Current project: consulting in test management, process improvement, monitoring, maintaining and increasing test base with Selenium and Testerra, Test data management, Hibernate, Liquibase, Teamcity build server, Jira, Confluence, SCRUM, agile testing
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2019-09 - 2021-03
Test Management
Test Manager, Tester, Consultant
Test Manager, Tester, Consultant
Test Management in accordance with ISTQB, Webtesting, CI/CD, SCRUM, Agile development
Test concept writing, execution, monitoring; Selenium Webdriver, Page/Object Pattern, Jenkins, K8s, Docker, Java Development, Hibernate, Liquibase, SQL databases, Test Data Management, Testmanager Consultant
Release Management to release to European Middleware Initiative (EMI) and the European Grid Infragstructure (EGI); Long standing cooperation with CERN, Translation and communication of european project requirements into the software project; Java software development, continuous integration and releasing, testing software, team management (dCache German Support Group), hands-ons and tutorials, direct customer contact and support
Release Management, Xen cluster + Jenkins CI system
Java development (distributed systems), maven project (multi module), Spring Framework
Administration and extension of chair web page: PHP, AJAX, SQL, Server 2005
University of Dresden, Germany
3 Jahre 5 Monate
2002-04 - 2005-08
Self Employment
Resale of print production supply articles, B2B
on request
7 Monate
2000-08 - 2001-02
Practical Training
Budget analysis
Project management (diabetes management software)
Day-to-day business
Promoted to a working student
Bayer Vital limited, Cologne, Germany
Aus- und Weiterbildung
Aus- und Weiterbildung
7 Jahre 7 Monate
2002-08 - 2010-02
Study - Computer Science
Dipl.-Inf. (Aquivalent CS Master), TU Dresden
Dipl.-Inf. (Aquivalent CS Master)
TU Dresden
System-oriented CS, production control, IEC 61131, SPS (STEP 7)
2 Jahre 6 Monate
1999-10 - 2002-03
Study - International Management
University of Applied Sciences, Hof (Germany)
University of Applied Sciences, Hof (Germany)
4 Monate
2001-09 - 2001-12
Chinese Business Program
Chinese business behavior
11 Monate
1997-08 - 1998-06
High School
Farmington High school, Missouri (USA)
Farmington High school, Missouri (USA)
1 Monat
1997-07 - 1997-07
Sports-Gymnasium Dresden (Germany)
Sports-Gymnasium Dresden (Germany)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich
3 Jahre 10 Monate
2021-03 - heute
DEVops and Test Management
IT Freelancer
IT Freelancer
Current project: consulting in test management, process improvement, monitoring, maintaining and increasing test base with Selenium and Testerra, Test data management, Hibernate, Liquibase, Teamcity build server, Jira, Confluence, SCRUM, agile testing
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2019-09 - 2021-03
Test Management
Test Manager, Tester, Consultant
Test Manager, Tester, Consultant
Test Management in accordance with ISTQB, Webtesting, CI/CD, SCRUM, Agile development
Test concept writing, execution, monitoring; Selenium Webdriver, Page/Object Pattern, Jenkins, K8s, Docker, Java Development, Hibernate, Liquibase, SQL databases, Test Data Management, Testmanager Consultant
Release Management to release to European Middleware Initiative (EMI) and the European Grid Infragstructure (EGI); Long standing cooperation with CERN, Translation and communication of european project requirements into the software project; Java software development, continuous integration and releasing, testing software, team management (dCache German Support Group), hands-ons and tutorials, direct customer contact and support
Release Management, Xen cluster + Jenkins CI system
Java development (distributed systems), maven project (multi module), Spring Framework