05/2024 - 11/2024
IONOS / United Internet (Remote) / Senior Golang Engineer
Decoupling managed Kubernetes from the IONOS Cloud API. Developing new APIs for Kubernetes cluster and node pool management, adhering to IONOS Cloud API Guidelines. Implementing features for cluster management, node pool management and node management. Integration with IAM for enhanced security, maintaining comprehensive documentation, and ensuring optimized API response times.
Golang, java, kubernetes , CI/CD, github enterprise, github actions, swagger/openapi v3, REST API, API development, cloud infrastructure, postgres, pgx, gRPC, EDA and hexagonal architecture concepts, NATS / JetStream, contribution to the kubernetes-sigs/controller-tools, testcontainers.
01/2022 - 03/2024
German Edge Cloud (Remote) / Senior Backend Developer
Implementation of the operation center core components ? Multi-Cloud management and orchestration tools, code generators, development of a VPNaaS solution ? kubernetes operators. Evaluation of LXD for the edge, POC for cloud native edge based on metal3. Development of modules for platform provisioning system for bare-metal and hybrid-cloud components based on actor model. Technical solution design. Development of a central edge proxy using REST over Websocket for services running in restricted environment and reverse http proxy over quic protocol.
Kotlin, golang, Java, Spring Boot, OpenStack, AWS, Terraform, gitlab, CI/CD, Kubernetes, k3s, k3d, docker, helm, helmfile, kubebuilder, postgres, Bolt DB, REST, JWT, WebSockets, gRPC, gin-gonic, microservices, GORM, temporal.io, prometheus, Terraform Plugin Framework, earthly, packer, OpenVPN, RSA, TLS, CRL, Carvel tools, (LXC,LXD, OVN basics), Node.js/Typescript, Jest, GCP K8S Config Connector, Azure Service Operator, Canonical Juju, Hybrid-Cloud, Metal3, Kubernetes ClusterAPI / CAPI, mTLS, L4/L7 load balancing, devops
10/2021 - 11/2021
Applike Group / Adjoe (Remote) / Senior Golang Developer
Refactoring and performance improvements in the area of Adjoe backend services.
golang, high traffic, AWS, SQS, SNS, ECS, gitlab, terraform, docker compose, gin-gonic, ginkgo, gomock, pprof, postman
04/2021 ? 09/2021
Kubermatic / SAP (Remote) / Senior Golang Developer
Kyma project - development of the Kubernetes service platform.
golang, Kubernetes, Istio, Helm, CRD controllers, X.509, mTLS, GCP, Azure
11/2020 ? 04/2021
Metronom GmbH (Remote) Kotlin / Java Developer
Development of microservices for METRO Companion App.
Kotlin, Java, Spring Boot, GCP, Kubernetes, BigQuery, Swagger/ OpenAPI, oauth2, OpenID Connect, JWT, Jenkins, gradle, git, gitlab, github, Datadog, postgres, rabbitmq
7/2020 ? 9/2020
Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten (Remote/Neu-Isenburg) / Senior Java Backend Developer
Development of microservices for secure communication between Mobile App and
virtual credit card management system.
Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Docker, Helm, Jenkins, SQL Server, Apache Kafka, git, Jenkins, PCI compliance, vavr-io, oauth2, OpenID Connect, JOSE, JWT, JWE, RSA, JPA, Hibernate, Swagger/ OpenAPI, Kotlin
Xarvio-BASF (Langenfeld/Remote) 7/2018 ? 06/2020 / Backend Architect and Developer / DevOps Engineer
Design and development of a new service platform based on Kubernetes.
Migration of existing infrastructure and java services to Kubernetes. Development in area of application security, backend service engineering, proof of concepts, service monitoring and alerting. Design and development of image processing pipeline using TensorFlow GPU, AWS Batch, Step Functions and Lambda.
Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, golang, python, WebSockets, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Helm, Linkerd2, Chartmuseum, KOPS, EKS, Postgres RDS, RabbitMQ, Terraform, Packer, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Calico, Fluentd, filebeat, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, ElastAlert, OpenTracing Zipkin / Jaeger, OAuth2, OIDC, autoscaling based on custom metrics, CI/CD, TeamCity, Kotlin DSL, Argo CD, IntelliJ, GoLand, AppDynamics, DNS, X.509 certificates management, POC, DevOps, OpenFaas
Live Reply (Darmstadt/Düsseldorf/Remote) 5/2019 ? 12/2019 / Golang Developer
Development of A4 POD Access Orchestrator / Software Defined Network Controller for FTTH / FTTB retail and wholesale subscribers of Deutsche Telekom.
golang, kubernetes, docker, kafka (confluent-kafka-go, sarama), gRPC, REST, RADIUS, network programming, prometheus, grafana, gin-gonic, gitlab, helm, CI/CD
REWE Digital (Cologne) 1/2017 ? 6/2018 / Platform Developer
Development of Core Platform Services. New development of central push, SMS and E-mail communication services. Development of solution for secret managemet for microservices running in Kubernetes - sidecar for Vault initialization, unsealing and plugin registration, Vault Plugin and Client for Google G-Suite authentication, implementation of Spring Vault Auth Backend with Kubernetes Service Account Token ? contribution to Spring Vault and Spring Cloud Vault. Development of Prometheus exporters for service monitoring, Kafka JAAS SASL module for dynamic user management, golang prototype of Kafka Proxy (TLS client certificates check, local SASL authentication, additonal handshake for authentication with Google-ID JWT Token, K8S sidecar, SOCKS5). Support in the cloud transformation project ? migration of an existing on-premise eCom platform to Google Cloud Platform (kubernetes, networking, routing, DNS, VPN, shared VPC, K8S service broker / service catalog)
Golang, Java 8, Spring Boot 1.5/2.0, RxJava, Project Reactor, Microservices, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, Docker, Docker Swarm, Consul, Prometheus, Graphana, PostgreSQL, Redis, Apache Kafka, OAuth2, Swagger, REST, JSON, WebSocket, HashiCorp Vault, Terraform, APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging), Nexmo SMS, IntelliJ, Logstash, Kibana, GIT, Stash, Linux, Ansible, Jenkins, HipChat, JIRA, CI / CD, Load balancing, Blue-Green deployment, Service Discovery, Scrum
REWE Digital (Cologne) 9/2016 ? 12/2016 / Senior Java Backend Developer
Development of a basket service used by REWE online-shop delivery service. Software enhancements and migration to support new marketplace architecture.
Java 8, Microservices, Docker, Spring Boot, Play 2 for Java, Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, Redis, Liquibase, JUnit, Spock Framework, OAuth2, REST, JSON Jackson, IntelliJ, Immutables, ELK, GIT, Stash, Linux, Bamboo, JIRA,Continuous Integration, Load balancing, Blue-Green deployment, Scrum
Zalando SE (Berlin) 9/2015 - 8/2016 / Senior Java Backend Developer
Development of the Risk Management Backend Services in the Post Order Layer used for order screening and fraud detection. Design and prototyping of feature API gateway, distributed stream processing, data indexing and data lake repository for new risk-management platform. Developer of high-level interface for event bus infrastructure over Kafka-like queues with automatic failover, load distribution between consuming clients, offset management and leader election.
Java 8, Microservices, AWS, Docker, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring MVC, RxJava, Apache Kafka, Netflix Hystrix, Solr / SolrCloud, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Cassandra, Guava, REST, Swagger, SOAP, SoapUI, OAuth2, Zookeeper / Netflix Exhibitor, Zuul Proxy, Spring Cloud Config , Netflix Archaius, JSON Jackson/GSON, Yaml, Multithreading, JMS/HornetQ, Junit, Mockito, WireMock, AssertJ, Maven, Load balancing , Blue-green deployment, GIT, JIRA, Stash, GitHub Enterprise, Linux, Scrum, Kanban, code reviews, technical solution design, Zalando STUPS platform.
