Software Engineer/Consultant with 10+ years of experience in the FinTech, Automotive and Healthcare industries.
Aktualisiert am 08.07.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
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Spring Boot
system architecture
Automation Testing
Domain Driven Design
Attribute Driven Design
Data Engineer



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 Jahr 1 Monat
2021-11 - 2022-11

Asset Management Platform

Software Engineering Consultant Java 17 Kotlin Spring Boot ...
Software Engineering Consultant

? Provided consultations regarding long and short-range product features
? Prepared technical proposals in accordance with customer business requirements
? Prototyped different functionalities using Java/Kotlin with Spring Boot or TypeScript with Express/Node.js on AWS
? Collaborated closely with highly competent teams to analyze the trade-offs associated with every solution and determine the best possible solution
? Documented high level technical designs using UML,,

Java 17 Kotlin Spring Boot TypeScript Node.js AWS EKS Microservices
Y Tree Limited
7 Monate
2021-04 - 2021-10

Car Management Platform

Senior Software Engineer Java AWS Spring Boot ...
Senior Software Engineer

  • Participated in the design and implementation of new Microservices as part of the user subscription activation flow, usingSpring Boot, Spring WebFlux, Java 8/11, MongoDB, Kong API Gateway
  • Initiated many improvements to the performance, scalability and observability of the team's owned Microservices
  • Participated in the architecture of complex components for asynchronous message processing using CloudAMQP, ActiveMQ AWS SNS/SQS and Azure Event Hubs
  • Developed a common security module on top of OpenID Connect with JWT identity tokens which was integrated into someproduction components
  • Worked on daily bases with DataDog for service monitoring, logs examination, setting alarms and checking metrics

Java AWS Spring Boot MongoDB
Toyota Connected Europe
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2020-03 - 2021-03

Investment Wealth Management Platform

Lead Full Stack Engineer (Contract)
Lead Full Stack Engineer (Contract)

  • Contributed to the client side development of TradeNet and RM Plus financial data feeds
  • Took part in the solution design and implementation of the advisory client info project
  • Introduced important improvements to the Portfolio Advisory & Management application
  • Developed features with Angular, Java, Spring Boot and Oracle RDBMS

Credit Suisse, via Swisslinx Zurich
6 Monate
2019-06 - 2019-11

Delivery Management Software (e-commerce)

Engineering Tech Lead (Contract)
Engineering Tech Lead (Contract)

  • Architected and developed new Microservices using Spring Boot, AWS Lambda or Node.js
  • Implemented functionalities in Java 11, Go or JavaScript
  • Automated infrastructure changes via Terraform
  • Supported and improved the CI build and deployment pipelines of the new Microservices
  • Worked with variety of API monitoring and performance testing tools
  • Code reviews and peer programming on daily basis

Metapack, London
2 Jahre
2017-06 - 2019-05

Robo-Advisory Platform

Lead Engineer (Contract)
Lead Engineer (Contract)

  • Led a small team of Full Stack engineers in developing a portfolio management platform
  • Requirements gathering and definition of the architectural drivers
  • Designed the platform architecture using the Attribute-Driven Design Method
  • Transforming business context into development tasks
  • Enforcing standards for code quality via static analysis tools and regular code reviews
  • Writing code in Java 8 / TypeScript ES6 using Spring Boot on the backend and Angular 6 on the frontend side
  • Setup of the AWS based integration, UAT and production environments
  • Implemented CI/CD pipelines using CloudBees, Docker, DockerHub, Terraform

Smart Wealth AG, Zürich
7 Monate
2016-11 - 2017-05

Wealth Management Platform

Senior Software Engineer (Contract)
Senior Software Engineer (Contract)

  • Developed a customer on-boarding module with integrations to a bank document dispatching system, video identification provider and data analytical engine
  • Consulted the development team of for the Prive API integration
  • Contributed to Prive's SOAP API by working on bug-fixes, documentation and integration testing
  • Migrated business logic from the monolith app to the Microservices capability model
  • Programming in Java 6 using Spring Framework on the backend and GWT on the frontend side

Prive Technologies, Vienna Hong Kong/Remote
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2015-10 - 2016-11

Dietitian Coaching Platform

Senior Software Engineer (Contract)
Senior Software Engineer (Contract)

  • Worked on new features of the Oviva Coaching Suite:
  • Data Anonymization Module ? extraction, anonymization and backup of the non-active client data
  • Dietitian Event Scheduling Module ? booking a medical consultation with a dietitian
  • Document Search Module ? content management and document indexing
  • Invoicing Module ? generation of the PDF invoices

  • Programming in JavaScript and TypeScript ES5 using jQuery and Angular on the frontend side
  • Implemented business functionalities in Java 6 using JBoss RESTEasy, J2EE, Hibernate, JBoss on the backend side
  • Unit and Functional testing of the business logic

