Functional Safety Manager ISO 26262
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Funktionale Sicherheit



Berlin (+200km) Hamburg (+20km) Köln (+20km) München (+20km) Zürich (+50km) Basel (+50km)
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11/2017 ? On going Automotive ? Functional Safety Manager in Project ? 60% Berlin, Germany

The project was to support a distributed development of an item, particularly an element in the item with an ASIL B. The project required team leadership, project management, and technical expertise.

  • Ø Prepare and guide the team to pass the Customer?s Functional safety assessment.
  • Ø Develop the safety plan activities and define the team?s work products and targets including tailoring activities
  • Ø Support / Develop the DIA for the various customers and suppliers.
  • Ø Support the customer with ASIL Decomposition definition as per decomposition clauses in ISO 26262.
  • Ø Support the team to develop and refine the item definition as a base work product for item life cycle.
  • Ø Develop ISO 26262 work products Templates for the full life cycle of the company.
  • Ø Ensure internal safety management processes comply with ISO 9001 and ISO 26262 requirements
  • Ø Ensure safety management system and processes are implemented in the project and by the team.
  • Ø Develop and consolidate the HARA Analysis for the item and support technical safety arguments and discussions with customers, and suppliers.
  • Ø Develop Safety goals and functional safety requirements based on HARA analysis for the item
  • Ø Develop the Functional Safety concept
  • Ø Develop and testing and verification plan.
  • Ø Support the development and definition of the test strategy, and the design of tests to meet requirements
  • Ø Support and technical team to develop the Doors hierarchical structure as per ISO 26262 requirements.
  • Ø Develop a template for the Safety analysis of the item
  • Ø Facilitate and guide the development team to complete the FMEA Analysis as per the VDA Band 4 Requirements using Qsys Software
  • Ø Develop Fault Trees for the item, and complete Common Cause failure analysis using Fault tree software
  • Ø Complete FIT Rate calculations and based on completed tests data and industry standard data.
  • Ø Develop and define a strategy to use the concept of ?Other Technologies? as per ISO 26262
  • Ø Develop the Technical Safety Requirements Specifications and the Technical Safety concept.
  • Ø Support the development of the System Design Specifications.
  • Ø Develop the Hardware Safety Requirements Specifications and guide and support the development of Hardware design specification.
  • Ø Support the team to define and develop Production FMEA, and define the control plan including all Special Characteristics for production.

03/2017 ? 5/2018 Automotive ? Functional Safety Engineer, 40%, Berlin, Germany

The project was simply to build the Functional Safety Concept on an ASIL D item, which included:

  • Ø Completion of safety goals analysis
  • Ø Development of Item definition in an IooC development
  • Ø Develop the Functional Safety Requirements for the item, and its related systems
  • Ø Develop Block diagrams, GSN diagrams, and cause and effect diagrams for the item, and its related subsystems
  • Ø Complete HARA review with the customer
  • Ø Develop a suitable FMEA methodology for the project based on item complexity and requirements using VISIO Templates
  • Ø Support with Software Tool classifications and verification efforts.

01/2017 ? 06/2017 Energy Sector - HSE Manager, 70% Berlin, Germany

The project was to take a central role in the HSE department overviewing and Responsible for the safety in projects running in Berlin, Hamburg, Sweden, und the Netherlands.

  • Ø Lead a team of HSE Managers in projects acting in various capacities and locations.
  • Ø Develop a central Safety Management System as per ISO 9001
  • Ø Develop and define a strategic approach to improve the safety culture in the organisation

01/2016 ? 09/2016 Automotive Industry ? Functional Safety Manager, 50% Berlin, Germany.

The project was to support a Tier 2 supplier to develop an ASIL C item following ISO 26262. This included:

  • Ø Prepare and support the Functional safety assessment by the customer
  • Ø Support the ASIL Decomposition efforts and prepare safety requirements as per decomposition clauses.
  • Ø Develop ISO 26262 Templates based on existing ones and item life cycle work products and requirements.
  • Ø Support the development of internal process to comply with ISO 26262 Safety Management requirements
  • Ø Develop a methodology and templates to complete Software tool classification and verification.

