Telecommunications - E2E Solution Description and Design including lead of design projects towards implementation. Alternativel analysis and testing.
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Deutschland, Schweiz



7 years 10 months
2014-01 - 2021-10

LTE / UMTS Core Network

  • Worked on different projects including:
    • Carrier Aggregation
    • Demos on CAT and 5G.
    • Increasing bandwidth, LTE E2E solutions.
    • Huawei PGW and LI
    • Campus Network / Private Networks; requirements gathering, RFI / RFQ, Design. Test cases and configuration.
  • RFQ / RFI for LTE Networks, 5G Campus Networks / Private Networks.
  • Test preparation and configuration (LLD); third level support if required.

Deutsche Telekom, Group Technology
3 years
2011-01 - 2013-12

LTE / UMTS Core Network

  • Design for different projects including:
    • Introduction of Online charging with various platforms
    • Development of Huawei GGSN
    • Network => IT Interfaces and changes to them
    • LTE Roaming and various LTE features
    • Network auditing with BnetzA / Regulator
    • Network coordination for various marketing projects
  • RFQ / RFI for UMTS and LTE Networks
  • Feature preparation for vendor
  • Test preparation and configuration
  • Test case execution
  • Management and coordination for billing implementations
  • Onsite support at local TMO Operators when required

Deutsche Telekom, Group Technology
4 years 3 months
2006-10 - 2010-12

LTE / UMTS Core Network

  • Design for different projects including:
    • Introduction of Online charging with various platforms
    • Development of Huawei GGSN
    • Network => IT Interfaces and changes to them
    • Various LTE features
    • Network coordination for various marketing projects
  • RFQ / RFI for UMTS and LTE Networks
  • Test preparation and configuration
  • Test case execution
  • Management and coordination for billing implementations
  • Onsite support at local TMO Operators when required
T-Mobile International
4 years 1 month
2002-09 - 2006-09

Various Projects

  • UMTS and GPRS Core Network:
    • Design and negotiation with the supplier
    • Check with the 3GPP specification for requirements and compliance
    • Test preparation, software installation, and configuration
    • Test case reviews and negotiation with the supplier
    • Test case execution
    • Management and coordination for billing implementations
    • Onsite support at local TMO Operators when required
  • Technical Areas in Testing:
    • Core network in General
    • Billing
    • SGSN
    • Performance
    • Roaming
    • Camel 3
    • VoIP
    • Cross Bearer Mobility
  • Other:
    • Ad hoc tasks
T-Mobil Deutschland, and T-Mobile International
2 years 9 months
1999-12 - 2002-08

Preparation and implementation of the General Packet Radio Service system

Preparation and implementation of the General Packet Radio Service system with T-Mobile, and the main responsibilities were:
  • Co-ordinating the contact with T-Mobile on all levels for charging, metering, billing, and prepaid / CAMEL related aspects of the contract and implementation. This included system architecture, system solution, system requirements, configuration of parameters, and interfacing the T-Mobil Mediation Device.
  • Assisting the Project Manager on running the Acceptance Test team, which at times consisted of up 30 people;
  • Installed and tested GPRS equipment (SGSN, GGSN) at the T-Mobil test laboratory;
  • Solved technical issues for GPRS Charging. System installation, system configuration, development of test cases, execute test cases, trouble shooting, interface to development for problem resolution;
  • On-site support for the core network;
  • Negotiated, designed, developed, and implemented a solution for fast tracking data to a Fraud Detection System
Motorola Germany
1 year 1 month
1998-11 - 1999-11

Developed and wrote the legal contract

Worked with the start-up of a mortgage bank in Latvia as the Operations Expert. The main task was the responsibility for establishing all operational functions of the bank including the implementation of the required IT solution. The main working areas were:
  • Managing a team of 3 people. Local staff
  • Developed and wrote the legal contract for the interaction between the mortgage bank and local banks. Reviews done with the Ministry of Finance and a Supreme Court Judge
  • Development of the Strategy for the bank based on a business analysis, and meetings with public institutions, and local banks and insurance companies
  • Interaction with the Funding supplier for the project, which was the Danish Ministry of Economy
  • Planning and Development of the concept for the administration of the bank including loan administration
  • Evaluation of possible IT Suppliers
  • Concept implementation
The World bank, Technical Unit
Riga, Latvia
9 months
1998-02 - 1998-10

