IT Project & Program Management for multicountry endeavours. Compliance, Outsourcing and Vendor Management. IT Line Management.
Aktualisiert am 02.02.2024
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Project Management
Interim Management
Software Development Life Cycle
ISO 27001
Software Testing
Core Banking
Online Banking
Payment Products
Anti-Financial Crime



D-64289 (+100km)



1 Jahr 7 Monate
2021-07 - 2023-01

Card Present unit?s

Manager - Corporate IT Post-Acquisition Integration (interim)
Manager - Corporate IT Post-Acquisition Integration (interim)
  • - Worked at the Cybersource Card Present unit?s PMO organization to support the resolution of post-acquisition integration related issues following Visa?s acquisition of Payworks GmbH (a Munich based start-up on payment gateway technology):
    • Aligning Payworks? software assets with Visa?s technology portfolio and standards.
    • Establishing knowledge-management on existing hardware/software/process issues and following up the resolution actions with Visa Corporate IT organization.
    • Coordinating the closure and reporting of IT security findings coming from 8 source systems.
  • Acted as PMO Program Lead for the Future of the Platform program with 9 sub-projects, organized using Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
Visa, Munich
5 Monate
2021-01 - 2021-05

Postbank Systems Transformation

Vendor Manager
Vendor Manager

  • Worked as a Vendor Manager as part of the Transition and Transformation Program, following the acquisition of Postbank Systems AG (PBS) by Tata Consultancy Services in December 2020.
  • Main responsibility was to launch and structure the program workstream to review and optimize the third-party (vendor) pass-through contracts of PBS, which had a total annual volume of ~90 million Euro.

Deutsche Bank AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2019-06 - 2020-11

IT Consulting

IT Manager
IT Manager

- Supported the set-up of new workplace infrastructure for the schoolteachers and the principal office.
- Supported the setup of a new network interface to Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung regarding a teacher/student database.
- Sparring partner for the school management for various IT demands.

Freie Montessori Schule Darmstadt
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2018-01 - 2019-04

Sanctions and Embargoes Transformation (SET) Program

Interim Manager at the Change Management workstream
Interim Manager at the Change Management workstream
  • As part of a major global transformation program to address regulatory compliance issues, prepared and managed the lifecycle of 11 complex Change Requests (CRs) from requirements gathering till go-live, for a private-cloud Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) application. The application was serving 50+ countries, used by 2nd and 3rd Line of Defense to review/decide/report on about 1 million transactions/year, which were marked as a ?hit? against the current sanctions or anti-money laundering lists.
  • The CRs have been on a wide range of topics including enabling the global consistency of decision-making process (despite deviating local regulations), major improvements to the management information reporting including improved field level mappings of SWIFT and SEPA transactions, user rights enhancements and other functional and non-functional improvements on usability and system performance.
  • Aligned and worked with the global AFC and Global Messaging Operations business units, their IT organization and the software vendor for the lengthy preparation and bank-internal testing phases of the CRs.
  • Formed a governance structure and processed the backlog of several hundred active/inactive CRs in JIRA.
  • Supported the transition of the AFC IT organization from traditional project management to agile, utilizing Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe); in this context acted as Epic Owner for numerous topics.

Significant achievements:

  • Generated a 7-digit Euro cost saving for the bank due to the consolidation, refinement and elimination of numerous active CRs to the software vendor.
  • Successfully addressed the relevant US regulatory audit findings.
Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main/DE
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2015-09 - 2017-11

European Central Bank (ECB) Contract Remediation

Vendor Manager (interim)
Vendor Manager (interim)
  • Coordinated the contract changes of 1000 global high-risk vendor services, to ensure their compliance to bank?s newest IT security control framework based on ISO 27001, other MaRisk-Outsourcing and GDPR related regulations, due to a European Central Bank audit finding.
  • Aligned the relevant business and procurement contacts for each contract, single-handedly drafted the contract changes and got the appropriate legal approvals, initiated the change on the vendor side and coordinated the rest negotiations till the contract changes were executed and the remaining gaps were risk-accepted.
  • Supported the resolution of gaps between the IT security control frameworks of the vendors? and the bank.
  • The contract and vendor risk management tool landscape were based on SAP Ariba.
  • Established a feedback-channel to correct wrong/missing data at the golden sources of the bank.

Significant achievements

  • On time, according to planned scope and under-budget (mainly due to the reduced cost for external law firms and translation agencies, as most of their planned work could be insourced) completion of the project, despite the complexity of geographical spread and significant number of stakeholders with different interests.
Deutsche Bank AG, Eschborn/DE
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2012-12 - 2014-12

