UX Design, UI Design, Service Design, Design Thinking, Prototyping, Research, Leadership
Aktualisiert am 18.04.2024
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Design Pattern
full professional



Hamburg (+50km)



5 Jahre 4 Monate
2019-02 - 2024-05

Digital Farming ? Strategic Design & Research

Product Strategist, UX Researcher Value Proposition Canvas Ad testing Online ad testing ...
Product Strategist, UX Researcher

What type of digital service could add value to the professional life of German farmers? What do they want from the digital documentation of their fieldwork? In this strategic project, I led an innovation process to find out the answer to this question.

Apart from their actual agricultural work, German farmers need to do a lot of work on documenting how their fields are seeded, fertilized, and treated with pesticides. How could they be helped in the best way? What kind of value could a digital service possibly bring to them?

To find this out, I suggested using the Value Proposition Canvas from the consulting firm Strategyzer, an established tool to map customer needs and ideate products and services.

Value Proposition Canvas Ad testing Online ad testing Desk research Disruptive innovation Job-to-be-done Team workshops Design Planning Customer Interviews
Yara Digital Farming

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Jahr 4 Monate
2013-10 - 2015-01

Interaction Design

Bachelor of Arts, Grade: 1.6, btk - Hochschule für Gestaltung
Bachelor of Arts, Grade: 1.6
btk - Hochschule für Gestaltung
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2009-02 - 2010-07

Media Designer Digital & Print

ertified media designer Digital & Print, Grade: 3, arTec - visual solutions
ertified media designer Digital & Print, Grade: 3
arTec - visual solutions
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2007-09 - 2009-01

Media Designer Digital & Print

Media Designer Digital & Print, IG Nord
Media Designer Digital & Print
IG Nord
3 Jahre 5 Monate
2004-04 - 2007-08

Archaeology, History Sciences, History of Arts

Archaeology, History Sciences, History of Arts, Christian-Albrechts-Universität
Archaeology, History Sciences, History of Arts






UX-Design Strategie Usability Innovator GUI Design-Konzept Design Pattern Produktdesign R&D

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Axure RP
Pen & Paper

Job Experience

since 09/2018

SAE Institute

  • Freelance Lecturer

since 06/2018

DCI Digital Career Institute

  • Freelance Lecturer

since 12/2011


  • Senior Product Designer



  • Senior Experience Designer



  • User Experience Designer


Gruner + Jahr // welldoo

  • User Experience Designer


Gruner + Jahr // welldoo

  • Product Owner


Gruner + Jahr // welldoo

  • Designer & Frontend Developer


kmf Werbung

  • Screendesigner


The world is changing ? and we are on the transition team. This is a phrase from a sticker at my community space. I think it sums up quite well what design has to do nowadays: to make the world a better place for everyone. This is the reason why I strive for the generation of customer value on every project I work on. Every product that follows a true purpose can combine a financially successful business model with a social or cultural impact. To get there, I strongly believe that every important design decision should be based on research and validation. Times are gone when rockstar designers only followed their intuition. Sustainable innovations come from teams who listen and learn about their customers.


My experiences in designing services, interactions and aesthetics support companies aiming to enter a market with a new product through a 3-step process just until developing a minimum viable product. The first step service design solves problems relevant to the customer and validates ideas for potential products. Only when customer and business needs are met, a market can be approached successfully. During the interaction design first, digital prototypes are created to test and improve the user experience and usability. By iterating the prototype, the fidelity of the product is enhanced step by step. The aesthetic design creates a consistent and engaging look and feel of the service. Its visual language of the product aims to be as easy-to-learn as possible.

Service Design

  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Job-to-be-done
  • Value Proposition Canvas
  • Design Thinking
  • Paper Prototypes
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • (Proto-)Personas
  • Customer Journeys
  • MVP Definition

Interaction Design

  • Lean UX & Design Studio
  • Hypothesis Writing
  • User Flows
  • Information Architectures
  • Wireframes
  • Paper Prototypes
  • Mid-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Interviews
  • Usability Testing

Aesthetic Design

  • Mood Boards
  • Mockups
  • High-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Usability Testing
  • Agile Processes
  • Developer Cooperation
  • Atomic Design
  • UI Patter Libraries
  • Design Systems
  • MVP Development



Inspiring others means to help them identify with the idea you promote. Having a proper vision of what the company and the design team should ultimately become is one of the best tools to do so. Colleagues that see the purpose in what they work on develop intrinsic motivation for their jobs, becoming happier and more effective.

