Outsourcing, Sourcing, Transition, Transforation, Procurement, Project Management, Contract Management, Vendor Management, Consultancy, SLA
Aktualisiert am 12.01.2025
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Goal Directed Project Management
Transition Management
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Essen, Ruhr (+200km) Frankfurt am Main (+200km) Stuttgart (+200km) Hamburg (+200km) Bonn (+200km) Düsseldorf (+200km) Basel (+200km) Zürich (+200km) Bremen (+200km) Munchen (+200km) Zug (+200km)
Deutschland, Schweiz

Dear Sir or Madam,

I like to fulfill projects in Germany or Swizterland for 3 months minimum or a longer period.




1 Jahr 9 Monate
2022-05 - 2024-01

International Card Services - Procurement

Sr. Procurement Lead domain Customer & Business Solutions a.i cred procurement
Sr. Procurement Lead domain Customer & Business Solutions a.i

C&BS is responsible for all (co-branding) agreements with banks, retailers and insurance companies, among others, as well as introducing new payment features for Mastercard, Visa and ICS cards.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

Contracting Apple Pay solutions for Mastercard  & Visa (including Tieto and UL contracts as service partners).

-               Contracting 5 years new agreement with Mastercard;

-                Credit Strategy - Pay Later Solutions: RFX procedure and  set-up  master-, project-, and service agreements;

-               New branding book (ICS new layout and services) - contracting agile project with the Valley.

-               Contracting Visa Spend Clarity for business card holders solutions;

-               Contract Mastercard Back ? Priority Pass EEA for business card holders.

-               Contracting several marketing agreements;

-               Overall responsibility for all procurement requests of C&BS

-               Develop an OGSM Procurement Plan 2023.

cred procurement
International Card Services
Diemen - The Netherlands
7 Monate
2021-04 - 2021-10

Tender Management & Contracting a.i.

Project Lead ERP
Project Lead ERP

HZPC started in 2020 with a large IT project to improve its IT architecture and landscape. Subsequently, to modernize its processes, methods and apply new IT software functionalities to optimize its supply chain. As part of this transition, a new ERP Cloud application should also be purchased for its Industry: Food & Beverage & Trading.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Define Project Planning and Execution, RFx, Tender, Contracting, Pre-award and Post Award Contract Management, Service & Deliver Management, Risk management

  • Market research ERP Solutions: Longlist 150 Suppliers to shortlist 7 Suppliers; on platform MS Azure, AWS or Oracle


  • MS Dynamics 365, Jeeves, Sap Hana / Business by Design, Enterprise One, NetSuite, Infor ERP, Info Cloud Suite for RFI

Composing an RFP:

  • Project scope, Contract & Common Deal Principles, Scripts & Demos.

  • Tender & selection en evaluating in Negometrix


  • Top 3 ERP Suppliers. Evaluation and advice ERP Steerco. (OGSM Methodology)

  • Select preferred supplier: negotiations and award.

  • Contracting: Umbrella-, License-, Project Implementation-, Service & Delivery Agreement.

1 Jahr 4 Monate
2019-09 - 2020-12

IS Global Strategic Alliance Management Manager

IS Global Strategic Alliance Management Specialist | Manager
IS Global Strategic Alliance Management Specialist | Manager

End of 2018 ABB announced the divestment of its Power Grids business to Hitachi. This will create a joint venture between ABB Power Grids and Hitachi and requires a separation and carve-out of the existing PG business. As part of the JV Creation & PG JV Build-up project, the JV Creation IS Workstream aims at ensuring a seamless separation and carve-out of the IS organization and IS services from ABB into the new joint venture.

The global transition / program is managed by a Deloitte ? ABB team with various functional teams.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

-  Building a Maturity Model for the workstreams IS Target Operational Model, Sourcing Readiness & Future Mode of Operations.

-   Develop & implement for several workstreams the following processes  and frameworks (including working documents):

Demand to Source, Strategic Sourcing Strategy, RFx Management, Post Award Contract Life Cycle Management, Contract Change Management, Supplier on- & off boarding, Supplier Relation & Performance Management, Supplier Risk Management, Strategic Supplier Portfolio Management & Requisition process, Escalation & Dispute Management, Exit Management, Service & SLA Management, Supplier segmentation & Tier 1-2 positioning.

-                 Special task: developed a template for Contract & Common Deal Principles.

-                 Develop several Governance & Stakeholder Management models.

-                 Drawing up & implementing an OGSM plan for the department.

-                 Developing standard Agreements, annexes & appendices for the IT portfolio.


As a senior manager / consultant I have an advisory role to support colleagues to convert best practice and innovation into applicable opportunities to bring a higher maturity level to the value chain Strategic Supplier Management.


5 Monate
2019-01 - 2019-05

Manager IT Tactical Partner Management a.i.

Tactical - stratetic Partner Management
Tactical - stratetic Partner Management

Eneco decided in 2018 to centrally control its IT activities. A new organizational structure has been set up in collaboration with Andersen MacGyver. The new Tactical Partner Management department was established with reference to this transition program. Objective: to manage contractual relationships with the Outsourcing Partner and strategic-tactical IT service providers.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Manage and guide a team of Tactical Partner Manager.
  • Member of the BTO Management Team to run the daily business.
  • Set up an OGSM plan for the next 6-12 months.
  • Developing a methodology to determine Tier 1, 2,3 and 4 service providers.
  • Selecting low risk - low value service providers. Objective: operation PO’s and invoicing process will be managed on a lower level in the
  • Develop a competence & skill model for the members of TMP.
  • Optimize the chain process in collaboration with Purchasing
  • Teambuilding meetings TMP & Procurement, recruiting new Tactical Partner Managers.
Eneco Energie
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2017-04 - 2018-08

Senior Change & Contract Advisor

Sr. Change & Sourcing Advisor
Sr. Change & Sourcing Advisor

Kuijpers decided earlier this year to upgrade her ERP software Microsoft Nav 2013 with 4PS Construct modules to a new version with more functions in the workflow management system. It concerns a re-implementation and optimization for all 10 settlements. The existing (2006 )agreement does not meet the current requirements and through an open source dialogue with 4PS ( IT partner Microsoft), a new sourcing & contracting strategy has been launched.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Develop a vision, strategy and a roadmap for the re-implementation and the sourcing scope.
  • Develop and implement a Master Agreement focusing on revision of the Terms & Conditions.
  • Compile a project agreement through Agile-Scrum method and tooling to manage the project.
  • Other contractual documents: Service Level Agreement, related Schedules and KPI Dashboard.
  • Appendixes Contract Management, Governance and Finance.
  • Formulate performance appointments for all (part) Agreements.
  • Advisee Steering Committee, the Projectteam and related departments on improvements, methodologies and best practices.
  • Coaching and support the IT department to change the direction with innovative ideas regarding IT Sourcing and managing their processes.
Kuijpers Installation
5 Monate
2017-01 - 2017-05

(Out)Sourcing Advisor

Support all UMC’s (hospitals) at Groningen, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, Rotterdam, Maastricht  with a sourcing & contracting strategy “Servers & Storage” to develop synergy and define / implement the right contracting documents in fase I. (Tender process). Guide several temporary teams: Advisory Services, Hard-& Software, Cloud services, Helpdesk & Support, Technical & Operational Management and Procurement with preparing of all the needs / documents.



