PMO, Product Management, Project Management, Project Controlling, Team lead
Aktualisiert am 04.05.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
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Product Management
Mother Tongue
Business Fluent



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



5 Jahre 5 Monate
2018-08 - 2023-12

Responsibility for supporting the medical device product development

Head of PMO/Director Program Management, MIS Business Unit
Head of PMO/Director Program Management, MIS Business Unit
Responsibility for supporting the medical device product development (supportive
PMO) as well as leading the program management for all other kinds of organizational programs and projects (directive PMO)
  • General:
    • Functional and disciplinary leadership of a 13-person team
    • Member of the global R&D Leadership Team, leading parts of d2d operation
    • Formation and development of a new department (PMO) within an existing organization (started in the second half of 2018)
    • Leading R&D related process alignment with merged companies
    • Introduction, further development, monthly data collection and drawing conclusions of key performance indicators (KPI) for the R&D department
    • Supporting the quarterly operating report to the corporate C-Level for R&D
    • Constant optimization of communication between BUs, departments, teams and individuals
    • Raising awareness of the topic of ?expectation management?
    • Definition and introduction of the ?Program Manager? role to the organization
  • Directive PMO:
    • Internal process improvement projects, such as introduction of digital signature, digital document management system, procurement & placement of multiple climate chambers for the aging of sterile medical products
    • R&D responsibility for cost saving projects (VAVE) within the organization
    • R&D responsibility for regulatory compliance projects, such as MDR, RoHS & REACH, incl. impact analyses
    • R&D responsibility for second source supplier projects
  • Supportive PMO:
    • Initiation and optimization of SOPs, internal workflows and tools for projectmanagement
    • Leading the NPI program phase-gates/report-out to exec. management
    • Alignment between platform and product development teams
    • Supervision of internal program audits
    • Resource allocation prioritization as well as evaluation of the impact
    • Capturing of patent and IP potentials
W.O.M. World of Medicine GmbH (A Novanta Company), Berlin
4 Jahre
2014-08 - 2018-07

?Endoscopic Cameras & Photonics? and ?Insufflators?

Director Product Management
Director Product Management
Responsibility for the product families of the endoscopic imaging chain as well as for
the strongest selling product category of Insufflators of approx. >50M? in annual
  • Functional and disciplinary leadership of a 7-person team, incl. hiring
  • Leading the development & growth of team members
  • Member of the global Sales&Marketing leadership team
  • Member of the innovation committee
  • Annual budget planning & responsibility of >700.000?
  • Strategic planning of product, portfolio and customer development
  • Project lead of smaller projects
  • Participation in the evaluation of potential acquisitions
  • Development & execution of a 5-year product roadmap for the product group of Insufflators
  • Elementary contribution to the professionalization of the product life cycle management process in the organization
  • Close collaboration w/ upstream marketing on customer, product and market strategies
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2013-01 - 2014-07

Endoscopic Cameras & Photonics

Senior Product Manager
Senior Product Manager
  • Responsibility for the product family of the endoscopic imaging chain (from monitor to the tip of the endoscope)
  • Responsibility for implementation and professionalization of ?Usability? & ?Clinical Validation? as part of the medical device product development process
  • Functional leadership of a 5-person team
  • Driver of professionalizing requirement engineering in close collaboration w/ the R&D department incl. selection & introduction of appropriate software
  • Initiator and driver of a new product category (endoscopic video coupler) against heavy internal resistance -> up to today, this product category generated >5M? in annual revenue!
  • Leading collaborations w/ start-ups from the field of endoscopy
  • Supporting new customer acquisitions with in-field product demonstrations
  • Conducting innovation symposia & workshops w/ KOLs to generate innovative ideas for new products, product features as well as optimizing the product?s usability
  • Part of a 3-person task force for introducing ?Confluence®? to the whole organization
  • Supervision of bachelor & master theses
3 Jahre 7 Monate
2009-06 - 2012-12

