- Hashed out the AWS migration strategy
- Hired an external source to oversee the Terraform development for the new account
- Advised on uplifting the legacy application code to lastest versions
- Advised on leveraging on latest AWS tools to reduce cost baseline
- Overseen setup of Grafana monitoring for new account
Supply Chain Finance Startup (MY):
ESG Venture:
Carbon Credit Venture:
2009 - 11/2012: Rolled out the platform to 4 countries
Role: CTO
Customer: eDarling, Berlin
2003 - 2009: Migrated platform
Role: Freelancer
2002 - 2003: design and implementation of the platform architecture
Role: Project Lead
Customer: iLove, Berlin
1993 - 1996
Communication Electronics, Deutsche Telekom, Berlin
1993 - 1992
Middle Maturity, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Oberschule, Berlin
- Hashed out the AWS migration strategy
- Hired an external source to oversee the Terraform development for the new account
- Advised on uplifting the legacy application code to lastest versions
- Advised on leveraging on latest AWS tools to reduce cost baseline
- Overseen setup of Grafana monitoring for new account
Supply Chain Finance Startup (MY):
ESG Venture:
Carbon Credit Venture:
2009 - 11/2012: Rolled out the platform to 4 countries
Role: CTO
Customer: eDarling, Berlin
2003 - 2009: Migrated platform
Role: Freelancer
2002 - 2003: design and implementation of the platform architecture
Role: Project Lead
Customer: iLove, Berlin
1993 - 1996
Communication Electronics, Deutsche Telekom, Berlin
1993 - 1992
Middle Maturity, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Oberschule, Berlin