10/2015 ? 01/2017 Energy Sector - Country HSE Manager, 80%, Berlin, Germany

The client was a small Energy company starting up in Germany, and the role was to develop the HSE organization, culture, processes, and tools, and support all safety related technical issues running in projects.

  • Ø Development & Implementation of the HSE Management System
  • Ø Development of the HSE Due Diligence process during Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Ø Management of the Asset and team Integration Process
  • Ø Development of the Emergency Response Plan as per German Legal requirements

08/2014 ? 05/2015 Automotive Industry ? Functional Safety Manager, 50% Remote, Germany.

The project was to support a Tier 2 supplier to develop their internal processes to be in line with ISO 9001 and ISO 26262. This included:

  • Ø Prepare and support the Functional safety assessment for an ASIL B item
  • Ø Support an ASIL Decomposition project and prepare safety requirements as per decomposition clauses.
  • Ø Develop and create ISO 26262 Templates for the full life cycle work products.
  • Ø Support the development of internal process to comply with ISO 26262 Safety Management requirements.

05/2014 ? 11/2014 Oil & Gas industry - Technical Safety Advisor, Stavanger, NO

The Project was a high pressure high temperature remote pipeline connection and included all technical safety tasks from Risk Assessments to Managing the risk and hazard log.

  • Ø Develop Technical / Functional Safety Requirements on the HP/HT Beta field Project

01/2014 ? 06/ 2014 Transportation Industry ? RAMS Specialist ? 50 % Remote, Germany

The Contract to support in the completion of a risk analysis or Phase 3 as per IEC 62278 or EN 50126, 50128, 50129 ? on system development. This included the following tasks:

  • Ø Identify all reasonably foreseeable hazards associated with a defined system in a defined environment
  • Ø Identify root causes that could lead to the hazard and a release of the hazard potential and their frequency
  • Ø Identify event severity and rate consequences accordingly
  • Ø Complete Risk evaluation and assessment for each hazard in the system
  • Ø Develop and maintain the Hazard Log

Support the verification activities for this phase including adequacy of information, acceptability of the risk, adequacy of the methods used, and the personnel involved.

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

June 2018 Rail way systems reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety RAMS

IEC 61508, IEC 62278 ? Special requirements for Railway systems

June/2017 Certified Functional Safety TÜV ? Rehinland, Colong, Germany

IEC 61508, ISO26262 Certification Course

11/2015 ? 12/2016 SicherheitsFachkrafte Celle Drilling School, Celle, Germany

Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz Zertifikaten und Qualifikationen Vergleichbarkeit nach den deutschen Vorschriften und Anforderungen

11/2015 ? 12/2016 German Language courses Die Neue Schule, Berlin, Germany

German courses from A1 to C2

01/2008 ? 06/2008 Certified Financial Analysis Institute of Certified Financial Analysts

I followed online education and training for CFA level one exam and certification

03/ 2003 ? 06/ 2006 Professional Engineer Certification Association of Professional Engineers in Alberta APEGGA, Calgary, CA

Completed all Engineering requirements, tests and certifications required to attain the status of a Professional Engineer In the province of Alberta, Canada

NORSOK D ? 101 Well Integrity Barriers, 2014

ExxonMobil Risk Assessment, Hanover, 2012

Offshore Survival Training, Stavanger, 2012

Project Risk Management Conference, Copenhagen, 2011

Incident Investigation and Organizational Learning workshop, Amsterdam, 2011

Long-term Trading & investment, CBS, 2010

Hazard symposium, Manchester, 2010.

Messe IPC, Hanover, 2009.