Management of team of 9 people

Project Leader
Project Leader
Project Leader for a team conducting the Operational Readiness Testing (ORT) and the External Customer Trial. The purpose of the testing was to analyse whether or not the company was ready to be launched driven from a customer point of view. The test scope included a test of people (employees), procedures, systems, and products / network. The methodology was used to launch the Viag Interkom, but due to the success of the concept, it was furthermore used for the introduction of Internet Services, and Mobile Telephony.
  • Management of team of 9 people
  • Planning
  • Development of the ORT concept including a tracking system of the Customer Life Cycle
  • Business analysis / Gap analysis
  • Test preparation
  • Test execution
  • Management Reporting
Viag Interkom (O2)
7 months
1997-07 - 1998-01

Testing and implementation of a new suite of systems

Test and implementation manager
Test and implementation manager

Test and implementation manager for the testing and implementation of a new suite of systems designed to support the lending process from advising the customer till the loan  disbursement to the customer.

  • Management of five teams responsible each their area. Each team had their own team lead. A total of about 40 people involved. Most important objective was to launch on time without customer faced errors, which was achieved.
  • Writing the test and implementation strategy including the definition of the methodology
  • Planning and continuous re-planning
  • Overlook and ?push? the test preparations
  • Review test preparations
  • Co-ordinate and run the test phases:
  • integration testing
  • systems testing
  • user acceptance testing
  • Daily reporting on progress

2 months
1997-07 - 1997-08

Analysing of the impact of implementing the EURO currency

Project Manager
Project Manager

  • Project Manager for a 3 man team analysing of the impact of implementing the EURO currency within the system portfolio
  • The objective of the analysis was generalised to be the consequences of implementing many currencies in the systems
  • A strategy was written and presented to management

6 months
1997-01 - 1997-06

Development and implementation of a new loan product

Project manager
Project manager
Project manager of the development and implementation of a new loan product (flexible loans) into the administrative systems.
  • Management of a team of 9 people, but also included a management group for product development and clarification
  • Planning
  • Product development
  • Definition of product characteristics
  • Definition of accounting principles
  • Definition of calculations principles
  • Defining and implementing the mathematical solutions required
  • Drive the user requirements phase
  • Systems analysis
  • Defining system changes
  • Participating in the test; especially in the test of the calculations
2 years
1995-01 - 1996-12

Data migration from an old system solution to a new system solution

Project Manager, test co-ordinator and co-ordinator
Project Manager, test co-ordinator and co-ordinator

Project Manager, test co-ordinator and co-ordinator of the data migration from an old system solution to a new system solution including management of required software development.

  • Management of team with a variable size as the project advanced. Generally about 20 people involved in the project on average
  • The project migrated 1 million loans from COBOL / CICS / VSAM based systems to Composer / CICS / DB2 based systems. The migration included the historical data
  • Software development to included loans as old as 100 years
  • The migration and change of systems were done in three separate projects due to the complexity of the migration and to the amounts of data that had to be migrated
  • Definition of migration strategy
  • Planning
  • Data analysis of the old system/databases
  • System analysis of the old system
  • Definition of changes to the new system
  • Review with the business
  • Collecting user requirements from the business
  • Writing of the migration paper with the mapping of data from the old to the new system
  • Definition and implementation of required calculations
  • Definition of procedures for controlling the migration
  • Integration testing
  • Systems testing
  • User Acceptance Testing