  • Chairman of the temporary teams;
  • Manage the process & teams to deliver the right documents for a Framework Agreements, separate Agreements, SLA’s, DAP, DFA and user cases;
  • Advise the Procurement departments and the business lines about Terms & Conditions, Service Management and Contract Life Cycle Management.
  • Support the team to develop the right strategy in relation with the scope.
University Medical Center (UMCG hospital
3 Monate
2016-08 - 2016-10

Manager IT Operations -/ Transition Manager Outsourcing

NIBC Bank started up earlier this year an ambitious program “IT Forward” and a RFX for outsourcing TAM, FAM, Client Support and Infrastructure. At this moment, they are working on the Agreements with a Vendor.



  • Support the Outsourcing team with reviewing the Schedule Transition & Transformation;
  • Review all other Agreement Schedules and contract details.
  • Preparing a transition plan to start with the outsourcing program.
    • Transition scheduled at the 1st November is be on hold because the company has to review internal the impact of outsourcing.
    • My assignment will end at 10th October2016.
The Hague
8 Monate
2016-01 - 2016-08

Senior Process & Chain Manager

As part of the Transition ICT Central at KPN, I am responsible for the transition (on boarding) of the IT Vendor Comarch of Poland to the new department NIO ICTM Business Application Market.  Comarch is with her SaaS solution end to end responsible for the billing suite for mobile & permanent connections, mms, mobile, applications, the back office and data storage for KPN Business Clients.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • On boarding Transition Plan (Roadmap 2016 with focus on Finance, IT Management, Contract Life Cycle, Business Improvements, Processes, Stakeholder Management and Business Controls);
  • Implement controls to manage Opex and Capex spend;
  • Implement a Governance Model, Stakeholder Management and Escalation Matrix;
  • Service Delivery Management: Improvements SLA, KPI’s and reporting;
  • Guide Assurance (SOC-2) & Compliance plans;
  • Implement Contract Life Cycle Management and define commercial improvements;
  • Guide security controls, policies and plans;
  • Responsible for Quotations & Proposals, Contract Changes, and guide negotiations;
  • Overall responsible within KPN for all Comarch’s business activities (Single Point of Contact);
  • Develop with the Manager a department year plan;
  • Implement SharePoint Comarch as communication platform for the operations, store and share data;
  • Responsible for workshops, assessments, and business improvements (chain optimization).
KPN Telecom
The Hague
6 Monate
2015-06 - 2015-11

Senior Commercial & Contract Advisor

RealNext has decided to choose for a new Cloud solution for her IT services & platform and to develop new software with new features and products.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Vendor selection RFX, including market research;
  • Guide commercial meetings with Vendors and be a trusted Advisor for RealNext;
  • Lead negotiations with Vendors;
  • Select the Contract strategy, the Contracting process;
  • Drafting of an Master Agreement, SLA, DAP, Security Policies and a Contract Management Plan;
  • Preparing a project agreement for software development with Agile/Scrum conditions.
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2014-06 - 2015-06

Sr. Outsourcing Project Manager

Contract & Vendor Management a.i.
Contract & Vendor Management a.i.

FrieslandCampina (FC) decided in Q2-2014 to outsource SAP TAM (Technical Application Management) and FAM (Functional Application Management). The Metri Group selected by “Fast Track” and “Best Value Procurement” the Vendors. Capgemini India is selected as the new Outsourcing Partner until 2018.


Responsibilities & Deliverables of the Outsourcing Agreement RightSourcing – Application Management:

  • Selection & evaluating process between Infosys & Capgemini as future Partner.
  • Lead the last part of the negotiations of the Umbrella Agreement and existing Schedules.
  • Finalize the SLA’s, KPI’s and Service Credit Mechanism conditions and implement the plans with stakeholders and work out the Contract obligations.
  • Implement OLA’s between Capgemini, T-Systems and Fujitsu.
  • HR Staff Transfer FC employees Malaysia & The Netherlands: negotiations, finalize the Agreements.
  • Implement the Governance structure for the Transition period and the retained FC organization.
  • Track & trace and solve all contractual and commercial issues during the Transition and Transformation.
  • Managing several tracks of the transition activities during the Due Diligence, Transition and Transformation period.
  • Implement a roadmap with all contractual obligations for tactical and strategic Contract- & Vendor Partner Management.
  • Implement a Finance control mechanism for Contract Life Cycle Management.
  • As Single Point of Contact during the Transition: implement improvements related to the Outsourcing Agreement.


Consultancy & advisory to the Manager Contract & Supplier Management:

  • Support the department to define a strategy and plans to improve Contract Management.
  • Define the roadmap Contract Management 2015-2016: standards, cost & value drivers, portfolio reductions, Contract Life Cycle improvements.
FrieslandCampina Corporate ICT
5 Monate
2013-11 - 2014-03

New Business Development Consultant a.i.

  • Working together with a partner of an IT Enterprise IT Cloud company to develop a software solution for Vendor Management.
  • Develop new contract terms & conditions related to Cloud software vendors.
5 Monate
2013-06 - 2013-10

Transition Manager / Delivery Manager a.i.

Operations Datacenters & Networks
Operations Datacenters & Networks

The IT Division (ITM&S) serving global services for ASML, 60 locations. The ICT infrastructure is mission-critical for ASML daily operation. ITM&S is striving for operational excellence by implementing extensive improvement programs to boost quality and reliability. One of the programs is outsourcing all connectivity activities to the partner Dimension Data.

These outsourced services consist the commodity of WAN, user LAN, Datacenters LAN, and perimeter services worldwide.  As a Transition Manager, I manage this outsourcing programme on strategic-tactical level.



  • Knowledge transfer between ASML & Dimension Data including people transfer.
  • Brake Fix Support: Service Desk Integration, Service Operation Manual, Incident Management Process.
  • Implement the Governance between ASML Operations DC & Networks and Dimension Data.
  • Service Level Agreements for DC LAN and WAN.
  • Change Management (Processes & Procedures).
  • Service Reporting Dashboard for Incident Management, Invoicing & Spend analyses, and Quotes.
  • Service Integration Management.
  • Implement the process Business Request – Quotation – Evaluation – Approval – Invoicing.



  • Managing the Connectivity Project Roadmap.
  • Approving Purchasing Requests, evaluation & approval.
  • Budget & Invoicing Control Datacentres & Networks.
  • Progress meetings department DC & Networks and Dimension Data.
  • Problem solving and Demand & Supply for the outsourcing program.
  • Communication plan worldwide ASML shareholders.
  • Vendor Management.
ASML Global IT Services
4 Monate
2013-02 - 2013-05

Senior Consultant / Contract Manager a.i.