Accounting, CBS, Copenhagen, 2009

Financial Statement Analysis in Excel for Oil and Gas companies, 2008

International PEIA Conference, Banff, 2009

International PEIA Conference, Banff, 2008

Diversity in workplace, Husky, Calgary, 2007

Fitness for service ? API 579, Calgary, 2007

Calgary IPC, 2006

It is all about relationships, Husky, 2007

Oil and Gas Pipeline System CSA Z662, 2006

Reliability-based design, IPC, 2006

Risk-based Inspection - API 581, 2006

Risk-based Inspection ? API 580, 2006

ABA-data basic training, Calgary, 2006

Arc ? GIS basic training, Husky, 2006

Omni-Safe user guide training, Husky, 2006

SAP Basic Training, Calgary, 2006

NACE International conference, 2005

Internal corrosion for pipelines, NACE, 2005

TDG Dangerous Goods, PTI, Calgary, 2004

Petroleum Safety Training, Calgary, 2004

Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHIMS), PTI, Calgary, 2004

H2S Alive, PTI, Calgary, 2004

Engineering Economics, Calagry Uni, 2004

Loss Prevention, APEGGA, Calgary, 2004

Goal-setting, APEGGA, Calgary, 2004

Coach Coaching, APEGGA, Calgary, 2004

Calgary, IPC, 2004 & 2003.



Functional Safety Manager in Project




Funktionale Sicherheit

I come from an oil and gas industry background, specializing in Safety, Risk Management, and Business Development. I have taken technical and managerial rules as a freelancer, and also as an employee. I am currently supporting various projects and organizations developing their safety management systems to meet international and German industries? legal frameworks. I am mostly working in the automotive and transportation sectors.

Technically, my specialty is functional and process safety following IEC 61508 and 61511, ISO 26262, IEC 62278, and CENELEC EN 50126/50128/50129. This includes, Safety concepts, Safety cases, and Safety plans, FMEA, FTA, Bow-Tie, cause and effect diagrams, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Systems (RAMS).

Much of My QHSE Management experience includes, Fire and Gas safety, Emergency Response and Rescue, Incident investigation, Risk Management, and Development of QHSE systems following ISO 9001.

My Management skills and pervious experience include: Project Management, Team development and leadership, Strategic planning and business development.

Personally, I strive to continually involve as a person, keep my skills and qualifications up-to-date, stay connected to international business news, land lead a physically active life style.





Treansportation und zug



Berlin (+200km) Hamburg (+20km) Köln (+20km) München (+20km) Zürich (+50km) Basel (+50km)
Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich
nicht möglich



11/2017 ? On going Automotive ? Functional Safety Manager in Project ? 60% Berlin, Germany

The project was to support a distributed development of an item, particularly an element in the item with an ASIL B. The project required team leadership, project management, and technical expertise.

  • Ø Prepare and guide the team to pass the Customer?s Functional safety assessment.
  • Ø Develop the safety plan activities and define the team?s work products and targets including tailoring activities
  • Ø Support / Develop the DIA for the various customers and suppliers.
  • Ø Support the customer with ASIL Decomposition definition as per decomposition clauses in ISO 26262.
  • Ø Support the team to develop and refine the item definition as a base work product for item life cycle.
  • Ø Develop ISO 26262 work products Templates for the full life cycle of the company.
  • Ø Ensure internal safety management processes comply with ISO 9001 and ISO 26262 requirements
  • Ø Ensure safety management system and processes are implemented in the project and by the team.
  • Ø Develop and consolidate the HARA Analysis for the item and support technical safety arguments and discussions with customers, and suppliers.
  • Ø Develop Safety goals and functional safety requirements based on HARA analysis for the item
  • Ø Develop the Functional Safety concept
  • Ø Develop and testing and verification plan.
  • Ø Support the development and definition of the test strategy, and the design of tests to meet requirements
  • Ø Support and technical team to develop the Doors hierarchical structure as per ISO 26262 requirements.
  • Ø Develop a template for the Safety analysis of the item
  • Ø Facilitate and guide the development team to complete the FMEA Analysis as per the VDA Band 4 Requirements using Qsys Software
  • Ø Develop Fault Trees for the item, and complete Common Cause failure analysis using Fault tree software
  • Ø Complete FIT Rate calculations and based on completed tests data and industry standard data.
  • Ø Develop and define a strategy to use the concept of ?Other Technologies? as per ISO 26262
  • Ø Develop the Technical Safety Requirements Specifications and the Technical Safety concept.
  • Ø Support the development of the System Design Specifications.
  • Ø Develop the Hardware Safety Requirements Specifications and guide and support the development of Hardware design specification.
  • Ø Support the team to define and develop Production FMEA, and define the control plan including all Special Characteristics for production.

