ISO26262, Safety Concept, Safety Analysis, FTA, DFA, FMEDA, FMEA, Requirements Engineering, Safety Case, Safety Audit, Safety Assessment
Aktualisiert am 16.09.2023
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Safety Concept
Safety Analysis
Safety Management
Safety analysis
Safety plan
Impact analysis
HW Safety Requirement
SW Safety Analysis
SW Safety Requirement
Safety Audit
Safety Assessment






5 Jahre 5 Monate
2017-04 - 2022-08

Battery Management System (BMS, ASIL C)

Funtional Safety Manager / System Safety Engineer
Funtional Safety Manager / System Safety Engineer

1) Safety audit performed: Process qualification acc. ASIL C/D and continuous improvement.

2) Safety project management together with project managers in terms of Q/C/T.

3) Any safety issues (7 ~ 8 safety engineers) at each discipline controlled / managed.

4) Safety application to Battery Management System for LV (ASIL C).

  • Control all safety activities for platform project with managing 7 ~ 8 safety responsible at each domain.
  • Impact analysis performed to support the tailoring in the safety plan.
  • Safety plan created to cover all relevant FuSi work products aligned with internal project milestones.
  • Status of each WP at each domain (Sys, HW, SW, and Validation) is keep tracked and issue solved.
  • HARA and item definition adjusted based on the result of the impact analysis.
  • New work products according to 2nd ISO26262 defined and introduced.
  • FuSi concepts are created / modified based on new requirements.
  • Requirements at SYS created/developed incl, traceability and HW/SW REQs are reviewed.
  • Test coverage for each requirement reviewed with its verification method and pass/fail criteria. PMHF calculated via quantitative FTA for the safety goal.
  • Support the FMEDA and make a clear correlation in-between FMEDA and FTA.
  • The strategy of HSI (Hardware-Software Interface) defined and controlled.
  • Verification and confirmation review performed for the work products (e.g. PMHF calculation, DFA).
  • Dependent Failure Analysis (DFA) performed for each dependent failure scenario at system level and down to the detailed component level including processing unit (uC).
  • The guideline of SW safety analysis is provided and reviewed.
  • The strategy of fault injection testing (system, HW, SW) defined and realized.
  • Verification and confirmation review performed for the work products (e.g. PMHF calculation, DFA).
  • Main responsible for FuSi assessment for platform projects (4 times FuSi assessments in 4 years).
  • Support customer projects and overall controlling with solution provided

BMS Battery Management System
Bosch GmbH
8 Jahre 3 Monate
2009-01 - 2017-03

Braking System, Steering System (ASIL D) / Steering Sensor, IMU Sensor

Functional Safety Manager, Organizational Safety Lead
Functional Safety Manager, Organizational Safety Lead

1) Foster proper safety culture within the organization (responsible for the FuSi at Business Unit level).

2) Control any safety issues using escalation channel w.r.t Functional Safety with top management.

3) Safety project management together with project managers in terms of Q/C/T.

4) Manage / Support all safety engineers for each project (not only technical aspects but also formal aspects).

5) ompany specific process deployment satisfying ISO-26262 and its integration into development process.

6) Gap-analysis with internal development process and support processes.

7) ISO-26262 certification for sensor product: limited to part 2, 7, and 8.

8) Internal process and guidelines audited from TÜV SÜD.

9) Safety application to (future) brake system incl, EPB (Electric Park Brake).

  • Safety related work products planned (Safety Plan) ? tracked on Safety Case Tracking list.
  • Generic Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment performed (assumptions).
  • Analysis on safety related parameters (FTTI, safety limit etc) performed at system level.
  • Functional safety concept created at system level for (future) brake system.
  • Technical safety concept created at system level for (future) brake system.
  • System safety architecture created for (future) brake system with ASIL allocation.
  • Detailed modular architecture created to support HW/SW requirement specification at each discipline.
  • DIA made with customer and supplier.
  • FS-FMEA performed (to derive safety requirements on HW, SW).
  • System-FMEA controlled and extended to include ECU/MD/SW-FMEA.
  • System-FTA (quantitative and qualitative) performed and extended to component level to get PMHF for each SG.
  • Technical safety concept created at component level mainly for internal and external sensors etc.(assumptions made at system level incl, target budgeting of H/W metric, PMHF and FTT)
  • H/W, S/W safety requirements specified based on system level?s functional/technical safety concept.
  • SSI (System Safety Integrity) and FSI (Functional Safety Integrity) measures created based on system level technical safety concept and pre-existed safety features inside HW components.
  • The implemented functional safety at component level (incl, µC) with assumptions (SEooC) reviewed in detail and correlated with the safety concept and system level.
  • The competence against the functional safety at component level (incl, µC) reviewed in detail with detailed questionnaire and formulated criteria.
  • List of safety measures with detailed information (testing frequency, ASIL, arguable DC etc) created
  • Analysis on thresholds for each safety measure performed.
  • Start-up testing sequence and its strategies made to support LFM.
  • SW architecture controlled with regard to its static architecture (especially for SWC allocation and its ASIL etc).
  • Safety concept and its strategies for the monitoring of mechanic parts created.
  • Safety analysis performed on HW: proof of HW metrics by FMEDA, proof of PHMF target value by FTA, FMEA etc (temperature histogram created at pcb level based on the automotive profile in TR62380, base FIT inside TR62380 used, supported by each supplier for FMEDA and FTA at component level).
  • Safety analysis performed on SW: proof of freedom from interference by data flow, control flow analysis.
  • Dependent failure indicator found (DFA) and verified via qualitative FTA (DFIs at component level are also included in the analysis).
  • The safety assessment carried out for the implemented safety at component level to see its completeness and correctness.
  • Support testing concept at each level (testing plan and test cases with its detection criteria etc).
  • Traceability made in-between safety requirements.
  • The safety case report created to argue the completeness and correctness of the implemented safety at system level w.r.t assigned ASIL.