1 year 7 months
1993-06 - 1994-12

Development of the main features of a new loan administration system

Project manager
Project manager
Project manager for the development of the main features of a new loan administration system, interfaces with the existing accounting system, establishing reporting facilities for monitoring the movements of the stock of loans, monitoring the stock of loans, extracting data for the statistical database, generating reports for the bond exchange, extracting data for financial analysis.
  • Management of a team of with a core team of 10, and during testing, it was increased with an additional 5-6 people
  • Designing and implementing an online system and a batch system for calculation of payments for different types of loans
  • Handling the data needed for the product system performing the calculations
  • Search system for customers, loans and pieces of property
  • Designing procedures for the monitoring and controlling the loans and bonds in the loan administration system and the same items in the accounting system
  • Implementing interfaces to existing systems
  • Planning
  • Business analysis and definition of business requirements
  • Data analysis, process analysis, changes to the data model
  • System design
  • Overlook procedure writing
  • Test preparation
  • Test co-ordination
  • Integration testing
  • Systems testing
  • User acceptance testing
  • Systems implementation
  • Improvement of test methodologies
1 year 10 months
1991-08 - 1993-05

Development of the product system in a two-step implementation strategy

Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager for a team responsible for the development of the product system in a two-step implementation strategy. First phase was the development of the basic system. The system contains all the rules, principles and calculations controlling any kind of loan. The first phase of the project was also a learning project for introducing Composer as the main tool for analysis, design, and development including the Information Engineering Methodology. The second phase of the project designed and implemented a calculation engine. The calculation engine was designed with a user interface in order to make the calculations only data driven.
  • Team management for a team of 8 people
  • Planning
  • Data analysis, data modelling, process modelling
  • Lead designer and decision maker for the systems
  • Test co-ordination
  • Definition of test scope
  • Evaluation of the use of the tool
Nykredit, Denmark
10 months
1990-09 - 1991-06

Developed an Information Strategy Plan

  • Participated in a project that developed an Information Strategy Plan for the whole company
  • A complete analysis with all the processes and data established
  • Furthermore an implementation strategy was written
  • It was the basis for the analysis and development performed the following years

6 months
1990-07 - 1990-12

Calculation of margin on products

Participated in a project that designed a bank to be owned by the mortgage bank. My tasks in the project
  • Product definition
  • Calculation of margin on products
  • Cost calculation for bank establishment
  • Analysis of business requirements

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

5 years 10 months
1981-09 - 1987-06

Studies for Master Degree in the fields of Economy, Finance and IT

University of Aarhus, Denmark
University of Aarhus, Denmark

2 years 11 months
1978-08 - 1981-06

High School Diploma

Bronderslev High School, Bronderslev, Denmark
Bronderslev High School, Bronderslev, Denmark
10 months
1977-09 - 1978-06

High School Diploma

Del Campo High School, Fair Oaks, California, USA
Del Campo High School, Fair Oaks, California, USA
10 years 11 months
1966-08 - 1977-06

Middle School Diploma

Sondergades School, Bronderslev, Denmark
Sondergades School, Bronderslev, Denmark




Design-Konzept Projektleitung Telekommunikation

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Management skills:

Project management, Project Leader, Test Management, Design Co-ordination, Department Management, Team Leading, RFQ / RFI Coordination, Requirements Management, Agile methodology.

Technical skills:

Business analysis (business processes, business requirements, data modelling, interaction with the business on all levels and the users), system analysis and specification, system and data integration, system design, testing (building tests, performing tests), test methodologies, test strategies, implementation and implementation strategies, data migration, user training. Programming skills.

Business Knowledge:
Telecommunication and banking.

