 1 month
2016-01 - 2017-01

SharePoint internal web application

Web developer SharePoint JavaScript jQuery ...
Web developer
  • Used JavaScript and jQuery for all front end work required for the project. That includes all task and bugs related to it
  • Regular usage for templating pages
  • Regular usage for styling components on the page and page its self
  • Usage along side with JavaScript to perform more complex tasks
  • Usage along side with CSS and HTML for easier responsiveness of application web
  • Assisting senior members to fill and help them finish their tasks sooner
  • Guidance of student workers on how to use web application and web site and how to accomplish certain tasks they were assigned to
  • Help in solving bugs within current application used for file transfers
SharePoint JavaScript jQuery HTML CSS Java
Zagreb, Croatia

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

4 years 8 months
2013-08 - 2018-03

Inteligent trasnport systems

Master degree, GRADUATE TRAFFIC ENGINEER, Faculty of traffic and transport science, ROBOTICS I. technical school Tesla
Faculty of traffic and transport science, ROBOTICS I. technical school Tesla

  • Thesis: gladly on request



React Developer/Worpress developer/Java devloper




Java JavaScript ReactJS Kotlin Spring TypeScript Maven Node.js Hibernate SQL NoSQL OAuth REST JAX-RS JAX-WS JUnit HTML CSS Webapplication AWS Cloud Git Apache Camel

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Maven, Git, SQL, Docker, Hibernate, JSON, Java, Spring Boot, REST, JavaScript, Unit Testing, Postman, Agile (Scrum), Jira, Swagger, Microservices, MySQL, CSS, Github, Design Patterns, Object-Oriented Programming, HTML5, Clean Code, Bootstrap, JQuery, Jetbrains Intellij Idea, RESTful api, Material Design - Material UI, Reduxjs, Zod, react-form, React, React Hooks, React Router, React Bootstrap, Gatsbyjs (Basic), Node JS, Active MQ, Amazon WebServices, TypeScript, ReactJS 


  • Currently working on internal project with React and NodeJS
  • Actively looking for new freelance position (can be full time basis as well), but as remote work with possibility off coming to the office few times per month if needed
  • Role that would be best fit for me would be Full Stack developer with React/ Java/ Kotlin/ NodeJS (Java primarily as I am most experienced in), but other roles like pure Back end developer or Front end developer is fine by me



  • Interested in all industries.
  • Do not have any preference.



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



4 months
2023-10 - 2024-01


Senior Front end developer ReactJS Node.js JavaScript ...
Senior Front end developer
Guiding Juniors in completing daily/weekly tasks
Code Reviews
Creating forms, user interfaces, performance optimizations and refactoring code base to be more in clean code
Refactoring older application into new Design and new code base
Giving inputs on library/technology selection based on requirements
Unfortunately short experience due to client closing whole team in Zagreb to have it localized in Brazil
Technologies: React, ES6, NodeJS, AWS, MongoDB, React query, React hook form, React hooks, Redux, Material UI,
Styled components, HTML, SCSS
ReactJS Node.js JavaScript AWS MongoDB
8 months
2023-02 - 2023-09

Frontend Development with React

FULL STACK DEVELOPER, Admin dashboard for analytics and statistics React ES6 Java ...
FULL STACK DEVELOPER, Admin dashboard for analytics and statistics

  • Frontend Development with React: Develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces using React and JavaScript
  • Collaborate with UX/UI designers to transform designs into a seamless user experience
  • Backend Development with Java: Design and implement robust and scalable microservices using Java. Develop business logic, handle database operations, and ensure high responsiveness to requests from the frontend
  • Data Management with PostgreSQL (NoSQL variant): Design, create, and manage database schemas. Implement robust data handling and storage solutions using the NoSQL variant of PostgreSQL to ensure efficient data storage, retrieval, and manipulation
  • Microservices Architecture: Structure the backend services following microservices best practices, ensuring decoupled, scalable, and maintainable components
  • API Gateway Integration: Utilize API Gateway to create, deploy, and manage secure and scalable APIs that interface with your microservices, ensuring seamless connectivity between frontend and backend
  • Code Review and Assistance: Conduct code reviews to uphold code quality and standards across the team. Offer constructive feedback to team members and aid in the implementation of changes and improvements

React ES6 Java PostgreSQL (NoSQL) API Gateway Yup RHF Redux React Query MUI AWS
7 months
2022-08 - 2023-02

Orange Bees main website

Front end developer, FULL STACK DEVELOPER
Front end developer, FULL STACK DEVELOPER

