Software architecture, software development (Java, Scala, SQL and PL/SQL), database development, agile processes, coaching
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Apache Spark
Mother tongue
Business fluent
Spoken: business fluent, Written: reading? business fluent, writing - good






15 years 2 months
2008-11 - 2023-12

Various projects

Principal Software Engineer Scala Java Spark on AWS EMR ...
Principal Software Engineer

  • Technical leadership supervision over development in the organization with 200+ developers (distributed over Ukraine, Poland, Germany, India, China, Korea and US)
  • review of requirements, architecture and decisions on technical stack selection
  • coaching

Link Derivation Service 2.0 Project:

  • Conversion of maps from the HD topology-based model to the SD link-based model (Scala, Java, Spark on AWS EMR)
  • As technical lead and architect developed an architecture and main approaches to conversion; tutored the project team to improve their development skills

Migration from Gerrit/Jenkins to Gitlab project:

  • Migrate all (30+) projects of the NDS organizational unit in HERE from Gerrit/Jenkins to GitLab (GitLab, YAML, Bash, Docker)
  • Prepared and run a series of GitLab workshops for developers. Developed migration guides and templates. Drove and oversaw the migration process of all teams

NDS Compiler Migration Project:

  • Migration of NDS Map Compilers development as well as production of NDS maps from the on-premise datacenter with Oracle Exadata to AWS using Oracle SE/SE2. (Oracle, Java, AWS RDS und AWS EC2, Gerrit/Jenkins, GitLab).
  • As technical lead and Oracle export I led migration of development and production processes of NDS Map Compilation from on-premise Oracle Exadata to Oracle SE on AWS EC2

NDS-Compiler Optimization Project:

  • Performance optimization of NDS Map Compilers (Oracle, Java).
  • As technical lead and Oracle expert I led the performance improvements efforts for NDS map production process resulted in approx. 3-fold improvement

Unity 3 Project:

  • Cloud-based high-performant Aggregation und Analytics for Nokia Services Business Logs; Analytics-Results presented via REST-Services and Tableau reports (Java, Hadoop (AWS EMR), Pig, Splunk, PostgreSQL (AWS RDS), RESTEasy, Tableau; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins as CI tools; Crucible for code reviews; Kanban as development process; AWS as Deployment Platform)
  • As a technical lead and an architect, I led the porting of Unity to the Cloud-environment (AWS) with a simultaneous replacement of the underlying database (from Oracle EE to PostgreSQL)

Unity Project:

  • Centralized high-performant Aggregation und Analytics for Nokia Services Business Logs; Analytics-Results presented via REST-Services and Oracle Apex reports (Java, Hadoop, Pig, Oracle SQL und PL/SQL, RESTEasy, Oracle APEX; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins as CI tools; Crucible for code reviews; Scrum as development process)
  • As technical lead und Architect I led a development of the Unity project

FFE (Fulfillment Engine) Project:

  • Centralized high-performant Authentication, Authorization und Business-Logging System for NAVTEQ Web-Shops, Web-Services und APIs. (Java, Spring, Oracle SQL und PL/SQL, JPA-Hibernate for non-time critical parts, Oracle APEX for Reporting; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins as CI tools; Crucible for code reviews; Scrum as development process).
  • Took over and improved the project architecture, as a technical lead (12-persons development team) and an ?acting architect ?I led a development of the 2nd and 3rd versions of the FFE System. Participated and then led a requirements analysis, an application and database development and optimization
  • Delivered a series of SQL und PL/SQL Workshops for the NAVTEQ developers

Scala Java Spark on AWS EMR GitLab YAML Bash Docker Oracle AWS RDS und AWS EC2 Gerrit/Jenkins Hadoop (AWS EMR) Pig Splunk PostgreSQL (AWS RDS) RESTEasy Tableau; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins
HERE Technologies
3 years 1 month
2005-10 - 2008-10

Various projects

Software and Database Developer Spring JDBC Hibernate ...
Software and Database Developer
Development process as a whole:
  • Company-wide technical responsibility for the development process organization and a technology stack selection
  • As a technical lead I organized a change from the waterfall to the agile development process (XP-like)with elements of the ?Test-Driven-Development?; organized and participated in a feasibility testing of Spring und ThinWire; organized and led an internal trainings in Java, JEE, und Java-based technologies (Spring, JDBC, Hibernate, ThinWire), as well as Eclipse IDE for the company developers