HRS Group (Cologne) 9/2013 ? 9/2015 / Senior Java Backend Developer / Technical Architect
Development and design of infrastructure and framework components in a multi-datacenter system for HSA4 (Hotel Self Administration) project. Development of inventory, reservation and booking engine services, distributed and off-heap caching solutions, multicast-based service discovery and audit solution. Agile Software Development with Scrum and Kanban, prototyping, performance and last testing, micro-benchmarking, application profiling, GC tuning.
Server Side Core Java Development, Technical Architecture, E-Commerce, NoSQL, Apache Cassandra, CQL3, DataStax OpsCenter, Redis / Sentinel, Distributed Caching, Twitter Twemproxy - Nutcracker, Ketama consistent hashing, distributed tracing - Zipkin, sun.misc.Unsafe, Off-Heap Memory, Memory-Mapped Files, SQL, MySQL, Spring, AOP, Hibernate, JPA2, CI / Jenkins, HTTP, Multithreading, Reflection / CGLIB, Java Profiling / Java Mission Control, JProfiler 7, Microbenchmarking ? Caliper/ JMH, Azul jHiccup, Guava, JEE, JBoss 7, Linux / CentOS Enterprise, JMeter, JUnit, MBeans, REST, JSON/Jackson, Messaging, JMS / HornetQ, Proxy/ SQUID, Load Balancing, Service Discovery/ Multicast, IGMPv3, Wireshark, Maven, SVN, GIT, Gerrit, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, JIRA Agile, Puppet, Ubuntu Desktop, Vagrant, AMQP / RabbitMQ , ReactiveX / RxJava, AWS cloud computing, Protocol Buffers, Aerospike
OTTO Group (Hamburg) 6/2013 ? 8/2013 / Senior Software Developer Java EE
Development of an enterprise-wide high performance Java EE based backend e-commerce system (B2C platform).
Java EE, Glassfish, Spring, AOP, Oracle DB, Hibernate, JPA, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, JUnit, Mockito, WebServices, JAX-B, XSD, SOAP, WSDL, RESTful, CommonJ, SVN, Ant, Maven, Eclipse, SOAP-UI, Wireshark, iptables, Windows, SUSE Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu Desktop
Deutsche Telekom AG (Bonn) 1/2012 ? 5/2013 / Senior Software Developer
Project: Generic Data Pass enhancements - Phase 3,4 and 5
Enhancements of online charging server (backend development in Java, system average/peak load per node ? 500/3000 requests per second, availability ~99,999%) to comply with new EU regulations for data roaming overarching sendig cap for prepaid and postpaid customers (Opt-In/Opt-Out). Implementation of internal and external rating module (eRAT interface), ARP (automatic repurchase pass) logic and pass logic for business customers. Development of rating functionality for domestic and roaming traffic (allowances, daily usage charges, notifications) replacing Alcatel-Lucent rating enabler legacy platform. Implementation of SOAP server service to receive subscription changes notifications from cNTDB through SOA-Backplane ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), adaptation of Diameter-Gy interface to support IPv6. Development of Wireshark dissectors for ANS.1 based protocols (LUA language) and simulators in Python - asynchronous socket services. Development of consistency check, configuration and administration tools. Agile software development using Scrum, integration and performance tests. Production support, PCAP and ticket analysis.
RTSP (Real Time Service Platform), Java 5.0/6.0, Python, TCP/IP, SOAP, XSD, Web Services, WSDL, JAX-B, SOAP-UI, HTTP, Diameter, LDAP, CI Hudson/Jenkins, EMMA Coverage, Eclipse, LUA, Oracle 10g, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Developer, Hibernate, JPA, Spring, XML, Solaris 10, Linux / Ubunut Desktop, PlantUML, Apache CXF, HTTP 1.0/1.1 Chunking, JUnit, EasyMock, JSON/Jackson, Wireshark, thark, editcap, capinfos, OTE, IPS, ClearCase
Deutsche Telekom AG 12/2010 ? 06/2011 / Senior Software Developer
Project: IDRP - International Roaming Data Pass (Travel & Surf)
Implementation of INOX Server (OCS - Online Charging Server) on the NSN RTSP (Real-Time System Platform) based on Diameter protocol, allowing roaming subscribers using vouchers for international data traffic. Integration with Huawei GGSN Diameter Credit Control Interface (Gy Interface), LDAP to CNTDB-HLR, Integration with Landing Page usign ESX interface, accouting, charging, ticketing. International Roll-out for T-Mobile Germany, Austria and Netherlands.