Summary of Professional Experience:

Joining E2E Solution Designs department for cross functional projects. Dealing with an array of projects from Introduction of Carrier Aggregation, Full Online Charging for business customers, E2E implementation of changes to increase bandwidth for LTE, demos introducing increased bandwidth and later 5G. Finally ended up doing E2E design for Campus Networks / Private Networks including RFIs, RFQs and vendor selection. Followed the projects through until final delivery with configuration and testing. From October 2006 to end of 2010 with T-Mobile International, and thereafter merged into Deutsche Telekom as part of Group Technology. From 2006 till end of 2013 part of Packet Core Engineering with the main focus on billing (online / offline) and charging, network interfaces to IT, secure tunnelling for business customers, interaction SGSN / GGSN, SGW / PGW. RfQ / RFI for UMTS, and later also LTE vendor selection, joint RfQ / RFI with France Telecom. Design and configuration delivered for numerous projects. Working as a contractor between February 1998 and September 2006; prior to that 13 years with a Danish bank and mortgage institution. The name of the Bank is Nykredit. The years of contracting have been with Viag Interkom (Now O2 / Telefonica), The World bank, Motorola, and T-Mobile.

Present position:

Entered an early leaving programme for DT and thoug still employed I haven?t worked since end of 2021.

System Platforms:

Client/server, PC?s, IBM Mainframe, VAX machines and Radio Shack Minicomputer, Sun Netra, Windows NT, Nortel Passport.

Systems Used:

2G/3G solutions from Motorola and Nortel networks in the areas of Charging, SGSN, GGSN. Vantive (customer care) and VanWeb (customer facing), Kenan?s Arbor OM and BP (both for telecommunication). CTI and IVR for Call Centres. Solutions developed using COMPOSER by IEF and Cobol systems running on CICS/ DB2 and COMPOSER also for client/server systems using DB2/2. The solutions were for loan administration, customer care, case handling, printing offers and deeds for loans, printing administrative paper work, financial systems, extracting data for statistical purposes. QMF/SQL for the mainframe database access (DB2 and ASCII files) for special queries and database updates. Delphi for developing a banking sstem (loan origination, collection of customer data). PC tools for developing different permanent and temporary solutions. SAS for statistical analysis, and IFPS for development of business models.

Office Systems:

Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, MS project), Visio, Lotus SmartSuite (AmiPro, Lotus 1-2-3, Graphics) and Project Managers Workbench (PMW/ABT) for project management, resource planning and follow-up on the planning.



Deutschland, Schweiz



7 years 10 months
2014-01 - 2021-10

LTE / UMTS Core Network

  • Worked on different projects including:
    • Carrier Aggregation
    • Demos on CAT and 5G.
    • Increasing bandwidth, LTE E2E solutions.
    • Huawei PGW and LI
    • Campus Network / Private Networks; requirements gathering, RFI / RFQ, Design. Test cases and configuration.
  • RFQ / RFI for LTE Networks, 5G Campus Networks / Private Networks.
  • Test preparation and configuration (LLD); third level support if required.

Deutsche Telekom, Group Technology
3 years
2011-01 - 2013-12

LTE / UMTS Core Network

  • Design for different projects including:
    • Introduction of Online charging with various platforms
    • Development of Huawei GGSN
    • Network => IT Interfaces and changes to them
    • LTE Roaming and various LTE features
    • Network auditing with BnetzA / Regulator
    • Network coordination for various marketing projects
  • RFQ / RFI for UMTS and LTE Networks
  • Feature preparation for vendor
  • Test preparation and configuration
  • Test case execution
  • Management and coordination for billing implementations
  • Onsite support at local TMO Operators when required

Deutsche Telekom, Group Technology
4 years 3 months
2006-10 - 2010-12

LTE / UMTS Core Network

  • Design for different projects including:
    • Introduction of Online charging with various platforms
    • Development of Huawei GGSN
    • Network => IT Interfaces and changes to them
    • Various LTE features
    • Network coordination for various marketing projects
  • RFQ / RFI for UMTS and LTE Networks
  • Test preparation and configuration
  • Test case execution
  • Management and coordination for billing implementations
  • Onsite support at local TMO Operators when required
T-Mobile International
4 years 1 month
2002-09 - 2006-09

