Breite Expertise im agilen Umfeld Projektleitung / PMO / Business Analyse
Aktualisiert am 16.07.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 22.07.2024
Verfügbar zu: 100%
davon vor Ort: 100%
agiles Projektmanagement
Solution Analyst
Business Continuity Management
native speaker



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



7 Monate
2024-01 - 2024-07

Sabbatical / Educational Period


·       Training in the Facilitation of online Workshops for First Time Managers

·       Comparing DORA to BAIT and MaRisk for impact analysis and gap analysis

·       Mapping out ISO 27001/2022 to DORA/BAIT

·       Familiarized with BA tools Monday, Smartsheet

·       Familiarized with Data Analysis tools PowerBI, SAS, Tableau

DORA BAIT Monday PowerBI SAS Tableau
10 Monate
2023-03 - 2023-12

Anti Money Laundering

Solution Analyst
Solution Analyst
  • Shaping the new AML workflow solution to achieve compliance with cross-European AML regimes, writing features, stories, processes, refining requirements, giving advice on best practices, educating fellow staff with the specificalities of thoroughly applying AML to the client life cycle phases
  • I participated in delivering the work within the methodology of SAFE, as an agile enterprise framework for program management
NEXI GmbH, part of Nexigroup
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2020-03 - 2021-12

Dodd-Frank and EMIR market regulations

Senior business consultant
Senior business consultant
  • Responsible for EMIR process redesign
  • Conducted project consulting in the analysis, design, implementation, and testing ofredesigned regulatory processes across multiple departments, global
  • Point of contact for regulatory bodies as a data analysis and design specialist to providestatus updates on the progress in Commerzbank?s Dodd-Frank roadmap
  • Supervisory execution of regulatory data governance controls carried out by third parties
  • Regular participation in regulatory projects (Trennbankengesetz (the German Bank Separation Act) and MiFIR) to achieve a sustainable data strategy
  • Product owner for regulatory data from Markit North America
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2017-12 - 2020-02

Dodd-Frank market regulations

Senior business consultant, Data analysis and design specialist
Senior business consultant, Data analysis and design specialist
  • Responsible for the process redesign of the Dodd-Frank regulations
  • Performed due diligence on existing data and the onboarding process
  • Designed, launched and implemented the revised onboarding process
  • Development of training courses
  • Trained and supported the execution team in Leipzig, Germany
  • Regular reporting and provision of answers to the US regulator on supervised topics
  • Design, implementation and execution of Dodd-Frank compliance-relevant controls
  • Development and set-up of other regulatory data governance controls
    • Reached out to and followed up on 20,000 clients to achieve an effective, reliable and complete documentation under Dodd-Frank
    • Answering Dodd-Frank-related information requests with regard to data provided to the US regulator
    • Supported other Dodd-Frank workstreams (pre-trade, post-trade) with data insights and analysis of relevant processing steps
    • Product owner fo?r regulatory data from Markit North America
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2016-11 - 2017-11

Project journey PLANO, improving the project management

Senior business consultant
Senior business consultant
  • Project journey PLANO, improving the project management at Commerzbank
  • Agile project method, product owner for the redesign of the approval workflow
  • Supporting the design and creation of a new function (Compliance Coordination Unit). Aimed at supporting front-office departments to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance
  • Conducted a situation analysis of the regulatory data streams for the involved departments
  • Stakeholder interviews and polls, national and international, composing and presenting results to the operations committee
  • Development of rules for engagement policy, a proposal on business processes and information channels to distribute relevant regulatory information on a need-to-know basis
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2014-10 - 2016-10

enabling and training teams to utilize and apply lean and change management

Team excellence leader
Team excellence leader
  • Responsible for enabling and training teams to utilize and apply lean and change management techniques during a three-month programme
  • Enablement and training to improve the operational effectiveness in the teams and between teams located in national as well as international locations
  • Conducting sustainability training courses six months after completion of the initial training
  • Trained the team excellence specialists in the techniques and methods which need to be applied
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
9 Jahre 9 Monate
2005-01 - 2014-09

