Have 10 years experience working, both companies and individuals. Deep knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, specifically React, Angular
Aktualisiert am 13.12.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 01.01.2025
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CSS Framework



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



2 years 10 months
2022-02 - 2024-11


Senior front-end developer Angular 14+ NGRX TypeScript ...
Senior front-end developer
  • Working on a main application which consists of 2 parts. It is a very complex forms-like application with a lot of dynamic logic and complex validations
  • Working closely with the Business Analysts and Backend team to build fast and easy to use application
  • Using heavy Primeng and MaterialUI components, NGRX and Redux-like best practices to build a very fast and responsive Application
Angular 14+ NGRX TypeScript Material Design PrimeNg SCSS HTM Jest
Metrans, Prague (CZ)
2 years 11 months
2019-04 - 2022-02


Senior front-end developer Angular 6+ NGRX GraphQL ...
Senior front-end developer
UpstartCommerce is a product-based company ? provides an API to let Customers build and develop catalog, customers, orders management, and everything that a retail company needs to control and grow its business.
  • Worked closely with the CTO and Backend team to build an API which is intuitive and easy to use.
  • Based on our API ? I built the CRM tool from scratch, to let our customers control their business. 
  • Using heavy Material design, NGRX and Redux-like best practices to build a very fast and responsive Dashboard.
Angular 6+ NGRX GraphQL TypeScript Webpack Material Design SCSS HTM Jasmine Karma
UpstartCommerce, remote (Prague, CZ/US)
1 year 1 month
2018-04 - 2019-04

Creation of templates for the websites

Senior front-end developer JavaScript ReactJs Redux ...
Senior front-end developer
I am working on a main project, building templates for client?s websites, optimisations of Sign Up flow. Creating new functionality, converting legacy code from Flow to TypeScript. Developing shared UI components and unit-tests using Jest.
JavaScript ReactJs Redux Flow TypeScript CSS Jest
6 months
2017-11 - 2018-04

Mobile application development

Senior front-end developer JavaScript React Native ReactJs ...
Senior front-end developer
I was responsible for building mobile application. Taking care of releases to Play Market and AppStore. Creating new functionality, converting existing features to TypeScript. Developing shared UI components with unit-test using Jest and Enzym.

JavaScript React Native ReactJs Redux TypeScript ImmutableJs CSS Jest Fastlane
10 months
2017-02 - 2017-11

Developing Customer Dashboard

Senior front-end developer JavaScript ReactJs Redux ...
Senior front-end developer
Developing Customer Dashboard on React + Redux, and Order Taking module on Angular. Implementing reusable complex components for company-wide usage. Working close with designers, PO, BA to translate of business requirements into production ready application.
JavaScript ReactJs Redux AngularJs 2 TypeScript Webpack CSS HTM Jasemin Karma
3 years 9 months
2014-01 - 2017-09

Development of the Magento theme

Magento Front-end developer JavaScript Compass/SCSS jQuery ...
Magento Front-end developer
  • I am responsible for Magento Theme development from design to test and up to production deployment
  • Testing Magento themes in multiple browsers and devices to ensure cross-browser compatibility
  • Maintained client websites on an ongoing basis
JavaScript Compass/SCSS jQuery CSS PHP
Orot Technologies
9 months
2016-06 - 2017-02

Content Analytics

Front-end developer JavaScript ReactJs Redux ...
Front-end developer
My work consists of front-end design and development of Content Analytics product based on jQuery, UnderscoreJs, REST, highchartsJs. In addition, I am responsible for developing new features of CA product using ReactJs+Redux, creating frontend asset pipeline using Gulp, and HTML email templates and newsletters for e-mail marketing campaigns
JavaScript ReactJs Redux jQuery UnderscoreJs Gulp CSS HTML PHP
1 year
2013-01 - 2013-12

fit prediction

Front-end developer JavaScript jQuery CoffeScript ...
Front-end developer
Developing prototypes of fit prediction widget, testing it with real users to ensure client understanding before project development phase
JavaScript jQuery CoffeScript Compass/SCSS HTML
Fitanalytics (UPcload)
1 year 1 month
2012-01 - 2013-01

Domain Names Registrar

Front-end developer JavaScript jQuery Less ...
Front-end developer
  • Maintained website modules using BEM methodology
  • Tested front-end code in multiple browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility
JavaScript jQuery Less HTML BEM
1 year 10 months
2010-04 - 2012-01

Voip technologies

Front-end developer
Front-end developer
  • Developed frontend of the company?s website, WordPress theme for and landing pages
  • Created HTML email templates and newsletters for e-mail marketing campaigns.
  • Tested front-end code in multiple browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility
Albatross Internet Group

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

The Academy of Economic, Chisinau
Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics



Senior front-end developer




TypeScript Angular JavaScript React GraphQL CSS Framework HTML Jest

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Experience in working with direct clients, both companies and individuals. Deep knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, specifically React and Angular. My focus is a clean code and comprehensive structures. I always think about the person who will be maintaining my code base after me. Experience in the development of individual proposals based on the needs of a client. Experience with long-term partners.