Oviva AG, Zürich
3 Monate
2016-06 - 2016-08

Live video chat system

Technical Consultant (Freelance)
Technical Consultant (Freelance)

  • Delivered the technical specification and architecture of an event scheduling system
  • Gave a demo of how the legacy back office system could work with the Angular component framework
  • Created nice process flow, component and deployment diagrams using Visual Paradigm for UML
11 Monate
2015-05 - 2016-03

Loan Management System

Senior Java Engineer (Contract)
Senior Java Engineer (Contract)

  • Refactored the application into smaller modules and introduced CI/CD practices
  • Integrated a credit card payment API for monthly installments
  • Writing high quality code in Java 6 using Spring Framework, Hibernate, Oracle RDBMS, Maven
  • Interviewing new job candidates

Object Systems International - U.S.A.
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2012-12 - 2015-05

Company Description

Java Team Lead
Java Team Lead

  • Created a new development infrastructure according to the best DevOps practices
  • Led a small team of 5 engineers in developing several enterprise-scale applications using AngularJS, HTML, CSS, Spring Boot,Oracle RDBMS
  • Documentation - both technical and non-technical
  • Defined and implemented new project features using Agile practices

CNsys PLC Sofia
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2010-07 - 2012-12

Anaconda (Fraud and decisioning Software)

Software Engineer 2
Software Engineer 2

  • Participated in technical reviews and mentoring, in daily/weekly Scrum and internal software architecture meetups
  • Actively participated in the implementation of the SSO functionality/security capabilities of the Anaconda platform's desktop client
  • Programming and testing using NetBeans RCP, Spring Remoting, Spring DM, Apache Felix, Hazelcast, jBMP, Apache Jackrabbit, Maven
  • Worked collaboratively with other developers of the Hestia team to develop, program and test solutions for the Anaconda platform

Experian, Sofia
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2009-03 - 2010-07

Migrated the old database entity relationship

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer

  • Migrated the old database entity relationship model to the new Domain Driven design of the trading engine
  • SQL tuning, store procedures and ETL
  • Implemented business functionalities in Java using Spring, J2EE, Apache Mina, Swing/SwingX, JavaScript, FreeMarker, Web Services, MySQL, Ant, Maven

Avus Capital Ltd.
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2008-03 - 2009-03

Broker Terminal (Trading with financial instruments)

Java Software Engineer
Java Software Engineer

  • Worked and liaised with a technology consultant on the integration of a C-based API for the German Stock Exchange
  • Multi-platform development using C, DLL, Java (RMI, JNI, JNA), J2EE (EJB3, JMS, JAAS), Oracle AS, Ant
  • Evaluated and recommended tools, technologies and processes for the implementation of the right solutions 

1 Jahr 1 Monat
2007-03 - 2008-03

Company Description

Oracle Developer
Oracle Developer

  • SQL tuning, writing PL-SQL store procedures, ETL
  • Created entity relationship models of database-driven applications
  • Designed and implemented OLAP applications using star schema with fact and dimension tables


Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2 Jahre 1 Monat
2008-01 - 2010-01

Master of Software Technologies

Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski"



  • FinTech Software Engineer




AWS DevOps Microservices Angular Spring Boot Terraform system architecture CI/CD Automation Testing Docker Kafka Redis MongoDB NoSQL HTML CSS Node.js Domain Driven Design Attribute Driven Design Data Engineer MLOps Kubernetes Helm

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Lead software engineer, with 15+ years experience in the Financial industry


IDE and Tools

  • IntelliJ IDEA 
  • Visual Paradigm for UML 
  • Balsamiq Mockups 
  • Lucidchart

PM, Build & Source code tools

  • Atlassian Jira/Agile 
  • Atlassian Confluence 
  • Trello 
  • Jenkins 
  • Git 
  • Bintray 
  • Gradle

Frontend Development

  • Angular Core
  • Angular CLI 
  • Angular Flex-Layout
  • Angular Material
  • Typescript
  • RxJs Websockets
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • npm 
  • Jasmine & Karma

Backend Development

  • Java 8/11 
  • Spring Boot 
  • Spring Security 
  • Hibernate 
  • JUnit 
  • Mockito 
  • Spock 
  • Cucumber


  • EC2
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • EKS 
  • Fargate 
  • S3 
  • RDS 
  • VPC 
  • CloudFront 
  • Route53 
  • DynaTrace 
  • ELK 
  • SNS 
  • SQS 
  • SES 
  • Docker 
  • Redis 
  • Terraform 
  • Lambda 
  • ActiveMQ 
  • MongoDB


  • Domain Driven Design 
  • Clean Code 
  • SOLID principles 
  • Test Driven Development


  • Unit Testing 
  • Functional Testing 
  • Integration Testing 
  • Smoke Testing 
  • Performance Testing


