Focus on complex projects and holistic team management. Extensive experience in Agile, Waterfall, and the insurance and finance sectors.
Aktualisiert am 19.04.2024
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Agile Coach
ITIL Zertifizierung
Scrum Master
Scrum Product Owner
Atlassian JIRA
Atlassian Confluence



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 year 8 months
2022-08 - 2024-03

Senior IT Project Manager

Agile project management for ?DA Deutsche Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft? and ?Zurich Beteiligungs AG (Germany)? Atlassian JIRA Atlassian Confluence
Agile project management for ?DA Deutsche Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft? and ?Zurich Beteiligungs AG (Germany)?

- Leading the team according to the Scrum framework for the creation and continuous development of the DA-Direkt vehicle insurance calculator for cars, car switches and motorcycles. 

-Management of the project team consisting of 18 project members ? Budget Management and Resource Allocation: Responsible for the project's budget, including preparing cost estimates and forecasts, monitoring financial performance, identifying cost savings or overruns, and adjusting resource allocation according to project needs and priorities. 

- Invoicing: Responsible for the timely and correct creation of invoices to the customer in accordance with the payment process and the contract terms. ? Sales of add-on packages: Identify and sell add-on packages or services to the customer to expand the scope of the project and generate additional revenue. ? Customer meetings: Organizing and conducting regular meetings with the customer to discuss project progress, clarify requirements and obtain feedback. ? Requirement Engineering Meetings: Moderation of requirement engineering meetings to capture, analyze and specify requirements. 

- Communication: Regular communication with team members, customers and other stakeholders to maintain the flow of information and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page. 

- Risk management: Identification, assessment and management of risks during the course of the project in order to address potential problems at an early stage and minimize impacts. 

- Documentation: Maintenance of project documents, reports and documentation to ensure complete traceability and transparency. 

- Quality Management: Monitoring the quality of project work and adhering to quality standards to ensure that customer expectations are met. 

- Team Management: Supporting and motivating the team, encouraging collaboration, and fostering a positive work environment. 

- Problem solving: Identifying problems and obstacles during the course of the project and developing solution strategies to overcome these challenges. 

- Conflict management: Resolving conflicts within the team or with customers to ensure a smooth project and promote collaboration. 

- Progress Monitoring: Continuously monitoring project progress, identifying delays or deviations, and taking action to adjust the project plan. 

- Lessons Learned: Conduct lessons learned sessions at the end of the project to reflect on experiences, identify best practices and identify areas for improvement for future projects. 

Atlassian JIRA Atlassian Confluence
DA Deutsche Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft
Frankfurt am Main



Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich



1 year 8 months
2022-08 - 2024-03

Senior IT Project Manager

Agile project management for ?DA Deutsche Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft? and ?Zurich Beteiligungs AG (Germany)? Atlassian JIRA Atlassian Confluence
Agile project management for ?DA Deutsche Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft? and ?Zurich Beteiligungs AG (Germany)?

- Leading the team according to the Scrum framework for the creation and continuous development of the DA-Direkt vehicle insurance calculator for cars, car switches and motorcycles. 

-Management of the project team consisting of 18 project members ? Budget Management and Resource Allocation: Responsible for the project's budget, including preparing cost estimates and forecasts, monitoring financial performance, identifying cost savings or overruns, and adjusting resource allocation according to project needs and priorities. 

- Invoicing: Responsible for the timely and correct creation of invoices to the customer in accordance with the payment process and the contract terms. ? Sales of add-on packages: Identify and sell add-on packages or services to the customer to expand the scope of the project and generate additional revenue. ? Customer meetings: Organizing and conducting regular meetings with the customer to discuss project progress, clarify requirements and obtain feedback. ? Requirement Engineering Meetings: Moderation of requirement engineering meetings to capture, analyze and specify requirements. 

- Communication: Regular communication with team members, customers and other stakeholders to maintain the flow of information and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page. 

- Risk management: Identification, assessment and management of risks during the course of the project in order to address potential problems at an early stage and minimize impacts. 

- Documentation: Maintenance of project documents, reports and documentation to ensure complete traceability and transparency. 

- Quality Management: Monitoring the quality of project work and adhering to quality standards to ensure that customer expectations are met. 

- Team Management: Supporting and motivating the team, encouraging collaboration, and fostering a positive work environment. 

- Problem solving: Identifying problems and obstacles during the course of the project and developing solution strategies to overcome these challenges. 

- Conflict management: Resolving conflicts within the team or with customers to ensure a smooth project and promote collaboration. 

- Progress Monitoring: Continuously monitoring project progress, identifying delays or deviations, and taking action to adjust the project plan. 

- Lessons Learned: Conduct lessons learned sessions at the end of the project to reflect on experiences, identify best practices and identify areas for improvement for future projects. 

Atlassian JIRA Atlassian Confluence
DA Deutsche Allgemeine Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft
Frankfurt am Main

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