Development and operation of the investment bank?s KYC/AML tool

Team leader in the Chief Operating Office ? Systems department
Team leader in the Chief Operating Office ? Systems department
  • Development and operation of the investment bank?s KYC/AML tool as well as the account-opening process tool for investment banking clients
  • Yearly budget between ?2 and ?7 million, operating a team of up to 13 specialists in multiple national and international locations
  • Lead for client data integration in the context of integrating Dresdner Bank?s and Commerzbank AG?s investment banking systems
  • Achieved promotion to director in 2011
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
4 Jahre 10 Monate
2000-03 - 2004-12

information technology

  • Commerzbank Campus ? IT work unit coordinator for sales and trading infrastructure, including deputizing for the project manager, development and set-up of the new trading floors in Frankfurt for 120 trading desks, delivered on time and within budget
  • Introduction of a cost- and efficiency-improved investment banking data backup solution
  • Development, implementation and operation of a business continuity and contingency concept for trading desks at Commerzbank?s disaster recovery sites
  • Responsible for operating desktop software distribution infrastructure based on Windows SMS
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2024-03 - 2024-03


1 Monat
2023-12 - 2023-12

Professional Scrum Master

Professional Scrum Master II,
Professional Scrum Master II
1 Monat
2023-11 - 2023-11

Professional Scrum Master

Professional Scrum Master I,
Professional Scrum Master I




Geschäftsprozessanalyse agiles Projektmanagement Kapitalmarktgeschäft AML EMIR MiFID MiFIR Solution Analyst Business Continuity Management

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Senior business consultant in investment banking as director for a private German bank, responsible for client data and markets regulation, both international and national
  • 20 years? experience in investment banking processes and banking activities, with broad experience in European and North American financial markets with proven project performance


Excel, Word, PowerPoint, MS Access, Visio, OneNote

Beruflicher Werdegang:

1998 - 2000:

Einsatzort: Karben, Giessen, Oberursel, Germany

Rolle: Self-employed as an IT consultant

Kunde: SMEs (Plastik Omnium; Topmann GmbH; Neckermann; and Reisen)

1992 - 1998:

Rolle: founder and manager

Kunde: gerne auf Anfrage


  • managing 55 people
  • revenue of ?3.5million p.a.

1990 - 1991:

Einsatzort: Cologne, Germany

Kunde: Indumont Grau GmbH an employment bureau


sales representative with responsibility for the employee disposition and personal development

1989 - 1990:

Einsatzort: Cologne

Kunde: Plakon GmbH an employment bureau


responsible for the set-up and operation of a department for the electricity industry

1987 - 1989:

Einsatzort: Cologne

Kunde: Inova Personaldienstleistungen GmbH an employment bureau


various aspects concerning an employment bureau. Responsible for sales and partially for employee disposition



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



7 Monate
2024-01 - 2024-07

Sabbatical / Educational Period


·       Training in the Facilitation of online Workshops for First Time Managers

·       Comparing DORA to BAIT and MaRisk for impact analysis and gap analysis

·       Mapping out ISO 27001/2022 to DORA/BAIT

·       Familiarized with BA tools Monday, Smartsheet

·       Familiarized with Data Analysis tools PowerBI, SAS, Tableau

DORA BAIT Monday PowerBI SAS Tableau
10 Monate
2023-03 - 2023-12

Anti Money Laundering

Solution Analyst
Solution Analyst
  • Shaping the new AML workflow solution to achieve compliance with cross-European AML regimes, writing features, stories, processes, refining requirements, giving advice on best practices, educating fellow staff with the specificalities of thoroughly applying AML to the client life cycle phases
  • I participated in delivering the work within the methodology of SAFE, as an agile enterprise framework for program management
NEXI GmbH, part of Nexigroup
1 Jahr 10 Monate
2020-03 - 2021-12

Dodd-Frank and EMIR market regulations

Senior business consultant
Senior business consultant
  • Responsible for EMIR process redesign
  • Conducted project consulting in the analysis, design, implementation, and testing ofredesigned regulatory processes across multiple departments, global
  • Point of contact for regulatory bodies as a data analysis and design specialist to providestatus updates on the progress in Commerzbank?s Dodd-Frank roadmap
  • Supervisory execution of regulatory data governance controls carried out by third parties
  • Regular participation in regulatory projects (Trennbankengesetz (the German Bank Separation Act) and MiFIR) to achieve a sustainable data strategy
  • Product owner for regulatory data from Markit North America
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2017-12 - 2020-02