Leading a design team also means to be the intermediary between designers and other departments or the executive management. This includes forging alliances, setting up collaborations and finding compromises that match to the needs of all stakeholders.

One of the most natural tasks of a leading role is delegating the right jobs to the right people and seeing that projects are completed and the company?s objectives are met. But in order to achieve this, a leader also needs to find and hire great talents with complementary skills who fit into the design team and the corporate culture.

A servant leader brings out the best in others, making them grow and minimizing work-related discontent. Also, a dedicated role focussing on design process and team management allows the company to reach its goals earlier and more successfully. When leading a team from within and not from above shows that humility is essential.

Managing a design team does not stop with hiring the right people. It also means to enable them to work efficiently. Therefore, flexible, but resilient tools have to be chosen by the design lead. Also, team members have to be mentored and helped in extending their professional skills in a way that merges their interests and the business goals of the company.

No relationship can thrive without honest and constructive feedback and trust. Be it in daily work or exceptional conflicts, a lead has to empathize with the team. Problems need to be addressed as early as possible, while achievements should be appreciated and celebrated.

A lead should have the commitment and confidence needed to stand for the purpose of the company. Credibility is key when it comes to lead others into a cause. But integrity also asks for taking the difficult decisions and being responsible for them, especially when letting people go who seek new challenges or no longer fit into the team.

Innovation is to find better ways of solving users? problems effectively. This seldom comes from a single genius mind, but from a creative culture that follows customer-centric thinking while uniting people with same mindsets and different expertise. It is a design lead?s task to build this frame that fosters innovation.



  • Mobility
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Education
  • Government
  • Development Work
  • FinTech
  • Shared Economy
  • eCommerce



Hamburg (+50km)



5 Jahre 4 Monate
2019-02 - 2024-05

Digital Farming ? Strategic Design & Research

Product Strategist, UX Researcher Value Proposition Canvas Ad testing Online ad testing ...
Product Strategist, UX Researcher

What type of digital service could add value to the professional life of German farmers? What do they want from the digital documentation of their fieldwork? In this strategic project, I led an innovation process to find out the answer to this question.

Apart from their actual agricultural work, German farmers need to do a lot of work on documenting how their fields are seeded, fertilized, and treated with pesticides. How could they be helped in the best way? What kind of value could a digital service possibly bring to them?

To find this out, I suggested using the Value Proposition Canvas from the consulting firm Strategyzer, an established tool to map customer needs and ideate products and services.

Value Proposition Canvas Ad testing Online ad testing Desk research Disruptive innovation Job-to-be-done Team workshops Design Planning Customer Interviews
Yara Digital Farming

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 Jahr 4 Monate
2013-10 - 2015-01

Interaction Design

Bachelor of Arts, Grade: 1.6, btk - Hochschule für Gestaltung
Bachelor of Arts, Grade: 1.6
btk - Hochschule für Gestaltung
1 Jahr 6 Monate
2009-02 - 2010-07

Media Designer Digital & Print

ertified media designer Digital & Print, Grade: 3, arTec - visual solutions
ertified media designer Digital & Print, Grade: 3
arTec - visual solutions
1 Jahr 5 Monate
2007-09 - 2009-01

Media Designer Digital & Print

Media Designer Digital & Print, IG Nord
Media Designer Digital & Print
IG Nord
3 Jahre 5 Monate
2004-04 - 2007-08

Archaeology, History Sciences, History of Arts

Archaeology, History Sciences, History of Arts, Christian-Albrechts-Universität
Archaeology, History Sciences, History of Arts






UX-Design Strategie Usability Innovator GUI Design-Konzept Design Pattern Produktdesign R&D

