Senior software architect
Aktualisiert am 07.05.2024
Mitarbeiter eines Dienstleisters
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Skill-Profil eines fest angestellten Mitarbeiters des Dienstleisters



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



3 Jahre 1 Monat
2021-10 - 2024-10

ALTERNATIVE (environmentAL Toxicology of chEmical mixtuRes through aN innovATIVE platform based on aged cardiac tissue model)

Manager agiles Projektmanagement

ALTERNATIVE will develop an innovative platform able to detect the cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their biotransformation products. The novel platform will enable regulators and industry to identify, quantify and prevent cardiotoxic co-exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a cost-effective way. ALTERNATIVE will particularly focus on cardiotoxic effects on the older people, which is of high relevance in view of the aging European population and the high spread of cardiovascular diseases.

Within the scope of the project and cloud data platform will be developed to enable deployment, operation and access of the machine learning data modes as well as to facilitate the data gathering and analysis between ALTERNATIVE partners.


  • Implementation of Cloud Data Platform

  • Integration of ML model and data source into the cloud data platform


  • Consortium coordination for SI ES TI EOOD

  • Management of the development team

agiles Projektmanagement
EU Horizon 2020 funded
4 Monate
2023-09 - 2023-12

SCS VP04 - Openstack networking

Developer Openstack OpenStack-Neutron OVS ...
SCS VP04 Networking outlines 3 sub-lots aiming to improve and further develop the Openstack?s networking stack in three major ways - SDN scalability, traffic encryption and cloud interconnect. The work would be carried out as an open-source project in the SCS community and upstream projects like Openstack and Neutron. Building the SCS lab with physical infrastructure like network switches, server and the networking software based on SONiC was also contributed to.

  • Creating technical concept for slots ?Network encryption? and ?Cloud Interconnect? work packages
  • Deep-dive analysis and technical roadmap for work package 1 - SDN scalability with SONiC
  • Creating virtual environment based on GNS3 and SONiC to simulate SDN architecture
  • Building, customizing and bug fixing community SONiC images for Edgecore switches
  • Deployment and testing of community and enterprise SONiC on lab hardware
  • Creating presentations and community calls on Openstack SDN, SONiC and scalability topics
  • Optimizing SONiC build automation for SCS
  • Working on SONiC rollout and deployment configuration within SCS, OSISM and kolla-ansible
  • Writing blog posts and ADR (architecture decision records)

Openstack OpenStack-Neutron OVS OVN SDN SONiC Edgecore Border Gateway Protocol EVPN VXLAN Geneve
OSB Alliance
5 Monate
2023-02 - 2023-06

Cloud data spaces

Data Spaces Architect
Data Spaces Architect

Architecture consulting and DevOps roles in several client?s sub-projects POSSIBLE, HEALTH-X and Marispace. Design and implementation of data space technologies based on GAIA-X and International Data Spaces (IDS). Creation of documentation, examples and demos for internal and external customers.


  • Architecture design for project POSSIBLE

  • Participation in Hackathons, events and steering committees

  • Dockerization of GAIA-X services - Federated Catalog

  • Automation of infrastructure landscape with Terraform - IONOS Kubernetes

  • Automation of deployment process - CI/CD

  • Packaging/Deployment/Integration of EDC Connector

  • Packaging/Deployment/Integration of IDS DAPS

  • Packaging/Deployment/Integration of IoT OpenTwins platform based on Eclipse DITTO

GAIA-X IDS/IPS Git Kubernetes EDC
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2021-05 - 2022-12

Digital Experience Portal (DXP)

Software developer Golang JavaScript TypeScript ...
Software developer

SAP Digital Experience Portal is an integrated space for developers to manage the software development process similar to Spotify Backstage. It provides common features like code repositories, release management, security, log and infrastructure monitoring and others. DXP supports extensions to enable external parties to integrate additional features into the portal in a plugable fashion. DXP internally works by extending the Kubernetes API by defining CRDs and operators/controllers which manage custom resources.


  • Golang

  • Dynatrace

  • Kubernetes/Docker

  • GCP, AWS clouds APIs

  • Kubernetes Operators

  • GraphQL

  • Terraform

  • External Secrets Operator

  • Angular

  • JavaScript/TypeScript


  • Configure and operator the infrastructure monitoring of the IT landscape using Dynatrace

  • Configure distributed tracing and monitoring for applications using OpenTelemetry

  • implemented logging and monitoring infrastructure for DXP using fluentbit, Kibana and ElasticSearch/OpenDistro

  • extended Dynatrace configuration to meet monitoring and audit requirements

  • automated GCP LoadBalancer and routing configuration with a custom kubernetes operator

  • implemented secret management architecture using ExternalSecretsOperator, Hashicorp Vault and Kubernetes

  • automated parts of the DXP landscape configuration using Terraform, providers: Vault, AWS, GCP

  • implemented email-service component leveraging AWS SES

  • implemented on various search use-cases using GraphQL, Golang and Apache SOLR

AWS Google Cloud Platform Dynatrace Terraform
Golang JavaScript TypeScript Angular External Secrets Operator GraphQL Kubernetes operators Docker
3 Jahre 2 Monate
2019-11 - 2022-12

Daiteap (Multi-Cloud management platform)

CTO agiles Projektmanagement RabbitMQ
  • Daiteap simplifies the management of complex multi-cloud infrastructure by exposing easy to use UI and API to end users. Daiteap can manage Kubernetes clusters, virtual machines and S3 storage across a variety of cloud service providers, in-premise and IoT devices. Users can create integration multi-cloud environments by VPN, allowing Kubernetes nodes, virtual servers and devices to communicate directly without needing to cross edge network boundaries and use public IPs, gateways and proxies. 