Various Projects

  • UMTS and GPRS Core Network:
    • Design and negotiation with the supplier
    • Check with the 3GPP specification for requirements and compliance
    • Test preparation, software installation, and configuration
    • Test case reviews and negotiation with the supplier
    • Test case execution
    • Management and coordination for billing implementations
    • Onsite support at local TMO Operators when required
  • Technical Areas in Testing:
    • Core network in General
    • Billing
    • SGSN
    • Performance
    • Roaming
    • Camel 3
    • VoIP
    • Cross Bearer Mobility
  • Other:
    • Ad hoc tasks
T-Mobil Deutschland, and T-Mobile International
2 years 9 months
1999-12 - 2002-08

Preparation and implementation of the General Packet Radio Service system

Preparation and implementation of the General Packet Radio Service system with T-Mobile, and the main responsibilities were:
  • Co-ordinating the contact with T-Mobile on all levels for charging, metering, billing, and prepaid / CAMEL related aspects of the contract and implementation. This included system architecture, system solution, system requirements, configuration of parameters, and interfacing the T-Mobil Mediation Device.
  • Assisting the Project Manager on running the Acceptance Test team, which at times consisted of up 30 people;
  • Installed and tested GPRS equipment (SGSN, GGSN) at the T-Mobil test laboratory;
  • Solved technical issues for GPRS Charging. System installation, system configuration, development of test cases, execute test cases, trouble shooting, interface to development for problem resolution;
  • On-site support for the core network;
  • Negotiated, designed, developed, and implemented a solution for fast tracking data to a Fraud Detection System
Motorola Germany
1 year 1 month
1998-11 - 1999-11

Developed and wrote the legal contract

Worked with the start-up of a mortgage bank in Latvia as the Operations Expert. The main task was the responsibility for establishing all operational functions of the bank including the implementation of the required IT solution. The main working areas were:
  • Managing a team of 3 people. Local staff
  • Developed and wrote the legal contract for the interaction between the mortgage bank and local banks. Reviews done with the Ministry of Finance and a Supreme Court Judge
  • Development of the Strategy for the bank based on a business analysis, and meetings with public institutions, and local banks and insurance companies
  • Interaction with the Funding supplier for the project, which was the Danish Ministry of Economy
  • Planning and Development of the concept for the administration of the bank including loan administration
  • Evaluation of possible IT Suppliers
  • Concept implementation
The World bank, Technical Unit
Riga, Latvia
9 months
1998-02 - 1998-10

Management of team of 9 people

Project Leader
Project Leader
Project Leader for a team conducting the Operational Readiness Testing (ORT) and the External Customer Trial. The purpose of the testing was to analyse whether or not the company was ready to be launched driven from a customer point of view. The test scope included a test of people (employees), procedures, systems, and products / network. The methodology was used to launch the Viag Interkom, but due to the success of the concept, it was furthermore used for the introduction of Internet Services, and Mobile Telephony.
  • Management of team of 9 people
  • Planning
  • Development of the ORT concept including a tracking system of the Customer Life Cycle
  • Business analysis / Gap analysis
  • Test preparation
  • Test execution
  • Management Reporting
Viag Interkom (O2)
7 months
1997-07 - 1998-01

Testing and implementation of a new suite of systems

Test and implementation manager
Test and implementation manager

Test and implementation manager for the testing and implementation of a new suite of systems designed to support the lending process from advising the customer till the loan  disbursement to the customer.

  • Management of five teams responsible each their area. Each team had their own team lead. A total of about 40 people involved. Most important objective was to launch on time without customer faced errors, which was achieved.
  • Writing the test and implementation strategy including the definition of the methodology
  • Planning and continuous re-planning
  • Overlook and ?push? the test preparations
  • Review test preparations
  • Co-ordinate and run the test phases:
  • integration testing
  • systems testing
  • user acceptance testing
  • Daily reporting on progress

2 months
1997-07 - 1997-08

Analysing of the impact of implementing the EURO currency

Project Manager
Project Manager

  • Project Manager for a 3 man team analysing of the impact of implementing the EURO currency within the system portfolio
  • The objective of the analysis was generalised to be the consequences of implementing many currencies in the systems
  • A strategy was written and presented to management

