Hands-on Data Architect with focus on AWS
Aktualisiert am 03.05.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters






10 Monate
2022-12 - 2023-09

Data Platform modernization

Data Architect
Data Architect

Project description:
Data Platform modernization (migration to AWS cloud) for one of the biggest Pharmaceutical company.

Goal is to migrate existing on-premises Cloudera big data platform into AWS cloud for:
? to enable future platform development by refactoring existing code and leveraging latest technologies
? to optimize costs (eg, using serverless technologies to pay only for time of actual processing, not idle time).
? to decrease maintenance efforts and improve platform's SLAs

? to conform with company's IT strategy for cloud movement

? Provide expert knowledge (in area of both, AWS Cloud platform and Big Data Processing)
? Review existing code and suggest improvement (performance optimization, increasing code' maintainability)
? AWS cost optimization (eg changes to enable Glue Jobs scaling)
? Designed and implemented Alerts & Monitoring solution (which is designed to be easily reused in other company's projects)
? Designed and implemented CI/CD process to fully automate AWS Resource deployment (using Azure DevOps pipelines)
AWS CloudFormation Azure DevOps AWS Glue Jobs AWS Glue Workflows and Triggers AWS Athena AWS LambdaAWS EventBridge AWS S3 AWS Simple EMail Services
10 Monate
2022-03 - 2022-12

Worldwide Electronics manufacturer

Data Integration Developer
Data Integration Developer
Project was a platform for data integration and processing (from various company data sources) to provide reports/metrics to external customers
? Conducted PoCs to define technological stack and prove proposed architecture
? Implemented Data Ingestion Layer (from Snowflake, MS SQL, SAP [via SAP views], Excel files) using Glue Jobs
? Implemented ETL transformations (using Redshift stored procedures), orchestration - AWS Managed Airflow
? Developed Data Synchronization checks (verifying data is in-sync with sources)
? Designed & Implemented IaaC approach (AWS CloudFormation + Azure DevOps CI/CD)
? Implemented schema changes approach (Liquibase)
? Conducted code reviews
AWS (Redshift MWAA Glue Lambda Cloudformation S3) Azure DevOps Snowflake MS SQL SAP
9 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-03

Healthcare Company

Solution Architect
Solution Architect
Project is assess migration of existing customer's warehouse and ETL processes from Oracle stack into cloud (Azure + Snowflake)
? Proposed target architecture, detailed phase-by-phase migration approach
? Analyzed ODI pipelines source code to estimate migration efforts needed; define high-level timeline and team composition for migration project
Oracle ODI Airflow Snowflake
10 Monate
2020-10 - 2021-07

World-wide pharmaceutical company

Data Engineering Team Lead
Data Engineering Team Lead
Project was a platform integrating data from various data sources over the whole company
? Defined data model, data flow
? Implemented coding standards
? Developed Cloud formation templates for AWS infrastructure provisioning
AWS (Glue Lambda Aurora CloudFormation) Python Big Data Stack (Hive Impala)
10 Monate
2020-01 - 2020-10

World leading sports equipment manufacturer

Solution Architect
Solution Architect
? Designed a performance testing framework for customer?s data warehouse (build on top of Jmeter core)
? Worked as a team lead and developer during the implementation of performance testing framework
? Designed and conducted series of tests to assess customer?s migration to newer cloud version of Exasol (including, but not limited to, performance testing using developed framework)
AWS (S3 EC2 VPC Cloudwatch) Jmeter Exasol Python
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2019-01 - 2020-01

World-wide telecom provider

Solution Architect
Solution Architect
Ran a series of PoC to help customer choose the most suitable cloud-based warehouse technology (considered options were Snowflake, Exasol and AWS Redshift).
? Worked with stakeholders to identify scope and important aspects for PoCs
? Handled majority of technical tasks (such as customer-specific synthetic dataset preparation, re-implement one of customer?s existing ETL processes for all 3 cloud WH options, etc.)
? Conducted multiple review sessions with company?s technical management to present and discuss research results
? Participated in beta-testing for AWS Lake Formation
AWS (Redshift S3 VPC Cloudwatch Cloudtrail CodeCommit) Snowflake Exasol
2 Jahre 10 Monate
2016-04 - 2019-01

World-wide informational agency

Data Architect
Data Architect
In a team of solution architects assessed and provided recommendations for transition of customer?s on-premise solution into AWS Cloud.
My primary areas of responsibility were:
? Data Layer Architecture,
? Data transfer strategy and required data structure changes (AWS
Conversion tool, AWS Data Migration Service)
? Projected cost-estimates
AWS (Aurora Elasticache ElasticSearch) Oracle v11
8 Jahre 3 Monate
2008-02 - 2016-04

OLTP information system

Team Lead, Architect
Team Lead, Architect

The product is an OLTP information system working 24/7 (including Ordering, Logistics, Manufacturing and Accounting subsystems).

? Oracle architect, responsible for: Database design, key infrastructure decisions, coding guidelines, performance tuning and 3rd party products integration

 ? PL/SQL Developer for the company's most complex and important projects

 ? Team Lead (12 people: software engineers, business analysts, QA): perfoming reviews of source code, software requirements and test cases.




