Software Engineering, Architecture, Distributed Systems, Quality Assurance, DevOps
Aktualisiert am 03.05.2024
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Distributed Systems
Realtime systems
Software Architecture
C++ Embedded
business fluent
native language
basic user



Wien (+50km) Graz (+50km) Klagenfurt (+50km)



1 Jahr 3 Monate
2023-04 - heute

Cloud Platform für Energieversorger

Fullstack Developer Go PostgreSQL Angular ...
Fullstack Developer

Es wurde ein System zur automatischen Rechnungseingangsprüfung und Verbuchung implementiert.

Techstack: AWS, Postgres, Golang, Angular, DynamoDB

AWS Amazon Dynamo PostgreSQL Go Angular Terraform Kubernetes
Go PostgreSQL Angular DevOps Terraform Kubernetes
Remote und Hannover
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2022-06 - heute

Audio streaming platform

System architect Golang C Ruby ...
System architect

I am supporting a relatively new start-up company that provides very low-latency audio streaming and simultan realtime translations for big live events.

Janus FFMPEG GStreamer Opus
Golang C Ruby TypeScript RTP SRTP RFC6716 RFC7587 RFC7845
LiveVoice GmbH
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2022-01 - heute

Provisioning middleware for a Unified Communication Product

Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer Java 17 Svelte Bamboo ...
Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer
The provisioning middleware platform is coordinating, orchestrating and provisioning over 20 different external platforms integrated through very different communication primitives (REST, SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC). It provides a distributed transactional layer responsible for perfoming over 100 different provisioning steps througout the whole system.
HikariCP Undertow
Java 17 Svelte Bamboo Ansible Oracle Maven Distributed Transactions
3 Jahre 3 Monate
2019-08 - 2022-10

Business Services Integration Platform

Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer
Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer

The client is one of the biggest telecommunication providers in Austria. As part of their all-in-one provider strategy and wholesale concept, the company needed a quick way to integrate new products of external partners (third party providers), such as Domain hosting, Web hosting, Website builders, Digital Signage products, Mail solutions, etc.

Our team is responsible for analyzing the business and technical requirements for integrating such new partners within a few weeks in a way that the end-customers can purchase the products via white labeled web shops or the companies main web shop and receive also a correct invoice from our client directly. This also included ordering of hardware items (such as TV-Screens, etc.) which are fulfilled by external logistics companies.

The software we are developing is orchestrating all these integrations and provisioning/lifecycle processes within a Spring Boot application and lots of different Shop/Configuration/Selfcare user interfaces. We are integrating via various different protocols (SOAP, REST, JSON-RPC, RabbitMQ, SMTP, CSV and XML Reports etc.) and with 15+ different internal systems (e.g. Peoplesoft, Salesforce, Tipco, SingleView Billing, etc.)

The team is following DevOps principles meaning we are not only developing the software and taking care of integrations, but we also manage our CI/CD pipelines, Configuration management, Monitoring/Alerting and internal infrastructure.

My role not only includes business analysis, architectural planning and development, but also mentoring and on boarding of new Junior developers, joining the project.

Camunda Java 11 Spring Boot Hibernate Svelte Vue Angular Oracle Liquibase Docker Ansible Prometheus Grafana Loki Salesforce PeopleSoft Tipco
9 Monate
2021-10 - 2022-06

Payment platform on Google Cloud Services

Senior Software Engineer Java 17 Kotlin Angular ...
Senior Software Engineer

Improving, extending and maintaining a zoo of microservices for a higly available and performant payment platform rolled out in multiple countries throughout Europe. The service were written in various different technology stacks (Spring Boot, Ktor, Quarkus, Node, Angular, React, Svelte). CI/CD is fully based on GitHub Actions, Terrfaorm and GitOps (Flux).

Google Gloud Platform Kubernetes Terraform Quarkus Spring Boot Ktor Angular Svelte Kotlin Java 17
Java 17 Kotlin Angular Spring Boot Quarkus Ktor Koin Hibernate
remote / Ingolstadt
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2021-01 - 2022-06

Openstack Customer Frontend (vServer)

Solutions Architect Openstack Jetty JDBC ...
Solutions Architect

The client recently deployed a big on-premise openstack cluster primarily used for hosting internal IT services in the TELCO industry.

This private cloud setup should also be offered also to end-customers outside the company. However the Openstack User interface is not really end-cusomter friendly, therefore a user-friendly and intuitive end-customer UI was required that allowed for 3 click setup of new virtual machine instances, networks and block storage units.