03/2017 ? 5/2018 Automotive ? Functional Safety Engineer, 40%, Berlin, Germany

The project was simply to build the Functional Safety Concept on an ASIL D item, which included:

  • Ø Completion of safety goals analysis
  • Ø Development of Item definition in an IooC development
  • Ø Develop the Functional Safety Requirements for the item, and its related systems
  • Ø Develop Block diagrams, GSN diagrams, and cause and effect diagrams for the item, and its related subsystems
  • Ø Complete HARA review with the customer
  • Ø Develop a suitable FMEA methodology for the project based on item complexity and requirements using VISIO Templates
  • Ø Support with Software Tool classifications and verification efforts.

01/2017 ? 06/2017 Energy Sector - HSE Manager, 70% Berlin, Germany

The project was to take a central role in the HSE department overviewing and Responsible for the safety in projects running in Berlin, Hamburg, Sweden, und the Netherlands.

  • Ø Lead a team of HSE Managers in projects acting in various capacities and locations.
  • Ø Develop a central Safety Management System as per ISO 9001
  • Ø Develop and define a strategic approach to improve the safety culture in the organisation

01/2016 ? 09/2016 Automotive Industry ? Functional Safety Manager, 50% Berlin, Germany.

The project was to support a Tier 2 supplier to develop an ASIL C item following ISO 26262. This included:

  • Ø Prepare and support the Functional safety assessment by the customer
  • Ø Support the ASIL Decomposition efforts and prepare safety requirements as per decomposition clauses.
  • Ø Develop ISO 26262 Templates based on existing ones and item life cycle work products and requirements.
  • Ø Support the development of internal process to comply with ISO 26262 Safety Management requirements
  • Ø Develop a methodology and templates to complete Software tool classification and verification.

10/2015 ? 01/2017 Energy Sector - Country HSE Manager, 80%, Berlin, Germany

The client was a small Energy company starting up in Germany, and the role was to develop the HSE organization, culture, processes, and tools, and support all safety related technical issues running in projects.

  • Ø Development & Implementation of the HSE Management System
  • Ø Development of the HSE Due Diligence process during Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Ø Management of the Asset and team Integration Process
  • Ø Development of the Emergency Response Plan as per German Legal requirements

08/2014 ? 05/2015 Automotive Industry ? Functional Safety Manager, 50% Remote, Germany.

The project was to support a Tier 2 supplier to develop their internal processes to be in line with ISO 9001 and ISO 26262. This included:

  • Ø Prepare and support the Functional safety assessment for an ASIL B item
  • Ø Support an ASIL Decomposition project and prepare safety requirements as per decomposition clauses.
  • Ø Develop and create ISO 26262 Templates for the full life cycle work products.
  • Ø Support the development of internal process to comply with ISO 26262 Safety Management requirements.

05/2014 ? 11/2014 Oil & Gas industry - Technical Safety Advisor, Stavanger, NO

The Project was a high pressure high temperature remote pipeline connection and included all technical safety tasks from Risk Assessments to Managing the risk and hazard log.

  • Ø Develop Technical / Functional Safety Requirements on the HP/HT Beta field Project

01/2014 ? 06/ 2014 Transportation Industry ? RAMS Specialist ? 50 % Remote, Germany

The Contract to support in the completion of a risk analysis or Phase 3 as per IEC 62278 or EN 50126, 50128, 50129 ? on system development. This included the following tasks:

  • Ø Identify all reasonably foreseeable hazards associated with a defined system in a defined environment
  • Ø Identify root causes that could lead to the hazard and a release of the hazard potential and their frequency
  • Ø Identify event severity and rate consequences accordingly
  • Ø Complete Risk evaluation and assessment for each hazard in the system
  • Ø Develop and maintain the Hazard Log

Support the verification activities for this phase including adequacy of information, acceptability of the risk, adequacy of the methods used, and the personnel involved.