Dodd-Frank market regulations

Senior business consultant, Data analysis and design specialist
Senior business consultant, Data analysis and design specialist
  • Responsible for the process redesign of the Dodd-Frank regulations
  • Performed due diligence on existing data and the onboarding process
  • Designed, launched and implemented the revised onboarding process
  • Development of training courses
  • Trained and supported the execution team in Leipzig, Germany
  • Regular reporting and provision of answers to the US regulator on supervised topics
  • Design, implementation and execution of Dodd-Frank compliance-relevant controls
  • Development and set-up of other regulatory data governance controls
    • Reached out to and followed up on 20,000 clients to achieve an effective, reliable and complete documentation under Dodd-Frank
    • Answering Dodd-Frank-related information requests with regard to data provided to the US regulator
    • Supported other Dodd-Frank workstreams (pre-trade, post-trade) with data insights and analysis of relevant processing steps
    • Product owner fo?r regulatory data from Markit North America
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2016-11 - 2017-11

Project journey PLANO, improving the project management

Senior business consultant
Senior business consultant
  • Project journey PLANO, improving the project management at Commerzbank
  • Agile project method, product owner for the redesign of the approval workflow
  • Supporting the design and creation of a new function (Compliance Coordination Unit). Aimed at supporting front-office departments to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance
  • Conducted a situation analysis of the regulatory data streams for the involved departments
  • Stakeholder interviews and polls, national and international, composing and presenting results to the operations committee
  • Development of rules for engagement policy, a proposal on business processes and information channels to distribute relevant regulatory information on a need-to-know basis
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2014-10 - 2016-10

enabling and training teams to utilize and apply lean and change management

Team excellence leader
Team excellence leader
  • Responsible for enabling and training teams to utilize and apply lean and change management techniques during a three-month programme
  • Enablement and training to improve the operational effectiveness in the teams and between teams located in national as well as international locations
  • Conducting sustainability training courses six months after completion of the initial training
  • Trained the team excellence specialists in the techniques and methods which need to be applied
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
9 Jahre 9 Monate
2005-01 - 2014-09

Development and operation of the investment bank?s KYC/AML tool

Team leader in the Chief Operating Office ? Systems department
Team leader in the Chief Operating Office ? Systems department
  • Development and operation of the investment bank?s KYC/AML tool as well as the account-opening process tool for investment banking clients
  • Yearly budget between ?2 and ?7 million, operating a team of up to 13 specialists in multiple national and international locations
  • Lead for client data integration in the context of integrating Dresdner Bank?s and Commerzbank AG?s investment banking systems
  • Achieved promotion to director in 2011
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main
4 Jahre 10 Monate
2000-03 - 2004-12

information technology

  • Commerzbank Campus ? IT work unit coordinator for sales and trading infrastructure, including deputizing for the project manager, development and set-up of the new trading floors in Frankfurt for 120 trading desks, delivered on time and within budget
  • Introduction of a cost- and efficiency-improved investment banking data backup solution
  • Development, implementation and operation of a business continuity and contingency concept for trading desks at Commerzbank?s disaster recovery sites
  • Responsible for operating desktop software distribution infrastructure based on Windows SMS
Commerzbank AG
Frankfurt am Main

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2024-03 - 2024-03


1 Monat
2023-12 - 2023-12

Professional Scrum Master

Professional Scrum Master II,
Professional Scrum Master II
1 Monat
2023-11 - 2023-11

Professional Scrum Master

Professional Scrum Master I,
Professional Scrum Master I




Geschäftsprozessanalyse agiles Projektmanagement Kapitalmarktgeschäft AML EMIR MiFID MiFIR Solution Analyst Business Continuity Management

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Senior business consultant in investment banking as director for a private German bank, responsible for client data and markets regulation, both international and national
  • 20 years? experience in investment banking processes and banking activities, with broad experience in European and North American financial markets with proven project performance


Excel, Word, PowerPoint, MS Access, Visio, OneNote

Beruflicher Werdegang:

1998 - 2000:

Einsatzort: Karben, Giessen, Oberursel, Germany

Rolle: Self-employed as an IT consultant

Kunde: SMEs (Plastik Omnium; Topmann GmbH; Neckermann; and Reisen)

1992 - 1998:

Rolle: founder and manager

Kunde: gerne auf Anfrage


  • managing 55 people
  • revenue of ?3.5million p.a.

1990 - 1991:

Einsatzort: Cologne, Germany

Kunde: Indumont Grau GmbH an employment bureau


sales representative with responsibility for the employee disposition and personal development

1989 - 1990:

Einsatzort: Cologne

Kunde: Plakon GmbH an employment bureau


responsible for the set-up and operation of a department for the electricity industry

1987 - 1989:

Einsatzort: Cologne

Kunde: Inova Personaldienstleistungen GmbH an employment bureau


various aspects concerning an employment bureau. Responsible for sales and partially for employee disposition

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