  • Responsibility, punctuality, result orientation, energy, high communication skills
  • Ability to work in team
  • Extremely fast learning skills

  • Expert knowledge in main front-end technologies: jQuery, CSS, HTML, Compass/SCSS.
  • I?m widely using of other technologies: ReactJs, Redux, JavaScript(vanilla), Gulp, Webpack, GIT, SVN, Photoshop, PHP.
  • Also, have some experience in using AngularJs, TypeScript.
  • Graphic Editors: Photoshop, Illustrator, sketch
  • Frameworks: Magento, WordPress



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



2 years 10 months
2022-02 - 2024-11


Senior front-end developer Angular 14+ NGRX TypeScript ...
Senior front-end developer
  • Working on a main application which consists of 2 parts. It is a very complex forms-like application with a lot of dynamic logic and complex validations
  • Working closely with the Business Analysts and Backend team to build fast and easy to use application
  • Using heavy Primeng and MaterialUI components, NGRX and Redux-like best practices to build a very fast and responsive Application
Angular 14+ NGRX TypeScript Material Design PrimeNg SCSS HTM Jest
Metrans, Prague (CZ)
2 years 11 months
2019-04 - 2022-02


Senior front-end developer Angular 6+ NGRX GraphQL ...
Senior front-end developer
UpstartCommerce is a product-based company ? provides an API to let Customers build and develop catalog, customers, orders management, and everything that a retail company needs to control and grow its business.
  • Worked closely with the CTO and Backend team to build an API which is intuitive and easy to use.
  • Based on our API ? I built the CRM tool from scratch, to let our customers control their business. 
  • Using heavy Material design, NGRX and Redux-like best practices to build a very fast and responsive Dashboard.
Angular 6+ NGRX GraphQL TypeScript Webpack Material Design SCSS HTM Jasmine Karma
UpstartCommerce, remote (Prague, CZ/US)
1 year 1 month
2018-04 - 2019-04

Creation of templates for the websites

Senior front-end developer JavaScript ReactJs Redux ...
Senior front-end developer
I am working on a main project, building templates for client?s websites, optimisations of Sign Up flow. Creating new functionality, converting legacy code from Flow to TypeScript. Developing shared UI components and unit-tests using Jest.
JavaScript ReactJs Redux Flow TypeScript CSS Jest
6 months
2017-11 - 2018-04

Mobile application development

Senior front-end developer JavaScript React Native ReactJs ...
Senior front-end developer
I was responsible for building mobile application. Taking care of releases to Play Market and AppStore. Creating new functionality, converting existing features to TypeScript. Developing shared UI components with unit-test using Jest and Enzym.

JavaScript React Native ReactJs Redux TypeScript ImmutableJs CSS Jest Fastlane
10 months
2017-02 - 2017-11

Developing Customer Dashboard

Senior front-end developer JavaScript ReactJs Redux ...
Senior front-end developer
Developing Customer Dashboard on React + Redux, and Order Taking module on Angular. Implementing reusable complex components for company-wide usage. Working close with designers, PO, BA to translate of business requirements into production ready application.
JavaScript ReactJs Redux AngularJs 2 TypeScript Webpack CSS HTM Jasemin Karma
3 years 9 months
2014-01 - 2017-09

Development of the Magento theme

Magento Front-end developer JavaScript Compass/SCSS jQuery ...
Magento Front-end developer
  • I am responsible for Magento Theme development from design to test and up to production deployment
  • Testing Magento themes in multiple browsers and devices to ensure cross-browser compatibility
  • Maintained client websites on an ongoing basis
JavaScript Compass/SCSS jQuery CSS PHP
Orot Technologies
9 months
2016-06 - 2017-02

Content Analytics

Front-end developer JavaScript ReactJs Redux ...
Front-end developer
My work consists of front-end design and development of Content Analytics product based on jQuery, UnderscoreJs, REST, highchartsJs. In addition, I am responsible for developing new features of CA product using ReactJs+Redux, creating frontend asset pipeline using Gulp, and HTML email templates and newsletters for e-mail marketing campaigns
JavaScript ReactJs Redux jQuery UnderscoreJs Gulp CSS HTML PHP
1 year
2013-01 - 2013-12

fit prediction

Front-end developer JavaScript jQuery CoffeScript ...
Front-end developer
Developing prototypes of fit prediction widget, testing it with real users to ensure client understanding before project development phase
JavaScript jQuery CoffeScript Compass/SCSS HTML
Fitanalytics (UPcload)
1 year 1 month
2012-01 - 2013-01

Domain Names Registrar

Front-end developer JavaScript jQuery Less ...
Front-end developer
  • Maintained website modules using BEM methodology
  • Tested front-end code in multiple browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility
JavaScript jQuery Less HTML BEM
1 year 10 months
2010-04 - 2012-01

Voip technologies

Front-end developer
Front-end developer
  • Developed frontend of the company?s website, WordPress theme for and landing pages
  • Created HTML email templates and newsletters for e-mail marketing campaigns.
  • Tested front-end code in multiple browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility
Albatross Internet Group

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

The Academy of Economic, Chisinau
Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics



Senior front-end developer




TypeScript Angular JavaScript React GraphQL CSS Framework HTML Jest

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Experience in working with direct clients, both companies and individuals. Deep knowledge of JavaScript frameworks, specifically React and Angular. My focus is a clean code and comprehensive structures. I always think about the person who will be maintaining my code base after me. Experience in the development of individual proposals based on the needs of a client. Experience with long-term partners.

  • Responsibility, punctuality, result orientation, energy, high communication skills
  • Ability to work in team
  • Extremely fast learning skills

  • Expert knowledge in main front-end technologies: jQuery, CSS, HTML, Compass/SCSS.
  • I?m widely using of other technologies: ReactJs, Redux, JavaScript(vanilla), Gulp, Webpack, GIT, SVN, Photoshop, PHP.
  • Also, have some experience in using AngularJs, TypeScript.
  • Graphic Editors: Photoshop, Illustrator, sketch
  • Frameworks: Magento, WordPress

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