    • Cloud - AWS, GCP, Azure, Alicloud

    • Terraform

    • Ansible

    • Docker und Kubernetes, Cluster-API, RabbitMQ

    • IoT RaspberryPi

    • Helm

    • Vuejs

    • Django und Python

    • CI/CD

    • PKI,OAuth2.0/OIDC, SSO, Keycloak,VPN IPSEC/WireGuard


  • Solution design - features, architecture and technology stack

  • Steering technical team activities

  • Planning the technical roadmap

  • Work on backend and frontend code base

  • Day to day task refinement, code reviews

  • Coordination with partners and clients

AWS Google Cloud Platform Azure Alicloud Terraform Docker OpenStack
agiles Projektmanagement RabbitMQ
Daiteap GmbH & Co. KG
5 Jahre 8 Monate
2016-02 - 2021-09

Footgolf Score

Project manager agiles Projektmanagement
Project manager

FootgolfScore is a web platform used by players, tournament organizers and national federations to manage tournaments, player rankings, profiles and events. The platform also keeps track of real time results during tournaments and provides a live scorecard which is updated by the stewards during competitions.

User facing part is used by the general public and players to review and register for tournaments, see results and participate in footgolf events. Administrative part is used by the national federations and clubs which create the tournaments, rules and teams.


  • Python/Django

  • Bootstrap

  • HTML, JavaScript, CSS

  • Docker and Kubernetes


  • Requirements gathering with clients and users

  • Management of technical team

  • Software architecture, specification

  • Planning the technical roadmap

agiles Projektmanagement
2 Jahre 8 Monate
2018-12 - 2021-07

Octave (Cloud-based Big Data Analytics platform)

Project manager agiles Projektmanagement Beratung Infrastrukturberatung ...
Project manager

Development of a data analytics platform ( based on Hortonworks Hadoop and hosted in OVH. Development of REST APIs for data ingest and access. Setting up SSO, IDM, Logging, Monitoring infrastructure. Support of production servers, bug fixing and further developments.


  • OVH cloud

  • Hortonworks, NIFI, HDFS

  • ELK stack

  • Kubernetes and Docker

  • Python/Django

  • Google Cloud Platform


  • Team management

  • Technical specification and design

  • AI/Big Data consulting

agiles Projektmanagement Beratung Infrastrukturberatung Big Data Analytics
Octave IO
8 Monate
2020-01 - 2020-08


Software developer Python Django Docker ...
Software developer

Successor project to DSA. Implementation of two additional customer support use cases and six microservices.

Project DSA: Digital Service Assistant extends the AI customer service use cases and uses new technology stack and microservice architecture. The source data is stored into existing legacy systems accessed via SOAP/XML.


  • Python/Django

  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • NodeJS

  • Swagger

  • Bash

  • GIT

  • Swagger



  • Implementation of microservices according to the specification

  • Development of in-house end-to-end testing framework

  • Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment

  • Training and on-boarding of new team members

Python Django Docker Kubernetes Basho Git SOAP XML CI/CD
Deutsche Telekom AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2018-07 - 2019-12

Digital Service Assistant (DSA)

Software developer Python Django Docker ...
Software developer

Successor to the ELIZA, Digital Service Assistant extends the AI customer service use cases and uses new technology stack and microservice architecture. The source data is stored into existing legacy systems accessed via SOAP/XML. 10 user cases are implemented as microservices using Python/Django running on top of Kubernetes. Additionally, CI/CD pipelines were developed for the automated deployment, versioning and release management procedures were also implemented as part of robust past practices.


  • Python/Django

  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • NodeJS

  • Swagger

  • Bash

  • GIT



  • Implementation of microservices according to the specification

  • Integration of legacy systems via SOAP/XML

  • Development of in-house end-to-end testing framework

  • Unit tests with >80% code coverage

  • Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment

  • Training and on-boarding of new team members

Python Django Docker Kubernetes Node.js Basho GIT SOAP XML
Deutsche Telekom AG
4 Monate
2018-12 - 2019-03


DevOps engineer Docker Kubernetes Blockchain ...
DevOps engineer

Architecture and implementation of Blockchain platform for signing Roaming and mobile Data contracts between MNO worldwide based on Hyperledger Fabric. Adaptation for the Hyperledger project to the NOMAD use case, including migration to Kubernetes orchestrator, setting up core and operator network components, creating development and installation packages and documentation. Supporting client and partner MNO technical teams by installing the NOMAD artifacts on public and private infrastructure, supporting technical teams with running operator NOMAD components. Active role in technical discussions with GSMA and assisting the governing body and partners with technical decisions and discussions pertaining to the technical realization of the network and blockchain technologies.


  • Hyperledger Fabric

  • PKI, HSM, SoftHSM

  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • Public cloud: Open Telekom Cloud, AWS, GCP

  • Private cloud

  • Bash scripting


  • MySQL

  • HLF CA

  • OpenSSL

  • Golang, NodeJS


  • Setting up distributed Kubernetes infrastructure for Hyperledger Fabric

  • Setting up PKI

  • Integration of SoftHSM into frontend application and Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Open Telekom Cloud AWS Good Clinical Practice
Docker Kubernetes Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric HSM SoftHSM PKI
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
2 Jahre
2016-07 - 2018-06

ELIZA (customer support AI)

Software developer Java Tomcat Kerberos ...
Software developer

The ELIZA project is an AI customer support module, which automates parts of the customer support functions by leveraging machine learning functions. It integrates into existing data sources like whitepapers, user activity, forums, FAQ pages and others. Collected data is stored into a big data/Hadoop cluster and processed. The results are then used to implement various AI use cases. The system learns continuously from user generated data and activity and is able to improve the quality of its answers.

The technical solution was implemented using Hortonworks big data cluster. Data ingest layer was implemented with Apache NIFI, Kafka. Data access layer uses Java, Tomcat, and HBase. Perimeter security


  • Hortonworks Hadoop - Apache NIFI, HDFS, HBase, KNOX, Ranger, Kafka

  • Kerberos & LDAP

  • Java, Tomcat


  • Implementation of the customer AI assistant ELIZA

  • Design and implementation of data ingest and data access paths based on Apache NIFI and HBase

  • Development of the user management and perimeter security layer using Kerberos, LDAP, Ranger and KNOX

  • Implementation AI functions into the platform

Java Tomcat Kerberos LDAP Hadoop
Deutsche Telekom AG
6 Monate
2016-10 - 2017-03


Project manager agiles Projektmanagement
Project manager

Implementation of a real time data processing pipeline for the Telekom Help Portal information. Data is ingested via Apache Nifi, classified and stored in Apache Solr, HDFS and Hive. Specific customer requirements and insights are visualized from the data using Solr/Banana and Zeppelin tools. The customer receives interactive data dashboards which are updated in real time and can query, modify and monitor key performance metrics.