Endoscopic Cameras & Pumps

Product Manager
Product Manager
  • Responsibility for the product families of the endoscopic imaging chain (from monitor to the tip of the endoscope) and irrigation pumps as well as Gamma Finder® II (Gamma Probe)
  • Overseeing sales volumes worldwide for responsible products incl. initiating strategic discussions with stakeholders about optimizations
  • Creating and regular updating of business cases for new product developments according to the changing environment and evaluating impact
  • Major contribution in ?selling? joint development projects to medical global players (OEMs) by product & market analysis presentations to customers
  • Launching new product generations of existing product lines incl. preparation of marketing launch packages & product trainings to customers (incl. sales reps.), surgeons and colleagues
  • Product and process related communication hub within the organization w/ high focus of the integration of the abroad subsidiaries in US and Asia
  • Major contribution in increasing the risk management process for medical devices
  • Major contribution in overall product registration strategy (CE, FDA, CFDA, Anvisa)
  • Attendance of medical congresses, lectures & workshops about innovations and new approaches from the surgeons to reflect in next product generation
  • Frequent travel to the US and Asia incl. longer stays (>8 weeks) abroad
  • Development and support of reference physicians and KOL network in EU, US & Asia
  • Participation in >100 endoscopic surgeries such as laparoscopy, arthroscopy, hysteroscopy, vessel harvesting, etc.
6 Monate
2008-12 - 2009-05

Gynecology Pumps

Junior Product Manager
Junior Product Manager
  • Responsibility for the product family of irrigation pumps for GYN, as well as Gamma Finder® II (Gamma Probe)
  • Learning the basics of product management & marketing
  • Learning the basics of the medical field of endoscopy & gynecology/urology
  • Learning the basics of the characteristics of medical devices
  • Learning the basics of B2B and OEM business models
  • Learning the basics of sales profitability (revenue, EBITDA, ROI, NPV)
  • Defining product requirements for the next generation GYN pump by collecting all stakeholder requirements
  • Presenting endoscopic market analysis to the managing directors
  • Creation of product presentations
  • Participation in >30 endoscopic surgeries
3 Monate
2008-09 - 2008-11

Design of parts and assemblies with SolidWorks and CATIA V5

  • Creating CAD models in the automotive sector
  • Calculations of mechanical conditions
Bertrandt Ingenieur GmbH, Hamburg
6 Monate
2008-03 - 2008-08

Development of a device for shaping pacemaker housings

Diplomand (degree candidate)
Diplomand (degree candidate)
  • Acquisition of profound knowledge on the biocompatibility of materials
  • Calculations of mechanical conditions
matino medical devices GmbH, Berlin
6 Monate
2006-10 - 2007-03


  • Development of a jig for sliding bearing shells
  • Acquisition of profound knowledge of mechanics and magnetism
  • Calculations of physical properties, such as Magnetism and bend
ADMOS-Gleitlager Produktions-und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

3 Jahre 11 Monate
2004-09 - 2008-07

Engineering Program (Machinery Engineering) GPA 2.5 (Good)

Diplom-Ingenieur Maschinenbau (FH), Technische Fachhochschule Wildau, Wildau
Diplom-Ingenieur Maschinenbau (FH)
Technische Fachhochschule Wildau, Wildau
Thesis topic on Request
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2003-04 - 2004-08

Engineering Program (Transportation) - 3 Semesters

No degree, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin
No degree
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin
3 Semesters
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2001-09 - 2003-03

History, English - 3 Semesters

No degree, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
No degree
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin

6 Jahre 11 Monate
1993-08 - 2000-06

High school diploma

Gustav Heinemann Gesamtschule (Highschool), Berlin
Gustav Heinemann Gesamtschule (Highschool), Berlin
Advanced classes: English, History




Projektmanagementoffice Product Management Programmmanagement Projektmanagement/Projektleitung Mitarbeiterführung


Product Management/R&D Expert
High level of emotional intelligence
Cross-functional 360? view
Business acumen

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Community Service  

09/2000 - 08/2001

Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Berlin

Nursing service at general surgery infirmary

Knowledge and Skills

  • Software 
    • ?Microsoft 365, SharePoint, MS Project/PWA, Power BI: in daily use
  • SAP/R3: in daily use
  • Confluence: in daily use






Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



5 Jahre 5 Monate
2018-08 - 2023-12

Responsibility for supporting the medical device product development

Head of PMO/Director Program Management, MIS Business Unit
Head of PMO/Director Program Management, MIS Business Unit
Responsibility for supporting the medical device product development (supportive
PMO) as well as leading the program management for all other kinds of organizational programs and projects (directive PMO)
  • General:
    • Functional and disciplinary leadership of a 13-person team
    • Member of the global R&D Leadership Team, leading parts of d2d operation
    • Formation and development of a new department (PMO) within an existing organization (started in the second half of 2018)
    • Leading R&D related process alignment with merged companies
    • Introduction, further development, monthly data collection and drawing conclusions of key performance indicators (KPI) for the R&D department
    • Supporting the quarterly operating report to the corporate C-Level for R&D
    • Constant optimization of communication between BUs, departments, teams and individuals
    • Raising awareness of the topic of ?expectation management?
    • Definition and introduction of the ?Program Manager? role to the organization
  • Directive PMO:
    • Internal process improvement projects, such as introduction of digital signature, digital document management system, procurement & placement of multiple climate chambers for the aging of sterile medical products
    • R&D responsibility for cost saving projects (VAVE) within the organization
    • R&D responsibility for regulatory compliance projects, such as MDR, RoHS & REACH, incl. impact analyses
    • R&D responsibility for second source supplier projects
  • Supportive PMO:
    • Initiation and optimization of SOPs, internal workflows and tools for projectmanagement
    • Leading the NPI program phase-gates/report-out to exec. management
    • Alignment between platform and product development teams
    • Supervision of internal program audits
    • Resource allocation prioritization as well as evaluation of the impact
    • Capturing of patent and IP potentials
W.O.M. World of Medicine GmbH (A Novanta Company), Berlin
4 Jahre
2014-08 - 2018-07

?Endoscopic Cameras & Photonics? and ?Insufflators?

Director Product Management
Director Product Management
Responsibility for the product families of the endoscopic imaging chain as well as for
the strongest selling product category of Insufflators of approx. >50M? in annual
  • Functional and disciplinary leadership of a 7-person team, incl. hiring
  • Leading the development & growth of team members
  • Member of the global Sales&Marketing leadership team
  • Member of the innovation committee
  • Annual budget planning & responsibility of >700.000?
  • Strategic planning of product, portfolio and customer development
  • Project lead of smaller projects
  • Participation in the evaluation of potential acquisitions
  • Development & execution of a 5-year product roadmap for the product group of Insufflators
  • Elementary contribution to the professionalization of the product life cycle management process in the organization
  • Close collaboration w/ upstream marketing on customer, product and market strategies
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2013-01 - 2014-07

Endoscopic Cameras & Photonics

Senior Product Manager
Senior Product Manager
  • Responsibility for the product family of the endoscopic imaging chain (from monitor to the tip of the endoscope)
  • Responsibility for implementation and professionalization of ?Usability? & ?Clinical Validation? as part of the medical device product development process
  • Functional leadership of a 5-person team
  • Driver of professionalizing requirement engineering in close collaboration w/ the R&D department incl. selection & introduction of appropriate software
  • Initiator and driver of a new product category (endoscopic video coupler) against heavy internal resistance -> up to today, this product category generated >5M? in annual revenue!
  • Leading collaborations w/ start-ups from the field of endoscopy
  • Supporting new customer acquisitions with in-field product demonstrations
  • Conducting innovation symposia & workshops w/ KOLs to generate innovative ideas for new products, product features as well as optimizing the product?s usability
  • Part of a 3-person task force for introducing ?Confluence®? to the whole organization
  • Supervision of bachelor & master theses
3 Jahre 7 Monate
2009-06 - 2012-12