Our team is also responsible for selling the product via the companies webshop and integrate it into the comapnies internal CRM system(s) and billing services.

Openstack Jetty JDBC Svelte CSS3 Golang Java 17
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2018-07 - 2019-07

Highly scalable live streaming cloud platform

Senior Software Developer
Senior Software Developer

Working on a highly scalable live streaming platform running in the Google Cloud.

  • Google Datstore, Kubernetes, Appengine with Java 8/11 and Go
  • Code reviews and quality assurance
  • Developing CI/CD pipelines towards a DevOps oriented team structure
  • Tutoring of Junior Developers
Vienna - Autria
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2016-10 - 2018-05

DevOps consulting

Self employed
Self employed

I started a company specialized in software development, quality assurance and DevOps solutions.

  • We held workshops on clean Software architectures, C/C++, Docker, Ansible, DevOps in general
  • Implemented production ready CI/CD pipelines for mobile native applications (Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin) like Smartfrog or DeliveryHero
  • Created and consulted on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) setups
  • Consulted on developing CI/CD pipelines in the military field of hardware/embeddedlinux/ software projects
  • Setup automated QA-tools such as SonarQube
  • Conducted formal code quality and security reviews
  • Performance improvements for vision driven mechanical engineering components
On request
Klagenfurt - Austria
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2016-10 - 2018-04

Delivery Hero

Senior Software Engineer Android Kotlin JNI / NDK ...
Senior Software Engineer

I lead a team of 4 Android developers, kept the Application performant and clean, tutoring of Junior Android (Kotlin) developers.

Established a Continious Integration and Delivery Pipeline using Fastlane for Android with Gitlab CI and Travis.

Android Studio Gitlab Spot Kotlin Fastlane
Android Kotlin JNI / NDK Video livestreaming Gradle
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2016-10 - 2018-04


Senior Software Engineer Kotlin Android NDK
Senior Software Engineer

I lead a team of 4 Android developers, kept the Application performant and clean, tutoring of Junior Android (Kotlin) developers.

Established a Continious Integration and Delivery Pipeline using Fastlane for Android with Gitlab CI and Travis.

Android Studio Gradle Spot Gitlab Fastlane
Kotlin Android NDK
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2014-01 - 2016-03

Research & Development of realtime computer vision systems

System & Software Architect
System & Software Architect

  • Skiline is a software development company that provides multimedia experience for skiers on and off the slope.
  • One of their most important products is the Skimovie System. I was the technical lead developer and researcher on this project. My responsibilities covered research in the field of automation techniques (control loops), computer vision (automatic detection of skiers on the slope), as well as realtime distributed multimedia systems.
  • During this project we established a cooperation with ICG institute of the Technical University in Graz (TUG). I coordinated the activities with the research group in Graz.

Other responsibilities were:

  • General Research and Development
  • Computer Vision related research and prototyping
  • System Architecture
  • Software Architecture
  • Development on embedded devices
  • Realtime interface development for C/C++/C# and Java
  • Development infrastructure such as VCS-, QA-, CI- and test systems
Klagenfurt - Austria
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2012-06 - 2013-12

Distributed video transcoding and live streaming platform

Software Architect
Software Architect
  • Bitmovin is a small start-up company, which was founded in June 2012. Bitmovin has high expertise in developing media streaming solutions and also provides an own cloud-based
    transcoding service (bitcodin).
  • I was the first employee at bitmovin and started as a software developer for embedded platform projects as well as C++ server applications for the Linux platform. When bitmovin started developing its own transcoding service bitcodin, I moved into the position of an software architect and was in charge of technical decisions concerning bitcodin, as well as teaching and onboarding of new employees.

Other responsibilities were:

  • Administrating the internal network infrastructure
  • Administrating Linux servers in the cloud
  • Administrating Git repositories
  • Internal package-management
  • Integrating Jenkins CI jobs
  • Integrating quality assurance with SonarQube
bitmovin Media Streaming
Klagenfurt - Austria
10 Monate
2011-09 - 2012-06

Android App Development

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Symvaro provides software solutions (smart phone apps) for Austrian cities, which help to lower bureaucracy. One example product is called “Wasser App”, which allows residents to submit their water meter values using their smart phone. A web platform then generates the appropriate bills and provides them to the township.
  • I created some custom Android Apps, as well as the Android version of the Wasser App, which can be found on Google-Play.