LFS-Neuentechnologie Project:

  • Java-based server-side components of the warehouse management system (in German ? Lagerführungssystem, LFS). (Java, Spring, Hibernate, Derby, Oracle, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries; agile development process).
  • Firstly participated and then took over a leadership in a requirements analysis, an application and a DB-structure development and optimization; developed a ?search a place? module

Warehouse Monitor Project:

  • Architecture, design and development of the flexible, database-independent, AJAX-based ?Warehouse Monitor? application (Dashboard- stile) for the realtime-monitoring of a warehouse state, as well over Internet. All indicators, DB connections and so on are freely configurable. (Java/Java2EE, Spring, ThinWire; Agile development process)
  • As a project lead I developed an architecture of the application and implemented its main modules, led its development as a whole

FreeCall Project:

  • Architecture, design und creation of the partially database-independent, AJAX-based fork lifts guidance application with an optimization of work orders and graphical representation of fork lifts state for small and medium organizations. (Java/Java2EE, Spring, ThinWire, Oracle, DB2 Universal Database für iSeries, Derby)
  • As a project lead, I developed an architecture of the application and its main modules and led the development as a whole

Further development and customer support for various pre-existing customer-specific projects:

  • (Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Developer, Java/Java2EE, Spring, ThinWire, Oracle, C, SAP SDK; waterfall und V-Model Prozesse)
  • As a project lead, I organized a further development of the LFS- application, a customer support, a processing of hotline-requests, as well as a configuration of Oracle standby-databases by customers as well as a development of interfaces between the warehouse management system and SAP
Spring JDBC Hibernate ThinWire Java Derby Oracle DB2 Universal Database Java/Java2EE ThinWire; Agile development process DB2 Universal Database für iSeries SQL PL/SQL Oracle Developer C SAP SDK; waterfall und V-Model Prozesse
Taunusstein, Germany
3 years 10 months
2001-12 - 2005-09

Various projects

Software and Database Developer, Oracle DBA (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft Excel ...
Software and Database Developer, Oracle DBA
IATA reporting project:
  • Design, Implementation und Support of the database for the DWH-application to process all Airwaybills for 38 countries. Development of a flexible reposting framework. (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel, Windows batch language)
  • As a lead architect and analyst, I developed an architecture of the applications and its underlying database. As a Oracle DBA performed an installation, a maintenance and an optimization of the respective database server


  • An Oracle-based system for creation of flight-related reports, and flight data clearing between airports and handling agents. A preparation of data for the airport traffic charging system of the ?Bundesamtes für Statistik? as well as for the airports analytical systems (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, Delphi, Windows batch language, Unix Schell script language ? Korn Shell, Windows scripting, Install Shield, Visual SourceSafe)
  • Configuration management, development of installationkits, installation of Oracle servers, creation and population of databases as well as installation of the Flirt-Win b? customers, customer support, administration and optimization of databases and DB-servers (on-site and remotely)
(Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft Excel Windows batch language Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Delphi Unix Schell script language ? Korn Shell Windows scripting Install Shield Visual SourceSafe
Fiplan GmbH
, Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
11 months
2001-01 - 2001-11

Various projects

Software-Architect Java C++ J2EE ...
TelesensKSCL Integration Framework Project:
  • Crossplatform integration of both existing and forthcoming TelesensKSCL products, based on Workflow Management System implementing the WfMC workflow reference model. (Java, C++, J2EE, C++, CORBA, Rational Rose, UML)
  • As a lead architect and an analyst of the project, I developed an architecture, development guidelines and integrations technics for the integration of existing and new products

Basic Development Framework Project (not finished):

  • Creation of the development framework, to be used in all forthcoming TelesensKSCL products. Was not finished due to a TelesensKSCL insolvency. (Java, J2EE; Rational development process) 
  • As a member of the requirements analysis team participated in a planning and execution of feasibility studies of J2EE technologies in a telecommunication billing systems

IP-VPN Project:

  • Development of a billing system for communication providers for IP-services provided over VPNs. (Rational Rose, UML, ?++)
  • As a member of the requirement analysis team, I led an analysis and design of the ?limits and discounts? subsystem
Java C++ J2EE CORBA Rational Rose UML ?++
TelesensKSCL AG
Cologne, Germany
5 years 3 months
1995-10 - 2000-12

Various projects

Director of IT-division (reporting to CEO) Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Delphi Java ...
Director of IT-division (reporting to CEO)
ORPHEY-2000 Project:
  • A joint effort of BASIS and UBTC banks to develop a bank information system according to the ?international accounting standards? introduced by National Bank of Ukraine (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, Delphi, Java, ReportBuilder)
  • As a lead of the joint team with 18 developers, I planned the whole system, developed its architecture (application and database) and implemented the most critical server-side components. As well, I directed the whole development, deployment and adoption process of this system

BASIS Project:

  • Bank information system (transferred from Investor AG) (Oracle SQL, PL/SQL and Forms 4.0, C, C++)
  • As a manager and a technical lead of an 8-person team, I planed the system, developed its architecture, and implemented the most critical server-side components, directed the overall development, deployment and adoption process of the system
Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Delphi Java ReportBuilder Oracle SQL PL/SQL and Forms 4.0 C C++
Kharkov, Ukraine
1 year 1 month
1994-09 - 1995-09

BASIS Project

Director of IT-division Oracle SQL PL/SQL and Forms 4.0 C ...
Director of IT-division
BASIS Project. Bank information system (core banking system) (Oracle SQL, PL/SQL and Forms 4.0, C, C++)
  • As a manager and a technical lead of an 8-person team, I planed the system, developed its architecture, and implemented the most critical server-side components, directed the overall development, deployment and adoption process of the system
Oracle SQL PL/SQL and Forms 4.0 C C++
Investor AG
Kharkov, Ukraine
4 years 1 month
1990-09 - 1994-09

Relief-Processor Project

Lead software engineer C C++ AutoCAD ...
Lead software engineer
Relief-Processor Project. System for analysis of terrain relief (C, C++, AutoCAD, DOS, Windows 3.1)
  • As a deputy team lead, I was responsible for technical and technological aspects of the development
  • Ported the system into the AutoCAD environment
  • Lead a development of the high-performance replacement for the BGI graphics drivers
  • Lead porting of the system from DOS to Windows 3.1
C C++ AutoCAD DOS Windows 3.1
Specvuzauto Ltd
Kharkov, Ukraine
8 years 1 month
1982-09 - 1990-09


Research worker IBM mainframe - PL/1 PC - Pascal
Research worker
OKVOPLAN Project. System for modelling and minimization of water resources pollution. (IBM mainframe - PL/1, PC - Pascal)
  • As a deputy team lead, I was responsible for all technical and technological aspects of the development
  • Performed feasibility studies for porting of the system to the PC
IBM mainframe - PL/1 PC - Pascal
Kharkov, Ukraine
2 years 8 months
1980-02 - 1982-09

Various projects

Software Engineer IBM Mainframe PL/1
Software Engineer
Trest-7 Project:
  • Participated in a development of an online enterprise information system for den biggest construction company in ex-USSR (IBM Mainframe, PL/1)
  • I have designed and developed an online multi-threaded subsystem for processing of queries formulated in a custom query language

STEEL Construction Project:

  • Offline information system for All-Union Ministry of Installation and Specialized Construction Work. (IBM mainframe, PL/1)
  • Development of reports
IBM Mainframe PL/1
Kharkov, Ukraine

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1973 - 1978

Kharkov State University, Ukraine


Diploma magna cum laude in mathematics


IBM Innovation Center for Business Partner


  • WebSphere Application Server 6.1 IBM technology for Java VM on i5OS performance

Rational University


  • Introduction in Rational Rose
  • Object-Oriented Analysis & Design with UML



  • Master Oracle Programmer
  • Master C++ Programmer
  • Object-Oriented Developer
  • Delphi Programmer
  • C Programmer

Thames Valley University, School of Technology and Information studies


  • Training Program for Open Learning Tutors



  • Principal or Lead Software Developer
  • Team Lead
  • Lead Software Architect
  • Lead Database Architect
  • (Senior) Product Owner




Java Oracle Softwarearchitektur Scala Coaching GitLab AWS C Apache Spark Hadoop

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • With my 42-years? experience in the professional software development and the expert-knowledge in the software architecture, Java, Scala, SQL-Databases (including, but not limiting to Oracle und PostgreSQL), Big Data und agile processes.
  • While I'm quite experienced I'm still thrilled and ready to capture new knowledge and skills, you may find my name in the "Acknowledgement" section of several books on software development
    • from "Making Java Groovy" and "Scala in Depth" up to "Specification by example: How successful teams deliver the right software".

