Hydrometallurgy expert Focus: sustainable solutions Specializes in lithium recovery Advanced chemical engineering Excels in process optimization
Aktualisiert am 31.05.2024
Freiberufler / Selbstständiger
Verfügbar ab: 31.05.2024
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Research and Analytical Skills
Hydrometallurgy and Metal Separation
Process Optimization
Aspen Plus
MS Office
Experimental Design
end-to-end-project management
Safety and Compliance
Analytical Techniques



Köln (+200km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



5 Monate
2023-07 - 2023-11

Directed optimization initiatives

Environmental and Development Engineer
Environmental and Development Engineer
  • Directed optimization initiatives for chrome extraction at the benefaction plant, enhancing metallurgical processes and product efficiency
  • Led teams in the application of advanced methodologies, focusing on continuous improvement
  • Ensured safety and compliance at the chrome refinery by applying risk management and maintenance.
  • Compiled and analyzed daily and monthly production reports, using this data to drive process improvements and report critical insights to stakeholders
OUTOKUMPU, Kemi, Finland
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-12

Conducted advanced research in ion exchange and solvent extraction

Research Assistant in Metal Recycling
Research Assistant in Metal Recycling
  • Conducted advanced research in ion exchange and solvent extraction as a Research Assistant, learning the operational principles of ion exchange columns and improving skills in ICP-MS sample analysis through careful laboratory practices.
  • Prepared synthetic solutions and conducted sample pre-treatment, managing experiments under precise instructions to ensure high standards of safety and accuracy.
  • Regularly worked with professors and postdoctoral researchers to agree on research goals and outcomes, helping the team share knowledge and achieve project success 
LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland
8 Monate
2022-02 - 2022-09

Conducted a Master's thesis

Lithium Recovery Innovator and Process Engineer
Lithium Recovery Innovator and Process Engineer
  • Conducted a Master's thesis at LUT University on lithium recovery from battery metal solutions, achieving a remarkable 99% recovery rate
  • Engineered an innovative lithium separation methodology, optimizing the process through extensive reagent testing at both batch and pilot scales despite the presence of interfering metals
  • Contributed to hydrometallurgy advancements, improving lithium recovery with solvent extraction and promoting sustainable recycling
  • Gained expertise in complex metal separation, becoming proficient in countercurrent process system and ICP-MS analysis
LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2021 - 2024

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland

Thesis: Recovery of Lithium from Battery Metal Solutions

2015 - 2021

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland

Thesis: Investigating the Possibility of Producing Lignin Nanoparticle using Green Solvents

2014 - 2015

Bachelor of Science in Material Engineering


Completed with 55 credits




Research and Analytical Skills Hydrometallurgy and Metal Separation Process Optimization MATLAB Aspen Plus AutoCAD Python MS Office ICP-MS Experimental Design end-to-end-project management Safety and Compliance Analytical Techniques

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Driven by a passion for hydrometallurgy and advanced chemical engineering processes, I aim to significantly contribute to the field of chemical engineering through the development of innovative process optimization strategies and impactful research. With a strong foundation in analytical reasoning, experimental design, and problem-solving, my objective is to facilitate sustainable advancements across various sectors within chemical engineering. I am eager to collaborate with forward-thinking teams, applying my expertise toward the development of environmentally sustainable solutions and promoting technological progress across the industry


  • Proficient in MATLAB, Aspen Plus, AutoCAD, Python, and MS-Office
  • Strong background in hydrometallurgy and ion exchange techniques
  • Expertise in sample analysis using ICP-MS
  • Skilled in end-to-end project management, overseeing operations and key decisions effectively
  • Excellent communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities



Köln (+200km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



5 Monate
2023-07 - 2023-11

Directed optimization initiatives

Environmental and Development Engineer
Environmental and Development Engineer
  • Directed optimization initiatives for chrome extraction at the benefaction plant, enhancing metallurgical processes and product efficiency
  • Led teams in the application of advanced methodologies, focusing on continuous improvement
  • Ensured safety and compliance at the chrome refinery by applying risk management and maintenance.
  • Compiled and analyzed daily and monthly production reports, using this data to drive process improvements and report critical insights to stakeholders
OUTOKUMPU, Kemi, Finland
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2021-07 - 2022-12

Conducted advanced research in ion exchange and solvent extraction

Research Assistant in Metal Recycling
Research Assistant in Metal Recycling
  • Conducted advanced research in ion exchange and solvent extraction as a Research Assistant, learning the operational principles of ion exchange columns and improving skills in ICP-MS sample analysis through careful laboratory practices.
  • Prepared synthetic solutions and conducted sample pre-treatment, managing experiments under precise instructions to ensure high standards of safety and accuracy.
  • Regularly worked with professors and postdoctoral researchers to agree on research goals and outcomes, helping the team share knowledge and achieve project success 
LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland
8 Monate
2022-02 - 2022-09

Conducted a Master's thesis

Lithium Recovery Innovator and Process Engineer
Lithium Recovery Innovator and Process Engineer
  • Conducted a Master's thesis at LUT University on lithium recovery from battery metal solutions, achieving a remarkable 99% recovery rate
  • Engineered an innovative lithium separation methodology, optimizing the process through extensive reagent testing at both batch and pilot scales despite the presence of interfering metals
  • Contributed to hydrometallurgy advancements, improving lithium recovery with solvent extraction and promoting sustainable recycling
  • Gained expertise in complex metal separation, becoming proficient in countercurrent process system and ICP-MS analysis
LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

2021 - 2024

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland

Thesis: Recovery of Lithium from Battery Metal Solutions

2015 - 2021

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

LUT UNIVERSITY, Lappeenranta, Finland

Thesis: Investigating the Possibility of Producing Lignin Nanoparticle using Green Solvents

2014 - 2015

Bachelor of Science in Material Engineering


Completed with 55 credits




Research and Analytical Skills Hydrometallurgy and Metal Separation Process Optimization MATLAB Aspen Plus AutoCAD Python MS Office ICP-MS Experimental Design end-to-end-project management Safety and Compliance Analytical Techniques

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


Driven by a passion for hydrometallurgy and advanced chemical engineering processes, I aim to significantly contribute to the field of chemical engineering through the development of innovative process optimization strategies and impactful research. With a strong foundation in analytical reasoning, experimental design, and problem-solving, my objective is to facilitate sustainable advancements across various sectors within chemical engineering. I am eager to collaborate with forward-thinking teams, applying my expertise toward the development of environmentally sustainable solutions and promoting technological progress across the industry


  • Proficient in MATLAB, Aspen Plus, AutoCAD, Python, and MS-Office
  • Strong background in hydrometallurgy and ion exchange techniques
  • Expertise in sample analysis using ICP-MS
  • Skilled in end-to-end project management, overseeing operations and key decisions effectively
  • Excellent communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities

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