Management of the IT department and 25 IT vendors

Head of IT / Outsourcing Officer
Head of IT / Outsourcing Officer
  • Reporting to the CEO, managed the IT department with 5 direct reports and 25 IT vendors (of which 10 critical).
  • Acted as a single point of contact for German and Turkish banking regulatory bodies, Akbank T.A.?. and Akbank AG internal audit departments and directed the follow-up activities.
  • As Outsourcing Officer, supervised the selection, control and relationship management for all (IT and non-IT) vendors of the bank.
  • Responsibilities included maintenance of a small onsite data center and local end-user infrastructure, Identity and Access Management as well as Service Management for all applications, executing IT Security controls, operative and strategic IT Procurement with relevant contract management activities, Business Continuity Management including the management of distant emergency workspaces and execution of continuity tests, acting as a sparring partner to the board other departments in all operational IT matters and side business projects (e.g. EMIR, FATCA).
  • Conducted a new Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) system selection.
  • Selected a new vendor for the Network Vulnerability Management and coordinated the implementation.
  • Directed a lengthy vendor selection process for the new online/mobile banking platform.
  • Enhanced the existing Anti-Money Laundering systems (NICE Actimize) (expanding the suspicious activity monitoring coverage, introducing a new name list vendor, implementation of a new roles/rights concept).
  • Directed the make-or-buy analysis for the digitalization of the credit department's complete workflow; created the customized JIRA based solution architecture and initiated the in-house implementation project.
  • Initiated and directed the SEPA Implementation project till successful completion. Major tasks were software/vendor selection and the testing of the customized solution at bank?s premises.
  • Coordinated the Windows XP to 7/8 upgrade.

Significant achievements

  • Stabilized the IT Organization regarding the team, major systems and the main vendors as a continuation of the post-merger activities of the bank (Akbank Netherlands had merged into Akbank AG in mid-2012).
  • Did major improvements to the operational processes and relevant documentation for business continuity, data center, desktop infrastructure, core banking platform and related management information systems
Akbank AG, Frankfurt am Main
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2010-10 - 2012-12

Beeline Card

Project Manager
Project Manager
Beeline Card (VimpelCom?s strategic united mobile commerce (B2C) project where Beeline Card cobrand product is implemented and launched Russia wide together with Alfa Bank. The card issuing product was aimed for the retail customers that they could request a virtual and/or plastic credit card from their prepaid/postpaid mobiles during shopping and the card was issued immediately for their instant use.)
  • Coordinated two Sybase subcontractor firms in Germany and India for design, development and testing of the quite complicated software requirements including PCI compliance based on Sybase Mobiliser Platform.
  • Managed all aspects of the Sybase involvement in the complex System Integration, Security and Performance Tests that were executed by the partner system integrator firm in Russia, spread over multiple environments.
  • Coordinated the support effort for the VimpelCom?s own User Acceptance Tests that were run in their premises.
  • Successfully assisted the productive launch of the system Russia wide.
Alfa Bank/Vimpelcom Raunheim (DE), Moscow (RU) Bangalore (IN)
11 Monate
2010-10 - 2011-08

Cash 2 Mobile - Pilot

Project Manager
Project Manager
Cash 2 Mobile - Pilot (Pilot project for bank?s mobile payment initiative in the B2B consumer goods sector)
  • Led project till successful launch in Poland and acceptance of the pilot mobile payment product by Citibank on a global scale, as well as giving service management oversight to the productive system post launch.
  • Supported the set-up and coordinated the execution of System Integration and User Acceptance Tests at two different client locations.
  • Coordinated release management and packaging activities with the client.
  • Managed the Citi Data Center - Sybase Hub setup for the SMS messaging subcomponent.
  • Coordinated the Sybase activities associated with the bank?s handover of the Sybase Mobiliser Platform to their global production support team
Citibank Raunheim (DE), Dublin (IE), Warsaw (PL)
5 Monate
2010-05 - 2010-09

Japan Rollout

Project Manager
Project Manager
Japan Rollout (Bank?s initiative to enter the Japanese market via opening an internet bank based on Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking applications)
  • Prepared the Statement of Work and the supporting contractual agreements together with the sales team.
  • Initiated the project, set up the onsite team and the offshore development teams.
  • Agreed and baselined the project plan.
  • Created the finalized test strategy approach with the bank managers.
  • Coordinated the offshore software development as well as onsite parametrization and early functional tests in Germany.
  • Planned the User Acceptance Test (UAT) with the client and conducted a handover phase in India to the offshore project manager pre UAT start.
Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Berlin (DE), Bangalore (IN), Tokyo (JP)
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2008-04 - 2010-09

diverse Projekte

Project Manager Service
Project Manager Service

Oracle Financial Services Software b.v, Frankfurt am Main
7 Monate
2009-10 - 2010-04

Internet Bank implementation for Germany

Project Manager/ Solution Architect
Project Manager/ Solution Architect
  • Internet Bank Implementation for Germany (Bank?s initiative to open first an internet bank and then to migrate their existing bank to Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking platform)
  • Coordinated the startup and scoping related activities and designed the future solution architecture for the project to implement an internet bank for Germany.
  • Initiated the project via coordinating the client, the system integrator and Oracle project teams.
  • Coordinated the activities for the project scoping and business requirements capturing at both project locations via interviewing all relevant client members and conducting product walk-through sessions.
  • Did project planning for the implementation project together with the system integrator managers.
  • Directed the solution architecture design activities and prepared the final official deliverable package addressed to client?s executive team.
AXA Bank Germany Cologne (DE), Brussels (BE)
5 Monate
2009-06 - 2009-10