  • I'm a born team player and constantly demonstrate such qualities as creativity, flexibility and an ability to learn fast.


Program Languages/Databases/Frameworks:

expert knowledge:

  • Java
  • Scala
  • Oracle (SQL, PL/SQL)
  • PostgreSQL
  • GitLab
  • Windows batch

advanced knowledge:

  • Spark
  • Hadoop
  • Pig
  • Splunk Search Sprache
  • AWS Redshift
  • C
  • Bourne-Again shell (Unix/Linux)
  • Korn shell (Unix)
  • Spring
  • JPA/Hibernate
  • Delphi
  • DB/2
  • MySQL
  • PL/1
  • Assembler PC

Object-oriented Architecture/Analyze/Design

advanced knowledge:

  • UML
  • Design patterns

Development processes

  • Agile processes (incl. Scrum und Kanban) - expert knowledge

  • Waterfall - advanced knowledge

  • V-Model - Basic knowledge

Work Experience

10/1999 - 10/2000

Role: head teacher 

Customer: Kharkov branch of TelesensKSCL


Refresher course 

  • As head teacher of the ?Oracle SQL and PL/SQL? subject was responsible for the development of the curriculum and related training materials, lectured on the subject and supervised course papers.

09/1994 - 08/1996

Role: subject leader

Customer: Kharkov Branch of Thames Valley University


  • As a subject leader of the ?Programming Languages? subject was responsible for customization of standard curriculums to Ukrainian environment as well as for development of new curriculums; lectured on the subject and supervised tutors


MS Windows NT
MS Windows Server
Linux /UNIX
SCO, BSD, Solaris
IBM Mainframes






15 years 2 months
2008-11 - 2023-12

Various projects

Principal Software Engineer Scala Java Spark on AWS EMR ...
Principal Software Engineer

  • Technical leadership supervision over development in the organization with 200+ developers (distributed over Ukraine, Poland, Germany, India, China, Korea and US)
  • review of requirements, architecture and decisions on technical stack selection
  • coaching

Link Derivation Service 2.0 Project:

  • Conversion of maps from the HD topology-based model to the SD link-based model (Scala, Java, Spark on AWS EMR)
  • As technical lead and architect developed an architecture and main approaches to conversion; tutored the project team to improve their development skills

Migration from Gerrit/Jenkins to Gitlab project:

  • Migrate all (30+) projects of the NDS organizational unit in HERE from Gerrit/Jenkins to GitLab (GitLab, YAML, Bash, Docker)
  • Prepared and run a series of GitLab workshops for developers. Developed migration guides and templates. Drove and oversaw the migration process of all teams

NDS Compiler Migration Project:

  • Migration of NDS Map Compilers development as well as production of NDS maps from the on-premise datacenter with Oracle Exadata to AWS using Oracle SE/SE2. (Oracle, Java, AWS RDS und AWS EC2, Gerrit/Jenkins, GitLab).
  • As technical lead and Oracle export I led migration of development and production processes of NDS Map Compilation from on-premise Oracle Exadata to Oracle SE on AWS EC2

NDS-Compiler Optimization Project:

  • Performance optimization of NDS Map Compilers (Oracle, Java).
  • As technical lead and Oracle expert I led the performance improvements efforts for NDS map production process resulted in approx. 3-fold improvement

Unity 3 Project:

  • Cloud-based high-performant Aggregation und Analytics for Nokia Services Business Logs; Analytics-Results presented via REST-Services and Tableau reports (Java, Hadoop (AWS EMR), Pig, Splunk, PostgreSQL (AWS RDS), RESTEasy, Tableau; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins as CI tools; Crucible for code reviews; Kanban as development process; AWS as Deployment Platform)
  • As a technical lead and an architect, I led the porting of Unity to the Cloud-environment (AWS) with a simultaneous replacement of the underlying database (from Oracle EE to PostgreSQL)