Endoscopic Cameras & Pumps

Product Manager
Product Manager
  • Responsibility for the product families of the endoscopic imaging chain (from monitor to the tip of the endoscope) and irrigation pumps as well as Gamma Finder® II (Gamma Probe)
  • Overseeing sales volumes worldwide for responsible products incl. initiating strategic discussions with stakeholders about optimizations
  • Creating and regular updating of business cases for new product developments according to the changing environment and evaluating impact
  • Major contribution in ?selling? joint development projects to medical global players (OEMs) by product & market analysis presentations to customers
  • Launching new product generations of existing product lines incl. preparation of marketing launch packages & product trainings to customers (incl. sales reps.), surgeons and colleagues
  • Product and process related communication hub within the organization w/ high focus of the integration of the abroad subsidiaries in US and Asia
  • Major contribution in increasing the risk management process for medical devices
  • Major contribution in overall product registration strategy (CE, FDA, CFDA, Anvisa)
  • Attendance of medical congresses, lectures & workshops about innovations and new approaches from the surgeons to reflect in next product generation
  • Frequent travel to the US and Asia incl. longer stays (>8 weeks) abroad
  • Development and support of reference physicians and KOL network in EU, US & Asia
  • Participation in >100 endoscopic surgeries such as laparoscopy, arthroscopy, hysteroscopy, vessel harvesting, etc.
6 Monate
2008-12 - 2009-05

Gynecology Pumps

Junior Product Manager
Junior Product Manager
  • Responsibility for the product family of irrigation pumps for GYN, as well as Gamma Finder® II (Gamma Probe)
  • Learning the basics of product management & marketing
  • Learning the basics of the medical field of endoscopy & gynecology/urology
  • Learning the basics of the characteristics of medical devices
  • Learning the basics of B2B and OEM business models
  • Learning the basics of sales profitability (revenue, EBITDA, ROI, NPV)
  • Defining product requirements for the next generation GYN pump by collecting all stakeholder requirements
  • Presenting endoscopic market analysis to the managing directors
  • Creation of product presentations
  • Participation in >30 endoscopic surgeries
3 Monate
2008-09 - 2008-11

Design of parts and assemblies with SolidWorks and CATIA V5

  • Creating CAD models in the automotive sector
  • Calculations of mechanical conditions
Bertrandt Ingenieur GmbH, Hamburg
6 Monate
2008-03 - 2008-08

Development of a device for shaping pacemaker housings

Diplomand (degree candidate)
Diplomand (degree candidate)
  • Acquisition of profound knowledge on the biocompatibility of materials
  • Calculations of mechanical conditions
matino medical devices GmbH, Berlin
6 Monate
2006-10 - 2007-03


  • Development of a jig for sliding bearing shells
  • Acquisition of profound knowledge of mechanics and magnetism
  • Calculations of physical properties, such as Magnetism and bend
ADMOS-Gleitlager Produktions-und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

3 Jahre 11 Monate
2004-09 - 2008-07

Engineering Program (Machinery Engineering) GPA 2.5 (Good)

Diplom-Ingenieur Maschinenbau (FH), Technische Fachhochschule Wildau, Wildau
Diplom-Ingenieur Maschinenbau (FH)
Technische Fachhochschule Wildau, Wildau
Thesis topic on Request
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2003-04 - 2004-08

Engineering Program (Transportation) - 3 Semesters

No degree, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin
No degree
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin
3 Semesters
1 Jahr 7 Monate
2001-09 - 2003-03

History, English - 3 Semesters

No degree, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
No degree
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin

6 Jahre 11 Monate
1993-08 - 2000-06

High school diploma

Gustav Heinemann Gesamtschule (Highschool), Berlin
Gustav Heinemann Gesamtschule (Highschool), Berlin
Advanced classes: English, History




Projektmanagementoffice Product Management Programmmanagement Projektmanagement/Projektleitung Mitarbeiterführung


Product Management/R&D Expert
High level of emotional intelligence
Cross-functional 360? view
Business acumen

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Community Service  

09/2000 - 08/2001

Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Berlin

Nursing service at general surgery infirmary

Knowledge and Skills

  • Software 
    • ?Microsoft 365, SharePoint, MS Project/PWA, Power BI: in daily use
  • SAP/R3: in daily use
  • Confluence: in daily use




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