Term Deposits Introduction

Project Manager
Project Manager
  • Term Deposits Introduction (Introducing Fixed Term Deposits functionality into the bank?s German banking platform)
  • Led the project from the initiation phase till successful go-live.
  • Agreed the contractual changes and the project plan with the client.
  • Coordinated the requirements gathering and documentation phase which involved the client, the data center (Finanz Informatik Technologie Service), onsite and offshore Oracle resources.
  • Monitored offshore development and coordinated onsite preparation activities for User Acceptance Tests.
  • Managed User and Operational Acceptance Tests as well as the successful release to production
Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Berlin (DE)
9 Monate
2008-10 - 2009-06

Bank of Scotland ? Netherlands

Project Manager
Project Manager
  • Bank of Scotland - Netherlands (Bank?s initiative to enter the Netherlands market via opening an internet bank based on Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking applications)
  • Led the project from initiation till successful go-live (as on a tight total timeline of 8 months.
  • Took part in the contract negotiations and initiated the project, set up the onsite Oracle project team.
  • Did estimations and project planning involving both traditional (for the core banking) and agile (for the internet banking) delivery methods; the project involved the onsite implementation team, 2 offshore (India) development groups, onsite client team and the data center/hosting provider (Finanz Informatik Technologie Service).
  • Coordinated a time-critical requirements gathering phase.
  • Planned and agreed on the overall solution architecture including all external interfaces.
  • Finalized the overall test strategy along with client and data center test managers and actively supported the execution of Integration, Security, Performance and User Acceptance Testing.
  • Interacted daily with the client and the data center company project managers throughout the project.
  • Monitored and reported the progress to stakeholders till project closure.
Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Berlin (DE)
6 Monate
2008-05 - 2008-10

Bank?s initiative to enter the German market

Test / Service Manager
Test / Service Manager
Bank of Scotland - Germany (Bank?s initiative to enter the German market via opening an internet bank based on Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking applications)
  • Established working rules and deescalated the relationship between Oracle, the bank and the German data center (Finanz Informatik Technologie Service) firms, which have not worked together before.
  • Coordinated the planning and proper execution of the complex test phases (Integration, Security, Performance, Breakpoint and User Acceptance Testing) in 3 project locations, together with several test managers from the bank and the data center, till successful launch as
  • Supported the execution of external IT Security Certification/Test of the whole system.
  • Supported the setting up of Business Continuity Management processes.
  • Interacted with the offshore technical experts to resolve several issues encountered in the testing phases.
  • In the later stages of the project and at the post-launch period took the coordination of the Service Management as part of the transition to the support phase.
  • Worked on the implementation of the productive Incident, Change and Release Management procedures together with the counterpart service managers
Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Berlin (DE)
1 Jahr
2007-05 - 2008-04

NAVTEQ Connected Services (NCS) Rel. 2

Technical Testing Lead
Technical Testing Lead
NAVTEQ Connected Services (NCS) Release 2 (Program to provide locations-based services and telematics services to B2B and B2C customers)
  •  Led the technical testing team where several locations-based and telematics services were being introduced.
  • Coordinated the technical (Performance and Operation Readiness) test teams for the whole Release 2.
  • Coordination effort included the following tasks: Test planning, selection of the test management software, setting up the test environments (established in NAVTEQ?s Chicago office), test conditions and scripts preparation, test execution and reporting.
  • Acted as the counterpart to the client?s Test Coordinator
NAVTEQ Sulzbach (DE)
7 Jahre 2 Monate
2001-02 - 2008-03

diverse Projekte


Accenture GmbH, Kronberg im Taunus
8 Monate
2006-10 - 2007-05

Central Counterparty for Equities (CCP) Rel. 3.2 Acceptance

Project Lead
Project Lead
Central Counterparty for Equities (CCP) Release 3.2 Acceptance (Integrating UK Products of Eurex into CCP)
  • Directed the Acceptance (Test) Project for the CCP 3.2 Release where processing of Eurex deliveries resulting from UK products are integrated into the existing CCP platform.
  • Coordinated the creation of the acceptance test approach in coordination with various business departments.
  • Planned 3 complicated test phases spread over 6 months which are having different test content and to be executed on different technical environments consecutively.
  • Coordinated the end-to-end test execution, covering 12 systems connected to the CCP core platform, involving Germany and England as main locations.
  • Represented the project status in weekly Issue, SIR and Status meetings.
Deutsche Börse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), Frankfurt am Main (DE)
5 Monate
2006-06 - 2006-10

LEON - Frontend

Project Lead
Project Lead
LEON - Frontend (The project to replace the entire legacy application landscape of the bank)
  • Coordinated the development activities for the subproject "Frontend? where a new J2EE based front-office-tool for the bank?s sales force was introduced. The tool was developed by a subcontractor, which had onsite and offshore resources.
  • Did estimations and detailed project plan for the development activities.
  • Acted as an interface between the related functional and technical teams of the client and the subcontractor.
  • Coordinated and monitored the technical design and the implementation.
    Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing, Vienna (AT)
    4 Monate
    2006-02 - 2006-05