The NAM is a 100% subsidiary company of the Shell with the Head Office at Assen, The Netherlands. The NAM make

use of the services provided by Shell, including the (Global) Agreements. Shell renewed the 5 years Agreement with

T-Systems for another 5 years and NAM also use the services of T-Systems (Deutsche Telecom).


  • Identifying the required services ICT and Cloud systems for NAM in a temporary project team with focus on the contract scope as an addendum for the existing Agreement between Shell Global Solutions and T-Systems.
  • Interview the stakeholders, local IT support department and end users to define the contract scope
  • Identifying contract critical issues: internal survey, analyses, risk assessments and define KPI’s.
  • Define a Contract Management Plan and implement a roadmap.
  • Prepare the contract strategy documents for the local Tender Board of NAM.
  • Discuss and improve the plan in cooperation with the Category Manager of Shell Global Solutions

(Note: temporary assignment, handover on 5th June2013 to the new Contract Manager at NAM)

Shell Global Solutions
6 Monate
2012-08 - 2013-01

Senior Business Consultant Contracts IT Services a.i.

  • Review and analyse an existing Global Agreement of a Tier 1 Service Provider to make a proposal with commercial improvements.
  • Targets: defining quality points, opportunities for cost savings, defining Key Performance Indicators, remove non-contract related matters, contract improvements to measure performance, define strategic direction.
  • Establishment of an advisory for the MT; the report will be a guidance for the IT department to define the sourcing strategy for the next 3 years.
9 Monate
2011-11 - 2012-07

Transition Manager Procurement a.i.

The European Parliament awarded in Q3-2011 a € 120 mln. Contract to the Outsourcing | Service Partner BT to

supply The Parliament with networked IT services, including equipment and applications for her telecommunications infrastructure and systems. Across the three sites, BT will provide technologies such as IP telephony, unified communications, video-conferencing, telepresence, security and internet access, as well as equipment including intelligent switches, routers and broadband multiplexers.

As Transition Manager, I was responsible to guide the whole process of contracting of the existing and new vendors

who deliver the goods and services to EP. I implemented an overall roadmap to improve the procurement function

and processes at BT Professional Services in Brussels on a tactical-operational level:

  • Set up a roadmap Procurement Transition plan with milestones, targets & deliverables.
  • Select and contract 25 Suppliers for the Installed Base Maintenance: networks, communication, security, internet-web access, licensers and management tools & services.
  • Implement Post Award Contract Management.
  • Implement Supplier and Vendor Operational Management.
  • Lead all negotiations with the Suppliers and Vendors.
  • Responsible for commercial improvements, cost savings, improve internal processes and purchasing.
  • Develop Vendor and Supplier strategies, Spend Management, Category & Commodity Management.
British Telecom, Brussels
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2010-09 - 2011-09

New Business Development Manager a.i.

  • Responsible for the sales & marketing activities in the Benelux.
  • Develop a sales & marketing plan ‘Cloud Storage Solutions’ for the top 25 companies in the Benelux.
    Targets: top 3 Telecom and internet providers.
  • Set up different types of pricing / selling strategies for the Cloud Products.
GlobeX Data Group
6 Monate
2009-12 - 2010-05

Program Manager Contract Management a.i.

  • Improve and optimize the Tender and Procurement Process.
  • Set up a spend and risk procurement business plan related to the Contracts portfolio, and execute improvement plans.
  • Developed a sourcing business plan 2010 and define core targets.
  • Implement a general Contract Management plan.
  • Developed Key Performance Indicators for Contract Management & the Contracts.
  • Develop a model for a standard Contract review plan for services & maintenance agreements.
  • Develop the critical prior-limiting conditions for a Contract Management software program.
Local Government Authority
1 Jahr
2008-12 - 2009-11

Supply Chain Manager a.i

Responsible for all daily (out)sourcing and procurement activities (offshore related) on behalf of the ONEGas department

at Shell. Responsible for the total contract value (€ 700 mln.) of the EPCM Integrated Service Contractor AJS

(Amec-Jacobs-Stork). It concerns the outsourcing of projects, engineering, maintenance services and modifications.


  • Participant SCM to set up and implement a program with significant improvements for Supply Chain, Contract Management, Procurement, Logistics, Processes, Policy, Quality, Performance and HSSE to be compliance with the guidelines of Shell EP 13.
  • Participate as chairman-secretary in structural meetings between NAM - Shell EPE and the Integrated Service Contractors Supply Chain representatives how are working for Shell EPE Europe.
  • Developed a SCM Plan, Commodity plans and a control framework for Shell ONEGas SCM department to manage tenders, procurement plans and contracts.
  • Implementation of Sub-Contracting (top 20 suppliers) at the contractor AJS: cost savings with more than 10% at the Sub-Contractors.
  • Guide the SCM department of the contractor AJS with draw up Contract Management plans for the most important 20 Sub-Contractors for AJS.
  • Guide & monitor an Integrated Cost Reduction Program: reduce the cost with 10% by the contractor AJS organizations in NL & UK and decrease the AJS SCM staff with 10 %.
  • Execute the ICP-2 CRO tracker (Cost Reduction Operations) for Procurement, Logistic, Warehouse, and all existing Contracts. (saving potential € 13 mln.)
  • Responsible for Contract issues and resolving disputes & claims of the AJS Agreement.
  • Lead progress meetings with AJS Supply Chain Management and Contract Management departments.
  • Reduce the generic Purchase Orders in SAP, reduction in orders and commands that have no PO’s. Set up a monthly reporting for Procurement in NL & UK to control all RFP’s concerning strategy, vendor selection, tender board proposals and commercial issues how must be approved by SCM ONEGas.
  • Set up a reporting program to control the process Procure to Pay and Request to Pay.
  • Deliver E & M Production SCM contribution to maintain minimum 90/90 RtP performance for Production Directorate.
  • Analyse and ensure follow-up of global SAP RtP reporting e.g.:
  • Early warning reports. 2) E-Approval reports.  3) Sox Compliance reports.
Shell EPE Europe
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2007-11 - 2008-12

Senior Contract & Vendor Manager a.i

On behalf of the Management at KPN ‘No Fixed Capacity’ final responsible for all contractual affairs with the strategic

contractor - outsourcing partner Trilink BV.