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

June 2018 Rail way systems reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety RAMS

IEC 61508, IEC 62278 ? Special requirements for Railway systems

June/2017 Certified Functional Safety TÜV ? Rehinland, Colong, Germany

IEC 61508, ISO26262 Certification Course

11/2015 ? 12/2016 SicherheitsFachkrafte Celle Drilling School, Celle, Germany

Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz Zertifikaten und Qualifikationen Vergleichbarkeit nach den deutschen Vorschriften und Anforderungen

11/2015 ? 12/2016 German Language courses Die Neue Schule, Berlin, Germany

German courses from A1 to C2

01/2008 ? 06/2008 Certified Financial Analysis Institute of Certified Financial Analysts

I followed online education and training for CFA level one exam and certification

03/ 2003 ? 06/ 2006 Professional Engineer Certification Association of Professional Engineers in Alberta APEGGA, Calgary, CA

Completed all Engineering requirements, tests and certifications required to attain the status of a Professional Engineer In the province of Alberta, Canada

NORSOK D ? 101 Well Integrity Barriers, 2014

ExxonMobil Risk Assessment, Hanover, 2012

Offshore Survival Training, Stavanger, 2012

Project Risk Management Conference, Copenhagen, 2011

Incident Investigation and Organizational Learning workshop, Amsterdam, 2011

Long-term Trading & investment, CBS, 2010

Hazard symposium, Manchester, 2010.

Messe IPC, Hanover, 2009.

Accounting, CBS, Copenhagen, 2009

Financial Statement Analysis in Excel for Oil and Gas companies, 2008

International PEIA Conference, Banff, 2009

International PEIA Conference, Banff, 2008

Diversity in workplace, Husky, Calgary, 2007

Fitness for service ? API 579, Calgary, 2007

Calgary IPC, 2006

It is all about relationships, Husky, 2007

Oil and Gas Pipeline System CSA Z662, 2006

Reliability-based design, IPC, 2006

Risk-based Inspection - API 581, 2006

Risk-based Inspection ? API 580, 2006

ABA-data basic training, Calgary, 2006

Arc ? GIS basic training, Husky, 2006

Omni-Safe user guide training, Husky, 2006

SAP Basic Training, Calgary, 2006

NACE International conference, 2005

Internal corrosion for pipelines, NACE, 2005

TDG Dangerous Goods, PTI, Calgary, 2004

Petroleum Safety Training, Calgary, 2004

Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHIMS), PTI, Calgary, 2004

H2S Alive, PTI, Calgary, 2004

Engineering Economics, Calagry Uni, 2004

Loss Prevention, APEGGA, Calgary, 2004

Goal-setting, APEGGA, Calgary, 2004

Coach Coaching, APEGGA, Calgary, 2004

Calgary, IPC, 2004 & 2003.



Functional Safety Manager in Project




Funktionale Sicherheit

I come from an oil and gas industry background, specializing in Safety, Risk Management, and Business Development. I have taken technical and managerial rules as a freelancer, and also as an employee. I am currently supporting various projects and organizations developing their safety management systems to meet international and German industries? legal frameworks. I am mostly working in the automotive and transportation sectors.

Technically, my specialty is functional and process safety following IEC 61508 and 61511, ISO 26262, IEC 62278, and CENELEC EN 50126/50128/50129. This includes, Safety concepts, Safety cases, and Safety plans, FMEA, FTA, Bow-Tie, cause and effect diagrams, Reliability, Availability, Maintainability Systems (RAMS).

Much of My QHSE Management experience includes, Fire and Gas safety, Emergency Response and Rescue, Incident investigation, Risk Management, and Development of QHSE systems following ISO 9001.

My Management skills and pervious experience include: Project Management, Team development and leadership, Strategic planning and business development.

Personally, I strive to continually involve as a person, keep my skills and qualifications up-to-date, stay connected to international business news, land lead a physically active life style.





Treansportation und zug

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