    Credit Data Store - Basel II & US GAAP

    Member of Requirement Gathering & Analysis Team
    Member of Requirement Gathering & Analysis Team
    Credit Data Store - Basel II & US GAAP (The bank?s program for adapting the Basel II and US GAAP standards)
    • Worked on process improvements for the Requirements Gathering & Analysis Team and initiated the implementation of an IT Governance model.
    • Analyzed the existing process flow of the Requirements Gathering Team and produced optimization and improvement strategies.
    • Created ?As-Is? and ?To-Be? checklists, process descriptions and flows.
    • Coordinated the IT Governance software selection effort by defining selection matrixes and organizing briefing sessions with the possible vendors and the bank?s senior management
    Dresdner Bank Frankfurt am Main (DE)
    2 Monate
    2006-01 - 2006-02

    DigiDispo Architecture Review

    Technical Reviewer
    Technical Reviewer
    • Interviewed the key client personnel from various departments.
    • Did analysis on the current situation, considering the AS400 based host system, the handheld devices that are used for scanning and data transfer, the communication servers and the WLAN/ GPRS/internet network infrastructure.
    • Did benchmarking for other possible handheld devices of different vendors.
    • Wrote the review document and presented the results to the CIO of the client.
    Hellmann Logistics, Osnabrück (DE)

    Aus- und Weiterbildung

    Aus- und Weiterbildung

    3 Jahre 5 Monate
    2006-10 - 2010-02

    International Management Consulting

    MBA, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein/DE
    Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein/DE

    4 Jahre 5 Monate
    1995-09 - 2000-01

    Chemical Engineering

    B.Sc., Middle East Technical University Ankara/TR
    Middle East Technical University Ankara/TR




    Project Management Interim Management Outsourcing Software Development Life Cycle ISO 27001 Software Testing Core Banking Online Banking Payment Products Audit Compliance Anti-Financial Crime

    Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


    I have 22 years of profound IT, consulting, project management, line management and interim management experience for renowned clients, including 9 banks and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. I have successfully completed 25+ projects in 8 countries with compliance, audit, outsourcing, procurement, IT security, service management, software development/test, packaged software implementation, digitalization and system integration focus. I could be described as a hands-on manager with a habit and a track record of getting the right things done

    Work Expetience

    2015-09 - 2019-04

    Role: Interim Manager 

    Customer:  Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main/DE, Eschborn/DE


    • Supported the global Sanctions and Embargoes Transformation Program of the Anti-Financial Crime unit.
    • Coordinated the remediation activities for 1000 global, high risk vendor contracts of the bank to adapt to its newest IT security control framework based on ISO 27001, due to a European Central Bank regulation.

    2012-12 - 2014-12

    Role: Head of IT & Outsourcing Officer  

    Customer:  Akbank AG, Frankfurt am Main/DE


    • Head of IT Department, reporting to the bank?s CEO; in addition, in charge of selection, control and relationship management for all vendors of the bank and the single point of contact for all internal and external IT auditors.
    • Responsibilities included project portfolio management, IT-purchasing, coordinating the operational tasks, enduser support and safeguarding the whole IT landscape of the bank.

    2010-10 - 2012-12

    Role: Senior Project Manager 

    Customer:  Sybase GmbH, an SAP Company, Raunheim/DE


    • Managed multiple international projects on mobile commerce for banking clients, utilizing Sybase?s flagship Mobiliser platform.

    2008-04 - 2010-09

    Role: Project Manager 

    Customer: Oracle Financial Services Software b.v., Frankfurt am Main/DE


    • Initiated and directed on-site implementation projects for Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking (core banking) and Direct Banking (internet banking) products, with staff and financial accountability.

    2001-02 - 2008-03

    Role: Consultant 

    Customer:  Accenture GmbH, Kronberg im Taunus/DE


    • Worked for many renowned Fortune Global clients, predominantly in the finance industry, concentrating on IT consulting and project management.
    • On the technical and software engineering front, took roles ranging from programmer, tester and development team leader to technical architect for a broad range of technologies, focusing at the Internet/Client-Server area.
    • On the project management and consulting front, have grown from a team member to leading teams as well as managing several challenging projects.

    2000-09 - 2001-01

    Role: Research Assistant 

    Customer:  Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office Computer Center, Ankara/TR


    • Provided onsite technical (hardware/software related) support for about 60 employees of the Presidency Office in a team of 2.

    1999-04 - 2000-08

    Role: Customer Advisor at the Call Center 

    Customer:   ??Net A.?. (Internet Service Provider subsidiary of Türkiye ?? Bankas? A.?.), Ankara/TR


    • Provided technical support to the ISP customers regarding user accounts, connectivity and various hardware and software issues.
    • Worked in a project team to design and implement training programs for the new employees of the Call Center.

    1997-06 - 1997-09

    Role: Intern at the Technology Department ?zmit/TR

    Customer: BEKSA Steel Cord Trading Co.


    • Analyzed the TQM - EFQM processes and the custom implementations at BEKSA, which won the EFQM Quality Award for SMEs in 1997.