  • Spearheaded website enhancements, incorporating new features, and promptly addressing bugs using React and ES6
  • Collaborated closely with team members, providing assistance for timely task completion
  • Engineered user-centric web features with a keen focus on structure and design
  • Leveraged React Hook Form (RHF), Redux, React Query, and Material-UI (MUI) to ensure code reusability and optimized performance
  • Employed diverse markup languages, consistently optimizing page load times

Java 11 Spring Boot Apache Camel Microservices Jackson MapStruct Swagger API Open API Project Lombok Logstash JMS Spring Security Mockito Maven Hibernate JPQL Docker NodeJS JavaScript ES6 ReactJS SCSS HTML GatsbyJS Microsoft SQL Server Azure
Zagreb, Croatia, remote
7 months
2022-08 - 2023-02

Outage Notification System


Outage Notification System - Planned and unplanned outages as notifications/ events

  • Architected and initiated the project, defining its structure from the ground up
  • Collaborated with architects to decide on the optimal tech stack
  • Developed an API gateway leveraging webClient
  • Documented code extensively, ensuring clarity and fulfilling client requirements
  • Designed an exception management service for centralized exception and log handling
  • Developed ten distinct services, adhering to microservices architecture
  • Structured and managed database tables, relationships, and views
  • Implemented security measures using Spring Auth, integrating with Microsoft Azure
  • Configured messaging services using Active MQ and later Artemis, supporting event-driven architecture
  • Designed custom logging with LogStash, integrated within the application context
  • Managed version control using GIT, creating separate branches for distinct services
  • Crafted Docker configurations to containerize services
  • Wrote comprehensive tests, ensuring robust coverage, and conducted vital integration tests
Java 11 Spring Boot Apache Camel Microservices Jackson MapStruct Swagger API Open API Project Lombok Logstash JMS Spring Security Mockito Maven Hibernate JPQL Docker NodeJS JavaScript ES6 ReactJS SCSS HTML GatsbyJS Microsoft SQL Server Azure
Zagreb, Croatia
6 months
2022-03 - 2022-08

transition the front-end architecture from Angular to React

Front end developer, SOFTWARE DEVELOPER React Redux JEST ...
Front end developer, SOFTWARE DEVELOPER

Undertook a comprehensive project to transition the front-end architecture from Angular to React

  • Spearheaded the development of React components and modules, ensuring they were crafted from the ground up for optimal efficiency
  • Designed and architected the Redux store, meticulously formulating reducers to guarantee seamless data flow and management
  • Prioritized and executed unit tests for pivotal application segments using JEST to ensure robust performance
  • Demonstrated leadership by guiding junior team members, aiding in task completions and bug resolutions
  • Pioneered the creation of an efficient API to facilitate backend communication, ensuring seamless data interchange

Team Structure:

Operated within an agile framework with bi-weekly sprints

Atlassian JIRA Agile
React Redux JEST Material UI Docker GIT HTML CSS JavaScript (ES6) Angular Agile team
Zagreb, Croatia, Remote
1 year
2021-01 - 2021-12

platform for creating remote groups of people for certain jobs

FULL STACK DEVELOPER MySQL Docker Microservices ...

Permanent Full time work for Blazing Edge company, recently taken from DEPT, one of the largest digital agencies in Netherlands

  • Globalization Partners (platform for creating remote groups of people for certain jobs, finding people from different states, simple role and work people tracking, full support of payments over platform (salaries, other transactions), etc
  • Agile team, 2 week sprints
    • Implementing new features and advising solutions on certain tasks
    • Fixing old Java application that was being developed
    • Adapting old Java application and implementing all new features with newer code that had to work with new features and microservice architecture written in NodeJS
    • Fixing bugs on demand
    • Helping other developers understand newly written code logic and architecture
    • Presenting solutions to customer
    • Assisting in front end development with React and NodeJS microservices on back end when major team member was off or on vacation
    • Creating complex queries in Java with JPQL and adjusting them for best performance with multithreading
    • Structured whole Exception management service to handle all kind of exceptions and logging as needed
    • Deploying and monitoring application on AWS, including executing scripts for migrations

Atlassian JIRA Agile
MySQL Docker Microservices JavaScript TypeScript HTML CSS React Node.js AWS GIT Hibernate JPA Spring Boot Maven Swagger JIRA Confluence IntelliJ IDE Ultimate Visual studio code Java 8
Blazing Edge company
Zagreb, Croatia, Remote
1 year 3 months
2019-05 - 2020-07


Full stack developer Oracle SQL WebLogic RTC ...
Full stack developer

  • Permanent Full time work for EEAS (European External Action Service) in IT department of European Commission
  • GOALKEEPER ( web application for recruiting people outside and inside of European Union for work in European Institutions)
    • Agile team, 2 week sprints
    • Designing, implementing and constructing project from scratch to finish
    • Resolving tasks which included front end and back end implementations
    • Resolving bugs reported by tester in the team as priority
    • Resolving complex issues with Kendo UI and customizing its features to accommodate needs for the requests
    • Designing front end part with custom CSS and Bootstrap
    • Structuring project and a?pplying clean code in back end architecture