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden

Axure RP
Pen & Paper

Job Experience

since 09/2018

SAE Institute

  • Freelance Lecturer

since 06/2018

DCI Digital Career Institute

  • Freelance Lecturer

since 12/2011


  • Senior Product Designer



  • Senior Experience Designer



  • User Experience Designer


Gruner + Jahr // welldoo

  • User Experience Designer


Gruner + Jahr // welldoo

  • Product Owner


Gruner + Jahr // welldoo

  • Designer & Frontend Developer


kmf Werbung

  • Screendesigner


The world is changing ? and we are on the transition team. This is a phrase from a sticker at my community space. I think it sums up quite well what design has to do nowadays: to make the world a better place for everyone. This is the reason why I strive for the generation of customer value on every project I work on. Every product that follows a true purpose can combine a financially successful business model with a social or cultural impact. To get there, I strongly believe that every important design decision should be based on research and validation. Times are gone when rockstar designers only followed their intuition. Sustainable innovations come from teams who listen and learn about their customers.


My experiences in designing services, interactions and aesthetics support companies aiming to enter a market with a new product through a 3-step process just until developing a minimum viable product. The first step service design solves problems relevant to the customer and validates ideas for potential products. Only when customer and business needs are met, a market can be approached successfully. During the interaction design first, digital prototypes are created to test and improve the user experience and usability. By iterating the prototype, the fidelity of the product is enhanced step by step. The aesthetic design creates a consistent and engaging look and feel of the service. Its visual language of the product aims to be as easy-to-learn as possible.

Service Design

  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Job-to-be-done
  • Value Proposition Canvas
  • Design Thinking
  • Paper Prototypes
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • (Proto-)Personas
  • Customer Journeys
  • MVP Definition

Interaction Design

  • Lean UX & Design Studio
  • Hypothesis Writing
  • User Flows
  • Information Architectures
  • Wireframes
  • Paper Prototypes
  • Mid-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Interviews
  • Usability Testing

Aesthetic Design

  • Mood Boards
  • Mockups
  • High-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Usability Testing
  • Agile Processes
  • Developer Cooperation
  • Atomic Design
  • UI Patter Libraries
  • Design Systems
  • MVP Development



Inspiring others means to help them identify with the idea you promote. Having a proper vision of what the company and the design team should ultimately become is one of the best tools to do so. Colleagues that see the purpose in what they work on develop intrinsic motivation for their jobs, becoming happier and more effective.

Leading a design team also means to be the intermediary between designers and other departments or the executive management. This includes forging alliances, setting up collaborations and finding compromises that match to the needs of all stakeholders.

One of the most natural tasks of a leading role is delegating the right jobs to the right people and seeing that projects are completed and the company?s objectives are met. But in order to achieve this, a leader also needs to find and hire great talents with complementary skills who fit into the design team and the corporate culture.

A servant leader brings out the best in others, making them grow and minimizing work-related discontent. Also, a dedicated role focussing on design process and team management allows the company to reach its goals earlier and more successfully. When leading a team from within and not from above shows that humility is essential.

Managing a design team does not stop with hiring the right people. It also means to enable them to work efficiently. Therefore, flexible, but resilient tools have to be chosen by the design lead. Also, team members have to be mentored and helped in extending their professional skills in a way that merges their interests and the business goals of the company.

No relationship can thrive without honest and constructive feedback and trust. Be it in daily work or exceptional conflicts, a lead has to empathize with the team. Problems need to be addressed as early as possible, while achievements should be appreciated and celebrated.

A lead should have the commitment and confidence needed to stand for the purpose of the company. Credibility is key when it comes to lead others into a cause. But integrity also asks for taking the difficult decisions and being responsible for them, especially when letting people go who seek new challenges or no longer fit into the team.

Innovation is to find better ways of solving users? problems effectively. This seldom comes from a single genius mind, but from a creative culture that follows customer-centric thinking while uniting people with same mindsets and different expertise. It is a design lead?s task to build this frame that fosters innovation.



  • Mobility
  • Healthcare
  • Insurance
  • Education
  • Government
  • Development Work
  • FinTech
  • Shared Economy
  • eCommerce

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