    D-64289 (+100km)



    1 Jahr 7 Monate
    2021-07 - 2023-01

    Card Present unit?s

    Manager - Corporate IT Post-Acquisition Integration (interim)
    Manager - Corporate IT Post-Acquisition Integration (interim)
    • - Worked at the Cybersource Card Present unit?s PMO organization to support the resolution of post-acquisition integration related issues following Visa?s acquisition of Payworks GmbH (a Munich based start-up on payment gateway technology):
      • Aligning Payworks? software assets with Visa?s technology portfolio and standards.
      • Establishing knowledge-management on existing hardware/software/process issues and following up the resolution actions with Visa Corporate IT organization.
      • Coordinating the closure and reporting of IT security findings coming from 8 source systems.
    • Acted as PMO Program Lead for the Future of the Platform program with 9 sub-projects, organized using Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
    Visa, Munich
    5 Monate
    2021-01 - 2021-05

    Postbank Systems Transformation

    Vendor Manager
    Vendor Manager

    • Worked as a Vendor Manager as part of the Transition and Transformation Program, following the acquisition of Postbank Systems AG (PBS) by Tata Consultancy Services in December 2020.
    • Main responsibility was to launch and structure the program workstream to review and optimize the third-party (vendor) pass-through contracts of PBS, which had a total annual volume of ~90 million Euro.

    Deutsche Bank AG
    1 Jahr 6 Monate
    2019-06 - 2020-11

    IT Consulting

    IT Manager
    IT Manager

    - Supported the set-up of new workplace infrastructure for the schoolteachers and the principal office.
    - Supported the setup of a new network interface to Hessische Zentrale für Datenverarbeitung regarding a teacher/student database.
    - Sparring partner for the school management for various IT demands.

    Freie Montessori Schule Darmstadt
    1 Jahr 4 Monate
    2018-01 - 2019-04

    Sanctions and Embargoes Transformation (SET) Program

    Interim Manager at the Change Management workstream
    Interim Manager at the Change Management workstream
    • As part of a major global transformation program to address regulatory compliance issues, prepared and managed the lifecycle of 11 complex Change Requests (CRs) from requirements gathering till go-live, for a private-cloud Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) application. The application was serving 50+ countries, used by 2nd and 3rd Line of Defense to review/decide/report on about 1 million transactions/year, which were marked as a ?hit? against the current sanctions or anti-money laundering lists.
    • The CRs have been on a wide range of topics including enabling the global consistency of decision-making process (despite deviating local regulations), major improvements to the management information reporting including improved field level mappings of SWIFT and SEPA transactions, user rights enhancements and other functional and non-functional improvements on usability and system performance.
    • Aligned and worked with the global AFC and Global Messaging Operations business units, their IT organization and the software vendor for the lengthy preparation and bank-internal testing phases of the CRs.
    • Formed a governance structure and processed the backlog of several hundred active/inactive CRs in JIRA.
    • Supported the transition of the AFC IT organization from traditional project management to agile, utilizing Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe); in this context acted as Epic Owner for numerous topics.

    Significant achievements:

    • Generated a 7-digit Euro cost saving for the bank due to the consolidation, refinement and elimination of numerous active CRs to the software vendor.
    • Successfully addressed the relevant US regulatory audit findings.
    Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main/DE
    2 Jahre 3 Monate
    2015-09 - 2017-11

    European Central Bank (ECB) Contract Remediation

    Vendor Manager (interim)
    Vendor Manager (interim)
    • Coordinated the contract changes of 1000 global high-risk vendor services, to ensure their compliance to bank?s newest IT security control framework based on ISO 27001, other MaRisk-Outsourcing and GDPR related regulations, due to a European Central Bank audit finding.
    • Aligned the relevant business and procurement contacts for each contract, single-handedly drafted the contract changes and got the appropriate legal approvals, initiated the change on the vendor side and coordinated the rest negotiations till the contract changes were executed and the remaining gaps were risk-accepted.
    • Supported the resolution of gaps between the IT security control frameworks of the vendors? and the bank.
    • The contract and vendor risk management tool landscape were based on SAP Ariba.
    • Established a feedback-channel to correct wrong/missing data at the golden sources of the bank.

    Significant achievements

    • On time, according to planned scope and under-budget (mainly due to the reduced cost for external law firms and translation agencies, as most of their planned work could be insourced) completion of the project, despite the complexity of geographical spread and significant number of stakeholders with different interests.
    Deutsche Bank AG, Eschborn/DE
    2 Jahre 1 Monat
    2012-12 - 2014-12