  • Implement a rescission strategy to end the Agreement with Trilink BV. The annulment of this Agreement resulted in an immediate savings of about 7,5 mln., (2008-2009) and an indirect saving about € 5,0 mln. (2010-2012) after KPN transfer all the work to Volker Wessel Telecom.
  • Developed and implement a uniform Contract Management model and process with guidelines.
  • Draw up a project plan and install a project team to guide the rescission of the Agreement with Trilink and manage all the process changes in the KPN organization.
  • Advisor to the Department Manager to develop Contract Management on a higher level.
  • Guide and coached Contract Managers to formulate objectives: account plans & fact sheets and improvements.
  • As team member responsible to draw up a position paper for the new joint venture with the company Reggefiber. (execute fibreglass projects)


Manage the contractor Trilink with respect to the performance and quality on all allocated new and existing projects

in the districts for telephone connections:


  • Solve several contract & financial problems.
  • Assessing all proposals that differ from the existing Agreement. (go<>no go decision)
  • Set up a relation management and communication model.
  • Judge all new projects for telephone connections for award related to the new KPN strategy fibreglass.
  • Take over several threatening escalations from the KPN districts and solve them in conformity with the Contract appointments.
  • Execute performance measurements at all KPN districts related to the services of Trilink.
  • Start up the contractor carrousel: solve problems on operational and tactical level.
  • Solve existing claims, disputes and project issues with the contractor Trilink.
  • Take over all existing negotiations of the department Procurement concerning the termination of this Agreement.
KPN Telecom

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


2016 ? up:

Membership SourceExchange Netherlands

2015 ? up:

Memberschip Platform Outsourcing The Netherlands

2011 - 2012:

European Contract Law (lectures)

1998 - 1999:

HEAO-CE Commercial Economics (lectures)

1992 - 1997:

HEAO-BE Business Economics (Higher Economics Administration Education)

1989 - 1992:

Detox Employer Certificate Textile

1983 - 1985:

Secondary Education Mechanical Engineering

1980 - 1983:

General basic course Mechanics

1976 - 1978:

Education Mechanical Engineer Fitter

1971 - 1976:

MAVO-4 (Advanced Elementary Education)

Courses & Training


  • Supply Chain Management - PMMS Consultancy Group
  • Contract Management TK 81 - Shell
  • Contract Management - Mitopics
  • Commercial Awareness & Negotiation Skills - Shell
  • SAP/3 for Contracting & Procurement - SAP
  • Negotiations internal & external - Krauthammer
  • Market research - NEVI
  • Conflict training - NACTB
  • Basic skills for communication - NACTB
  • Customer orientation / services - NACTB
  • Interactive personal skills - NS Education
  • Time management - Boertien & Partners
  • Leadership Development - Boertien & Partners
  • Contracting & Procurement courses** - Supply Chain Academy (E-learning Shell | Accenture)
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 2 of 8 Elements of Contracts
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 3 of 8 Type of Contracts
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 4 of 8 Terms & Conditions
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 5 of 8 Managing the Contract - Process & Roles
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 6 of 8 Manage the Contract fase Start-up
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 7 of 8 Manage the Contract Supplier Performance Measurement
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 8 of 8 Manage the Contract Ongoing Contractmanagement
  • Course Post Award Contract Management
  • Course Cost Price Minimization Bid Analysis
  • Course Cost Price Minimization Contracting Types
  • Course Cost Price Minimization Elements of Cost Price Minimization
  • Course Customer Segmentation and Service Level Differentiation
  • Course Effective Supply Evaluating
  • Course Effective Supply Identifying Requirements-a
  • Course Effective Supply Identifying Requirements-b
  • Course Effective Supply Identifying Requirements-c
  • Course Effective Supply Supplier Alliances and Partnerships
  • Course Efficient Supply Systems Development of Effective RFXS
  • Course Efficient Supply Systems Supplier Measurement Systems
  • Course Escalation Price Protection Clauses for an Uncertain Market
  • Course Hedging Price and Currency Risks for Sourcing Commodities
  • Course Implementing Supplier Relationships to Support Operational Objectives
  • Course Implications of RFID on Supply Chain Management
  • Course Introduction to Supply Chain ? Basics
  • Course Introduction to Supply Chain - Pitfalls and Opportunities
  • Course Introduction to Supply Chain - Value Chain Case Study
  • Course Measuring a Procurement Organization
  • Course Leading a Global Purchasing Organization
  • Course Organization Fundamentals
  • Course Logistics in the Supply Chain
  • Course Management of Procurement and Sourcing Overview
  • Course Masters of Supply Chain
  • Course Distance Learning Programs - Negotiations Part 1
  • Course Negotiations - Part 3 of 9 Planning
  • Course Negotiations - Part 4 of 9 Developing Plans
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 8 Impact of Culture on Negotiations
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 9
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 6 Listening, Power, Batna & Tactics
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 7 Beyond Consensus and Roles Playing
  • Course Performance Measurement Basics
  • Course Performance Measurement Basics
  • Course Procurement Implementing Requirements for Contracts and Operations
  • Course Buying Services (Statement of Work)



transition manager, outsourcing manager, manager procurement/ sourcing, senior consultant, CPO ? head sourcing, senior contract & vendor manager, manager contract- & vendor management, category manager, project-  & program manager, management consultant, contract advisor,  supply chain manager, change manager, business improvement manager manager einkauf.




Contractmanagement IT-Einkauf Lieferantenmanagement Outsourcing Vertragsmanagement Service-Level-Agreement Stakeholdermanagement Negotiation Problemanalyse Goal Directed Project Management Programmmanagement Changemanagement Transition Management

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Access 2013
Microsoft Office 2013
Microsoft Visio 2010
MS Excel
MS Powerpoint
MS Word
Project 2013
SAP & Oracle

Core qualities.


Well-balanced, reliable, energetic, act honourable. Communicate open and direct on all levels, positive listening skills. Generalist, conceptual, analytical, creative, pragmatic. Teambuilder, people manager, networker, and relation manager.


Adaptability, network skills, organization focused control, helicopter view. Decisive, innovative.     

Collaborate, targeted decision making. Leadership: mentor-stimulator-innovator, result-oriented. Influencing capacity and conviction strength.

Knowledge and experience.


ICT, Telecom, Petrochemical Industry, Gas & Oil Industry, Profit Organizations.


Carry out and accompany commercial (out)sourcing projects, implementation of processes,

methodologies and related subjects to the disciplines Source Management, Procurement, Contract Management and Vendor Management. Standardize Procurement & Contracting organizations and departments.


IT Outsourcing and transitions, Value Chain Management and Total Cost of Ownership techniques.

Implement (Out)sourcing & Contract strategies, Commodity and Category plans. Develop Procurement, Contract- & Vendor Management processes and business models.

Execute Vendor and Supplier Management with unique templates.


Contract Life Cycle Management, Contract Reviews - Audits, Sourcing, Service Level Management, Process improvement, Business improvements, Project- and Program management.

Develop management-reporting models related to Procurement, Contract & Vendor Management.

Service Level Management and KPI measurements.

Added Value

Reorganizations & transitions. (reference ING Operations & IT Banking, KPN, BT, ASML, FrieslandCampina.)