10)  Safety trainings for internal/external colleagues (competence management plan).

11)  Elaboration to create system safety architecture for brake system to support autonomous driving.

Braking System IMU Sensor Lenksystem Steering Sensor
4 Jahre
2005-01 - 2008-12


Hardware Engineer
Hardware Engineer

1) Automatic temperature controller H/W circuit design in vehicle system.

2) H/W development acc. V-cycle model.

3) H/W requirement & design specification with regard to system design requirements.

4) H/W circuit verification and testing with system validation incl, EMC trouble shooting.
    (simulation, prototyping, FMEA and worst-case analysis etc)

5) Customer satisfaction with internal/external guidelines and program.

6) Production follow-up and cooperation with related teams for successful SOP.

    - 2 projects in SOP (completed)

    - 3 running projects


Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2012-11 - 2012-11

Functional safety professional (FSCP, TUV SUD)

Certificate, TUV SUD



Functional Safety Lead

Safety Manager

Project Safety Manager

Functional Safety Manager

Functional Safety Expert




Safety Concept Safety Analysis Safety Management DFA FTA FMEDA FSC TSC FMEA Safety analysis ASIL DIA Safety plan Impact analysis HARA HW Safety Requirement SW Safety Analysis SW Safety Requirement Safety Audit Safety Assessment

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Fault Tree ++
Excel with macro






5 Jahre 5 Monate
2017-04 - 2022-08

Battery Management System (BMS, ASIL C)

Funtional Safety Manager / System Safety Engineer
Funtional Safety Manager / System Safety Engineer

1) Safety audit performed: Process qualification acc. ASIL C/D and continuous improvement.

2) Safety project management together with project managers in terms of Q/C/T.

3) Any safety issues (7 ~ 8 safety engineers) at each discipline controlled / managed.

4) Safety application to Battery Management System for LV (ASIL C).

  • Control all safety activities for platform project with managing 7 ~ 8 safety responsible at each domain.
  • Impact analysis performed to support the tailoring in the safety plan.
  • Safety plan created to cover all relevant FuSi work products aligned with internal project milestones.
  • Status of each WP at each domain (Sys, HW, SW, and Validation) is keep tracked and issue solved.
  • HARA and item definition adjusted based on the result of the impact analysis.
  • New work products according to 2nd ISO26262 defined and introduced.
  • FuSi concepts are created / modified based on new requirements.
  • Requirements at SYS created/developed incl, traceability and HW/SW REQs are reviewed.
  • Test coverage for each requirement reviewed with its verification method and pass/fail criteria. PMHF calculated via quantitative FTA for the safety goal.
  • Support the FMEDA and make a clear correlation in-between FMEDA and FTA.
  • The strategy of HSI (Hardware-Software Interface) defined and controlled.
  • Verification and confirmation review performed for the work products (e.g. PMHF calculation, DFA).
  • Dependent Failure Analysis (DFA) performed for each dependent failure scenario at system level and down to the detailed component level including processing unit (uC).
  • The guideline of SW safety analysis is provided and reviewed.
  • The strategy of fault injection testing (system, HW, SW) defined and realized.
  • Verification and confirmation review performed for the work products (e.g. PMHF calculation, DFA).
  • Main responsible for FuSi assessment for platform projects (4 times FuSi assessments in 4 years).
  • Support customer projects and overall controlling with solution provided

BMS Battery Management System
Bosch GmbH
8 Jahre 3 Monate
2009-01 - 2017-03

Braking System, Steering System (ASIL D) / Steering Sensor, IMU Sensor

Functional Safety Manager, Organizational Safety Lead
Functional Safety Manager, Organizational Safety Lead

1) Foster proper safety culture within the organization (responsible for the FuSi at Business Unit level).