Unity Project:

  • Centralized high-performant Aggregation und Analytics for Nokia Services Business Logs; Analytics-Results presented via REST-Services and Oracle Apex reports (Java, Hadoop, Pig, Oracle SQL und PL/SQL, RESTEasy, Oracle APEX; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins as CI tools; Crucible for code reviews; Scrum as development process)
  • As technical lead und Architect I led a development of the Unity project

FFE (Fulfillment Engine) Project:

  • Centralized high-performant Authentication, Authorization und Business-Logging System for NAVTEQ Web-Shops, Web-Services und APIs. (Java, Spring, Oracle SQL und PL/SQL, JPA-Hibernate for non-time critical parts, Oracle APEX for Reporting; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins as CI tools; Crucible for code reviews; Scrum as development process).
  • Took over and improved the project architecture, as a technical lead (12-persons development team) and an ?acting architect ?I led a development of the 2nd and 3rd versions of the FFE System. Participated and then led a requirements analysis, an application and database development and optimization
  • Delivered a series of SQL und PL/SQL Workshops for the NAVTEQ developers

Scala Java Spark on AWS EMR GitLab YAML Bash Docker Oracle AWS RDS und AWS EC2 Gerrit/Jenkins Hadoop (AWS EMR) Pig Splunk PostgreSQL (AWS RDS) RESTEasy Tableau; Maven/Bamboo/Jenkins
HERE Technologies
3 years 1 month
2005-10 - 2008-10

Various projects

Software and Database Developer Spring JDBC Hibernate ...
Software and Database Developer
Development process as a whole:
  • Company-wide technical responsibility for the development process organization and a technology stack selection
  • As a technical lead I organized a change from the waterfall to the agile development process (XP-like)with elements of the ?Test-Driven-Development?; organized and participated in a feasibility testing of Spring und ThinWire; organized and led an internal trainings in Java, JEE, und Java-based technologies (Spring, JDBC, Hibernate, ThinWire), as well as Eclipse IDE for the company developers

LFS-Neuentechnologie Project:

  • Java-based server-side components of the warehouse management system (in German ? Lagerführungssystem, LFS). (Java, Spring, Hibernate, Derby, Oracle, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries; agile development process).
  • Firstly participated and then took over a leadership in a requirements analysis, an application and a DB-structure development and optimization; developed a ?search a place? module

Warehouse Monitor Project:

  • Architecture, design and development of the flexible, database-independent, AJAX-based ?Warehouse Monitor? application (Dashboard- stile) for the realtime-monitoring of a warehouse state, as well over Internet. All indicators, DB connections and so on are freely configurable. (Java/Java2EE, Spring, ThinWire; Agile development process)
  • As a project lead I developed an architecture of the application and implemented its main modules, led its development as a whole

FreeCall Project:

  • Architecture, design und creation of the partially database-independent, AJAX-based fork lifts guidance application with an optimization of work orders and graphical representation of fork lifts state for small and medium organizations. (Java/Java2EE, Spring, ThinWire, Oracle, DB2 Universal Database für iSeries, Derby)
  • As a project lead, I developed an architecture of the application and its main modules and led the development as a whole

Further development and customer support for various pre-existing customer-specific projects:

  • (Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Developer, Java/Java2EE, Spring, ThinWire, Oracle, C, SAP SDK; waterfall und V-Model Prozesse)
  • As a project lead, I organized a further development of the LFS- application, a customer support, a processing of hotline-requests, as well as a configuration of Oracle standby-databases by customers as well as a development of interfaces between the warehouse management system and SAP
Spring JDBC Hibernate ThinWire Java Derby Oracle DB2 Universal Database Java/Java2EE ThinWire; Agile development process DB2 Universal Database für iSeries SQL PL/SQL Oracle Developer C SAP SDK; waterfall und V-Model Prozesse
Taunusstein, Germany
3 years 10 months
2001-12 - 2005-09

