Senior Fullstack Entwickler
Aktualisiert am 10.01.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 14.01.2024
Verfügbar zu: 100%
davon vor Ort: 100%
Unit Test
Agile Entwicklung
spring boot



Berlin (+20km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



11 Monate
2023-01 - 2023-11

Eon - Geräte management system

Senior Lead Frontend Entwickler React Apollo GitLab CI/CD ...
Senior Lead Frontend Entwickler
  • Veränderte das Testverfahren durch die Konzentration auf Komponententests und die Migration von Apollo zu .
  • Rationalisierte Release-Zyklen mit GitLab und semantischer Versionierung und führte einen 2-Approval Pull-Request-Prozess ein.
  • Betreute zwei Auszubildende in der Softwareentwicklung und verbesserte ihre Entwicklungsfähigkeiten.
  • Leitete die architektonische Überarbeitung von Kernsystemkomponenten und optimierte diese mit GraphQL-Abfragen.
  • Wechselte die Benutzeroberfläche vom Ant-System zu modernen Shadcn- und Tailwind-Komponenten für ein verbessertes Benutzererlebnis.
  • Etablierte eine Kultur der Codeüberprüfung und Qualitätssicherung, was die Anzahl der Fehler signifikant reduzierte und die Softwarezuverlässigkeit erhöhte.
  • Leitete die Abschaltung des veralteten Systems, ebnete den Weg für die Einführung moderner Technologien, gewährleistete reibungslosere Übergänge und minimierte technische Schulden.
  • Befürwortete die Integration der Agile Scrum-Methodik, was zu einer verbesserten Teamzusammenarbeit, besseren Sprintlieferungen und einer proaktiven Problemlösung führte.

React Apollo GitLab CI/CD Shadcn Tailwind Ant Design
Essen, Ruhr
9 Monate
2022-04 - 2022-12

Software development

Frontend Team Lead Vue.js Typescript Tailwind
Frontend Team Lead
  • Contributed to the software development life cycle of a productivity software company by designing and implementing front-end features and delivering clean and scalable code in TypeScript with TypeScript, Vue.js, Node.js, and GraphQL
  • Collaborated within a multidisciplinary team including Back-end Engineers, UI/UX Designers, and Product Owners, providing thoughtful input and technical expertise
  • Gather technical requirements by extracting architectural significance and solution designs leveraging web technologies
  • Successfully strategized and executed the transition of the codebase from Vue2 to Vue3 in order to address technical debt. Led the team in navigating the complexity of change and solved challenges caused by a lack of code coverage
  • Redesigned the store management to include a Pinia store and replaced Vuex to allow for the implementation of a complex Undo/Redo feature for key business components
  • Transitioned from the Vuetify framework to a proprietary Design System solution with the Atomic design pattern
  • Planned and established a new interview process to fill a Lead Developer position by modifying, designing all steps, coding challenges, and integrating codility. Interviewed over 50 candidates and helped close three positions in total
  • Provided guidance and conducted coding reviews for junior developers. Remain available and accessible to encourage communication and collaboration
  • Thoroughly tested for the usability of each Vue component utilizing the Vitest framework to validate behavior as specified by requirements
  • Maintained an up-to-date knowledge of Web & Mobile technologies and best practices and monitored industry & competitive trends
Vue.js Typescript Tailwind
Koppla GmbH
5 Monate
2021-09 - 2022-01

Planning, designing, and implementing a Headless UI

Frontend Team Lead
Frontend Team Lead
  • Played a pivotal role at every stage of the software development life cycle by planning, designing, and implementing a Headless UI and integrating a store layer for cross-micro frontend communication 
  • Thoroughly assessed and defined technical requirements to design a system architecture optimized for speed and scalability, with clarity on time, cost, and impact. Employed multiple technologies, such as Typescript, Vue.js, Node.js, SingleSPA, Tailwind,, Azure Cloud, and GraphQL
  • Successfully delivered a menu planning system, basket operations, and checkout process experiences, leveraging Vue.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind CSS
  • Led a team of 3 Front-End Developers, maintained close communication with team members about current builds, and coordinated efforts toward maintaining and updating code
Apetito AG
NRW, Germany
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2020-01 - 2021-09