Diameter RFC 3588, RFC 4006, 3GPP TS 32.299, 3GPP 29.060, 3GPP 29.061
Java 5.0, JUnit, Emma Coverage, EasyMock, Wireshark, Solaris 10, Linux, Oracle 10g
Deutsche Telekom AG 04/2010 ? 11/2010 / Senior Software Developer
Project: NGIN/INSV8.1 (New Generation Intelligent Network)
Evaluation and tests of NSN IN Advantage 8.1 platform and SCE (Service Creation Environment). Development of test services for SS7, HTTP, SOAP, Diameter, LDAP, ESX interfaces. Refactoring, redesign and migration of T-Mobile Primo Services. Implementation of new LDAP interface to cNTDB (RFC 4511, RFC 4516). System online testing with IPS using OGW (Omni Gateway) and Signalware Sigtran.
SCP / NSN IN Advantage 8.1, Java 5.0, Ant, Eclipse, Wireshark, Bash scripting, OpenLDAP, ApacheDS, Oracle 10g, Linux, Solaris 10.
Java, J2EE, golang, Python, Shell, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, GCP, JDBC, Hibernate, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Web Services, SOAP, REST, Tomcat,
Telecommunications, E-Commerce, Technical Architecture, Intelligent Network, LDAP, git, Wireshark, RFC, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Apache Kafka,
Rabbitmq, Solr, elasticsearchm, Google Cloud Platform, prometheus, monitoring, grafana, DevOps, EKS, Lambda, Maven, ReactiveX / RxJava, Zookeper, git, terraform, ArgoCD, Jenkins, CI/CD, gRPC, NATS, NATS Streaming, terraform
2015 AWS Certified Developer Associate
05/2024 - 11/2024
IONOS / United Internet (Remote) / Senior Golang Engineer
Decoupling managed Kubernetes from the IONOS Cloud API. Developing new APIs for Kubernetes cluster and node pool management, adhering to IONOS Cloud API Guidelines. Implementing features for cluster management, node pool management and node management. Integration with IAM for enhanced security, maintaining comprehensive documentation, and ensuring optimized API response times.
Golang, java, kubernetes , CI/CD, github enterprise, github actions, swagger/openapi v3, REST API, API development, cloud infrastructure, postgres, pgx, gRPC, EDA and hexagonal architecture concepts, NATS / JetStream, contribution to the kubernetes-sigs/controller-tools, testcontainers.
01/2022 - 03/2024
German Edge Cloud (Remote) / Senior Backend Developer
Implementation of the operation center core components ? Multi-Cloud management and orchestration tools, code generators, development of a VPNaaS solution ? kubernetes operators. Evaluation of LXD for the edge, POC for cloud native edge based on metal3. Development of modules for platform provisioning system for bare-metal and hybrid-cloud components based on actor model. Technical solution design. Development of a central edge proxy using REST over Websocket for services running in restricted environment and reverse http proxy over quic protocol.
Kotlin, golang, Java, Spring Boot, OpenStack, AWS, Terraform, gitlab, CI/CD, Kubernetes, k3s, k3d, docker, helm, helmfile, kubebuilder, postgres, Bolt DB, REST, JWT, WebSockets, gRPC, gin-gonic, microservices, GORM, temporal.io, prometheus, Terraform Plugin Framework, earthly, packer, OpenVPN, RSA, TLS, CRL, Carvel tools, (LXC,LXD, OVN basics), Node.js/Typescript, Jest, GCP K8S Config Connector, Azure Service Operator, Canonical Juju, Hybrid-Cloud, Metal3, Kubernetes ClusterAPI / CAPI, mTLS, L4/L7 load balancing, devops
10/2021 - 11/2021
Applike Group / Adjoe (Remote) / Senior Golang Developer
Refactoring and performance improvements in the area of Adjoe backend services.