Change Management, Standardization, Stakeholdermanagement, Relationmanagement


Microsoft Access 2013



Essen, Ruhr (+200km) Frankfurt am Main (+200km) Stuttgart (+200km) Hamburg (+200km) Bonn (+200km) Düsseldorf (+200km) Basel (+200km) Zürich (+200km) Bremen (+200km) Munchen (+200km) Zug (+200km)
Deutschland, Schweiz

Dear Sir or Madam,

I like to fulfill projects in Germany or Swizterland for 3 months minimum or a longer period.




1 Jahr 9 Monate
2022-05 - 2024-01

International Card Services - Procurement

Sr. Procurement Lead domain Customer & Business Solutions a.i cred procurement
Sr. Procurement Lead domain Customer & Business Solutions a.i

C&BS is responsible for all (co-branding) agreements with banks, retailers and insurance companies, among others, as well as introducing new payment features for Mastercard, Visa and ICS cards.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

Contracting Apple Pay solutions for Mastercard  & Visa (including Tieto and UL contracts as service partners).

-               Contracting 5 years new agreement with Mastercard;

-                Credit Strategy - Pay Later Solutions: RFX procedure and  set-up  master-, project-, and service agreements;

-               New branding book (ICS new layout and services) - contracting agile project with the Valley.

-               Contracting Visa Spend Clarity for business card holders solutions;

-               Contract Mastercard Back ? Priority Pass EEA for business card holders.

-               Contracting several marketing agreements;

-               Overall responsibility for all procurement requests of C&BS

-               Develop an OGSM Procurement Plan 2023.

cred procurement
International Card Services
Diemen - The Netherlands
7 Monate
2021-04 - 2021-10

Tender Management & Contracting a.i.

Project Lead ERP
Project Lead ERP

HZPC started in 2020 with a large IT project to improve its IT architecture and landscape. Subsequently, to modernize its processes, methods and apply new IT software functionalities to optimize its supply chain. As part of this transition, a new ERP Cloud application should also be purchased for its Industry: Food & Beverage & Trading.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Define Project Planning and Execution, RFx, Tender, Contracting, Pre-award and Post Award Contract Management, Service & Deliver Management, Risk management

  • Market research ERP Solutions: Longlist 150 Suppliers to shortlist 7 Suppliers; on platform MS Azure, AWS or Oracle


  • MS Dynamics 365, Jeeves, Sap Hana / Business by Design, Enterprise One, NetSuite, Infor ERP, Info Cloud Suite for RFI

Composing an RFP:

  • Project scope, Contract & Common Deal Principles, Scripts & Demos.

  • Tender & selection en evaluating in Negometrix


  • Top 3 ERP Suppliers. Evaluation and advice ERP Steerco. (OGSM Methodology)

  • Select preferred supplier: negotiations and award.

  • Contracting: Umbrella-, License-, Project Implementation-, Service & Delivery Agreement.

1 Jahr 4 Monate
2019-09 - 2020-12

IS Global Strategic Alliance Management Manager

IS Global Strategic Alliance Management Specialist | Manager
IS Global Strategic Alliance Management Specialist | Manager

End of 2018 ABB announced the divestment of its Power Grids business to Hitachi. This will create a joint venture between ABB Power Grids and Hitachi and requires a separation and carve-out of the existing PG business. As part of the JV Creation & PG JV Build-up project, the JV Creation IS Workstream aims at ensuring a seamless separation and carve-out of the IS organization and IS services from ABB into the new joint venture.

The global transition / program is managed by a Deloitte ? ABB team with various functional teams.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

-  Building a Maturity Model for the workstreams IS Target Operational Model, Sourcing Readiness & Future Mode of Operations.

-   Develop & implement for several workstreams the following processes  and frameworks (including working documents):

Demand to Source, Strategic Sourcing Strategy, RFx Management, Post Award Contract Life Cycle Management, Contract Change Management, Supplier on- & off boarding, Supplier Relation & Performance Management, Supplier Risk Management, Strategic Supplier Portfolio Management & Requisition process, Escalation & Dispute Management, Exit Management, Service & SLA Management, Supplier segmentation & Tier 1-2 positioning.

-                 Special task: developed a template for Contract & Common Deal Principles.

-                 Develop several Governance & Stakeholder Management models.

-                 Drawing up & implementing an OGSM plan for the department.

-                 Developing standard Agreements, annexes & appendices for the IT portfolio.


As a senior manager / consultant I have an advisory role to support colleagues to convert best practice and innovation into applicable opportunities to bring a higher maturity level to the value chain Strategic Supplier Management.


5 Monate
2019-01 - 2019-05

Manager IT Tactical Partner Management a.i.

Tactical - stratetic Partner Management
Tactical - stratetic Partner Management

Eneco decided in 2018 to centrally control its IT activities. A new organizational structure has been set up in collaboration with Andersen MacGyver. The new Tactical Partner Management department was established with reference to this transition program. Objective: to manage contractual relationships with the Outsourcing Partner and strategic-tactical IT service providers.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Manage and guide a team of Tactical Partner Manager.
  • Member of the BTO Management Team to run the daily business.
  • Set up an OGSM plan for the next 6-12 months.
  • Developing a methodology to determine Tier 1, 2,3 and 4 service providers.
  • Selecting low risk - low value service providers. Objective: operation PO’s and invoicing process will be managed on a lower level in the
  • Develop a competence & skill model for the members of TMP.
  • Optimize the chain process in collaboration with Purchasing
  • Teambuilding meetings TMP & Procurement, recruiting new Tactical Partner Managers.
Eneco Energie
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2017-04 - 2018-08

Senior Change & Contract Advisor

Sr. Change & Sourcing Advisor
Sr. Change & Sourcing Advisor

Kuijpers decided earlier this year to upgrade her ERP software Microsoft Nav 2013 with 4PS Construct modules to a new version with more functions in the workflow management system. It concerns a re-implementation and optimization for all 10 settlements. The existing (2006 )agreement does not meet the current requirements and through an open source dialogue with 4PS ( IT partner Microsoft), a new sourcing & contracting strategy has been launched.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Develop a vision, strategy and a roadmap for the re-implementation and the sourcing scope.
  • Develop and implement a Master Agreement focusing on revision of the Terms & Conditions.
  • Compile a project agreement through Agile-Scrum method and tooling to manage the project.
  • Other contractual documents: Service Level Agreement, related Schedules and KPI Dashboard.
  • Appendixes Contract Management, Governance and Finance.
  • Formulate performance appointments for all (part) Agreements.
  • Advisee Steering Committee, the Projectteam and related departments on improvements, methodologies and best practices.
  • Coaching and support the IT department to change the direction with innovative ideas regarding IT Sourcing and managing their processes.
Kuijpers Installation
5 Monate
2017-01 - 2017-05

(Out)Sourcing Advisor

Support all UMC’s (hospitals) at Groningen, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, Rotterdam, Maastricht  with a sourcing & contracting strategy “Servers & Storage” to develop synergy and define / implement the right contracting documents in fase I. (Tender process). Guide several temporary teams: Advisory Services, Hard-& Software, Cloud services, Helpdesk & Support, Technical & Operational Management and Procurement with preparing of all the needs / documents.