Planning and execution of large-scale content migration

Frontend Team Lead
Frontend Team Lead
  • Led a team of 8 Software Engineers in the planning and execution of large-scale content migration from legacy CMS to a modern Headless CMS ( and Contentful) for the entire online stores and, operated by one of Germany?s largest retailers
  • Conceptualized and rolled out features in 5 other countries, including Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Austria and Belgium
  • Crafted a state-of-the-art system allowing business stakeholders to interact with the back-end of the platform and seamlessly update campaigns, services, legal information, and other data without technical knowledge. Integrated 2 Git repositories and clusters, respectively, from the internal team and subcontractor, promoting a monorepo to avoid manual synchronization and improve the developer experience
  • Designed both front-end and back-end architecture, and drove the implementation by leading team members during pair programming sessions, coding in TypeScript with React.js and GraphQL
  • Leveraged the Lerna.js framework to split up the front-end monolith and set up the Monorepo structure of the shop. Spearheaded the integration of NX.js and evaluated the micro front-end architecture, along with Next.js and presented the concept to the VP of Engineering
  • As an ad-hoc project, collaborated with Apple to deliver a Macbook product configurator within a tight deadline (30 days), by using a custom variant data structure (Tree) to create a dynamic UI generator. Organized State Management with XState state machine. Later expanded use cases to iPhone and other devices requiring configuration
  • Integrated Contentful as a headless CMS to allow for a faster collaboration between stakeholders and Apple and developed a custom Contentful table app to eliminate legacy workaround code
  • Built and managed a Development Experience (DX) community in the company to help address problems Developers are facing, substantially improving the work environment within four months
Munich, Germany
10 Monate
2019-02 - 2019-11

Development, management, and maintenance

Architecture Lead
Architecture Lead
  • Responsible for the development, management, and maintenance of a dating app, leading a team of Designers, Software Developers, and DevOps to produce a Web UI with optimal efficiency, productivity, and quality
  • Conscientiously planned design on a document, matching technical requirements and features to ensure a smoother development phase
  • Employed various technologies such as ES6, Angular, Nest.js, Docker, and AWS, and supported the design of the back-end architecture
Findervest GmbH
Berlin, Germany
1 Jahr
2018-01 - 2018-12

Ideated, planned, and implemented a mobile application

  • Ideated, planned, and implemented a mobile application with React Native to provide a contacts exchange experience
on request
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2017-08 - 2018-08

Online Banking System

Lead Software Engineer
Lead Software Engineer
  • Contributed to delivering architecture, infrastructure, frameworks, and services that power an Online Banking System and associated integrations. Coded using JavaScript, React, and Redux and utilized Java and Spring Boot
  • Built a unified Front-end SDK to be used by several customer-facing services and engineered a clean and efficient architecture with the highest code quality, exceptional test coverage, and high usability
  • Led a team of 3 developers in delivering a PostBox solution in the form of a dropbox application offering file storage and email exchange within a larger Online Banking solution
  • As a best practice, created clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation, providing necessary instructions for product maintenance, installation, and usage
German Bank
Frankfurt, Germany
5 Monate
2017-03 - 2017-07

Travel Planning App

Senior Backend Engineer
Senior Backend Engineer
  • Utilized Elixir, Websockets, and React.js to deliver a Travel Planning Application
Berlin, Germany
2 Jahre 11 Monate
2014-05 - 2017-03

Scrivito Content Management System

Lead Software Engineer
Lead Software Engineer
  • Implemented a modern interface to upload and query data through the CMS, using React.js, Redux and Webpack
Infopark AG
Berlin, Germany
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2012-12 - 2014-05

E-Government system

Javascript Video streaming C#

  • Managed one of the local company projects.
  • Implemented server-side business logic and API for various types of clients like web or mobile. Completed client-side web applications in javascript frameworks.
  • Keen on integrating DDD practices into the development process. Developed and supported server-side logic in several high load web projects. In particular, worked on video streaming backend and metadata control.