Leadership & Management 

Software Development and Automated Testing

Financial Domain Knowledge



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 Jahr 1 Monat
2021-11 - 2022-11

Asset Management Platform

Software Engineering Consultant Java 17 Kotlin Spring Boot ...
Software Engineering Consultant

? Provided consultations regarding long and short-range product features
? Prepared technical proposals in accordance with customer business requirements
? Prototyped different functionalities using Java/Kotlin with Spring Boot or TypeScript with Express/Node.js on AWS
? Collaborated closely with highly competent teams to analyze the trade-offs associated with every solution and determine the best possible solution
? Documented high level technical designs using UML,,

Java 17 Kotlin Spring Boot TypeScript Node.js AWS EKS Microservices
Y Tree Limited
7 Monate
2021-04 - 2021-10

Car Management Platform

Senior Software Engineer Java AWS Spring Boot ...
Senior Software Engineer

  • Participated in the design and implementation of new Microservices as part of the user subscription activation flow, usingSpring Boot, Spring WebFlux, Java 8/11, MongoDB, Kong API Gateway
  • Initiated many improvements to the performance, scalability and observability of the team's owned Microservices
  • Participated in the architecture of complex components for asynchronous message processing using CloudAMQP, ActiveMQ AWS SNS/SQS and Azure Event Hubs
  • Developed a common security module on top of OpenID Connect with JWT identity tokens which was integrated into someproduction components
  • Worked on daily bases with DataDog for service monitoring, logs examination, setting alarms and checking metrics

Java AWS Spring Boot MongoDB
Toyota Connected Europe
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2020-03 - 2021-03

Investment Wealth Management Platform

Lead Full Stack Engineer (Contract)
Lead Full Stack Engineer (Contract)

  • Contributed to the client side development of TradeNet and RM Plus financial data feeds
  • Took part in the solution design and implementation of the advisory client info project
  • Introduced important improvements to the Portfolio Advisory & Management application
  • Developed features with Angular, Java, Spring Boot and Oracle RDBMS

Credit Suisse, via Swisslinx Zurich
6 Monate
2019-06 - 2019-11

Delivery Management Software (e-commerce)

Engineering Tech Lead (Contract)
Engineering Tech Lead (Contract)

  • Architected and developed new Microservices using Spring Boot, AWS Lambda or Node.js
  • Implemented functionalities in Java 11, Go or JavaScript
  • Automated infrastructure changes via Terraform
  • Supported and improved the CI build and deployment pipelines of the new Microservices
  • Worked with variety of API monitoring and performance testing tools
  • Code reviews and peer programming on daily basis

Metapack, London
2 Jahre
2017-06 - 2019-05

Robo-Advisory Platform

Lead Engineer (Contract)
Lead Engineer (Contract)

  • Led a small team of Full Stack engineers in developing a portfolio management platform
  • Requirements gathering and definition of the architectural drivers
  • Designed the platform architecture using the Attribute-Driven Design Method
  • Transforming business context into development tasks
  • Enforcing standards for code quality via static analysis tools and regular code reviews
  • Writing code in Java 8 / TypeScript ES6 using Spring Boot on the backend and Angular 6 on the frontend side
  • Setup of the AWS based integration, UAT and production environments
  • Implemented CI/CD pipelines using CloudBees, Docker, DockerHub, Terraform

Smart Wealth AG, Zürich
7 Monate
2016-11 - 2017-05

Wealth Management Platform

Senior Software Engineer (Contract)
Senior Software Engineer (Contract)

  • Developed a customer on-boarding module with integrations to a bank document dispatching system, video identification provider and data analytical engine
  • Consulted the development team of for the Prive API integration
  • Contributed to Prive's SOAP API by working on bug-fixes, documentation and integration testing
  • Migrated business logic from the monolith app to the Microservices capability model
  • Programming in Java 6 using Spring Framework on the backend and GWT on the frontend side

Prive Technologies, Vienna Hong Kong/Remote
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2015-10 - 2016-11

Dietitian Coaching Platform

Senior Software Engineer (Contract)
Senior Software Engineer (Contract)

  • Worked on new features of the Oviva Coaching Suite:
  • Data Anonymization Module ? extraction, anonymization and backup of the non-active client data
  • Dietitian Event Scheduling Module ? booking a medical consultation with a dietitian
  • Document Search Module ? content management and document indexing
  • Invoicing Module ? generation of the PDF invoices

  • Programming in JavaScript and TypeScript ES5 using jQuery and Angular on the frontend side
  • Implemented business functionalities in Java 6 using JBoss RESTEasy, J2EE, Hibernate, JBoss on the backend side
  • Unit and Functional testing of the business logic

Oviva AG, Zürich
3 Monate
2016-06 - 2016-08

Live video chat system

Technical Consultant (Freelance)
Technical Consultant (Freelance)