Various projects

Software and Database Developer, Oracle DBA (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft Excel ...
Software and Database Developer, Oracle DBA
IATA reporting project:
  • Design, Implementation und Support of the database for the DWH-application to process all Airwaybills for 38 countries. Development of a flexible reposting framework. (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel, Windows batch language)
  • As a lead architect and analyst, I developed an architecture of the applications and its underlying database. As a Oracle DBA performed an installation, a maintenance and an optimization of the respective database server


  • An Oracle-based system for creation of flight-related reports, and flight data clearing between airports and handling agents. A preparation of data for the airport traffic charging system of the ?Bundesamtes für Statistik? as well as for the airports analytical systems (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, Delphi, Windows batch language, Unix Schell script language ? Korn Shell, Windows scripting, Install Shield, Visual SourceSafe)
  • Configuration management, development of installationkits, installation of Oracle servers, creation and population of databases as well as installation of the Flirt-Win b? customers, customer support, administration and optimization of databases and DB-servers (on-site and remotely)
(Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft Excel Windows batch language Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Delphi Unix Schell script language ? Korn Shell Windows scripting Install Shield Visual SourceSafe
Fiplan GmbH
, Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany
11 months
2001-01 - 2001-11

Various projects

Software-Architect Java C++ J2EE ...
TelesensKSCL Integration Framework Project:
  • Crossplatform integration of both existing and forthcoming TelesensKSCL products, based on Workflow Management System implementing the WfMC workflow reference model. (Java, C++, J2EE, C++, CORBA, Rational Rose, UML)
  • As a lead architect and an analyst of the project, I developed an architecture, development guidelines and integrations technics for the integration of existing and new products

Basic Development Framework Project (not finished):

  • Creation of the development framework, to be used in all forthcoming TelesensKSCL products. Was not finished due to a TelesensKSCL insolvency. (Java, J2EE; Rational development process) 
  • As a member of the requirements analysis team participated in a planning and execution of feasibility studies of J2EE technologies in a telecommunication billing systems

IP-VPN Project:

  • Development of a billing system for communication providers for IP-services provided over VPNs. (Rational Rose, UML, ?++)
  • As a member of the requirement analysis team, I led an analysis and design of the ?limits and discounts? subsystem
Java C++ J2EE CORBA Rational Rose UML ?++
TelesensKSCL AG
Cologne, Germany
5 years 3 months
1995-10 - 2000-12

Various projects

Director of IT-division (reporting to CEO) Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Delphi Java ...
Director of IT-division (reporting to CEO)
ORPHEY-2000 Project:
  • A joint effort of BASIS and UBTC banks to develop a bank information system according to the ?international accounting standards? introduced by National Bank of Ukraine (Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, Delphi, Java, ReportBuilder)
  • As a lead of the joint team with 18 developers, I planned the whole system, developed its architecture (application and database) and implemented the most critical server-side components. As well, I directed the whole development, deployment and adoption process of this system

BASIS Project:

  • Bank information system (transferred from Investor AG) (Oracle SQL, PL/SQL and Forms 4.0, C, C++)
  • As a manager and a technical lead of an 8-person team, I planed the system, developed its architecture, and implemented the most critical server-side components, directed the overall development, deployment and adoption process of the system
Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Delphi Java ReportBuilder Oracle SQL PL/SQL and Forms 4.0 C C++
Kharkov, Ukraine
1 year 1 month
1994-09 - 1995-09

BASIS Project

Director of IT-division Oracle SQL PL/SQL and Forms 4.0 C ...
Director of IT-division
BASIS Project. Bank information system (core banking system) (Oracle SQL, PL/SQL and Forms 4.0, C, C++)
  • As a manager and a technical lead of an 8-person team, I planed the system, developed its architecture, and implemented the most critical server-side components, directed the overall development, deployment and adoption process of the system
Oracle SQL PL/SQL and Forms 4.0 C C++
Investor AG
Kharkov, Ukraine
4 years 1 month
1990-09 - 1994-09

Relief-Processor Project

Lead software engineer C C++ AutoCAD ...
Lead software engineer
Relief-Processor Project. System for analysis of terrain relief (C, C++, AutoCAD, DOS, Windows 3.1)
  • As a deputy team lead, I was responsible for technical and technological aspects of the development
  • Ported the system into the AutoCAD environment
  • Lead a development of the high-performance replacement for the BGI graphics drivers
  • Lead porting of the system from DOS to Windows 3.1
C C++ AutoCAD DOS Windows 3.1
Specvuzauto Ltd
Kharkov, Ukraine
8 years 1 month
1982-09 - 1990-09