Javascript Video streaming C#
2 Jahre 5 Monate
2010-07 - 2012-11

Developed various web applications

Javascript Ruby C#

Developed various web applications such as:

  • Company payment transaction gateway;
  • Document management system to set up documentation workflow between an organization and its grant receivers

Javascript Ruby C#

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Siberian State Technological University




TypeScript JavaScript java REST CSS GraphQL Scrum Node.js Unit Test Agile Entwicklung monorepo microfrontend lerna Vue.js Angular TailwindCSS Shadcn Next.js Nest Azure AWS Cloud spring boot

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Senior Software Engineer experienced in building and deploying full-stack solutions. Well-versed in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures & Algorithms, and FP Functional Programming
  • Front-end Developer with 12 years experiences building interactive UIs with TypeScript, React.js, Vue.js, and Angular. Solid track record in building out complex UX projects and passionate about crafting beautiful and seamless UIs
  • Enthusiastic problem solver with a bias towards action. Eager to take ownership to solve complex issues by acting at both granular and strategic levels
  • Acute Project and team Leadership skills with the ability to communicate effectively and influence a variety of stakeholders to drive progress within aggressive time constraints
  • Fast learner able to rapidly ramp up and develop new skills, and enthusiastic problem solver, comfortable with providing innovative & creative solutions
  • A key contributor to the team, available to support and collaborate with others. International profile, fluent in English and German, thriving in a multicultural & diverse work environment


  • Reactive frontend architecture expert
  • Early React.js adopter and ultimate expert

JavaScript stack

  • Superset: TypeScript / FE Framework: React, Vue.js, Angular
  • Libraries: Redux, Hooks, Ngrx, RxJS, Pinia
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, Next/Nuxt, Nest.js, GraphQL, Apollo 
  • Testing: Jest, Vitest, TestingLibrary

Web Development Technologies

  • HTML
  • ReST
  • Tailwind

Dev Tools:

  • Git
  • Storybook
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo
  • Webpack
  • Vite

Headless CMS:

  • Prismic
  • Contentful


  • AWS
  • Microsoft Azure
  • GCP

Other Programming Technologies

  • AWS/Google Cloud
  • Prismic/Contentful/Strapi
  • Cypress
  • Jest/Jasmine/Mocha
  • GraphQL/Apollo


Spring Boot
Tailwind, Headless UI



Berlin (+20km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



11 Monate
2023-01 - 2023-11

Eon - Geräte management system

Senior Lead Frontend Entwickler React Apollo GitLab CI/CD ...
Senior Lead Frontend Entwickler
  • Veränderte das Testverfahren durch die Konzentration auf Komponententests und die Migration von Apollo zu .
  • Rationalisierte Release-Zyklen mit GitLab und semantischer Versionierung und führte einen 2-Approval Pull-Request-Prozess ein.
  • Betreute zwei Auszubildende in der Softwareentwicklung und verbesserte ihre Entwicklungsfähigkeiten.
  • Leitete die architektonische Überarbeitung von Kernsystemkomponenten und optimierte diese mit GraphQL-Abfragen.
  • Wechselte die Benutzeroberfläche vom Ant-System zu modernen Shadcn- und Tailwind-Komponenten für ein verbessertes Benutzererlebnis.
  • Etablierte eine Kultur der Codeüberprüfung und Qualitätssicherung, was die Anzahl der Fehler signifikant reduzierte und die Softwarezuverlässigkeit erhöhte.
  • Leitete die Abschaltung des veralteten Systems, ebnete den Weg für die Einführung moderner Technologien, gewährleistete reibungslosere Übergänge und minimierte technische Schulden.
  • Befürwortete die Integration der Agile Scrum-Methodik, was zu einer verbesserten Teamzusammenarbeit, besseren Sprintlieferungen und einer proaktiven Problemlösung führte.