Other responsibilities were:

  • Application design
  • Database modeling
  • Specify and implement fast interfaces between apps and back-end software
Symvaro Smart City Solutions
Klagenfurt - Austria

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Institution: Alpen-Adria Universität (Klagenfurt, Austria)

Education: Specialized in Distributed Multimedia Systems

Degree: Master in computer science with distinction

Master Thesis: On request


Institution: Alpen-Adria Universität (Klagenfurt, Austria)

Education: Specialized in Natural Language Processing

Degree: Bachelor in computer science


Institution: Higher technical School (HTL) HTBLuVA (Villach, Austria)

Education: Computer science & Business Education
Thesis: On request



ERASMUS Universidad de Las Palmas GC (Las Palmas GC, Spain), Various courses about Software development




C++ Golang Java/Kotlin CI/CD Android DevOps BackEnd Distributed Systems Realtime systems Software Architecture C++ Embedded

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Technical Skills:


GNU/Linux kernel modules, Qt/QML, wxWidgets, Boost, FFMPEG/LibAV, OpenCV, CMake/QMake, meson, MFC, Windows Embedded Compact, ZeroMQ, AVR ?C, Arduino, Raspberry PI, yocto project, realtime control loops

  • 12 years experience

Swing/AWT/SWT/JavaFX, Hibernate/JPA, J2ME, libgdx, JNI/JNA, Android SDK/NDK, Eclipse plugins, Ant/Maven/Gradle, Servlets/JSP/JSF, WSDL/JAX, EJB, Tomcat, Lucene, REST, Scala, Play!, Scalatra,, Kotlin, RxJava, Retro?t, Dagger, JUnit/TestNG

  • 12 years experience

Laravel/Lumen, CodeIgniter, Zend, CakePHP, Slim, Composer, Doctrine, REST, WSDL/SOAP, jQuery, jQuery UI, HTML5, JavaScript/DOM, CSS 3

  • 10 years experience

.NET framework, Mono framework, LINQ, NHibernate, P/INVOKE, OpenCV, NuGet, ASP.NET Core, Entity frameowrk, REST/JSON/XML

  • 7 years experience


Virtualisation, Amazon EC2, Google Compute-Engine, Microsoft Azure, OpenVPN, OpenWRT, Jenkins-CI, Bamboo-CI, SonarQube, GitLab, Gitlab-CI, Gitolite, Vagrant, Docker, Puppet, Ansible, Chef, Python, Bash/ZSH, PowerShell, yocto, creating complete CI/CD pipelines

  • 6 years experience

flask, Django, pip, nose, Jinja2, SQLAlchemy, Ansible modules, OpenCV

  • 5 years experience

React native, expo/xde, JSX, node.js, express.js, vue.js, TypeScript, npm

  • 2 years experience

MySQL/MariaDB, Oracle (spatial), PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, XQuery/XPath, ORM, Redis, CouchDB, MongoDB GraphQL, Google Datastore

  • 9 years experience

other PLs:
Ruby (on Rails), Go, Rust, ASP, Prolog, ABAP, VBA, SPS (Simatic S7)

  • minor projects / prototypes

Internship: thesis

2009 - 2010: 

Customer: Technical College FH Villach - Systems Engineering


This internship was part of a thesis I wrote during my education at the higher technical school (HTL). Subject to this thesis was the development of a new mobile educational robot arm, which was designed to help students to learn the basic concepts of programming micro-controllers.

Core components of this project:

  • Designing the hardware board
  • Implementing various interfaces (Ethernet, Bluetooth, RS232, USB, TWI/I²C, SPI)
  • Implementing a J2ME software to control the robot via bluetooth
  • Implementing an AVR C library which hides the messy details
  • Implementing a C++ desktop application to control the robot via wired interfaces

08/2009 -08/2009: Implementing Eclipse-based Lotus notes components

Customer: Raiffeisen banking & finance - data center


  • Implementing Eclipse-based Lotus notes components
  • Accessing Lotus Notes / Domino databases using Java

07/2007 - 07/2007: Implementing Win32 services

Customer: Raiffeisen banking & finance - data center


  • Generating C++ tree structures from XML documents
  • Implementing Win32 services for accessing quick-chip payment terminals.