  • Hortonworks Hadoop

  • Apache NIFI

  • Apache Solr/Banana

  • Apache Zeppelin

  • HDFS

  • Hive


  • Hiring, interviewing team members

  • Architecture design of the proof-of-concept solution

  • Code reviews, tasks allocation, testing

agiles Projektmanagement
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2015-07 - 2016-12

Datalab (Cloud based IaaS platform)

Solution Architect Hadoop LDAP Kerberos ...
Solution Architect

Design and implementation of a cloud based Big Data IaaS Platform. Goal of the project was the offering of virtualized Big Data services like HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Impala, Spark, HBase and others to end customers. As part of the project the responsibilities included:

  • Installation and configuration of Hadoop distributions: Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks

  • Management of Hadoop services: HDFS, Hive, Spark, etc.

  • Resource Management with OpenStack, including performance analysis, resource utilization and backup.

  • Remote access using VPN and HTTPS

  • Support of data scientists

  • Communications with partners, clients regarding technical requirements


  • Cloudera Enterprise, Hortonworks

  • HBase, HDFS, Hive, Hue, Impala, Oozie, Solr, Spark, Sqoop, ZooKeeper, Pig, Kafka, Storm, Flume, Ambari, Cloudera Manager

  • LDAP, Kerberos

  • OpenStack, KVM

Cloudera Hortonworks
Hadoop LDAP Kerberos OpenStack Linux DevOps
Deutsche Telekom AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2014-01 - 2015-06


Project manager agiles Projektmanagement WebRTC NAT ...
Project manager

RingRTC is an online communication solution for small businesses and individuals. It is engineered for smartphone users who can take advantage of a bigger screen and keyboard to manage their phone and day to day communication needs. RingRTC connects the web browser and the android phone via a peer-to-peer channel, thus bringing smartphone functions in the browser and enhancing users? productivity.


  • WebRTC, WebSocket

  • Java/Android

  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Google Polymer

  • NodeJS, STUN/TURN Proxy, Redis, PHP, Golang

  • Linux

  • Mailchimp

  • 2Checkout payment integration


  • Technical specification of the product solution, product roadmap

  • Team management - SCRUM, training, task allocation, code reviews

  • Work on backend/frontend code bases

  • Marketing and sales

  • Design of NAT traversal solution

Mailchimp 2checkout
agiles Projektmanagement WebRTC NAT TCP/IP Google Polymer STUN/TURN Golang
8 Monate
2012-12 - 2013-07


Software developer IMS Diameter PCRF ...
Software developer

Soundcall enables mobile phone users to inject audio sounds within ongoing voice calls using a mobile app. The soundcall app integrates the user's phone with functionality provided on the telco network to allow for the sound mixing to take place. The product includes website, mobile application and server


  • AWS cloud, Amazon EC2 services, Elastic Load Balancer.

  • Java, Spring

  • EHCache

  • IMS, PCRF, Diameter, Gx/Gy

  • Ubuntu/Linux

  • Tcpdump

  • Apache JMeter


  • Backend solution architecture and development

  • Integration into the IMS telecom network

  • Support for horizontal scalability and support for millions of users

  • Design and development of load/stress testing procedures

  • Production deployment to AWS EC2

IMS Diameter PCRF Linux Java Spring Core
Soundcall GmbH
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2011-02 - 2012-08

Deutsche Telekom RCS-e/JOYN

Software Developer Joyn SIP MSRP ...
Software Developer

RCS-e/Joyn is an emerging messaging technology aiming to compete with purely IP-based messaging services like Skype and WhatsApp. It integrates into the existing IMS telecom network and represents an improvement to traditional messaging services like SMS. RCS-e/Joyn enables users to send higher quality text messages and files, emoticons, make Video calls over the internet and see the online presence status of their contacts. The advantage of this solution is that it can be built into new devices and be offered out of the box with newly purchased phones without the need to sign up to a new service.

The technical requirements asked for to build a proof of concept solution, including mobile application and backend solutions. On the server side, a SIP compatible infrastructure has to be designed and implemented which supports the RCS-e standards and protocols and also be compatible with other market implementations. The solution contains an MSRP and RTP proxies based on  RFC 4975, RFC 6135 and SESSMATCH and SIP signaling server leveraging Kamailio.


  • RCS-e, IMS, 3GPP

  • SIP, RTP, MSRP protocols

  • Kamailio proxy

  • Tcpdump, curl, callflow, sipp, sipsak

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Linux


  • Development of first iteration of the Deutsche Telekom RCSe solution

  • Design and implementation of the SIP based backend network

  • Implementation of network level RCS-e functions

    • Messaging/Text

    • File transfer

    • Audio/Video

    • Identity

    • Presence

  • Design and implementation of custom MSRP proxy

  • Interop testing with other RCS-e capable telecom platforms

Joyn SIP MSRP Kamailio Linux Java Ruby on Rails Python IMS RTP
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
4 Monate
2010-11 - 2011-02

Realization of social, location-based platforms for mobile users

Software developer SIP Asterisk
Software developer

Proof-of-concept project aiming to evaluate a solution of mobile geolocation service based on GPS and telecom base stations. Integration with Asterisk PBX, Facebook and Foursquare.


  • Google Maps API

  • Web

  • Asterisk PBX

  • SIP


  • Development of proof of concept solution for social geolocation

Google Maps
SIP Asterisk
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
6 Monate
2010-09 - 2011-02

Voicemail to Text

Software developer Linux Emailsicherheit Java ...
Software developer

This project aimed to provide a proof of concept of a voicemail-to-text service within the Deutsche Telekom AG by evaluating, training and improving Speech-to-text technologies by various providers. 