React Apollo GitLab CI/CD Shadcn Tailwind Ant Design
Essen, Ruhr
9 Monate
2022-04 - 2022-12

Software development

Frontend Team Lead Vue.js Typescript Tailwind
Frontend Team Lead
  • Contributed to the software development life cycle of a productivity software company by designing and implementing front-end features and delivering clean and scalable code in TypeScript with TypeScript, Vue.js, Node.js, and GraphQL
  • Collaborated within a multidisciplinary team including Back-end Engineers, UI/UX Designers, and Product Owners, providing thoughtful input and technical expertise
  • Gather technical requirements by extracting architectural significance and solution designs leveraging web technologies
  • Successfully strategized and executed the transition of the codebase from Vue2 to Vue3 in order to address technical debt. Led the team in navigating the complexity of change and solved challenges caused by a lack of code coverage
  • Redesigned the store management to include a Pinia store and replaced Vuex to allow for the implementation of a complex Undo/Redo feature for key business components
  • Transitioned from the Vuetify framework to a proprietary Design System solution with the Atomic design pattern
  • Planned and established a new interview process to fill a Lead Developer position by modifying, designing all steps, coding challenges, and integrating codility. Interviewed over 50 candidates and helped close three positions in total
  • Provided guidance and conducted coding reviews for junior developers. Remain available and accessible to encourage communication and collaboration
  • Thoroughly tested for the usability of each Vue component utilizing the Vitest framework to validate behavior as specified by requirements
  • Maintained an up-to-date knowledge of Web & Mobile technologies and best practices and monitored industry & competitive trends
Vue.js Typescript Tailwind
Koppla GmbH
5 Monate
2021-09 - 2022-01

Planning, designing, and implementing a Headless UI

Frontend Team Lead
Frontend Team Lead
  • Played a pivotal role at every stage of the software development life cycle by planning, designing, and implementing a Headless UI and integrating a store layer for cross-micro frontend communication 
  • Thoroughly assessed and defined technical requirements to design a system architecture optimized for speed and scalability, with clarity on time, cost, and impact. Employed multiple technologies, such as Typescript, Vue.js, Node.js, SingleSPA, Tailwind,, Azure Cloud, and GraphQL
  • Successfully delivered a menu planning system, basket operations, and checkout process experiences, leveraging Vue.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind CSS
  • Led a team of 3 Front-End Developers, maintained close communication with team members about current builds, and coordinated efforts toward maintaining and updating code
Apetito AG
NRW, Germany
1 Jahr 9 Monate
2020-01 - 2021-09

Planning and execution of large-scale content migration

Frontend Team Lead
Frontend Team Lead
  • Led a team of 8 Software Engineers in the planning and execution of large-scale content migration from legacy CMS to a modern Headless CMS ( and Contentful) for the entire online stores and, operated by one of Germany?s largest retailers
  • Conceptualized and rolled out features in 5 other countries, including Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Austria and Belgium
  • Crafted a state-of-the-art system allowing business stakeholders to interact with the back-end of the platform and seamlessly update campaigns, services, legal information, and other data without technical knowledge. Integrated 2 Git repositories and clusters, respectively, from the internal team and subcontractor, promoting a monorepo to avoid manual synchronization and improve the developer experience
  • Designed both front-end and back-end architecture, and drove the implementation by leading team members during pair programming sessions, coding in TypeScript with React.js and GraphQL
  • Leveraged the Lerna.js framework to split up the front-end monolith and set up the Monorepo structure of the shop. Spearheaded the integration of NX.js and evaluated the micro front-end architecture, along with Next.js and presented the concept to the VP of Engineering
  • As an ad-hoc project, collaborated with Apple to deliver a Macbook product configurator within a tight deadline (30 days), by using a custom variant data structure (Tree) to create a dynamic UI generator. Organized State Management with XState state machine. Later expanded use cases to iPhone and other devices requiring configuration
  • Integrated Contentful as a headless CMS to allow for a faster collaboration between stakeholders and Apple and developed a custom Contentful table app to eliminate legacy workaround code
  • Built and managed a Development Experience (DX) community in the company to help address problems Developers are facing, substantially improving the work environment within four months
Munich, Germany
10 Monate
2019-02 - 2019-11

Development, management, and maintenance

Architecture Lead
Architecture Lead
  • Responsible for the development, management, and maintenance of a dating app, leading a team of Designers, Software Developers, and DevOps to produce a Web UI with optimal efficiency, productivity, and quality
  • Conscientiously planned design on a document, matching technical requirements and features to ensure a smoother development phase
  • Employed various technologies such as ES6, Angular, Nest.js, Docker, and AWS, and supported the design of the back-end architecture
Findervest GmbH
Berlin, Germany
1 Jahr
2018-01 - 2018-12