Role: Tutor

Customer: Alpen-Adria University


  • Software engineering
  • Structured programming
  • Object oriented modeling and programming
  • List of my courses







Wien (+50km) Graz (+50km) Klagenfurt (+50km)



1 Jahr 3 Monate
2023-04 - heute

Cloud Platform für Energieversorger

Fullstack Developer Go PostgreSQL Angular ...
Fullstack Developer

Es wurde ein System zur automatischen Rechnungseingangsprüfung und Verbuchung implementiert.

Techstack: AWS, Postgres, Golang, Angular, DynamoDB

AWS Amazon Dynamo PostgreSQL Go Angular Terraform Kubernetes
Go PostgreSQL Angular DevOps Terraform Kubernetes
Remote und Hannover
2 Jahre 1 Monat
2022-06 - heute

Audio streaming platform

System architect Golang C Ruby ...
System architect

I am supporting a relatively new start-up company that provides very low-latency audio streaming and simultan realtime translations for big live events.

Janus FFMPEG GStreamer Opus
Golang C Ruby TypeScript RTP SRTP RFC6716 RFC7587 RFC7845
LiveVoice GmbH
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2022-01 - heute

Provisioning middleware for a Unified Communication Product

Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer Java 17 Svelte Bamboo ...
Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer
The provisioning middleware platform is coordinating, orchestrating and provisioning over 20 different external platforms integrated through very different communication primitives (REST, SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC). It provides a distributed transactional layer responsible for perfoming over 100 different provisioning steps througout the whole system.
HikariCP Undertow
Java 17 Svelte Bamboo Ansible Oracle Maven Distributed Transactions
3 Jahre 3 Monate
2019-08 - 2022-10

Business Services Integration Platform

Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer
Business Analyst / Senior Software Developer

The client is one of the biggest telecommunication providers in Austria. As part of their all-in-one provider strategy and wholesale concept, the company needed a quick way to integrate new products of external partners (third party providers), such as Domain hosting, Web hosting, Website builders, Digital Signage products, Mail solutions, etc.

Our team is responsible for analyzing the business and technical requirements for integrating such new partners within a few weeks in a way that the end-customers can purchase the products via white labeled web shops or the companies main web shop and receive also a correct invoice from our client directly. This also included ordering of hardware items (such as TV-Screens, etc.) which are fulfilled by external logistics companies.

The software we are developing is orchestrating all these integrations and provisioning/lifecycle processes within a Spring Boot application and lots of different Shop/Configuration/Selfcare user interfaces. We are integrating via various different protocols (SOAP, REST, JSON-RPC, RabbitMQ, SMTP, CSV and XML Reports etc.) and with 15+ different internal systems (e.g. Peoplesoft, Salesforce, Tipco, SingleView Billing, etc.)

The team is following DevOps principles meaning we are not only developing the software and taking care of integrations, but we also manage our CI/CD pipelines, Configuration management, Monitoring/Alerting and internal infrastructure.

My role not only includes business analysis, architectural planning and development, but also mentoring and on boarding of new Junior developers, joining the project.

Camunda Java 11 Spring Boot Hibernate Svelte Vue Angular Oracle Liquibase Docker Ansible Prometheus Grafana Loki Salesforce PeopleSoft Tipco
9 Monate
2021-10 - 2022-06

Payment platform on Google Cloud Services

Senior Software Engineer Java 17 Kotlin Angular ...
Senior Software Engineer

Improving, extending and maintaining a zoo of microservices for a higly available and performant payment platform rolled out in multiple countries throughout Europe. The service were written in various different technology stacks (Spring Boot, Ktor, Quarkus, Node, Angular, React, Svelte). CI/CD is fully based on GitHub Actions, Terrfaorm and GitOps (Flux).

Google Gloud Platform Kubernetes Terraform Quarkus Spring Boot Ktor Angular Svelte Kotlin Java 17
Java 17 Kotlin Angular Spring Boot Quarkus Ktor Koin Hibernate
remote / Ingolstadt
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2021-01 - 2022-06

Openstack Customer Frontend (vServer)

Solutions Architect Openstack Jetty JDBC ...
Solutions Architect

The client recently deployed a big on-premise openstack cluster primarily used for hosting internal IT services in the TELCO industry.

This private cloud setup should also be offered also to end-customers outside the company. However the Openstack User interface is not really end-cusomter friendly, therefore a user-friendly and intuitive end-customer UI was required that allowed for 3 click setup of new virtual machine instances, networks and block storage units.