  • Email/SMTP

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text (Nuance, Spinvox)

  • Asterisk PBX

  • Bash scripting

  • Java

  • MySQL

  • Linux


  • Implementation of email voice platform with TTS and STT

  • Integration with Email server

  • Integration with phone voicemail system

  • Web based UI for message management and verification

  • PBX with PSTN interface to record voicemail and convert it to WAV and MP3

  • Backend server for processing phone recording

  • Integration of various voice to text service providers like Nuance, Spinvox and others.

Nuance Spinvox Asterisk
Linux Emailsicherheit Java MySQL TSS STT Ruby on Rails
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2009-09 - 2010-12

T-Voice (Unified Messaging Platform)

Software developer Linux VoIP SIP ...
Software developer

T-Voice is an unified messaging solution, combining voicemail, phone calls, SMS, email, Skype and social networking into a single communication portal. It has advanced call routing enabling users to configure how, when and on while device to be reached, depending on a variety of criteria like time of day, caller, and presence information. T-Voice also converts all messages to voice and text, regardless of the channel they were received on.


  • Linux

  • VOIP, SIP/PSTN, Digium hardware

  • Asterisk PBX, Adhearsion

  • Email, SMTP, Fetchmail, Postfix, Cyrus+filters

  • SMS

  • VoiceXML

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Skype to Business (SIP)


  • Backend design and development of the T-Voice multimodal communication solution

  • Development of custom message format based on SMTP for storing voice and text messages

  • Implementation of custom voice flows in Asterisk BPX

  • Integration of Voice/Phone communication channel

  • Integration of Email/Text communication channel

  • Integration of SMS/Text communication channel

  • Integration with Skype to Business

  • Administration of Linux servers, SIP trunks

  • Setup of Asterisk IP PBX

Linux VoIP SIP PSTN SMS E-Mail SMTP Fetchmail Postfix Cyrus VoiceXML Ruby on Rails Microsoft Lync
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2009-07 - 2010-07

Mobile application for the german volunteer firefighters

Software developer C# .NET Compact Framework Visual Studio ...
Software developer

A Windows Mobile application was developed to be used by firefighters on location. The application provides information about the buildings and relevant infrastructure on a given address, contact details for the persons responsible for access and security. It also allows users to input new information and update the database. Communication with the server is XML based.


  • Windows Mobile

  • .NET Compact Framework, C#

  • Visual Studio

  • XML


  • Development of mobile app on WinMobile for firefighters

  • Writing documentation

  • Implementation of activation code protection with trial period

C# .NET Compact Framework Visual Studio XML
INTEX Kohlmann
9 Monate
2009-01 - 2009-09

Automated IVR/IVVR assistant for the Deutsche Telekom call center

Software developer VoiceXML IVR IVVR ...
Software developer

Proof of concept project with the goal to create an automated 3G video call agent used to automate and take some of the support duties within the Deutsche Telekom call centre. Users would be video calling using the 3G network and use voice and video to talk to a computer agent who resolves questions and issues, for example DSL and TV related problems.


  • Development of voice and video 3G call platform

  • Implementation of VoiceXML call flows using Genesys and Voxeo

  • Integration of a 3G video gateway


  • Genesys Voice Platform

  • Voxeo Multimedia Server

  • VoiceXML


  • 3G-H324M

Genesys Voxeo
3 Monate
2008-06 - 2008-08

Implementation of movement-detection application using the smartphone camera

Software developer C++ C# .NET Compact Framework ...
Software developer

Porting of Java algorithm for movement detection to Windows Mobile 5/6 and .NET Compact Framework. The algorithm analyzes a continuous stream of video frames from the mobile camera and detects movement direction by calculating the difference in location of key frame points. It had to be optimized for performance on mobile devices and implemented in C#. Parts were also written in C++ on the .NET CLR and DirectShow framework.


  • Windows Mobile 6.0

  • C++

  • C#

  • .NET CLR

  • DirectShow


  • Porting of existing movement detection algorithm from Java to .NET on WinMobile

  • Creating a custom DirectShow filter for the video frame processing

  • Creating a C++/CLR library exposing the filter

  • .NET application for Windows Mobile showing the movement detection functionalities

C++ C# .NET Compact Framework DirectShow

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2011-04 - 2011-04

SCRUM Workshop - agile software development

Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt
Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt
4 Jahre 9 Monate
2003-07 - 2008-03

Computational Engineering

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Technische Universität Darmstadt

5 Monate
2003-01 - 2003-05

Information Technology

Albany, NY, USA
Albany, NY, USA
5 Monate
2002-08 - 2002-12

Computer Science

Arkansas Tech University, AR, USA
Arkansas Tech University, AR, USA
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2001-01 - 2002-01

Cisco Networking Academy


1-4 Semesters

CCNA Certificate



IT Architect, Project Manager, Software Developer




  • Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes, K3S, MicroK8S, Helm, ArgoCD, Cluster API)
  • Databases (MySQL, Postgres, MS SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle)
  • Tools (Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, ELK stack, LDAP, Keycloak, NGINX, Hashicorp Vault)
  • Networking (TCP/IP, LB, Ingress, VPN IPSEC and Wireguard, K8S CNI, CertManager, Istio)
  • Storage (S3, NFS, Longhorn)
  • PKI,OAuth2.0/OIDC, SSO, Keycloak

  • Languages (C/C++, C#/.NET, Golang, Python, Java, Bash/scripting, HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TS, SQL, Ruby, Perl, Assembler)
  • Frameworks (Django, Vuejs, Entity Framework, JQuery)
  • IDEs (VS Code, Eclipse, NetBeans)
  • Tools (GIT, Gitlab, Github, Jupyter Notebook, Minikube, KIND)

  • Public providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, IONOS, AliCloud, Open Telekom Cloud, OVH)
  • Private cloud (OpenStack, VMWare)

Hadoop and database:
  • Providers (Cloudera and Hortonworks)
  • Services (HDFS, Hbase, Spark, Hive, NiFi, Kafka, KNOX, Ranger, Kerberos, LDAP, Ambari, Zookeeper, MQTT, Mosquitto, Redis)

  • SONiC, IOS
  • SDN
  • GNS3
  • Openstack Neutron

  • Jira, Confluence, Gitlab/Github



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



3 Jahre 1 Monat
2021-10 - 2024-10

ALTERNATIVE (environmentAL Toxicology of chEmical mixtuRes through aN innovATIVE platform based on aged cardiac tissue model)

Manager agiles Projektmanagement

ALTERNATIVE will develop an innovative platform able to detect the cardiotoxicity of chemicals and their biotransformation products. The novel platform will enable regulators and industry to identify, quantify and prevent cardiotoxic co-exposures to industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals in a cost-effective way. ALTERNATIVE will particularly focus on cardiotoxic effects on the older people, which is of high relevance in view of the aging European population and the high spread of cardiovascular diseases.

