- Analyse System Requirements together with the stakeholders.
- Update/create SW Architecture concepts based on the System Requirements (focus areas: Diagnose, DTC Handling, Re-flashing, Power Management, Communication, Reset handling, Startup und Security).
- Documentation of concepts and SW design from static and dynamic view based on the analysis of the use cases.
- Definition of the performance concept and the implementation guidelines for the SW components.
- Carrying out reviews with relevant representatives from other disciplines and roles (system, architecture, development, possibly test) and incorporation of the review comments.
Support for the project team to improve the stability and the performance of the Instrument Cluster Box, for the Automotive Controller (focused on AUTOSAR BSW integration and configuration).
Part of the Project-House on the end-customer location (BMW, München) for analyzing the issues occurred during tests performed on cars or on benches (focused on the Automotive Controller side and the interaction with the Graphical Controller).
Support for extending the analysis capabilities for unexpected crash events that might occur in cars from the field, after SOP.
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
I received the title of engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Politehnica
University of Timi?oara, Romania.
Certifications and Trainings
Timisoara, Romania - ?Requirements Engineering for Project Managers? by Siemens VDO
Timisoara, Romania - ?HCS12 & S12X Product Family? training by Freescale
Regensburg, Germany - ?MPC5500 Family Training? by Freescale
Timisoara, Romania - ?TriCore® TC1796 microcontroller workshop? by Microconsult GmbH
Regensburg, Germany - ?MICROSAR Ethernet - AUTOSAR Classic Platform (CP) Advanced Training? by Vector Informatik GmbH
Summary of qualifications
- Analyse System Requirements together with the stakeholders.
- Update/create SW Architecture concepts based on the System Requirements (focus areas: Diagnose, DTC Handling, Re-flashing, Power Management, Communication, Reset handling, Startup und Security).
- Documentation of concepts and SW design from static and dynamic view based on the analysis of the use cases.
- Definition of the performance concept and the implementation guidelines for the SW components.
- Carrying out reviews with relevant representatives from other disciplines and roles (system, architecture, development, possibly test) and incorporation of the review comments.
Support for the project team to improve the stability and the performance of the Instrument Cluster Box, for the Automotive Controller (focused on AUTOSAR BSW integration and configuration).
Part of the Project-House on the end-customer location (BMW, München) for analyzing the issues occurred during tests performed on cars or on benches (focused on the Automotive Controller side and the interaction with the Graphical Controller).
Support for extending the analysis capabilities for unexpected crash events that might occur in cars from the field, after SOP.
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
HW & Tools
I received the title of engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Politehnica
University of Timi?oara, Romania.
Certifications and Trainings
Timisoara, Romania - ?Requirements Engineering for Project Managers? by Siemens VDO
Timisoara, Romania - ?HCS12 & S12X Product Family? training by Freescale
Regensburg, Germany - ?MPC5500 Family Training? by Freescale
Timisoara, Romania - ?TriCore® TC1796 microcontroller workshop? by Microconsult GmbH
Regensburg, Germany - ?MICROSAR Ethernet - AUTOSAR Classic Platform (CP) Advanced Training? by Vector Informatik GmbH
Summary of qualifications