2021 - heute: Developing multiple services for a charity project
Kunde: Charity
Rolle: Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
GitLab CI/CD | Go | Kubernetes | OVH Cloud | Swift
2021 (7 months): Introducing CloudFront caching, developing microservices and supporting go live
Kunde: Sports
Rolle: Cloud Backend Engineer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS Cloudfront | AWS S3 | Azure | Docker | Dropwizard | GitLab CI/CD | Go | Java | K9S | Kubernetes | Liquibase | Maven | Microservices | Minikube | MySQL | PostgreSQL | RabbitMQ | Websockets
2021 (2 months): Migrating an existing Java IoT solution to the cloud
Kunde: Energy
Rolle: Backend Cloud Engineer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS CloudWatch | AWS ECS | AWS RDS | Docker | IoT | Java | MySQL | RabbitMQ | Terraform
2021 (1 month): Improving ease of development in a cloud native environment
Kunde: Government Agency
Rolle: Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS EKS | Docker | Kubernetes | Minikube | Scaffold | Terraform
2020 (2 months) Implementing software modules with Quarkus
Kunde: Insurance
Rolle: Backend Developer
Einsatzort: Remote
Apache Camel | Docker | GitLab CI/CD | Gradle | GraphQL | Java | Quarkus
2020 (5 months): Being a communication bridge between german customer and international developers while building software
Kunde: E-Commerce
Rolle: Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
Cypress | Java | JavaScript | Maven | Microservices | MongoDB | React | Spring Boot
2020 (3 months): Creating a cloud-agnostic database backup solution
Kunde: Information Technology
Rolle: DevOps Engineer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS CDK | AWS EC2 | AWS RDS | Node.js | PostgreSQL | TypeScript
2019 (15 months): Developing and maintaining a highly frequented community platform
Kunde: Social Network, Automotive
Rolle: Fullstack Developer, Consultant
Einsatzort: Berlin
Java | Jenkins | JSP | Kafka | Marathon | Microservices | MongoDB | MySQL | Servlets | Spring | Spring Boot | Stripes
2018 (3 months): Testing and integrating a software solution into a legacy environment
Kunde: Government Agency
Rolle: Backend Developer
Einsatzort: Düsseldorf
Java | Websphere
2018 (8 months): Developing multiple Alexa Skills
Kunde: Insurance
Rolle: Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
Amazon Alexa | AWS | AWS CloudWatch | AWS DynamoDB | AWS Lambda | AWS S3 | Go | JavaScript | Node.js | Terraform
2017 (4 months): Developing multiple microservices
Kunde: Automotive
Rolle: Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Stuttgart and Remote
Apigee | Docker | Drupal | GitLab CI/CD | Gradle | Groovy | JavaScript | Kubernetes | Ratpack | Vue.js
2017 (8 months): Developing a service on OpenShift
Kunde: Insurance
Rolle: Backend Developer
Einsatzort: Nuremberg
Docker | Java | Maven | Microservices | OpenShift | Spring Boot
2016 (2 months): Developing a cloud architecture PoC for an IoT solution
Kunde: Automotive
Rolle: Cloud Developer
Einsatzort: Stuttgart
AWS | AWS CloudWatch | AWS IoT Gateway | AWS Kinesis Streams | AWS Lambda | AWS S3 | IoT | Java | MQTT | Protocol Buffers | Serverless
2016 (2 months): Developing microservices for the canadian road patrol
Kunde: Meteorology
Rolle: Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
AWS | AWS S3 | AWS SQS | Docker | Java | Maven | Mesos | Microservices | MongoDB | RabbitMQ | Spring Boot
2021 - heute: Developing multiple services for a charity project
Kunde: Charity
Rolle: Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
GitLab CI/CD | Go | Kubernetes | OVH Cloud | Swift
2021 (7 months): Introducing CloudFront caching, developing microservices and supporting go live
Kunde: Sports
Rolle: Cloud Backend Engineer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS Cloudfront | AWS S3 | Azure | Docker | Dropwizard | GitLab CI/CD | Go | Java | K9S | Kubernetes | Liquibase | Maven | Microservices | Minikube | MySQL | PostgreSQL | RabbitMQ | Websockets
2021 (2 months): Migrating an existing Java IoT solution to the cloud
Kunde: Energy
Rolle: Backend Cloud Engineer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS CloudWatch | AWS ECS | AWS RDS | Docker | IoT | Java | MySQL | RabbitMQ | Terraform
2021 (1 month): Improving ease of development in a cloud native environment
Kunde: Government Agency
Rolle: Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS EKS | Docker | Kubernetes | Minikube | Scaffold | Terraform
2020 (2 months) Implementing software modules with Quarkus
Kunde: Insurance
Rolle: Backend Developer
Einsatzort: Remote
Apache Camel | Docker | GitLab CI/CD | Gradle | GraphQL | Java | Quarkus
2020 (5 months): Being a communication bridge between german customer and international developers while building software
Kunde: E-Commerce
Rolle: Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
Cypress | Java | JavaScript | Maven | Microservices | MongoDB | React | Spring Boot
2020 (3 months): Creating a cloud-agnostic database backup solution
Kunde: Information Technology
Rolle: DevOps Engineer
Einsatzort: Remote
AWS | AWS CDK | AWS EC2 | AWS RDS | Node.js | PostgreSQL | TypeScript
2019 (15 months): Developing and maintaining a highly frequented community platform
Kunde: Social Network, Automotive
Rolle: Fullstack Developer, Consultant
Einsatzort: Berlin
Java | Jenkins | JSP | Kafka | Marathon | Microservices | MongoDB | MySQL | Servlets | Spring | Spring Boot | Stripes
2018 (3 months): Testing and integrating a software solution into a legacy environment
Kunde: Government Agency
Rolle: Backend Developer
Einsatzort: Düsseldorf
Java | Websphere
2018 (8 months): Developing multiple Alexa Skills
Kunde: Insurance
Rolle: Tech Lead, Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
Amazon Alexa | AWS | AWS CloudWatch | AWS DynamoDB | AWS Lambda | AWS S3 | Go | JavaScript | Node.js | Terraform
2017 (4 months): Developing multiple microservices
Kunde: Automotive
Rolle: Fullstack Developer
Einsatzort: Stuttgart and Remote
Apigee | Docker | Drupal | GitLab CI/CD | Gradle | Groovy | JavaScript | Kubernetes | Ratpack | Vue.js
2017 (8 months): Developing a service on OpenShift
Kunde: Insurance
Rolle: Backend Developer
Einsatzort: Nuremberg
Docker | Java | Maven | Microservices | OpenShift | Spring Boot
2016 (2 months): Developing a cloud architecture PoC for an IoT solution
Kunde: Automotive
Rolle: Cloud Developer
Einsatzort: Stuttgart
AWS | AWS CloudWatch | AWS IoT Gateway | AWS Kinesis Streams | AWS Lambda | AWS S3 | IoT | Java | MQTT | Protocol Buffers | Serverless
2016 (2 months): Developing microservices for the canadian road patrol
Kunde: Meteorology
Rolle: Developer
Einsatzort: Berlin
AWS | AWS S3 | AWS SQS | Docker | Java | Maven | Mesos | Microservices | MongoDB | RabbitMQ | Spring Boot