Within the scope of the project and cloud data platform will be developed to enable deployment, operation and access of the machine learning data modes as well as to facilitate the data gathering and analysis between ALTERNATIVE partners.


  • Implementation of Cloud Data Platform

  • Integration of ML model and data source into the cloud data platform


  • Consortium coordination for SI ES TI EOOD

  • Management of the development team

agiles Projektmanagement
EU Horizon 2020 funded
4 Monate
2023-09 - 2023-12

SCS VP04 - Openstack networking

Developer Openstack OpenStack-Neutron OVS ...
SCS VP04 Networking outlines 3 sub-lots aiming to improve and further develop the Openstack?s networking stack in three major ways - SDN scalability, traffic encryption and cloud interconnect. The work would be carried out as an open-source project in the SCS community and upstream projects like Openstack and Neutron. Building the SCS lab with physical infrastructure like network switches, server and the networking software based on SONiC was also contributed to.

  • Creating technical concept for slots ?Network encryption? and ?Cloud Interconnect? work packages
  • Deep-dive analysis and technical roadmap for work package 1 - SDN scalability with SONiC
  • Creating virtual environment based on GNS3 and SONiC to simulate SDN architecture
  • Building, customizing and bug fixing community SONiC images for Edgecore switches
  • Deployment and testing of community and enterprise SONiC on lab hardware
  • Creating presentations and community calls on Openstack SDN, SONiC and scalability topics
  • Optimizing SONiC build automation for SCS
  • Working on SONiC rollout and deployment configuration within SCS, OSISM and kolla-ansible
  • Writing blog posts and ADR (architecture decision records)

Openstack OpenStack-Neutron OVS OVN SDN SONiC Edgecore Border Gateway Protocol EVPN VXLAN Geneve
OSB Alliance
5 Monate
2023-02 - 2023-06

Cloud data spaces

Data Spaces Architect
Data Spaces Architect

Architecture consulting and DevOps roles in several client?s sub-projects POSSIBLE, HEALTH-X and Marispace. Design and implementation of data space technologies based on GAIA-X and International Data Spaces (IDS). Creation of documentation, examples and demos for internal and external customers.


  • Architecture design for project POSSIBLE

  • Participation in Hackathons, events and steering committees

  • Dockerization of GAIA-X services - Federated Catalog

  • Automation of infrastructure landscape with Terraform - IONOS Kubernetes

  • Automation of deployment process - CI/CD

  • Packaging/Deployment/Integration of EDC Connector

  • Packaging/Deployment/Integration of IDS DAPS

  • Packaging/Deployment/Integration of IoT OpenTwins platform based on Eclipse DITTO

GAIA-X IDS/IPS Git Kubernetes EDC
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2021-05 - 2022-12

Digital Experience Portal (DXP)

Software developer Golang JavaScript TypeScript ...
Software developer

SAP Digital Experience Portal is an integrated space for developers to manage the software development process similar to Spotify Backstage. It provides common features like code repositories, release management, security, log and infrastructure monitoring and others. DXP supports extensions to enable external parties to integrate additional features into the portal in a plugable fashion. DXP internally works by extending the Kubernetes API by defining CRDs and operators/controllers which manage custom resources.


  • Golang

  • Dynatrace

  • Kubernetes/Docker

  • GCP, AWS clouds APIs

  • Kubernetes Operators

  • GraphQL

  • Terraform

  • External Secrets Operator

  • Angular

  • JavaScript/TypeScript


  • Configure and operator the infrastructure monitoring of the IT landscape using Dynatrace

  • Configure distributed tracing and monitoring for applications using OpenTelemetry

  • implemented logging and monitoring infrastructure for DXP using fluentbit, Kibana and ElasticSearch/OpenDistro

  • extended Dynatrace configuration to meet monitoring and audit requirements

  • automated GCP LoadBalancer and routing configuration with a custom kubernetes operator

  • implemented secret management architecture using ExternalSecretsOperator, Hashicorp Vault and Kubernetes

  • automated parts of the DXP landscape configuration using Terraform, providers: Vault, AWS, GCP

  • implemented email-service component leveraging AWS SES

  • implemented on various search use-cases using GraphQL, Golang and Apache SOLR

AWS Google Cloud Platform Dynatrace Terraform
Golang JavaScript TypeScript Angular External Secrets Operator GraphQL Kubernetes operators Docker
3 Jahre 2 Monate
2019-11 - 2022-12

Daiteap (Multi-Cloud management platform)

CTO agiles Projektmanagement RabbitMQ
  • Daiteap simplifies the management of complex multi-cloud infrastructure by exposing easy to use UI and API to end users. Daiteap can manage Kubernetes clusters, virtual machines and S3 storage across a variety of cloud service providers, in-premise and IoT devices. Users can create integration multi-cloud environments by VPN, allowing Kubernetes nodes, virtual servers and devices to communicate directly without needing to cross edge network boundaries and use public IPs, gateways and proxies. 