golang, high traffic, AWS, SQS, SNS, ECS, gitlab, terraform, docker compose, gin-gonic, ginkgo, gomock, pprof, postman
04/2021 ? 09/2021
Kubermatic / SAP (Remote) / Senior Golang Developer
Kyma project - development of the Kubernetes service platform.
golang, Kubernetes, Istio, Helm, CRD controllers, X.509, mTLS, GCP, Azure
11/2020 ? 04/2021
Metronom GmbH (Remote) Kotlin / Java Developer
Development of microservices for METRO Companion App.
Kotlin, Java, Spring Boot, GCP, Kubernetes, BigQuery, Swagger/ OpenAPI, oauth2, OpenID Connect, JWT, Jenkins, gradle, git, gitlab, github, Datadog, postgres, rabbitmq
7/2020 ? 9/2020
Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten (Remote/Neu-Isenburg) / Senior Java Backend Developer
Development of microservices for secure communication between Mobile App and
virtual credit card management system.
Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Docker, Helm, Jenkins, SQL Server, Apache Kafka, git, Jenkins, PCI compliance, vavr-io, oauth2, OpenID Connect, JOSE, JWT, JWE, RSA, JPA, Hibernate, Swagger/ OpenAPI, Kotlin
Xarvio-BASF (Langenfeld/Remote) 7/2018 ? 06/2020 / Backend Architect and Developer / DevOps Engineer
Design and development of a new service platform based on Kubernetes.
Migration of existing infrastructure and java services to Kubernetes. Development in area of application security, backend service engineering, proof of concepts, service monitoring and alerting. Design and development of image processing pipeline using TensorFlow GPU, AWS Batch, Step Functions and Lambda.
Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, golang, python, WebSockets, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Helm, Linkerd2, Chartmuseum, KOPS, EKS, Postgres RDS, RabbitMQ, Terraform, Packer, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Calico, Fluentd, filebeat, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana, ElastAlert, OpenTracing Zipkin / Jaeger, OAuth2, OIDC, autoscaling based on custom metrics, CI/CD, TeamCity, Kotlin DSL, Argo CD, IntelliJ, GoLand, AppDynamics, DNS, X.509 certificates management, POC, DevOps, OpenFaas
Live Reply (Darmstadt/Düsseldorf/Remote) 5/2019 ? 12/2019 / Golang Developer
Development of A4 POD Access Orchestrator / Software Defined Network Controller for FTTH / FTTB retail and wholesale subscribers of Deutsche Telekom.
golang, kubernetes, docker, kafka (confluent-kafka-go, sarama), gRPC, REST, RADIUS, network programming, prometheus, grafana, gin-gonic, gitlab, helm, CI/CD
REWE Digital (Cologne) 1/2017 ? 6/2018 / Platform Developer
Development of Core Platform Services. New development of central push, SMS and E-mail communication services. Development of solution for secret managemet for microservices running in Kubernetes - sidecar for Vault initialization, unsealing and plugin registration, Vault Plugin and Client for Google G-Suite authentication, implementation of Spring Vault Auth Backend with Kubernetes Service Account Token ? contribution to Spring Vault and Spring Cloud Vault. Development of Prometheus exporters for service monitoring, Kafka JAAS SASL module for dynamic user management, golang prototype of Kafka Proxy (TLS client certificates check, local SASL authentication, additonal handshake for authentication with Google-ID JWT Token, K8S sidecar, SOCKS5). Support in the cloud transformation project ? migration of an existing on-premise eCom platform to Google Cloud Platform (kubernetes, networking, routing, DNS, VPN, shared VPC, K8S service broker / service catalog)
Golang, Java 8, Spring Boot 1.5/2.0, RxJava, Project Reactor, Microservices, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, Docker, Docker Swarm, Consul, Prometheus, Graphana, PostgreSQL, Redis, Apache Kafka, OAuth2, Swagger, REST, JSON, WebSocket, HashiCorp Vault, Terraform, APNS (Apple Push Notification Service), FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging), Nexmo SMS, IntelliJ, Logstash, Kibana, GIT, Stash, Linux, Ansible, Jenkins, HipChat, JIRA, CI / CD, Load balancing, Blue-Green deployment, Service Discovery, Scrum
REWE Digital (Cologne) 9/2016 ? 12/2016 / Senior Java Backend Developer
Development of a basket service used by REWE online-shop delivery service. Software enhancements and migration to support new marketplace architecture.