2) Control any safety issues using escalation channel w.r.t Functional Safety with top management.

3) Safety project management together with project managers in terms of Q/C/T.

4) Manage / Support all safety engineers for each project (not only technical aspects but also formal aspects).

5) ompany specific process deployment satisfying ISO-26262 and its integration into development process.

6) Gap-analysis with internal development process and support processes.

7) ISO-26262 certification for sensor product: limited to part 2, 7, and 8.

8) Internal process and guidelines audited from TÜV SÜD.

9) Safety application to (future) brake system incl, EPB (Electric Park Brake).

  • Safety related work products planned (Safety Plan) ? tracked on Safety Case Tracking list.
  • Generic Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment performed (assumptions).
  • Analysis on safety related parameters (FTTI, safety limit etc) performed at system level.
  • Functional safety concept created at system level for (future) brake system.
  • Technical safety concept created at system level for (future) brake system.
  • System safety architecture created for (future) brake system with ASIL allocation.
  • Detailed modular architecture created to support HW/SW requirement specification at each discipline.
  • DIA made with customer and supplier.
  • FS-FMEA performed (to derive safety requirements on HW, SW).
  • System-FMEA controlled and extended to include ECU/MD/SW-FMEA.
  • System-FTA (quantitative and qualitative) performed and extended to component level to get PMHF for each SG.
  • Technical safety concept created at component level mainly for internal and external sensors etc.(assumptions made at system level incl, target budgeting of H/W metric, PMHF and FTT)
  • H/W, S/W safety requirements specified based on system level?s functional/technical safety concept.
  • SSI (System Safety Integrity) and FSI (Functional Safety Integrity) measures created based on system level technical safety concept and pre-existed safety features inside HW components.
  • The implemented functional safety at component level (incl, µC) with assumptions (SEooC) reviewed in detail and correlated with the safety concept and system level.
  • The competence against the functional safety at component level (incl, µC) reviewed in detail with detailed questionnaire and formulated criteria.
  • List of safety measures with detailed information (testing frequency, ASIL, arguable DC etc) created
  • Analysis on thresholds for each safety measure performed.
  • Start-up testing sequence and its strategies made to support LFM.
  • SW architecture controlled with regard to its static architecture (especially for SWC allocation and its ASIL etc).
  • Safety concept and its strategies for the monitoring of mechanic parts created.
  • Safety analysis performed on HW: proof of HW metrics by FMEDA, proof of PHMF target value by FTA, FMEA etc (temperature histogram created at pcb level based on the automotive profile in TR62380, base FIT inside TR62380 used, supported by each supplier for FMEDA and FTA at component level).
  • Safety analysis performed on SW: proof of freedom from interference by data flow, control flow analysis.
  • Dependent failure indicator found (DFA) and verified via qualitative FTA (DFIs at component level are also included in the analysis).
  • The safety assessment carried out for the implemented safety at component level to see its completeness and correctness.
  • Support testing concept at each level (testing plan and test cases with its detection criteria etc).
  • Traceability made in-between safety requirements.
  • The safety case report created to argue the completeness and correctness of the implemented safety at system level w.r.t assigned ASIL.

10)  Safety trainings for internal/external colleagues (competence management plan).

11)  Elaboration to create system safety architecture for brake system to support autonomous driving.

Braking System IMU Sensor Lenksystem Steering Sensor
4 Jahre
2005-01 - 2008-12


Hardware Engineer
Hardware Engineer

1) Automatic temperature controller H/W circuit design in vehicle system.

2) H/W development acc. V-cycle model.

3) H/W requirement & design specification with regard to system design requirements.

4) H/W circuit verification and testing with system validation incl, EMC trouble shooting.
    (simulation, prototyping, FMEA and worst-case analysis etc)

5) Customer satisfaction with internal/external guidelines and program.

6) Production follow-up and cooperation with related teams for successful SOP.

    - 2 projects in SOP (completed)

    - 3 running projects


Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2012-11 - 2012-11

Functional safety professional (FSCP, TUV SUD)

Certificate, TUV SUD



Functional Safety Lead

Safety Manager

Project Safety Manager

Functional Safety Manager

Functional Safety Expert




Safety Concept Safety Analysis Safety Management DFA FTA FMEDA FSC TSC FMEA Safety analysis ASIL DIA Safety plan Impact analysis HARA HW Safety Requirement SW Safety Analysis SW Safety Requirement Safety Audit Safety Assessment

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Fault Tree ++
Excel with macro

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