Ideated, planned, and implemented a mobile application

  • Ideated, planned, and implemented a mobile application with React Native to provide a contacts exchange experience
on request
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2017-08 - 2018-08

Online Banking System

Lead Software Engineer
Lead Software Engineer
  • Contributed to delivering architecture, infrastructure, frameworks, and services that power an Online Banking System and associated integrations. Coded using JavaScript, React, and Redux and utilized Java and Spring Boot
  • Built a unified Front-end SDK to be used by several customer-facing services and engineered a clean and efficient architecture with the highest code quality, exceptional test coverage, and high usability
  • Led a team of 3 developers in delivering a PostBox solution in the form of a dropbox application offering file storage and email exchange within a larger Online Banking solution
  • As a best practice, created clear, concise, and user-friendly documentation, providing necessary instructions for product maintenance, installation, and usage
German Bank
Frankfurt, Germany
5 Monate
2017-03 - 2017-07

Travel Planning App

Senior Backend Engineer
Senior Backend Engineer
  • Utilized Elixir, Websockets, and React.js to deliver a Travel Planning Application
Berlin, Germany
2 Jahre 11 Monate
2014-05 - 2017-03

Scrivito Content Management System

Lead Software Engineer
Lead Software Engineer
  • Implemented a modern interface to upload and query data through the CMS, using React.js, Redux and Webpack
Infopark AG
Berlin, Germany
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2012-12 - 2014-05

E-Government system

Javascript Video streaming C#

  • Managed one of the local company projects.
  • Implemented server-side business logic and API for various types of clients like web or mobile. Completed client-side web applications in javascript frameworks.
  • Keen on integrating DDD practices into the development process. Developed and supported server-side logic in several high load web projects. In particular, worked on video streaming backend and metadata control.

Javascript Video streaming C#
2 Jahre 5 Monate
2010-07 - 2012-11

Developed various web applications

Javascript Ruby C#

Developed various web applications such as:

  • Company payment transaction gateway;
  • Document management system to set up documentation workflow between an organization and its grant receivers

Javascript Ruby C#

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Siberian State Technological University




TypeScript JavaScript java REST CSS GraphQL Scrum Node.js Unit Test Agile Entwicklung monorepo microfrontend lerna Vue.js Angular TailwindCSS Shadcn Next.js Nest Azure AWS Cloud spring boot

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Senior Software Engineer experienced in building and deploying full-stack solutions. Well-versed in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Data Structures & Algorithms, and FP Functional Programming
  • Front-end Developer with 12 years experiences building interactive UIs with TypeScript, React.js, Vue.js, and Angular. Solid track record in building out complex UX projects and passionate about crafting beautiful and seamless UIs
  • Enthusiastic problem solver with a bias towards action. Eager to take ownership to solve complex issues by acting at both granular and strategic levels
  • Acute Project and team Leadership skills with the ability to communicate effectively and influence a variety of stakeholders to drive progress within aggressive time constraints
  • Fast learner able to rapidly ramp up and develop new skills, and enthusiastic problem solver, comfortable with providing innovative & creative solutions
  • A key contributor to the team, available to support and collaborate with others. International profile, fluent in English and German, thriving in a multicultural & diverse work environment


  • Reactive frontend architecture expert
  • Early React.js adopter and ultimate expert

JavaScript stack

  • Superset: TypeScript / FE Framework: React, Vue.js, Angular
  • Libraries: Redux, Hooks, Ngrx, RxJS, Pinia
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, Next/Nuxt, Nest.js, GraphQL, Apollo 
  • Testing: Jest, Vitest, TestingLibrary

Web Development Technologies

  • HTML
  • ReST
  • Tailwind

Dev Tools:

  • Git
  • Storybook
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo
  • Webpack
  • Vite

Headless CMS:

  • Prismic
  • Contentful


  • AWS
  • Microsoft Azure
  • GCP

Other Programming Technologies

  • AWS/Google Cloud
  • Prismic/Contentful/Strapi
  • Cypress
  • Jest/Jasmine/Mocha
  • GraphQL/Apollo


Spring Boot
Tailwind, Headless UI

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