    • Cloud - AWS, GCP, Azure, Alicloud

    • Terraform

    • Ansible

    • Docker und Kubernetes, Cluster-API, RabbitMQ

    • IoT RaspberryPi

    • Helm

    • Vuejs

    • Django und Python

    • CI/CD

    • PKI,OAuth2.0/OIDC, SSO, Keycloak,VPN IPSEC/WireGuard


  • Solution design - features, architecture and technology stack

  • Steering technical team activities

  • Planning the technical roadmap

  • Work on backend and frontend code base

  • Day to day task refinement, code reviews

  • Coordination with partners and clients

AWS Google Cloud Platform Azure Alicloud Terraform Docker OpenStack
agiles Projektmanagement RabbitMQ
Daiteap GmbH & Co. KG
5 Jahre 8 Monate
2016-02 - 2021-09

Footgolf Score

Project manager agiles Projektmanagement
Project manager

FootgolfScore is a web platform used by players, tournament organizers and national federations to manage tournaments, player rankings, profiles and events. The platform also keeps track of real time results during tournaments and provides a live scorecard which is updated by the stewards during competitions.

User facing part is used by the general public and players to review and register for tournaments, see results and participate in footgolf events. Administrative part is used by the national federations and clubs which create the tournaments, rules and teams.


  • Python/Django

  • Bootstrap

  • HTML, JavaScript, CSS

  • Docker and Kubernetes


  • Requirements gathering with clients and users

  • Management of technical team

  • Software architecture, specification

  • Planning the technical roadmap

agiles Projektmanagement
2 Jahre 8 Monate
2018-12 - 2021-07

Octave (Cloud-based Big Data Analytics platform)

Project manager agiles Projektmanagement Beratung Infrastrukturberatung ...
Project manager

Development of a data analytics platform ( based on Hortonworks Hadoop and hosted in OVH. Development of REST APIs for data ingest and access. Setting up SSO, IDM, Logging, Monitoring infrastructure. Support of production servers, bug fixing and further developments.


  • OVH cloud

  • Hortonworks, NIFI, HDFS

  • ELK stack

  • Kubernetes and Docker

  • Python/Django

  • Google Cloud Platform


  • Team management

  • Technical specification and design

  • AI/Big Data consulting

agiles Projektmanagement Beratung Infrastrukturberatung Big Data Analytics
Octave IO
8 Monate
2020-01 - 2020-08


Software developer Python Django Docker ...
Software developer

Successor project to DSA. Implementation of two additional customer support use cases and six microservices.

Project DSA: Digital Service Assistant extends the AI customer service use cases and uses new technology stack and microservice architecture. The source data is stored into existing legacy systems accessed via SOAP/XML.


  • Python/Django

  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • NodeJS

  • Swagger

  • Bash

  • GIT

  • Swagger



  • Implementation of microservices according to the specification

  • Development of in-house end-to-end testing framework

  • Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment

  • Training and on-boarding of new team members

Python Django Docker Kubernetes Basho Git SOAP XML CI/CD
Deutsche Telekom AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2018-07 - 2019-12

Digital Service Assistant (DSA)

Software developer Python Django Docker ...
Software developer

Successor to the ELIZA, Digital Service Assistant extends the AI customer service use cases and uses new technology stack and microservice architecture. The source data is stored into existing legacy systems accessed via SOAP/XML. 10 user cases are implemented as microservices using Python/Django running on top of Kubernetes. Additionally, CI/CD pipelines were developed for the automated deployment, versioning and release management procedures were also implemented as part of robust past practices.


  • Python/Django

  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • NodeJS

  • Swagger

  • Bash

  • GIT



  • Implementation of microservices according to the specification

  • Integration of legacy systems via SOAP/XML

  • Development of in-house end-to-end testing framework

  • Unit tests with >80% code coverage

  • Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment

  • Training and on-boarding of new team members

Python Django Docker Kubernetes Node.js Basho GIT SOAP XML
Deutsche Telekom AG
4 Monate
2018-12 - 2019-03


DevOps engineer Docker Kubernetes Blockchain ...
DevOps engineer

Architecture and implementation of Blockchain platform for signing Roaming and mobile Data contracts between MNO worldwide based on Hyperledger Fabric. Adaptation for the Hyperledger project to the NOMAD use case, including migration to Kubernetes orchestrator, setting up core and operator network components, creating development and installation packages and documentation. Supporting client and partner MNO technical teams by installing the NOMAD artifacts on public and private infrastructure, supporting technical teams with running operator NOMAD components. Active role in technical discussions with GSMA and assisting the governing body and partners with technical decisions and discussions pertaining to the technical realization of the network and blockchain technologies.


  • Hyperledger Fabric

  • PKI, HSM, SoftHSM

  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • Public cloud: Open Telekom Cloud, AWS, GCP

  • Private cloud

  • Bash scripting


  • MySQL

  • HLF CA

  • OpenSSL

  • Golang, NodeJS


  • Setting up distributed Kubernetes infrastructure for Hyperledger Fabric

  • Setting up PKI

  • Integration of SoftHSM into frontend application and Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Open Telekom Cloud AWS Good Clinical Practice
Docker Kubernetes Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric HSM SoftHSM PKI
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
2 Jahre
2016-07 - 2018-06

ELIZA (customer support AI)

Software developer Java Tomcat Kerberos ...
Software developer

The ELIZA project is an AI customer support module, which automates parts of the customer support functions by leveraging machine learning functions. It integrates into existing data sources like whitepapers, user activity, forums, FAQ pages and others. Collected data is stored into a big data/Hadoop cluster and processed. The results are then used to implement various AI use cases. The system learns continuously from user generated data and activity and is able to improve the quality of its answers.

The technical solution was implemented using Hortonworks big data cluster. Data ingest layer was implemented with Apache NIFI, Kafka. Data access layer uses Java, Tomcat, and HBase. Perimeter security


  • Hortonworks Hadoop - Apache NIFI, HDFS, HBase, KNOX, Ranger, Kafka

  • Kerberos & LDAP

  • Java, Tomcat


  • Implementation of the customer AI assistant ELIZA

  • Design and implementation of data ingest and data access paths based on Apache NIFI and HBase

  • Development of the user management and perimeter security layer using Kerberos, LDAP, Ranger and KNOX

  • Implementation AI functions into the platform

Java Tomcat Kerberos LDAP Hadoop
Deutsche Telekom AG
6 Monate
2016-10 - 2017-03


Project manager agiles Projektmanagement
Project manager

Implementation of a real time data processing pipeline for the Telekom Help Portal information. Data is ingested via Apache Nifi, classified and stored in Apache Solr, HDFS and Hive. Specific customer requirements and insights are visualized from the data using Solr/Banana and Zeppelin tools. The customer receives interactive data dashboards which are updated in real time and can query, modify and monitor key performance metrics.