AWS Solution Architekt




Data architecture








10 Monate
2022-12 - 2023-09

Data Platform modernization

Data Architect
Data Architect

Project description:
Data Platform modernization (migration to AWS cloud) for one of the biggest Pharmaceutical company.

Goal is to migrate existing on-premises Cloudera big data platform into AWS cloud for:
? to enable future platform development by refactoring existing code and leveraging latest technologies
? to optimize costs (eg, using serverless technologies to pay only for time of actual processing, not idle time).
? to decrease maintenance efforts and improve platform's SLAs

? to conform with company's IT strategy for cloud movement

? Provide expert knowledge (in area of both, AWS Cloud platform and Big Data Processing)
? Review existing code and suggest improvement (performance optimization, increasing code' maintainability)
? AWS cost optimization (eg changes to enable Glue Jobs scaling)
? Designed and implemented Alerts & Monitoring solution (which is designed to be easily reused in other company's projects)
? Designed and implemented CI/CD process to fully automate AWS Resource deployment (using Azure DevOps pipelines)
AWS CloudFormation Azure DevOps AWS Glue Jobs AWS Glue Workflows and Triggers AWS Athena AWS LambdaAWS EventBridge AWS S3 AWS Simple EMail Services
10 Monate
2022-03 - 2022-12

Worldwide Electronics manufacturer

Data Integration Developer
Data Integration Developer
Project was a platform for data integration and processing (from various company data sources) to provide reports/metrics to external customers
? Conducted PoCs to define technological stack and prove proposed architecture
? Implemented Data Ingestion Layer (from Snowflake, MS SQL, SAP [via SAP views], Excel files) using Glue Jobs
? Implemented ETL transformations (using Redshift stored procedures), orchestration - AWS Managed Airflow
? Developed Data Synchronization checks (verifying data is in-sync with sources)
? Designed & Implemented IaaC approach (AWS CloudFormation + Azure DevOps CI/CD)
? Implemented schema changes approach (Liquibase)
? Conducted code reviews
AWS (Redshift MWAA Glue Lambda Cloudformation S3) Azure DevOps Snowflake MS SQL SAP
9 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-03

Healthcare Company

Solution Architect
Solution Architect
Project is assess migration of existing customer's warehouse and ETL processes from Oracle stack into cloud (Azure + Snowflake)
? Proposed target architecture, detailed phase-by-phase migration approach
? Analyzed ODI pipelines source code to estimate migration efforts needed; define high-level timeline and team composition for migration project
Oracle ODI Airflow Snowflake
10 Monate
2020-10 - 2021-07

World-wide pharmaceutical company

Data Engineering Team Lead
Data Engineering Team Lead
Project was a platform integrating data from various data sources over the whole company
? Defined data model, data flow
? Implemented coding standards
? Developed Cloud formation templates for AWS infrastructure provisioning
AWS (Glue Lambda Aurora CloudFormation) Python Big Data Stack (Hive Impala)
10 Monate
2020-01 - 2020-10

World leading sports equipment manufacturer

Solution Architect
Solution Architect
? Designed a performance testing framework for customer?s data warehouse (build on top of Jmeter core)
? Worked as a team lead and developer during the implementation of performance testing framework
? Designed and conducted series of tests to assess customer?s migration to newer cloud version of Exasol (including, but not limited to, performance testing using developed framework)
AWS (S3 EC2 VPC Cloudwatch) Jmeter Exasol Python
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2019-01 - 2020-01

World-wide telecom provider

Solution Architect
Solution Architect
Ran a series of PoC to help customer choose the most suitable cloud-based warehouse technology (considered options were Snowflake, Exasol and AWS Redshift).
? Worked with stakeholders to identify scope and important aspects for PoCs
? Handled majority of technical tasks (such as customer-specific synthetic dataset preparation, re-implement one of customer?s existing ETL processes for all 3 cloud WH options, etc.)
? Conducted multiple review sessions with company?s technical management to present and discuss research results
? Participated in beta-testing for AWS Lake Formation
AWS (Redshift S3 VPC Cloudwatch Cloudtrail CodeCommit) Snowflake Exasol
2 Jahre 10 Monate
2016-04 - 2019-01

World-wide informational agency

Data Architect
Data Architect
In a team of solution architects assessed and provided recommendations for transition of customer?s on-premise solution into AWS Cloud.
My primary areas of responsibility were:
? Data Layer Architecture,
? Data transfer strategy and required data structure changes (AWS
Conversion tool, AWS Data Migration Service)
? Projected cost-estimates
AWS (Aurora Elasticache ElasticSearch) Oracle v11
8 Jahre 3 Monate
2008-02 - 2016-04

OLTP information system

Team Lead, Architect
Team Lead, Architect

The product is an OLTP information system working 24/7 (including Ordering, Logistics, Manufacturing and Accounting subsystems).

? Oracle architect, responsible for: Database design, key infrastructure decisions, coding guidelines, performance tuning and 3rd party products integration

 ? PL/SQL Developer for the company's most complex and important projects

 ? Team Lead (12 people: software engineers, business analysts, QA): perfoming reviews of source code, software requirements and test cases.




AWS Solution Architekt




Data architecture



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