    Management of the IT department and 25 IT vendors

    Head of IT / Outsourcing Officer
    Head of IT / Outsourcing Officer
    • Reporting to the CEO, managed the IT department with 5 direct reports and 25 IT vendors (of which 10 critical).
    • Acted as a single point of contact for German and Turkish banking regulatory bodies, Akbank T.A.?. and Akbank AG internal audit departments and directed the follow-up activities.
    • As Outsourcing Officer, supervised the selection, control and relationship management for all (IT and non-IT) vendors of the bank.
    • Responsibilities included maintenance of a small onsite data center and local end-user infrastructure, Identity and Access Management as well as Service Management for all applications, executing IT Security controls, operative and strategic IT Procurement with relevant contract management activities, Business Continuity Management including the management of distant emergency workspaces and execution of continuity tests, acting as a sparring partner to the board other departments in all operational IT matters and side business projects (e.g. EMIR, FATCA).
    • Conducted a new Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) system selection.
    • Selected a new vendor for the Network Vulnerability Management and coordinated the implementation.
    • Directed a lengthy vendor selection process for the new online/mobile banking platform.
    • Enhanced the existing Anti-Money Laundering systems (NICE Actimize) (expanding the suspicious activity monitoring coverage, introducing a new name list vendor, implementation of a new roles/rights concept).
    • Directed the make-or-buy analysis for the digitalization of the credit department's complete workflow; created the customized JIRA based solution architecture and initiated the in-house implementation project.
    • Initiated and directed the SEPA Implementation project till successful completion. Major tasks were software/vendor selection and the testing of the customized solution at bank?s premises.
    • Coordinated the Windows XP to 7/8 upgrade.

    Significant achievements

    • Stabilized the IT Organization regarding the team, major systems and the main vendors as a continuation of the post-merger activities of the bank (Akbank Netherlands had merged into Akbank AG in mid-2012).
    • Did major improvements to the operational processes and relevant documentation for business continuity, data center, desktop infrastructure, core banking platform and related management information systems
    Akbank AG, Frankfurt am Main
    2 Jahre 3 Monate
    2010-10 - 2012-12

    Beeline Card

    Project Manager
    Project Manager
    Beeline Card (VimpelCom?s strategic united mobile commerce (B2C) project where Beeline Card cobrand product is implemented and launched Russia wide together with Alfa Bank. The card issuing product was aimed for the retail customers that they could request a virtual and/or plastic credit card from their prepaid/postpaid mobiles during shopping and the card was issued immediately for their instant use.)
    • Coordinated two Sybase subcontractor firms in Germany and India for design, development and testing of the quite complicated software requirements including PCI compliance based on Sybase Mobiliser Platform.
    • Managed all aspects of the Sybase involvement in the complex System Integration, Security and Performance Tests that were executed by the partner system integrator firm in Russia, spread over multiple environments.
    • Coordinated the support effort for the VimpelCom?s own User Acceptance Tests that were run in their premises.
    • Successfully assisted the productive launch of the system Russia wide.
    Alfa Bank/Vimpelcom Raunheim (DE), Moscow (RU) Bangalore (IN)
    11 Monate
    2010-10 - 2011-08

    Cash 2 Mobile - Pilot

    Project Manager
    Project Manager
    Cash 2 Mobile - Pilot (Pilot project for bank?s mobile payment initiative in the B2B consumer goods sector)
    • Led project till successful launch in Poland and acceptance of the pilot mobile payment product by Citibank on a global scale, as well as giving service management oversight to the productive system post launch.
    • Supported the set-up and coordinated the execution of System Integration and User Acceptance Tests at two different client locations.
    • Coordinated release management and packaging activities with the client.
    • Managed the Citi Data Center - Sybase Hub setup for the SMS messaging subcomponent.
    • Coordinated the Sybase activities associated with the bank?s handover of the Sybase Mobiliser Platform to their global production support team
    Citibank Raunheim (DE), Dublin (IE), Warsaw (PL)
    5 Monate
    2010-05 - 2010-09

    Japan Rollout

    Project Manager
    Project Manager
    Japan Rollout (Bank?s initiative to enter the Japanese market via opening an internet bank based on Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking applications)
    • Prepared the Statement of Work and the supporting contractual agreements together with the sales team.
    • Initiated the project, set up the onsite team and the offshore development teams.
    • Agreed and baselined the project plan.
    • Created the finalized test strategy approach with the bank managers.
    • Coordinated the offshore software development as well as onsite parametrization and early functional tests in Germany.
    • Planned the User Acceptance Test (UAT) with the client and conducted a handover phase in India to the offshore project manager pre UAT start.
    Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Berlin (DE), Bangalore (IN), Tokyo (JP)
    2 Jahre 6 Monate
    2008-04 - 2010-09

    diverse Projekte

    Project Manager Service
    Project Manager Service

    Oracle Financial Services Software b.v, Frankfurt am Main
    7 Monate
    2009-10 - 2010-04

    Internet Bank implementation for Germany

    Project Manager/ Solution Architect
    Project Manager/ Solution Architect
    • Internet Bank Implementation for Germany (Bank?s initiative to open first an internet bank and then to migrate their existing bank to Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking platform)
    • Coordinated the startup and scoping related activities and designed the future solution architecture for the project to implement an internet bank for Germany.
    • Initiated the project via coordinating the client, the system integrator and Oracle project teams.
    • Coordinated the activities for the project scoping and business requirements capturing at both project locations via interviewing all relevant client members and conducting product walk-through sessions.
    • Did project planning for the implementation project together with the system integrator managers.
    • Directed the solution architecture design activities and prepared the final official deliverable package addressed to client?s executive team.
    AXA Bank Germany Cologne (DE), Brussels (BE)
    5 Monate
    2009-06 - 2009-10