  • Hortonworks Hadoop

  • Apache NIFI

  • Apache Solr/Banana

  • Apache Zeppelin

  • HDFS

  • Hive


  • Hiring, interviewing team members

  • Architecture design of the proof-of-concept solution

  • Code reviews, tasks allocation, testing

agiles Projektmanagement
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2015-07 - 2016-12

Datalab (Cloud based IaaS platform)

Solution Architect Hadoop LDAP Kerberos ...
Solution Architect

Design and implementation of a cloud based Big Data IaaS Platform. Goal of the project was the offering of virtualized Big Data services like HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, Impala, Spark, HBase and others to end customers. As part of the project the responsibilities included:

  • Installation and configuration of Hadoop distributions: Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks

  • Management of Hadoop services: HDFS, Hive, Spark, etc.

  • Resource Management with OpenStack, including performance analysis, resource utilization and backup.

  • Remote access using VPN and HTTPS

  • Support of data scientists

  • Communications with partners, clients regarding technical requirements


  • Cloudera Enterprise, Hortonworks

  • HBase, HDFS, Hive, Hue, Impala, Oozie, Solr, Spark, Sqoop, ZooKeeper, Pig, Kafka, Storm, Flume, Ambari, Cloudera Manager

  • LDAP, Kerberos

  • OpenStack, KVM

Cloudera Hortonworks
Hadoop LDAP Kerberos OpenStack Linux DevOps
Deutsche Telekom AG
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2014-01 - 2015-06


Project manager agiles Projektmanagement WebRTC NAT ...
Project manager

RingRTC is an online communication solution for small businesses and individuals. It is engineered for smartphone users who can take advantage of a bigger screen and keyboard to manage their phone and day to day communication needs. RingRTC connects the web browser and the android phone via a peer-to-peer channel, thus bringing smartphone functions in the browser and enhancing users? productivity.


  • WebRTC, WebSocket

  • Java/Android

  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Google Polymer

  • NodeJS, STUN/TURN Proxy, Redis, PHP, Golang

  • Linux

  • Mailchimp

  • 2Checkout payment integration


  • Technical specification of the product solution, product roadmap

  • Team management - SCRUM, training, task allocation, code reviews

  • Work on backend/frontend code bases

  • Marketing and sales

  • Design of NAT traversal solution

Mailchimp 2checkout
agiles Projektmanagement WebRTC NAT TCP/IP Google Polymer STUN/TURN Golang
8 Monate
2012-12 - 2013-07


Software developer IMS Diameter PCRF ...
Software developer

Soundcall enables mobile phone users to inject audio sounds within ongoing voice calls using a mobile app. The soundcall app integrates the user's phone with functionality provided on the telco network to allow for the sound mixing to take place. The product includes website, mobile application and server


  • AWS cloud, Amazon EC2 services, Elastic Load Balancer.

  • Java, Spring

  • EHCache

  • IMS, PCRF, Diameter, Gx/Gy

  • Ubuntu/Linux

  • Tcpdump

  • Apache JMeter


  • Backend solution architecture and development

  • Integration into the IMS telecom network

  • Support for horizontal scalability and support for millions of users

  • Design and development of load/stress testing procedures

  • Production deployment to AWS EC2

IMS Diameter PCRF Linux Java Spring Core
Soundcall GmbH
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2011-02 - 2012-08

Deutsche Telekom RCS-e/JOYN

Software Developer Joyn SIP MSRP ...
Software Developer

RCS-e/Joyn is an emerging messaging technology aiming to compete with purely IP-based messaging services like Skype and WhatsApp. It integrates into the existing IMS telecom network and represents an improvement to traditional messaging services like SMS. RCS-e/Joyn enables users to send higher quality text messages and files, emoticons, make Video calls over the internet and see the online presence status of their contacts. The advantage of this solution is that it can be built into new devices and be offered out of the box with newly purchased phones without the need to sign up to a new service.

The technical requirements asked for to build a proof of concept solution, including mobile application and backend solutions. On the server side, a SIP compatible infrastructure has to be designed and implemented which supports the RCS-e standards and protocols and also be compatible with other market implementations. The solution contains an MSRP and RTP proxies based on  RFC 4975, RFC 6135 and SESSMATCH and SIP signaling server leveraging Kamailio.


  • RCS-e, IMS, 3GPP

  • SIP, RTP, MSRP protocols

  • Kamailio proxy

  • Tcpdump, curl, callflow, sipp, sipsak

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Linux


  • Development of first iteration of the Deutsche Telekom RCSe solution

  • Design and implementation of the SIP based backend network

  • Implementation of network level RCS-e functions

    • Messaging/Text

    • File transfer

    • Audio/Video

    • Identity

    • Presence

  • Design and implementation of custom MSRP proxy

  • Interop testing with other RCS-e capable telecom platforms

Joyn SIP MSRP Kamailio Linux Java Ruby on Rails Python IMS RTP
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
4 Monate
2010-11 - 2011-02

Realization of social, location-based platforms for mobile users

Software developer SIP Asterisk
Software developer

Proof-of-concept project aiming to evaluate a solution of mobile geolocation service based on GPS and telecom base stations. Integration with Asterisk PBX, Facebook and Foursquare.


  • Google Maps API

  • Web

  • Asterisk PBX

  • SIP


  • Development of proof of concept solution for social geolocation

Google Maps
SIP Asterisk
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
6 Monate
2010-09 - 2011-02

Voicemail to Text

Software developer Linux Emailsicherheit Java ...
Software developer

This project aimed to provide a proof of concept of a voicemail-to-text service within the Deutsche Telekom AG by evaluating, training and improving Speech-to-text technologies by various providers. 


  • Email/SMTP

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text (Nuance, Spinvox)

  • Asterisk PBX

  • Bash scripting

  • Java

  • MySQL

  • Linux


  • Implementation of email voice platform with TTS and STT

  • Integration with Email server

  • Integration with phone voicemail system

  • Web based UI for message management and verification

  • PBX with PSTN interface to record voicemail and convert it to WAV and MP3

  • Backend server for processing phone recording

  • Integration of various voice to text service providers like Nuance, Spinvox and others.