Our team is also responsible for selling the product via the companies webshop and integrate it into the comapnies internal CRM system(s) and billing services.

Openstack Jetty JDBC Svelte CSS3 Golang Java 17
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2018-07 - 2019-07

Highly scalable live streaming cloud platform

Senior Software Developer
Senior Software Developer

Working on a highly scalable live streaming platform running in the Google Cloud.

  • Google Datstore, Kubernetes, Appengine with Java 8/11 and Go
  • Code reviews and quality assurance
  • Developing CI/CD pipelines towards a DevOps oriented team structure
  • Tutoring of Junior Developers
Vienna - Autria
1 Jahr 8 Monate
2016-10 - 2018-05

DevOps consulting

Self employed
Self employed

I started a company specialized in software development, quality assurance and DevOps solutions.

  • We held workshops on clean Software architectures, C/C++, Docker, Ansible, DevOps in general
  • Implemented production ready CI/CD pipelines for mobile native applications (Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin) like Smartfrog or DeliveryHero
  • Created and consulted on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) setups
  • Consulted on developing CI/CD pipelines in the military field of hardware/embeddedlinux/ software projects
  • Setup automated QA-tools such as SonarQube
  • Conducted formal code quality and security reviews
  • Performance improvements for vision driven mechanical engineering components
On request
Klagenfurt - Austria
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2016-10 - 2018-04

Delivery Hero

Senior Software Engineer Android Kotlin JNI / NDK ...
Senior Software Engineer

I lead a team of 4 Android developers, kept the Application performant and clean, tutoring of Junior Android (Kotlin) developers.

Established a Continious Integration and Delivery Pipeline using Fastlane for Android with Gitlab CI and Travis.

Android Studio Gitlab Spot Kotlin Fastlane
Android Kotlin JNI / NDK Video livestreaming Gradle
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2016-10 - 2018-04


Senior Software Engineer Kotlin Android NDK
Senior Software Engineer

I lead a team of 4 Android developers, kept the Application performant and clean, tutoring of Junior Android (Kotlin) developers.

Established a Continious Integration and Delivery Pipeline using Fastlane for Android with Gitlab CI and Travis.

Android Studio Gradle Spot Gitlab Fastlane
Kotlin Android NDK
2 Jahre 3 Monate
2014-01 - 2016-03

Research & Development of realtime computer vision systems

System & Software Architect
System & Software Architect

  • Skiline is a software development company that provides multimedia experience for skiers on and off the slope.
  • One of their most important products is the Skimovie System. I was the technical lead developer and researcher on this project. My responsibilities covered research in the field of automation techniques (control loops), computer vision (automatic detection of skiers on the slope), as well as realtime distributed multimedia systems.
  • During this project we established a cooperation with ICG institute of the Technical University in Graz (TUG). I coordinated the activities with the research group in Graz.

Other responsibilities were:

  • General Research and Development
  • Computer Vision related research and prototyping
  • System Architecture
  • Software Architecture
  • Development on embedded devices
  • Realtime interface development for C/C++/C# and Java
  • Development infrastructure such as VCS-, QA-, CI- and test systems
Klagenfurt - Austria
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2012-06 - 2013-12

Distributed video transcoding and live streaming platform

Software Architect
Software Architect
  • Bitmovin is a small start-up company, which was founded in June 2012. Bitmovin has high expertise in developing media streaming solutions and also provides an own cloud-based
    transcoding service (bitcodin).
  • I was the first employee at bitmovin and started as a software developer for embedded platform projects as well as C++ server applications for the Linux platform. When bitmovin started developing its own transcoding service bitcodin, I moved into the position of an software architect and was in charge of technical decisions concerning bitcodin, as well as teaching and onboarding of new employees.

Other responsibilities were:

  • Administrating the internal network infrastructure
  • Administrating Linux servers in the cloud
  • Administrating Git repositories
  • Internal package-management
  • Integrating Jenkins CI jobs
  • Integrating quality assurance with SonarQube
bitmovin Media Streaming
Klagenfurt - Austria
10 Monate
2011-09 - 2012-06

Android App Development

Software Engineer
Software Engineer
  • Symvaro provides software solutions (smart phone apps) for Austrian cities, which help to lower bureaucracy. One example product is called “Wasser App”, which allows residents to submit their water meter values using their smart phone. A web platform then generates the appropriate bills and provides them to the township.
  • I created some custom Android Apps, as well as the Android version of the Wasser App, which can be found on Google-Play.