Oracle SQL WebLogic RTC Jazz platform KendoUI JavaScript Html CSS jQuery Maven Spring Spring DATA JPA Hibernate JSP Java (7/ 8)
EEAS (European External Action Service), FUJITSU BELGIUM
Bruxelles, Belgium
9 months
2018-07 - 2019-03

FINA e-Invoice

Full stack developer Java Spring Apache cxf/JAX B/JAX WS ...
Full stack developer

FINA e-Invoice is an online service intended for business entities for the electronic exchange of invoices between suppliers and customers and management of the entire business process of issuing, receiving and archiving e-invoices. Users of the service can send e-invoices to public procurement payers and other business entities, as well as receive e-invoices

  • Working on already on-going project e-invoice (70% done)
  • Implementing solutions and features to application logic in Java
  • Creating front end look with JavaScript and jQuery and later on converting front end to Angular5
  • Fixing bugs as needed
  • Exploring possibilities with at that time Angular 5 as newest version and implementing them to improve code design and solutions
  • Creating security with Spring Security

Atlassian JIRA Agile
Java Spring Apache cxf/JAX B/JAX WS WebSphere Tomcat JSP CSS3 HTML JavaScript SQL XML Angular TypeScript Bootstrap
Zagreb, Croatia
1 year
2017-01 - 2017-12


Java developer Java Vaadin GWT ...
Java developer
  • Developing web application Nausys, assisting team with learning and testing Vaadin whole product and make it work with appropriate examples
  • Transferring all data from Riak KV to Cassandra, working with GWT, JavaFx and Vaadin designer to make desktop UI application (like windows UI) as requested
  • Created advanced UI look with JavaFX and Vaadin to be like Windows 8 start search pop up
  • Assisting team members in usage of Vaadin designer and his features
  • Solving bugs and participating in daily meetings
Atlassian JIRA Agile
Java Vaadin GWT Rest JPA Cassandra Riak KV Elasticsearch Amazon S3 SQL JSF JavaScript
Zagreb, Croatia
1 year 1 month
2016-01 - 2017-01

SharePoint internal web application

Web developer SharePoint JavaScript jQuery ...
Web developer
  • Used JavaScript and jQuery for all front end work required for the project. That includes all task and bugs related to it
  • Regular usage for templating pages
  • Regular usage for styling components on the page and page its self
  • Usage along side with JavaScript to perform more complex tasks
  • Usage along side with CSS and HTML for easier responsiveness of application web
  • Assisting senior members to fill and help them finish their tasks sooner
  • Guidance of student workers on how to use web application and web site and how to accomplish certain tasks they were assigned to
  • Help in solving bugs within current application used for file transfers
SharePoint JavaScript jQuery HTML CSS Java
Zagreb, Croatia

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

4 years 8 months
2013-08 - 2018-03

Inteligent trasnport systems

Master degree, GRADUATE TRAFFIC ENGINEER, Faculty of traffic and transport science, ROBOTICS I. technical school Tesla
Faculty of traffic and transport science, ROBOTICS I. technical school Tesla

  • Thesis: gladly on request



React Developer/Worpress developer/Java devloper




Java JavaScript ReactJS Kotlin Spring TypeScript Maven Node.js Hibernate SQL NoSQL OAuth REST JAX-RS JAX-WS JUnit HTML CSS Webapplication AWS Cloud Git Apache Camel

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Maven, Git, SQL, Docker, Hibernate, JSON, Java, Spring Boot, REST, JavaScript, Unit Testing, Postman, Agile (Scrum), Jira, Swagger, Microservices, MySQL, CSS, Github, Design Patterns, Object-Oriented Programming, HTML5, Clean Code, Bootstrap, JQuery, Jetbrains Intellij Idea, RESTful api, Material Design - Material UI, Reduxjs, Zod, react-form, React, React Hooks, React Router, React Bootstrap, Gatsbyjs (Basic), Node JS, Active MQ, Amazon WebServices, TypeScript, ReactJS 


  • Currently working on internal project with React and NodeJS
  • Actively looking for new freelance position (can be full time basis as well), but as remote work with possibility off coming to the office few times per month if needed
  • Role that would be best fit for me would be Full Stack developer with React/ Java/ Kotlin/ NodeJS (Java primarily as I am most experienced in), but other roles like pure Back end developer or Front end developer is fine by me



  • Interested in all industries.
  • Do not have any preference.

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