Nuance Spinvox Asterisk
Linux Emailsicherheit Java MySQL TSS STT Ruby on Rails
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
1 Jahr 4 Monate
2009-09 - 2010-12

T-Voice (Unified Messaging Platform)

Software developer Linux VoIP SIP ...
Software developer

T-Voice is an unified messaging solution, combining voicemail, phone calls, SMS, email, Skype and social networking into a single communication portal. It has advanced call routing enabling users to configure how, when and on while device to be reached, depending on a variety of criteria like time of day, caller, and presence information. T-Voice also converts all messages to voice and text, regardless of the channel they were received on.


  • Linux

  • VOIP, SIP/PSTN, Digium hardware

  • Asterisk PBX, Adhearsion

  • Email, SMTP, Fetchmail, Postfix, Cyrus+filters

  • SMS

  • VoiceXML

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Skype to Business (SIP)


  • Backend design and development of the T-Voice multimodal communication solution

  • Development of custom message format based on SMTP for storing voice and text messages

  • Implementation of custom voice flows in Asterisk BPX

  • Integration of Voice/Phone communication channel

  • Integration of Email/Text communication channel

  • Integration of SMS/Text communication channel

  • Integration with Skype to Business

  • Administration of Linux servers, SIP trunks

  • Setup of Asterisk IP PBX

Linux VoIP SIP PSTN SMS E-Mail SMTP Fetchmail Postfix Cyrus VoiceXML Ruby on Rails Microsoft Lync
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2009-07 - 2010-07

Mobile application for the german volunteer firefighters

Software developer C# .NET Compact Framework Visual Studio ...
Software developer

A Windows Mobile application was developed to be used by firefighters on location. The application provides information about the buildings and relevant infrastructure on a given address, contact details for the persons responsible for access and security. It also allows users to input new information and update the database. Communication with the server is XML based.


  • Windows Mobile

  • .NET Compact Framework, C#

  • Visual Studio

  • XML


  • Development of mobile app on WinMobile for firefighters

  • Writing documentation

  • Implementation of activation code protection with trial period

C# .NET Compact Framework Visual Studio XML
INTEX Kohlmann
9 Monate
2009-01 - 2009-09

Automated IVR/IVVR assistant for the Deutsche Telekom call center

Software developer VoiceXML IVR IVVR ...
Software developer

Proof of concept project with the goal to create an automated 3G video call agent used to automate and take some of the support duties within the Deutsche Telekom call centre. Users would be video calling using the 3G network and use voice and video to talk to a computer agent who resolves questions and issues, for example DSL and TV related problems.


  • Development of voice and video 3G call platform

  • Implementation of VoiceXML call flows using Genesys and Voxeo

  • Integration of a 3G video gateway


  • Genesys Voice Platform

  • Voxeo Multimedia Server

  • VoiceXML


  • 3G-H324M

Genesys Voxeo
3 Monate
2008-06 - 2008-08

Implementation of movement-detection application using the smartphone camera

Software developer C++ C# .NET Compact Framework ...
Software developer

Porting of Java algorithm for movement detection to Windows Mobile 5/6 and .NET Compact Framework. The algorithm analyzes a continuous stream of video frames from the mobile camera and detects movement direction by calculating the difference in location of key frame points. It had to be optimized for performance on mobile devices and implemented in C#. Parts were also written in C++ on the .NET CLR and DirectShow framework.


  • Windows Mobile 6.0

  • C++

  • C#

  • .NET CLR

  • DirectShow


  • Porting of existing movement detection algorithm from Java to .NET on WinMobile

  • Creating a custom DirectShow filter for the video frame processing

  • Creating a C++/CLR library exposing the filter

  • .NET application for Windows Mobile showing the movement detection functionalities

C++ C# .NET Compact Framework DirectShow

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Monat
2011-04 - 2011-04

SCRUM Workshop - agile software development

Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt
Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt
4 Jahre 9 Monate
2003-07 - 2008-03

Computational Engineering

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Technische Universität Darmstadt

5 Monate
2003-01 - 2003-05

Information Technology

Albany, NY, USA
Albany, NY, USA
5 Monate
2002-08 - 2002-12

Computer Science

Arkansas Tech University, AR, USA
Arkansas Tech University, AR, USA
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2001-01 - 2002-01

Cisco Networking Academy


1-4 Semesters

CCNA Certificate



IT Architect, Project Manager, Software Developer




  • Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes, K3S, MicroK8S, Helm, ArgoCD, Cluster API)
  • Databases (MySQL, Postgres, MS SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle)
  • Tools (Ansible, Terraform, Jenkins, ELK stack, LDAP, Keycloak, NGINX, Hashicorp Vault)
  • Networking (TCP/IP, LB, Ingress, VPN IPSEC and Wireguard, K8S CNI, CertManager, Istio)
  • Storage (S3, NFS, Longhorn)
  • PKI,OAuth2.0/OIDC, SSO, Keycloak

  • Languages (C/C++, C#/.NET, Golang, Python, Java, Bash/scripting, HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TS, SQL, Ruby, Perl, Assembler)
  • Frameworks (Django, Vuejs, Entity Framework, JQuery)
  • IDEs (VS Code, Eclipse, NetBeans)
  • Tools (GIT, Gitlab, Github, Jupyter Notebook, Minikube, KIND)

  • Public providers (AWS, GCP, Azure, IONOS, AliCloud, Open Telekom Cloud, OVH)
  • Private cloud (OpenStack, VMWare)

Hadoop and database:
  • Providers (Cloudera and Hortonworks)
  • Services (HDFS, Hbase, Spark, Hive, NiFi, Kafka, KNOX, Ranger, Kerberos, LDAP, Ambari, Zookeeper, MQTT, Mosquitto, Redis)

  • SONiC, IOS
  • SDN
  • GNS3
  • Openstack Neutron

  • Jira, Confluence, Gitlab/Github

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