    Term Deposits Introduction

    Project Manager
    Project Manager
    • Term Deposits Introduction (Introducing Fixed Term Deposits functionality into the bank?s German banking platform)
    • Led the project from the initiation phase till successful go-live.
    • Agreed the contractual changes and the project plan with the client.
    • Coordinated the requirements gathering and documentation phase which involved the client, the data center (Finanz Informatik Technologie Service), onsite and offshore Oracle resources.
    • Monitored offshore development and coordinated onsite preparation activities for User Acceptance Tests.
    • Managed User and Operational Acceptance Tests as well as the successful release to production
    Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Berlin (DE)
    9 Monate
    2008-10 - 2009-06

    Bank of Scotland ? Netherlands

    Project Manager
    Project Manager
    • Bank of Scotland - Netherlands (Bank?s initiative to enter the Netherlands market via opening an internet bank based on Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking applications)
    • Led the project from initiation till successful go-live (as on a tight total timeline of 8 months.
    • Took part in the contract negotiations and initiated the project, set up the onsite Oracle project team.
    • Did estimations and project planning involving both traditional (for the core banking) and agile (for the internet banking) delivery methods; the project involved the onsite implementation team, 2 offshore (India) development groups, onsite client team and the data center/hosting provider (Finanz Informatik Technologie Service).
    • Coordinated a time-critical requirements gathering phase.
    • Planned and agreed on the overall solution architecture including all external interfaces.
    • Finalized the overall test strategy along with client and data center test managers and actively supported the execution of Integration, Security, Performance and User Acceptance Testing.
    • Interacted daily with the client and the data center company project managers throughout the project.
    • Monitored and reported the progress to stakeholders till project closure.
    Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Berlin (DE)
    6 Monate
    2008-05 - 2008-10

    Bank?s initiative to enter the German market

    Test / Service Manager
    Test / Service Manager
    Bank of Scotland - Germany (Bank?s initiative to enter the German market via opening an internet bank based on Oracle FLEXCUBE Core Banking and Direct Banking applications)
    • Established working rules and deescalated the relationship between Oracle, the bank and the German data center (Finanz Informatik Technologie Service) firms, which have not worked together before.
    • Coordinated the planning and proper execution of the complex test phases (Integration, Security, Performance, Breakpoint and User Acceptance Testing) in 3 project locations, together with several test managers from the bank and the data center, till successful launch as
    • Supported the execution of external IT Security Certification/Test of the whole system.
    • Supported the setting up of Business Continuity Management processes.
    • Interacted with the offshore technical experts to resolve several issues encountered in the testing phases.
    • In the later stages of the project and at the post-launch period took the coordination of the Service Management as part of the transition to the support phase.
    • Worked on the implementation of the productive Incident, Change and Release Management procedures together with the counterpart service managers
    Bank of Scotland/ Lloyds Banking Group Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Berlin (DE)
    1 Jahr
    2007-05 - 2008-04

    NAVTEQ Connected Services (NCS) Rel. 2

    Technical Testing Lead
    Technical Testing Lead
    NAVTEQ Connected Services (NCS) Release 2 (Program to provide locations-based services and telematics services to B2B and B2C customers)
    •  Led the technical testing team where several locations-based and telematics services were being introduced.
    • Coordinated the technical (Performance and Operation Readiness) test teams for the whole Release 2.
    • Coordination effort included the following tasks: Test planning, selection of the test management software, setting up the test environments (established in NAVTEQ?s Chicago office), test conditions and scripts preparation, test execution and reporting.
    • Acted as the counterpart to the client?s Test Coordinator
    NAVTEQ Sulzbach (DE)
    7 Jahre 2 Monate
    2001-02 - 2008-03

    diverse Projekte


    Accenture GmbH, Kronberg im Taunus
    8 Monate
    2006-10 - 2007-05

    Central Counterparty for Equities (CCP) Rel. 3.2 Acceptance

    Project Lead
    Project Lead
    Central Counterparty for Equities (CCP) Release 3.2 Acceptance (Integrating UK Products of Eurex into CCP)
    • Directed the Acceptance (Test) Project for the CCP 3.2 Release where processing of Eurex deliveries resulting from UK products are integrated into the existing CCP platform.
    • Coordinated the creation of the acceptance test approach in coordination with various business departments.
    • Planned 3 complicated test phases spread over 6 months which are having different test content and to be executed on different technical environments consecutively.
    • Coordinated the end-to-end test execution, covering 12 systems connected to the CCP core platform, involving Germany and England as main locations.
    • Represented the project status in weekly Issue, SIR and Status meetings.
    Deutsche Börse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), Frankfurt am Main (DE)
    5 Monate
    2006-06 - 2006-10

    LEON - Frontend

    Project Lead
    Project Lead
    LEON - Frontend (The project to replace the entire legacy application landscape of the bank)
    • Coordinated the development activities for the subproject "Frontend? where a new J2EE based front-office-tool for the bank?s sales force was introduced. The tool was developed by a subcontractor, which had onsite and offshore resources.
    • Did estimations and detailed project plan for the development activities.
    • Acted as an interface between the related functional and technical teams of the client and the subcontractor.
    • Coordinated and monitored the technical design and the implementation.
      Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing, Vienna (AT)
      4 Monate
      2006-02 - 2006-05