6 months
1997-01 - 1997-06

Development and implementation of a new loan product

Project manager
Project manager
Project manager of the development and implementation of a new loan product (flexible loans) into the administrative systems.
  • Management of a team of 9 people, but also included a management group for product development and clarification
  • Planning
  • Product development
  • Definition of product characteristics
  • Definition of accounting principles
  • Definition of calculations principles
  • Defining and implementing the mathematical solutions required
  • Drive the user requirements phase
  • Systems analysis
  • Defining system changes
  • Participating in the test; especially in the test of the calculations
2 years
1995-01 - 1996-12

Data migration from an old system solution to a new system solution

Project Manager, test co-ordinator and co-ordinator
Project Manager, test co-ordinator and co-ordinator

Project Manager, test co-ordinator and co-ordinator of the data migration from an old system solution to a new system solution including management of required software development.

  • Management of team with a variable size as the project advanced. Generally about 20 people involved in the project on average
  • The project migrated 1 million loans from COBOL / CICS / VSAM based systems to Composer / CICS / DB2 based systems. The migration included the historical data
  • Software development to included loans as old as 100 years
  • The migration and change of systems were done in three separate projects due to the complexity of the migration and to the amounts of data that had to be migrated
  • Definition of migration strategy
  • Planning
  • Data analysis of the old system/databases
  • System analysis of the old system
  • Definition of changes to the new system
  • Review with the business
  • Collecting user requirements from the business
  • Writing of the migration paper with the mapping of data from the old to the new system
  • Definition and implementation of required calculations
  • Definition of procedures for controlling the migration
  • Integration testing
  • Systems testing
  • User Acceptance Testing

1 year 7 months
1993-06 - 1994-12

Development of the main features of a new loan administration system

Project manager
Project manager
Project manager for the development of the main features of a new loan administration system, interfaces with the existing accounting system, establishing reporting facilities for monitoring the movements of the stock of loans, monitoring the stock of loans, extracting data for the statistical database, generating reports for the bond exchange, extracting data for financial analysis.
  • Management of a team of with a core team of 10, and during testing, it was increased with an additional 5-6 people
  • Designing and implementing an online system and a batch system for calculation of payments for different types of loans
  • Handling the data needed for the product system performing the calculations
  • Search system for customers, loans and pieces of property
  • Designing procedures for the monitoring and controlling the loans and bonds in the loan administration system and the same items in the accounting system
  • Implementing interfaces to existing systems
  • Planning
  • Business analysis and definition of business requirements
  • Data analysis, process analysis, changes to the data model
  • System design
  • Overlook procedure writing
  • Test preparation
  • Test co-ordination
  • Integration testing
  • Systems testing
  • User acceptance testing
  • Systems implementation
  • Improvement of test methodologies
1 year 10 months
1991-08 - 1993-05

Development of the product system in a two-step implementation strategy

Project Manager
Project Manager
Project Manager for a team responsible for the development of the product system in a two-step implementation strategy. First phase was the development of the basic system. The system contains all the rules, principles and calculations controlling any kind of loan. The first phase of the project was also a learning project for introducing Composer as the main tool for analysis, design, and development including the Information Engineering Methodology. The second phase of the project designed and implemented a calculation engine. The calculation engine was designed with a user interface in order to make the calculations only data driven.
  • Team management for a team of 8 people
  • Planning
  • Data analysis, data modelling, process modelling
  • Lead designer and decision maker for the systems
  • Test co-ordination
  • Definition of test scope
  • Evaluation of the use of the tool
Nykredit, Denmark
10 months
1990-09 - 1991-06

Developed an Information Strategy Plan

  • Participated in a project that developed an Information Strategy Plan for the whole company
  • A complete analysis with all the processes and data established
  • Furthermore an implementation strategy was written
  • It was the basis for the analysis and development performed the following years