Java 8, Microservices, Docker, Spring Boot, Play 2 for Java, Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, Redis, Liquibase, JUnit, Spock Framework, OAuth2, REST, JSON Jackson, IntelliJ, Immutables, ELK, GIT, Stash, Linux, Bamboo, JIRA,Continuous Integration, Load balancing, Blue-Green deployment, Scrum
Zalando SE (Berlin) 9/2015 - 8/2016 / Senior Java Backend Developer
Development of the Risk Management Backend Services in the Post Order Layer used for order screening and fraud detection. Design and prototyping of feature API gateway, distributed stream processing, data indexing and data lake repository for new risk-management platform. Developer of high-level interface for event bus infrastructure over Kafka-like queues with automatic failover, load distribution between consuming clients, offset management and leader election.
Java 8, Microservices, AWS, Docker, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring MVC, RxJava, Apache Kafka, Netflix Hystrix, Solr / SolrCloud, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Cassandra, Guava, REST, Swagger, SOAP, SoapUI, OAuth2, Zookeeper / Netflix Exhibitor, Zuul Proxy, Spring Cloud Config , Netflix Archaius, JSON Jackson/GSON, Yaml, Multithreading, JMS/HornetQ, Junit, Mockito, WireMock, AssertJ, Maven, Load balancing , Blue-green deployment, GIT, JIRA, Stash, GitHub Enterprise, Linux, Scrum, Kanban, code reviews, technical solution design, Zalando STUPS platform.
HRS Group (Cologne) 9/2013 ? 9/2015 / Senior Java Backend Developer / Technical Architect
Development and design of infrastructure and framework components in a multi-datacenter system for HSA4 (Hotel Self Administration) project. Development of inventory, reservation and booking engine services, distributed and off-heap caching solutions, multicast-based service discovery and audit solution. Agile Software Development with Scrum and Kanban, prototyping, performance and last testing, micro-benchmarking, application profiling, GC tuning.
Server Side Core Java Development, Technical Architecture, E-Commerce, NoSQL, Apache Cassandra, CQL3, DataStax OpsCenter, Redis / Sentinel, Distributed Caching, Twitter Twemproxy - Nutcracker, Ketama consistent hashing, distributed tracing - Zipkin, sun.misc.Unsafe, Off-Heap Memory, Memory-Mapped Files, SQL, MySQL, Spring, AOP, Hibernate, JPA2, CI / Jenkins, HTTP, Multithreading, Reflection / CGLIB, Java Profiling / Java Mission Control, JProfiler 7, Microbenchmarking ? Caliper/ JMH, Azul jHiccup, Guava, JEE, JBoss 7, Linux / CentOS Enterprise, JMeter, JUnit, MBeans, REST, JSON/Jackson, Messaging, JMS / HornetQ, Proxy/ SQUID, Load Balancing, Service Discovery/ Multicast, IGMPv3, Wireshark, Maven, SVN, GIT, Gerrit, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, JIRA Agile, Puppet, Ubuntu Desktop, Vagrant, AMQP / RabbitMQ , ReactiveX / RxJava, AWS cloud computing, Protocol Buffers, Aerospike
OTTO Group (Hamburg) 6/2013 ? 8/2013 / Senior Software Developer Java EE
Development of an enterprise-wide high performance Java EE based backend e-commerce system (B2C platform).