  • Chairman of the temporary teams;
  • Manage the process & teams to deliver the right documents for a Framework Agreements, separate Agreements, SLA’s, DAP, DFA and user cases;
  • Advise the Procurement departments and the business lines about Terms & Conditions, Service Management and Contract Life Cycle Management.
  • Support the team to develop the right strategy in relation with the scope.
University Medical Center (UMCG hospital
3 Monate
2016-08 - 2016-10

Manager IT Operations -/ Transition Manager Outsourcing

NIBC Bank started up earlier this year an ambitious program “IT Forward” and a RFX for outsourcing TAM, FAM, Client Support and Infrastructure. At this moment, they are working on the Agreements with a Vendor.



  • Support the Outsourcing team with reviewing the Schedule Transition & Transformation;
  • Review all other Agreement Schedules and contract details.
  • Preparing a transition plan to start with the outsourcing program.
    • Transition scheduled at the 1st November is be on hold because the company has to review internal the impact of outsourcing.
    • My assignment will end at 10th October2016.
The Hague
8 Monate
2016-01 - 2016-08

Senior Process & Chain Manager

As part of the Transition ICT Central at KPN, I am responsible for the transition (on boarding) of the IT Vendor Comarch of Poland to the new department NIO ICTM Business Application Market.  Comarch is with her SaaS solution end to end responsible for the billing suite for mobile & permanent connections, mms, mobile, applications, the back office and data storage for KPN Business Clients.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • On boarding Transition Plan (Roadmap 2016 with focus on Finance, IT Management, Contract Life Cycle, Business Improvements, Processes, Stakeholder Management and Business Controls);
  • Implement controls to manage Opex and Capex spend;
  • Implement a Governance Model, Stakeholder Management and Escalation Matrix;
  • Service Delivery Management: Improvements SLA, KPI’s and reporting;
  • Guide Assurance (SOC-2) & Compliance plans;
  • Implement Contract Life Cycle Management and define commercial improvements;
  • Guide security controls, policies and plans;
  • Responsible for Quotations & Proposals, Contract Changes, and guide negotiations;
  • Overall responsible within KPN for all Comarch’s business activities (Single Point of Contact);
  • Develop with the Manager a department year plan;
  • Implement SharePoint Comarch as communication platform for the operations, store and share data;
  • Responsible for workshops, assessments, and business improvements (chain optimization).
KPN Telecom
The Hague
6 Monate
2015-06 - 2015-11

Senior Commercial & Contract Advisor

RealNext has decided to choose for a new Cloud solution for her IT services & platform and to develop new software with new features and products.


Responsibilities & Deliverables:

  • Vendor selection RFX, including market research;
  • Guide commercial meetings with Vendors and be a trusted Advisor for RealNext;
  • Lead negotiations with Vendors;
  • Select the Contract strategy, the Contracting process;
  • Drafting of an Master Agreement, SLA, DAP, Security Policies and a Contract Management Plan;
  • Preparing a project agreement for software development with Agile/Scrum conditions.
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2014-06 - 2015-06

Sr. Outsourcing Project Manager

Contract & Vendor Management a.i.
Contract & Vendor Management a.i.

FrieslandCampina (FC) decided in Q2-2014 to outsource SAP TAM (Technical Application Management) and FAM (Functional Application Management). The Metri Group selected by “Fast Track” and “Best Value Procurement” the Vendors. Capgemini India is selected as the new Outsourcing Partner until 2018.


Responsibilities & Deliverables of the Outsourcing Agreement RightSourcing – Application Management:

  • Selection & evaluating process between Infosys & Capgemini as future Partner.
  • Lead the last part of the negotiations of the Umbrella Agreement and existing Schedules.
  • Finalize the SLA’s, KPI’s and Service Credit Mechanism conditions and implement the plans with stakeholders and work out the Contract obligations.
  • Implement OLA’s between Capgemini, T-Systems and Fujitsu.
  • HR Staff Transfer FC employees Malaysia & The Netherlands: negotiations, finalize the Agreements.
  • Implement the Governance structure for the Transition period and the retained FC organization.
  • Track & trace and solve all contractual and commercial issues during the Transition and Transformation.
  • Managing several tracks of the transition activities during the Due Diligence, Transition and Transformation period.
  • Implement a roadmap with all contractual obligations for tactical and strategic Contract- & Vendor Partner Management.
  • Implement a Finance control mechanism for Contract Life Cycle Management.
  • As Single Point of Contact during the Transition: implement improvements related to the Outsourcing Agreement.


Consultancy & advisory to the Manager Contract & Supplier Management:

  • Support the department to define a strategy and plans to improve Contract Management.
  • Define the roadmap Contract Management 2015-2016: standards, cost & value drivers, portfolio reductions, Contract Life Cycle improvements.
FrieslandCampina Corporate ICT
5 Monate
2013-11 - 2014-03

New Business Development Consultant a.i.

  • Working together with a partner of an IT Enterprise IT Cloud company to develop a software solution for Vendor Management.
  • Develop new contract terms & conditions related to Cloud software vendors.
5 Monate
2013-06 - 2013-10

Transition Manager / Delivery Manager a.i.

Operations Datacenters & Networks
Operations Datacenters & Networks

The IT Division (ITM&S) serving global services for ASML, 60 locations. The ICT infrastructure is mission-critical for ASML daily operation. ITM&S is striving for operational excellence by implementing extensive improvement programs to boost quality and reliability. One of the programs is outsourcing all connectivity activities to the partner Dimension Data.

These outsourced services consist the commodity of WAN, user LAN, Datacenters LAN, and perimeter services worldwide.  As a Transition Manager, I manage this outsourcing programme on strategic-tactical level.



  • Knowledge transfer between ASML & Dimension Data including people transfer.
  • Brake Fix Support: Service Desk Integration, Service Operation Manual, Incident Management Process.
  • Implement the Governance between ASML Operations DC & Networks and Dimension Data.
  • Service Level Agreements for DC LAN and WAN.
  • Change Management (Processes & Procedures).
  • Service Reporting Dashboard for Incident Management, Invoicing & Spend analyses, and Quotes.
  • Service Integration Management.
  • Implement the process Business Request – Quotation – Evaluation – Approval – Invoicing.



  • Managing the Connectivity Project Roadmap.
  • Approving Purchasing Requests, evaluation & approval.
  • Budget & Invoicing Control Datacentres & Networks.
  • Progress meetings department DC & Networks and Dimension Data.
  • Problem solving and Demand & Supply for the outsourcing program.
  • Communication plan worldwide ASML shareholders.
  • Vendor Management.
ASML Global IT Services
4 Monate
2013-02 - 2013-05

Senior Consultant / Contract Manager a.i.