Research worker IBM mainframe - PL/1 PC - Pascal
Research worker
OKVOPLAN Project. System for modelling and minimization of water resources pollution. (IBM mainframe - PL/1, PC - Pascal)
  • As a deputy team lead, I was responsible for all technical and technological aspects of the development
  • Performed feasibility studies for porting of the system to the PC
IBM mainframe - PL/1 PC - Pascal
Kharkov, Ukraine
2 years 8 months
1980-02 - 1982-09

Various projects

Software Engineer IBM Mainframe PL/1
Software Engineer
Trest-7 Project:
  • Participated in a development of an online enterprise information system for den biggest construction company in ex-USSR (IBM Mainframe, PL/1)
  • I have designed and developed an online multi-threaded subsystem for processing of queries formulated in a custom query language

STEEL Construction Project:

  • Offline information system for All-Union Ministry of Installation and Specialized Construction Work. (IBM mainframe, PL/1)
  • Development of reports
IBM Mainframe PL/1
Kharkov, Ukraine

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1973 - 1978

Kharkov State University, Ukraine


Diploma magna cum laude in mathematics


IBM Innovation Center for Business Partner


  • WebSphere Application Server 6.1 IBM technology for Java VM on i5OS performance

Rational University


  • Introduction in Rational Rose
  • Object-Oriented Analysis & Design with UML



  • Master Oracle Programmer
  • Master C++ Programmer
  • Object-Oriented Developer
  • Delphi Programmer
  • C Programmer

Thames Valley University, School of Technology and Information studies


  • Training Program for Open Learning Tutors



  • Principal or Lead Software Developer
  • Team Lead
  • Lead Software Architect
  • Lead Database Architect
  • (Senior) Product Owner




Java Oracle Softwarearchitektur Scala Coaching GitLab AWS C Apache Spark Hadoop

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • With my 42-years? experience in the professional software development and the expert-knowledge in the software architecture, Java, Scala, SQL-Databases (including, but not limiting to Oracle und PostgreSQL), Big Data und agile processes.
  • While I'm quite experienced I'm still thrilled and ready to capture new knowledge and skills, you may find my name in the "Acknowledgement" section of several books on software development
    • from "Making Java Groovy" and "Scala in Depth" up to "Specification by example: How successful teams deliver the right software".

  • I'm a born team player and constantly demonstrate such qualities as creativity, flexibility and an ability to learn fast.


Program Languages/Databases/Frameworks:

expert knowledge:

  • Java
  • Scala
  • Oracle (SQL, PL/SQL)
  • PostgreSQL
  • GitLab
  • Windows batch

advanced knowledge:

  • Spark
  • Hadoop
  • Pig
  • Splunk Search Sprache
  • AWS Redshift
  • C
  • Bourne-Again shell (Unix/Linux)
  • Korn shell (Unix)
  • Spring
  • JPA/Hibernate
  • Delphi
  • DB/2
  • MySQL
  • PL/1
  • Assembler PC

Object-oriented Architecture/Analyze/Design

advanced knowledge:

  • UML
  • Design patterns

Development processes

  • Agile processes (incl. Scrum und Kanban) - expert knowledge

  • Waterfall - advanced knowledge

  • V-Model - Basic knowledge

Work Experience

10/1999 - 10/2000

Role: head teacher 

Customer: Kharkov branch of TelesensKSCL


Refresher course 

  • As head teacher of the ?Oracle SQL and PL/SQL? subject was responsible for the development of the curriculum and related training materials, lectured on the subject and supervised course papers.

09/1994 - 08/1996

Role: subject leader

Customer: Kharkov Branch of Thames Valley University


  • As a subject leader of the ?Programming Languages? subject was responsible for customization of standard curriculums to Ukrainian environment as well as for development of new curriculums; lectured on the subject and supervised tutors


MS Windows NT
MS Windows Server
Linux /UNIX
SCO, BSD, Solaris
IBM Mainframes

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