Other responsibilities were:

  • Application design
  • Database modeling
  • Specify and implement fast interfaces between apps and back-end software
Symvaro Smart City Solutions
Klagenfurt - Austria

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


Institution: Alpen-Adria Universität (Klagenfurt, Austria)

Education: Specialized in Distributed Multimedia Systems

Degree: Master in computer science with distinction

Master Thesis: On request


Institution: Alpen-Adria Universität (Klagenfurt, Austria)

Education: Specialized in Natural Language Processing

Degree: Bachelor in computer science


Institution: Higher technical School (HTL) HTBLuVA (Villach, Austria)

Education: Computer science & Business Education
Thesis: On request



ERASMUS Universidad de Las Palmas GC (Las Palmas GC, Spain), Various courses about Software development




C++ Golang Java/Kotlin CI/CD Android DevOps BackEnd Distributed Systems Realtime systems Software Architecture C++ Embedded

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Technical Skills:


GNU/Linux kernel modules, Qt/QML, wxWidgets, Boost, FFMPEG/LibAV, OpenCV, CMake/QMake, meson, MFC, Windows Embedded Compact, ZeroMQ, AVR ?C, Arduino, Raspberry PI, yocto project, realtime control loops

  • 12 years experience

Swing/AWT/SWT/JavaFX, Hibernate/JPA, J2ME, libgdx, JNI/JNA, Android SDK/NDK, Eclipse plugins, Ant/Maven/Gradle, Servlets/JSP/JSF, WSDL/JAX, EJB, Tomcat, Lucene, REST, Scala, Play!, Scalatra,, Kotlin, RxJava, Retro?t, Dagger, JUnit/TestNG

  • 12 years experience

Laravel/Lumen, CodeIgniter, Zend, CakePHP, Slim, Composer, Doctrine, REST, WSDL/SOAP, jQuery, jQuery UI, HTML5, JavaScript/DOM, CSS 3

  • 10 years experience

.NET framework, Mono framework, LINQ, NHibernate, P/INVOKE, OpenCV, NuGet, ASP.NET Core, Entity frameowrk, REST/JSON/XML

  • 7 years experience


Virtualisation, Amazon EC2, Google Compute-Engine, Microsoft Azure, OpenVPN, OpenWRT, Jenkins-CI, Bamboo-CI, SonarQube, GitLab, Gitlab-CI, Gitolite, Vagrant, Docker, Puppet, Ansible, Chef, Python, Bash/ZSH, PowerShell, yocto, creating complete CI/CD pipelines

  • 6 years experience

flask, Django, pip, nose, Jinja2, SQLAlchemy, Ansible modules, OpenCV

  • 5 years experience

React native, expo/xde, JSX, node.js, express.js, vue.js, TypeScript, npm

  • 2 years experience

MySQL/MariaDB, Oracle (spatial), PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, XQuery/XPath, ORM, Redis, CouchDB, MongoDB GraphQL, Google Datastore

  • 9 years experience

other PLs:
Ruby (on Rails), Go, Rust, ASP, Prolog, ABAP, VBA, SPS (Simatic S7)

  • minor projects / prototypes

Internship: thesis

2009 - 2010: 

Customer: Technical College FH Villach - Systems Engineering


This internship was part of a thesis I wrote during my education at the higher technical school (HTL). Subject to this thesis was the development of a new mobile educational robot arm, which was designed to help students to learn the basic concepts of programming micro-controllers.

Core components of this project:

  • Designing the hardware board
  • Implementing various interfaces (Ethernet, Bluetooth, RS232, USB, TWI/I²C, SPI)
  • Implementing a J2ME software to control the robot via bluetooth
  • Implementing an AVR C library which hides the messy details
  • Implementing a C++ desktop application to control the robot via wired interfaces

08/2009 -08/2009: Implementing Eclipse-based Lotus notes components

Customer: Raiffeisen banking & finance - data center


  • Implementing Eclipse-based Lotus notes components
  • Accessing Lotus Notes / Domino databases using Java

07/2007 - 07/2007: Implementing Win32 services

Customer: Raiffeisen banking & finance - data center


  • Generating C++ tree structures from XML documents
  • Implementing Win32 services for accessing quick-chip payment terminals.



Role: Tutor

Customer: Alpen-Adria University


  • Software engineering
  • Structured programming
  • Object oriented modeling and programming
  • List of my courses





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