      Credit Data Store - Basel II & US GAAP

      Member of Requirement Gathering & Analysis Team
      Member of Requirement Gathering & Analysis Team
      Credit Data Store - Basel II & US GAAP (The bank?s program for adapting the Basel II and US GAAP standards)
      • Worked on process improvements for the Requirements Gathering & Analysis Team and initiated the implementation of an IT Governance model.
      • Analyzed the existing process flow of the Requirements Gathering Team and produced optimization and improvement strategies.
      • Created ?As-Is? and ?To-Be? checklists, process descriptions and flows.
      • Coordinated the IT Governance software selection effort by defining selection matrixes and organizing briefing sessions with the possible vendors and the bank?s senior management
      Dresdner Bank Frankfurt am Main (DE)
      2 Monate
      2006-01 - 2006-02

      DigiDispo Architecture Review

      Technical Reviewer
      Technical Reviewer
      • Interviewed the key client personnel from various departments.
      • Did analysis on the current situation, considering the AS400 based host system, the handheld devices that are used for scanning and data transfer, the communication servers and the WLAN/ GPRS/internet network infrastructure.
      • Did benchmarking for other possible handheld devices of different vendors.
      • Wrote the review document and presented the results to the CIO of the client.
      Hellmann Logistics, Osnabrück (DE)

      Aus- und Weiterbildung

      Aus- und Weiterbildung

      3 Jahre 5 Monate
      2006-10 - 2010-02

      International Management Consulting

      MBA, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein/DE
      Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am Rhein/DE

      4 Jahre 5 Monate
      1995-09 - 2000-01

      Chemical Engineering

      B.Sc., Middle East Technical University Ankara/TR
      Middle East Technical University Ankara/TR




      Project Management Interim Management Outsourcing Software Development Life Cycle ISO 27001 Software Testing Core Banking Online Banking Payment Products Audit Compliance Anti-Financial Crime

      Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


      I have 22 years of profound IT, consulting, project management, line management and interim management experience for renowned clients, including 9 banks and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. I have successfully completed 25+ projects in 8 countries with compliance, audit, outsourcing, procurement, IT security, service management, software development/test, packaged software implementation, digitalization and system integration focus. I could be described as a hands-on manager with a habit and a track record of getting the right things done

      Work Expetience

      2015-09 - 2019-04

      Role: Interim Manager 

      Customer:  Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main/DE, Eschborn/DE


      • Supported the global Sanctions and Embargoes Transformation Program of the Anti-Financial Crime unit.
      • Coordinated the remediation activities for 1000 global, high risk vendor contracts of the bank to adapt to its newest IT security control framework based on ISO 27001, due to a European Central Bank regulation.

      2012-12 - 2014-12

      Role: Head of IT & Outsourcing Officer  

      Customer:  Akbank AG, Frankfurt am Main/DE


      • Head of IT Department, reporting to the bank?s CEO; in addition, in charge of selection, control and relationship management for all vendors of the bank and the single point of contact for all internal and external IT auditors.
      • Responsibilities included project portfolio management, IT-purchasing, coordinating the operational tasks, enduser support and safeguarding the whole IT landscape of the bank.

      2010-10 - 2012-12

      Role: Senior Project Manager 

      Customer:  Sybase GmbH, an SAP Company, Raunheim/DE


      • Managed multiple international projects on mobile commerce for banking clients, utilizing Sybase?s flagship Mobiliser platform.

      2008-04 - 2010-09

      Role: Project Manager 

      Customer: Oracle Financial Services Software b.v., Frankfurt am Main/DE


      • Initiated and directed on-site implementation projects for Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking (core banking) and Direct Banking (internet banking) products, with staff and financial accountability.

      2001-02 - 2008-03

      Role: Consultant 

      Customer:  Accenture GmbH, Kronberg im Taunus/DE


      • Worked for many renowned Fortune Global clients, predominantly in the finance industry, concentrating on IT consulting and project management.
      • On the technical and software engineering front, took roles ranging from programmer, tester and development team leader to technical architect for a broad range of technologies, focusing at the Internet/Client-Server area.
      • On the project management and consulting front, have grown from a team member to leading teams as well as managing several challenging projects.

      2000-09 - 2001-01

      Role: Research Assistant 

      Customer:  Middle East Technical University, Presidency Office Computer Center, Ankara/TR


      • Provided onsite technical (hardware/software related) support for about 60 employees of the Presidency Office in a team of 2.

      1999-04 - 2000-08

      Role: Customer Advisor at the Call Center 

      Customer:   ??Net A.?. (Internet Service Provider subsidiary of Türkiye ?? Bankas? A.?.), Ankara/TR


      • Provided technical support to the ISP customers regarding user accounts, connectivity and various hardware and software issues.
      • Worked in a project team to design and implement training programs for the new employees of the Call Center.

      1997-06 - 1997-09

      Role: Intern at the Technology Department ?zmit/TR

      Customer: BEKSA Steel Cord Trading Co.


      • Analyzed the TQM - EFQM processes and the custom implementations at BEKSA, which won the EFQM Quality Award for SMEs in 1997.

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