Embedded software
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Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq|Aurix TC299 |STM32L496
STM32L496|VIVADO| Embedded C/C++|Python||Java
UART (RS-232
Embedded C/C++
Aurix TC299
Embedded Software Development
Embedded Platforms Programer
Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
nicht möglich



7 Jahre 8 Monate
2016-05 - 2023-12

Embedded Software Development C/C++

Low Level Microcontroller-Programer embe Embed Python ...
Low Level Microcontroller-Programer
Design and develop embedded software for microcontrollers and other embedded devices Implementation solution for real-time systems, including scheduling, synchronization, and communication protocols. Software for communication protocols Development such as CAN, SPI, I2C, and Ethernet. Low-Level device drivers Programming and coding , including GPIO, UART, and I2C. Developement of software for embedded operating systems, such as Embedded Linux Yocto, FreeRTOS, and ThreadX. Develop software for embedded applications, such as motor control, data acquisition, and varios sensors such as Radar, Image Sensor, IR Sensor, Speed/Angle Sensors. Programming embedded Platform, such as ARM Cortex-M, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, XilinxZynq-7000 SoC , TMS570 MCU, LS10 Layerscape , Aurix TC299 , STM32L476. Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC | XilinxZynq-7000 SoC | TMS570 MCU | LS10 Layerscape | Aurix TC299 | STM32L476 | XILINX VIVADO Design Suite| Embedded C/C++ | Python | eclipse | Visual Studio Code | Embedded Linux-Device-Drivers Implementation | Matlab/Simulink | Tortoise SVN | Git | virtual machine| Docker | ECUs | Test |Validation |Verification ].

Automotive ECUs Bergbau Geräte Medical E-mobility
embe Embed Python Git Jira Bitbucket bitbucket Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC | XilinxZynq-7000 SoC TMS570 MCU | LS10 Layerscape Aurix TC299 | STM32L476 | XILINX VIVADO Design Suite
Knorr-Bremse AG, RENK Magnet-Motor GmbH, Magna International
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2020-11 - 2021-11

Low Level MCAL C/C++ Programming

Embedded Software Developer
Embedded Software Developer
  • AURIX TC299
Knorr-Bremse AG
11 Monate
2018-09 - 2019-07

Embedded Software Development SoC low level Programming with C/C++

Feature Owner for Datalogger
Feature Owner for Datalogger
  • Concept definition for Data Logger to log Automotive Sensors data such as visioning data, Lidar andcar-bus-data
Magna Internationa
1 Jahr 3 Monate
2016-10 - 2017-12

Embedded Software Development C/C++ - QPCR-MedicalDevice

Software Developer
Software Developer
  • Development for Embedded System Test-automation
  • Creation of evaluation algorithm FFT, creation ofPID-controller algorithm and function for liquid sensors
LRE Medical GmbH




c/c++ Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq|Aurix TC299 |STM32L496 STM32L496|VIVADO| Embedded C/C++|Python||Java CAN-BUS I2C SPI UART (RS-232 RS-422 TCP/IP Embedded C/C++ Python Java MATLAB Git STM32L476 Aurix TC299 eclipse XILINX VIVADODesign Embedded Software Development Embedded Embedded Platforms Programer Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Ich bin Embedded Software Engineer mit Schwerpunkt auf Low-Level-Programmierung in C, C++
  • Ich habe umfangreiche Erfahrung im Umgang mit Multicore-Controllern mit Echtzeitbetriebssystem, FPGAs, Steuerkarten und Messgeräten von großen Unternehmen wie Xilinx, Intel, Infineon, National Instrument und Agilent
  • Ich habe Entwicklungstools wie Xilinx ISE Design Suite 10.1/VIVADO, logi.CAD 3 (eclipseDevelopmentEnvironment), Eclipse, Lauterbach Development, Tools, Matlab/Simulink, Microsoft Visual C & C++ und Labview verwendet
  • Ich sammle viel Wissen über verschiedene industrielle Sensoren und wie man ihre Daten verarbeitet
  • Ich bin mit Schnittstellen wie CAN-BUS, Ethernet (TCP/IP, UDP), I2C, SPI, UART (RS-232,RS-422,RS-485) und deren Protokollen vertraut


  • Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC 
  • XilinxZynq-7000 SoC 
  • TMS570 MCU 
  • LS10 Layerscape
  • Aurix TC299 
  • STM32L476 
  • XILINX VIVADODesign Suite
  • Embedded C/C++ 
  • Python 
  • eclipse 
  • Visual Studio Code 
  • Embedded Linux-Device-Drivers Implementation 
  • Matlab/Simulink 
  • Tortoise SVN
  • Git
  • virtual machine
  • Docker
  • ECUs 
  • Test Validation 
  • Verification



Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
nicht möglich



7 Jahre 8 Monate
2016-05 - 2023-12

Embedded Software Development C/C++

Low Level Microcontroller-Programer embe Embed Python ...
Low Level Microcontroller-Programer
Design and develop embedded software for microcontrollers and other embedded devices Implementation solution for real-time systems, including scheduling, synchronization, and communication protocols. Software for communication protocols Development such as CAN, SPI, I2C, and Ethernet. Low-Level device drivers Programming and coding , including GPIO, UART, and I2C. Developement of software for embedded operating systems, such as Embedded Linux Yocto, FreeRTOS, and ThreadX. Develop software for embedded applications, such as motor control, data acquisition, and varios sensors such as Radar, Image Sensor, IR Sensor, Speed/Angle Sensors. Programming embedded Platform, such as ARM Cortex-M, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, XilinxZynq-7000 SoC , TMS570 MCU, LS10 Layerscape , Aurix TC299 , STM32L476. Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC | XilinxZynq-7000 SoC | TMS570 MCU | LS10 Layerscape | Aurix TC299 | STM32L476 | XILINX VIVADO Design Suite| Embedded C/C++ | Python | eclipse | Visual Studio Code | Embedded Linux-Device-Drivers Implementation | Matlab/Simulink | Tortoise SVN | Git | virtual machine| Docker | ECUs | Test |Validation |Verification ].

Automotive ECUs Bergbau Geräte Medical E-mobility
embe Embed Python Git Jira Bitbucket bitbucket Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC | XilinxZynq-7000 SoC TMS570 MCU | LS10 Layerscape Aurix TC299 | STM32L476 | XILINX VIVADO Design Suite
Knorr-Bremse AG, RENK Magnet-Motor GmbH, Magna International
1 Jahr 1 Monat
2020-11 - 2021-11

Low Level MCAL C/C++ Programming

Embedded Software Developer
Embedded Software Developer
  • AURIX TC299
Knorr-Bremse AG
11 Monate
2018-09 - 2019-07

Embedded Software Development SoC low level Programming with C/C++

Feature Owner for Datalogger
Feature Owner for Datalogger
  • Concept definition for Data Logger to log Automotive Sensors data such as visioning data, Lidar andcar-bus-data
Magna Internationa
1 Jahr 3 Monate
2016-10 - 2017-12

Embedded Software Development C/C++ - QPCR-MedicalDevice

Software Developer
Software Developer
  • Development for Embedded System Test-automation
  • Creation of evaluation algorithm FFT, creation ofPID-controller algorithm and function for liquid sensors
LRE Medical GmbH




c/c++ Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq|Aurix TC299 |STM32L496 STM32L496|VIVADO| Embedded C/C++|Python||Java CAN-BUS I2C SPI UART (RS-232 RS-422 TCP/IP Embedded C/C++ Python Java MATLAB Git STM32L476 Aurix TC299 eclipse XILINX VIVADODesign Embedded Software Development Embedded Embedded Platforms Programer Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Ich bin Embedded Software Engineer mit Schwerpunkt auf Low-Level-Programmierung in C, C++
  • Ich habe umfangreiche Erfahrung im Umgang mit Multicore-Controllern mit Echtzeitbetriebssystem, FPGAs, Steuerkarten und Messgeräten von großen Unternehmen wie Xilinx, Intel, Infineon, National Instrument und Agilent
  • Ich habe Entwicklungstools wie Xilinx ISE Design Suite 10.1/VIVADO, logi.CAD 3 (eclipseDevelopmentEnvironment), Eclipse, Lauterbach Development, Tools, Matlab/Simulink, Microsoft Visual C & C++ und Labview verwendet
  • Ich sammle viel Wissen über verschiedene industrielle Sensoren und wie man ihre Daten verarbeitet
  • Ich bin mit Schnittstellen wie CAN-BUS, Ethernet (TCP/IP, UDP), I2C, SPI, UART (RS-232,RS-422,RS-485) und deren Protokollen vertraut


  • Embedded Software Development for Embedded Platforms:[Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC 
  • XilinxZynq-7000 SoC 
  • TMS570 MCU 
  • LS10 Layerscape
  • Aurix TC299 
  • STM32L476 
  • XILINX VIVADODesign Suite
  • Embedded C/C++ 
  • Python 
  • eclipse 
  • Visual Studio Code 
  • Embedded Linux-Device-Drivers Implementation 
  • Matlab/Simulink 
  • Tortoise SVN
  • Git
  • virtual machine
  • Docker
  • ECUs 
  • Test Validation 
  • Verification

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