The NAM is a 100% subsidiary company of the Shell with the Head Office at Assen, The Netherlands. The NAM make

use of the services provided by Shell, including the (Global) Agreements. Shell renewed the 5 years Agreement with

T-Systems for another 5 years and NAM also use the services of T-Systems (Deutsche Telecom).


  • Identifying the required services ICT and Cloud systems for NAM in a temporary project team with focus on the contract scope as an addendum for the existing Agreement between Shell Global Solutions and T-Systems.
  • Interview the stakeholders, local IT support department and end users to define the contract scope
  • Identifying contract critical issues: internal survey, analyses, risk assessments and define KPI’s.
  • Define a Contract Management Plan and implement a roadmap.
  • Prepare the contract strategy documents for the local Tender Board of NAM.
  • Discuss and improve the plan in cooperation with the Category Manager of Shell Global Solutions

(Note: temporary assignment, handover on 5th June2013 to the new Contract Manager at NAM)

Shell Global Solutions
6 Monate
2012-08 - 2013-01

Senior Business Consultant Contracts IT Services a.i.

  • Review and analyse an existing Global Agreement of a Tier 1 Service Provider to make a proposal with commercial improvements.
  • Targets: defining quality points, opportunities for cost savings, defining Key Performance Indicators, remove non-contract related matters, contract improvements to measure performance, define strategic direction.
  • Establishment of an advisory for the MT; the report will be a guidance for the IT department to define the sourcing strategy for the next 3 years.
9 Monate
2011-11 - 2012-07

Transition Manager Procurement a.i.

The European Parliament awarded in Q3-2011 a € 120 mln. Contract to the Outsourcing | Service Partner BT to

supply The Parliament with networked IT services, including equipment and applications for her telecommunications infrastructure and systems. Across the three sites, BT will provide technologies such as IP telephony, unified communications, video-conferencing, telepresence, security and internet access, as well as equipment including intelligent switches, routers and broadband multiplexers.

As Transition Manager, I was responsible to guide the whole process of contracting of the existing and new vendors

who deliver the goods and services to EP. I implemented an overall roadmap to improve the procurement function

and processes at BT Professional Services in Brussels on a tactical-operational level:

  • Set up a roadmap Procurement Transition plan with milestones, targets & deliverables.
  • Select and contract 25 Suppliers for the Installed Base Maintenance: networks, communication, security, internet-web access, licensers and management tools & services.
  • Implement Post Award Contract Management.
  • Implement Supplier and Vendor Operational Management.
  • Lead all negotiations with the Suppliers and Vendors.
  • Responsible for commercial improvements, cost savings, improve internal processes and purchasing.
  • Develop Vendor and Supplier strategies, Spend Management, Category & Commodity Management.
British Telecom, Brussels
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2010-09 - 2011-09

New Business Development Manager a.i.

  • Responsible for the sales & marketing activities in the Benelux.
  • Develop a sales & marketing plan ‘Cloud Storage Solutions’ for the top 25 companies in the Benelux.
    Targets: top 3 Telecom and internet providers.
  • Set up different types of pricing / selling strategies for the Cloud Products.
GlobeX Data Group
6 Monate
2009-12 - 2010-05

Program Manager Contract Management a.i.

  • Improve and optimize the Tender and Procurement Process.
  • Set up a spend and risk procurement business plan related to the Contracts portfolio, and execute improvement plans.
  • Developed a sourcing business plan 2010 and define core targets.
  • Implement a general Contract Management plan.
  • Developed Key Performance Indicators for Contract Management & the Contracts.
  • Develop a model for a standard Contract review plan for services & maintenance agreements.
  • Develop the critical prior-limiting conditions for a Contract Management software program.
Local Government Authority
1 Jahr
2008-12 - 2009-11

Supply Chain Manager a.i

Responsible for all daily (out)sourcing and procurement activities (offshore related) on behalf of the ONEGas department

at Shell. Responsible for the total contract value (€ 700 mln.) of the EPCM Integrated Service Contractor AJS

(Amec-Jacobs-Stork). It concerns the outsourcing of projects, engineering, maintenance services and modifications.


  • Participant SCM to set up and implement a program with significant improvements for Supply Chain, Contract Management, Procurement, Logistics, Processes, Policy, Quality, Performance and HSSE to be compliance with the guidelines of Shell EP 13.
  • Participate as chairman-secretary in structural meetings between NAM - Shell EPE and the Integrated Service Contractors Supply Chain representatives how are working for Shell EPE Europe.
  • Developed a SCM Plan, Commodity plans and a control framework for Shell ONEGas SCM department to manage tenders, procurement plans and contracts.
  • Implementation of Sub-Contracting (top 20 suppliers) at the contractor AJS: cost savings with more than 10% at the Sub-Contractors.
  • Guide the SCM department of the contractor AJS with draw up Contract Management plans for the most important 20 Sub-Contractors for AJS.
  • Guide & monitor an Integrated Cost Reduction Program: reduce the cost with 10% by the contractor AJS organizations in NL & UK and decrease the AJS SCM staff with 10 %.
  • Execute the ICP-2 CRO tracker (Cost Reduction Operations) for Procurement, Logistic, Warehouse, and all existing Contracts. (saving potential € 13 mln.)
  • Responsible for Contract issues and resolving disputes & claims of the AJS Agreement.
  • Lead progress meetings with AJS Supply Chain Management and Contract Management departments.
  • Reduce the generic Purchase Orders in SAP, reduction in orders and commands that have no PO’s. Set up a monthly reporting for Procurement in NL & UK to control all RFP’s concerning strategy, vendor selection, tender board proposals and commercial issues how must be approved by SCM ONEGas.
  • Set up a reporting program to control the process Procure to Pay and Request to Pay.
  • Deliver E & M Production SCM contribution to maintain minimum 90/90 RtP performance for Production Directorate.
  • Analyse and ensure follow-up of global SAP RtP reporting e.g.:
  • Early warning reports. 2) E-Approval reports.  3) Sox Compliance reports.
Shell EPE Europe
1 Jahr 2 Monate
2007-11 - 2008-12

Senior Contract & Vendor Manager a.i

On behalf of the Management at KPN ‘No Fixed Capacity’ final responsible for all contractual affairs with the strategic

contractor - outsourcing partner Trilink BV.