  • Delivered the technical specification and architecture of an event scheduling system
  • Gave a demo of how the legacy back office system could work with the Angular component framework
  • Created nice process flow, component and deployment diagrams using Visual Paradigm for UML
11 Monate
2015-05 - 2016-03

Loan Management System

Senior Java Engineer (Contract)
Senior Java Engineer (Contract)

  • Refactored the application into smaller modules and introduced CI/CD practices
  • Integrated a credit card payment API for monthly installments
  • Writing high quality code in Java 6 using Spring Framework, Hibernate, Oracle RDBMS, Maven
  • Interviewing new job candidates

Object Systems International - U.S.A.
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2012-12 - 2015-05

Company Description

Java Team Lead
Java Team Lead

  • Created a new development infrastructure according to the best DevOps practices
  • Led a small team of 5 engineers in developing several enterprise-scale applications using AngularJS, HTML, CSS, Spring Boot,Oracle RDBMS
  • Documentation - both technical and non-technical
  • Defined and implemented new project features using Agile practices

CNsys PLC Sofia
2 Jahre 6 Monate
2010-07 - 2012-12

Anaconda (Fraud and decisioning Software)

Software Engineer 2
Software Engineer 2

  • Participated in technical reviews and mentoring, in daily/weekly Scrum and internal software architecture meetups
  • Actively participated in the implementation of the SSO functionality/security capabilities of the Anaconda platform's desktop client
  • Programming and testing using NetBeans RCP, Spring Remoting, Spring DM, Apache Felix, Hazelcast, jBMP, Apache Jackrabbit, Maven
  • Worked collaboratively with other developers of the Hestia team to develop, program and test solutions for the Anaconda platform

Experian, Sofia
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2009-03 - 2010-07

Migrated the old database entity relationship

Senior Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer

  • Migrated the old database entity relationship model to the new Domain Driven design of the trading engine
  • SQL tuning, store procedures and ETL
  • Implemented business functionalities in Java using Spring, J2EE, Apache Mina, Swing/SwingX, JavaScript, FreeMarker, Web Services, MySQL, Ant, Maven

Avus Capital Ltd.
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2008-03 - 2009-03

Broker Terminal (Trading with financial instruments)

Java Software Engineer
Java Software Engineer

  • Worked and liaised with a technology consultant on the integration of a C-based API for the German Stock Exchange
  • Multi-platform development using C, DLL, Java (RMI, JNI, JNA), J2EE (EJB3, JMS, JAAS), Oracle AS, Ant
  • Evaluated and recommended tools, technologies and processes for the implementation of the right solutions 

1 Jahr 1 Monat
2007-03 - 2008-03

Company Description

Oracle Developer
Oracle Developer

  • SQL tuning, writing PL-SQL store procedures, ETL
  • Created entity relationship models of database-driven applications
  • Designed and implemented OLAP applications using star schema with fact and dimension tables


Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2 Jahre 1 Monat
2008-01 - 2010-01

Master of Software Technologies

Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski"



  • FinTech Software Engineer




AWS DevOps Microservices Angular Spring Boot Terraform system architecture CI/CD Automation Testing Docker Kafka Redis MongoDB NoSQL HTML CSS Node.js Domain Driven Design Attribute Driven Design Data Engineer MLOps Kubernetes Helm

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Lead software engineer, with 15+ years experience in the Financial industry


IDE and Tools

  • IntelliJ IDEA 
  • Visual Paradigm for UML 
  • Balsamiq Mockups 
  • Lucidchart

PM, Build & Source code tools

  • Atlassian Jira/Agile 
  • Atlassian Confluence 
  • Trello 
  • Jenkins 
  • Git 
  • Bintray 
  • Gradle

Frontend Development

  • Angular Core
  • Angular CLI 
  • Angular Flex-Layout
  • Angular Material
  • Typescript
  • RxJs Websockets
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • npm 
  • Jasmine & Karma

Backend Development

  • Java 8/11 
  • Spring Boot 
  • Spring Security 
  • Hibernate 
  • JUnit 
  • Mockito 
  • Spock 
  • Cucumber


  • EC2
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • EKS 
  • Fargate 
  • S3 
  • RDS 
  • VPC 
  • CloudFront 
  • Route53 
  • DynaTrace 
  • ELK 
  • SNS 
  • SQS 
  • SES 
  • Docker 
  • Redis 
  • Terraform 
  • Lambda 
  • ActiveMQ 
  • MongoDB


  • Domain Driven Design 
  • Clean Code 
  • SOLID principles 
  • Test Driven Development


  • Unit Testing 
  • Functional Testing 
  • Integration Testing 
  • Smoke Testing 
  • Performance Testing


Leadership & Management 

Software Development and Automated Testing

Financial Domain Knowledge

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