Java EE, Glassfish, Spring, AOP, Oracle DB, Hibernate, JPA, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, JUnit, Mockito, WebServices, JAX-B, XSD, SOAP, WSDL, RESTful, CommonJ, SVN, Ant, Maven, Eclipse, SOAP-UI, Wireshark, iptables, Windows, SUSE Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu Desktop
Deutsche Telekom AG (Bonn) 1/2012 ? 5/2013 / Senior Software Developer
Project: Generic Data Pass enhancements - Phase 3,4 and 5
Enhancements of online charging server (backend development in Java, system average/peak load per node ? 500/3000 requests per second, availability ~99,999%) to comply with new EU regulations for data roaming overarching sendig cap for prepaid and postpaid customers (Opt-In/Opt-Out). Implementation of internal and external rating module (eRAT interface), ARP (automatic repurchase pass) logic and pass logic for business customers. Development of rating functionality for domestic and roaming traffic (allowances, daily usage charges, notifications) replacing Alcatel-Lucent rating enabler legacy platform. Implementation of SOAP server service to receive subscription changes notifications from cNTDB through SOA-Backplane ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), adaptation of Diameter-Gy interface to support IPv6. Development of Wireshark dissectors for ANS.1 based protocols (LUA language) and simulators in Python - asynchronous socket services. Development of consistency check, configuration and administration tools. Agile software development using Scrum, integration and performance tests. Production support, PCAP and ticket analysis.
RTSP (Real Time Service Platform), Java 5.0/6.0, Python, TCP/IP, SOAP, XSD, Web Services, WSDL, JAX-B, SOAP-UI, HTTP, Diameter, LDAP, CI Hudson/Jenkins, EMMA Coverage, Eclipse, LUA, Oracle 10g, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Developer, Hibernate, JPA, Spring, XML, Solaris 10, Linux / Ubunut Desktop, PlantUML, Apache CXF, HTTP 1.0/1.1 Chunking, JUnit, EasyMock, JSON/Jackson, Wireshark, thark, editcap, capinfos, OTE, IPS, ClearCase
Deutsche Telekom AG 12/2010 ? 06/2011 / Senior Software Developer
Project: IDRP - International Roaming Data Pass (Travel & Surf)
Implementation of INOX Server (OCS - Online Charging Server) on the NSN RTSP (Real-Time System Platform) based on Diameter protocol, allowing roaming subscribers using vouchers for international data traffic. Integration with Huawei GGSN Diameter Credit Control Interface (Gy Interface), LDAP to CNTDB-HLR, Integration with Landing Page usign ESX interface, accouting, charging, ticketing. International Roll-out for T-Mobile Germany, Austria and Netherlands.
Diameter RFC 3588, RFC 4006, 3GPP TS 32.299, 3GPP 29.060, 3GPP 29.061
Java 5.0, JUnit, Emma Coverage, EasyMock, Wireshark, Solaris 10, Linux, Oracle 10g
Deutsche Telekom AG 04/2010 ? 11/2010 / Senior Software Developer
Project: NGIN/INSV8.1 (New Generation Intelligent Network)
Evaluation and tests of NSN IN Advantage 8.1 platform and SCE (Service Creation Environment). Development of test services for SS7, HTTP, SOAP, Diameter, LDAP, ESX interfaces. Refactoring, redesign and migration of T-Mobile Primo Services. Implementation of new LDAP interface to cNTDB (RFC 4511, RFC 4516). System online testing with IPS using OGW (Omni Gateway) and Signalware Sigtran.
SCP / NSN IN Advantage 8.1, Java 5.0, Ant, Eclipse, Wireshark, Bash scripting, OpenLDAP, ApacheDS, Oracle 10g, Linux, Solaris 10.
Java, J2EE, golang, Python, Shell, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, GCP, JDBC, Hibernate, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Web Services, SOAP, REST, Tomcat,
Telecommunications, E-Commerce, Technical Architecture, Intelligent Network, LDAP, git, Wireshark, RFC, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Apache Kafka,
Rabbitmq, Solr, elasticsearchm, Google Cloud Platform, prometheus, monitoring, grafana, DevOps, EKS, Lambda, Maven, ReactiveX / RxJava, Zookeper, git, terraform, ArgoCD, Jenkins, CI/CD, gRPC, NATS, NATS Streaming, terraform
2015 AWS Certified Developer Associate