6 months
1990-07 - 1990-12

Calculation of margin on products

Participated in a project that designed a bank to be owned by the mortgage bank. My tasks in the project
  • Product definition
  • Calculation of margin on products
  • Cost calculation for bank establishment
  • Analysis of business requirements

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

5 years 10 months
1981-09 - 1987-06

Studies for Master Degree in the fields of Economy, Finance and IT

University of Aarhus, Denmark
University of Aarhus, Denmark

2 years 11 months
1978-08 - 1981-06

High School Diploma

Bronderslev High School, Bronderslev, Denmark
Bronderslev High School, Bronderslev, Denmark
10 months
1977-09 - 1978-06

High School Diploma

Del Campo High School, Fair Oaks, California, USA
Del Campo High School, Fair Oaks, California, USA
10 years 11 months
1966-08 - 1977-06

Middle School Diploma

Sondergades School, Bronderslev, Denmark
Sondergades School, Bronderslev, Denmark




Design-Konzept Projektleitung Telekommunikation

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Management skills:

Project management, Project Leader, Test Management, Design Co-ordination, Department Management, Team Leading, RFQ / RFI Coordination, Requirements Management, Agile methodology.

Technical skills:

Business analysis (business processes, business requirements, data modelling, interaction with the business on all levels and the users), system analysis and specification, system and data integration, system design, testing (building tests, performing tests), test methodologies, test strategies, implementation and implementation strategies, data migration, user training. Programming skills.

Business Knowledge:
Telecommunication and banking.

Summary of Professional Experience:

Joining E2E Solution Designs department for cross functional projects. Dealing with an array of projects from Introduction of Carrier Aggregation, Full Online Charging for business customers, E2E implementation of changes to increase bandwidth for LTE, demos introducing increased bandwidth and later 5G. Finally ended up doing E2E design for Campus Networks / Private Networks including RFIs, RFQs and vendor selection. Followed the projects through until final delivery with configuration and testing. From October 2006 to end of 2010 with T-Mobile International, and thereafter merged into Deutsche Telekom as part of Group Technology. From 2006 till end of 2013 part of Packet Core Engineering with the main focus on billing (online / offline) and charging, network interfaces to IT, secure tunnelling for business customers, interaction SGSN / GGSN, SGW / PGW. RfQ / RFI for UMTS, and later also LTE vendor selection, joint RfQ / RFI with France Telecom. Design and configuration delivered for numerous projects. Working as a contractor between February 1998 and September 2006; prior to that 13 years with a Danish bank and mortgage institution. The name of the Bank is Nykredit. The years of contracting have been with Viag Interkom (Now O2 / Telefonica), The World bank, Motorola, and T-Mobile.

Present position:

Entered an early leaving programme for DT and thoug still employed I haven?t worked since end of 2021.

System Platforms:

Client/server, PC?s, IBM Mainframe, VAX machines and Radio Shack Minicomputer, Sun Netra, Windows NT, Nortel Passport.

Systems Used:

2G/3G solutions from Motorola and Nortel networks in the areas of Charging, SGSN, GGSN. Vantive (customer care) and VanWeb (customer facing), Kenan?s Arbor OM and BP (both for telecommunication). CTI and IVR for Call Centres. Solutions developed using COMPOSER by IEF and Cobol systems running on CICS/ DB2 and COMPOSER also for client/server systems using DB2/2. The solutions were for loan administration, customer care, case handling, printing offers and deeds for loans, printing administrative paper work, financial systems, extracting data for statistical purposes. QMF/SQL for the mainframe database access (DB2 and ASCII files) for special queries and database updates. Delphi for developing a banking sstem (loan origination, collection of customer data). PC tools for developing different permanent and temporary solutions. SAS for statistical analysis, and IFPS for development of business models.

Office Systems:

Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, MS project), Visio, Lotus SmartSuite (AmiPro, Lotus 1-2-3, Graphics) and Project Managers Workbench (PMW/ABT) for project management, resource planning and follow-up on the planning.

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