  • Implement a rescission strategy to end the Agreement with Trilink BV. The annulment of this Agreement resulted in an immediate savings of about 7,5 mln., (2008-2009) and an indirect saving about € 5,0 mln. (2010-2012) after KPN transfer all the work to Volker Wessel Telecom.
  • Developed and implement a uniform Contract Management model and process with guidelines.
  • Draw up a project plan and install a project team to guide the rescission of the Agreement with Trilink and manage all the process changes in the KPN organization.
  • Advisor to the Department Manager to develop Contract Management on a higher level.
  • Guide and coached Contract Managers to formulate objectives: account plans & fact sheets and improvements.
  • As team member responsible to draw up a position paper for the new joint venture with the company Reggefiber. (execute fibreglass projects)


Manage the contractor Trilink with respect to the performance and quality on all allocated new and existing projects

in the districts for telephone connections:


  • Solve several contract & financial problems.
  • Assessing all proposals that differ from the existing Agreement. (go<>no go decision)
  • Set up a relation management and communication model.
  • Judge all new projects for telephone connections for award related to the new KPN strategy fibreglass.
  • Take over several threatening escalations from the KPN districts and solve them in conformity with the Contract appointments.
  • Execute performance measurements at all KPN districts related to the services of Trilink.
  • Start up the contractor carrousel: solve problems on operational and tactical level.
  • Solve existing claims, disputes and project issues with the contractor Trilink.
  • Take over all existing negotiations of the department Procurement concerning the termination of this Agreement.
KPN Telecom

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung


2016 ? up:

Membership SourceExchange Netherlands

2015 ? up:

Memberschip Platform Outsourcing The Netherlands

2011 - 2012:

European Contract Law (lectures)

1998 - 1999:

HEAO-CE Commercial Economics (lectures)

1992 - 1997:

HEAO-BE Business Economics (Higher Economics Administration Education)

1989 - 1992:

Detox Employer Certificate Textile

1983 - 1985:

Secondary Education Mechanical Engineering

1980 - 1983:

General basic course Mechanics

1976 - 1978:

Education Mechanical Engineer Fitter

1971 - 1976:

MAVO-4 (Advanced Elementary Education)

Courses & Training


  • Supply Chain Management - PMMS Consultancy Group
  • Contract Management TK 81 - Shell
  • Contract Management - Mitopics
  • Commercial Awareness & Negotiation Skills - Shell
  • SAP/3 for Contracting & Procurement - SAP
  • Negotiations internal & external - Krauthammer
  • Market research - NEVI
  • Conflict training - NACTB
  • Basic skills for communication - NACTB
  • Customer orientation / services - NACTB
  • Interactive personal skills - NS Education
  • Time management - Boertien & Partners
  • Leadership Development - Boertien & Partners
  • Contracting & Procurement courses** - Supply Chain Academy (E-learning Shell | Accenture)
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 2 of 8 Elements of Contracts
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 3 of 8 Type of Contracts
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 4 of 8 Terms & Conditions
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 5 of 8 Managing the Contract - Process & Roles
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 6 of 8 Manage the Contract fase Start-up
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 7 of 8 Manage the Contract Supplier Performance Measurement
  • Course Contractmanagement Part 8 of 8 Manage the Contract Ongoing Contractmanagement
  • Course Post Award Contract Management
  • Course Cost Price Minimization Bid Analysis
  • Course Cost Price Minimization Contracting Types
  • Course Cost Price Minimization Elements of Cost Price Minimization
  • Course Customer Segmentation and Service Level Differentiation
  • Course Effective Supply Evaluating
  • Course Effective Supply Identifying Requirements-a
  • Course Effective Supply Identifying Requirements-b
  • Course Effective Supply Identifying Requirements-c
  • Course Effective Supply Supplier Alliances and Partnerships
  • Course Efficient Supply Systems Development of Effective RFXS
  • Course Efficient Supply Systems Supplier Measurement Systems
  • Course Escalation Price Protection Clauses for an Uncertain Market
  • Course Hedging Price and Currency Risks for Sourcing Commodities
  • Course Implementing Supplier Relationships to Support Operational Objectives
  • Course Implications of RFID on Supply Chain Management
  • Course Introduction to Supply Chain ? Basics
  • Course Introduction to Supply Chain - Pitfalls and Opportunities
  • Course Introduction to Supply Chain - Value Chain Case Study
  • Course Measuring a Procurement Organization
  • Course Leading a Global Purchasing Organization
  • Course Organization Fundamentals
  • Course Logistics in the Supply Chain
  • Course Management of Procurement and Sourcing Overview
  • Course Masters of Supply Chain
  • Course Distance Learning Programs - Negotiations Part 1
  • Course Negotiations - Part 3 of 9 Planning
  • Course Negotiations - Part 4 of 9 Developing Plans
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 8 Impact of Culture on Negotiations
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 9
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 6 Listening, Power, Batna & Tactics
  • Course Supply Negotiations - Session 7 Beyond Consensus and Roles Playing
  • Course Performance Measurement Basics
  • Course Performance Measurement Basics
  • Course Procurement Implementing Requirements for Contracts and Operations
  • Course Buying Services (Statement of Work)



transition manager, outsourcing manager, manager procurement/ sourcing, senior consultant, CPO ? head sourcing, senior contract & vendor manager, manager contract- & vendor management, category manager, project-  & program manager, management consultant, contract advisor,  supply chain manager, change manager, business improvement manager manager einkauf.




Contractmanagement IT-Einkauf Lieferantenmanagement Outsourcing Vertragsmanagement Service-Level-Agreement Stakeholdermanagement Negotiation Problemanalyse Goal Directed Project Management Programmmanagement Changemanagement Transition Management

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Access 2013
Microsoft Office 2013
Microsoft Visio 2010
MS Excel
MS Powerpoint
MS Word
Project 2013
SAP & Oracle

Core qualities.


Well-balanced, reliable, energetic, act honourable. Communicate open and direct on all levels, positive listening skills. Generalist, conceptual, analytical, creative, pragmatic. Teambuilder, people manager, networker, and relation manager.


Adaptability, network skills, organization focused control, helicopter view. Decisive, innovative.     

Collaborate, targeted decision making. Leadership: mentor-stimulator-innovator, result-oriented. Influencing capacity and conviction strength.

Knowledge and experience.


ICT, Telecom, Petrochemical Industry, Gas & Oil Industry, Profit Organizations.


Carry out and accompany commercial (out)sourcing projects, implementation of processes,

methodologies and related subjects to the disciplines Source Management, Procurement, Contract Management and Vendor Management. Standardize Procurement & Contracting organizations and departments.


IT Outsourcing and transitions, Value Chain Management and Total Cost of Ownership techniques.

Implement (Out)sourcing & Contract strategies, Commodity and Category plans. Develop Procurement, Contract- & Vendor Management processes and business models.

Execute Vendor and Supplier Management with unique templates.


Contract Life Cycle Management, Contract Reviews - Audits, Sourcing, Service Level Management, Process improvement, Business improvements, Project- and Program management.

Develop management-reporting models related to Procurement, Contract & Vendor Management.

Service Level Management and KPI measurements.

Added Value

Reorganizations & transitions. (reference ING Operations & IT Banking, KPN, BT, ASML, FrieslandCampina.)

Change Management, Standardization, Stakeholdermanagement, Relationmanagement


Microsoft Access 2013

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