International Business Development Manager in B2B
Aktualisiert am 13.03.2024
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Market segmentation
Business strategy
Go to market






3 years 11 months
2020-01 - 2023-11

developing business strategy

Area Sales Manager
Area Sales Manager
BlueBotics SA is one of the references in autonomous navigation technology enabling the mobility of vehicles for the automation in the professional use market. Products are software and technical services.
  • developing business strategy, increasing sales activities, customer satisfaction and sales revenues
  • assisted in establishing the subsidiary in Shanghai and training the new hires
  • largely increasing brand awareness by initiating all kinds of marketing activities for China?s market, creating and maintaining Chinese social media accounts, hosting webinars, organizing tradeshows, becoming a member of China Mobile Robot association
  • taking care of new business leads in Middle East, Africa, South America and Russia
  • attending tradeshows throughout Europe
  • having increased sales revenue in China from zero to CHF 500K/year, gained market shares by 5% despite the pandemic impact
BlueBotics SA
St. Sulpice / Lausanne
3 years 4 months
2016-09 - 2019-12

Founding a Company

  • Helped small European businesses enter China
  • Promoted the European idyllic lifestyle and travel sustainability to Chinese middle class families and individuals
on Request
1 year 4 months
2015-05 - 2016-08

Supported the global head of eDiscovery Department in her day-to-day business

Business Support Admin and Personal Assistant to the global head at eDiscovery Department
Business Support Admin and Personal Assistant to the global head at eDiscovery Department
  • In charge of salary payment of eDiscovery team in Zurich
  • In charge of team event planning and organization in Zurich
  • Took an online course to learn everything about eDiscovery
  • Adapted and integrated in the European work environment
1 year 2 months
2011-04 - 2012-05

arried out market research for PPE (personal protection equipment) products

Strategic Marketing Manager at Safety, Security & Protection Business Group
Strategic Marketing Manager at Safety, Security & Protection Business Group
  • Carried out market research for PPE (personal protection equipment) products in manufacturing industry in China through primary research and desk research
  • Created market analysis reports in English for the senior executive management in China and in the headquarters in the USA
  • Developed business strategies and plans for 4 different market segments
  • Formed 4 project teams internally to implement my business plans
  • Led one M&A project and reported directly to the CEO of 3M China
  • Made 5-year business value forecast in China: from zero to grow to US$ 50 million
3M China Ltd
1 year 1 month
2009-02 - 2010-02

Sold off-the-shelf reports on metals & chemicals

Business Development Manager
Business Development Manager
  • Sold off-the-shelf reports on metals & chemicals to steel producers, steel end-users, banks and financial institutions in China
  • Made campaigns at trade shows, seminars and conferences to improve company?s image and to increase company?s visibility
  • Sales revenue was about US$ 1 million a year
  • Increased sales revenue by about 20% by reaching more customers in steel and finance industries
CRU International Ltd.
Beijing Representative Office
2 years 10 months
2006-02 - 2008-11

Provided technical support at customers? production lines

Sales and Marketing Specialist in Electrical Insulation System
Sales and Marketing Specialist in Electrical Insulation System
  • Got trained as a technical sales person in the labs in Germany and Austria for DuPont performance coatings (impregnating resin and core sheet varnish)
  • Found one strategic business partner in the steel industry
  • Initiated and completed production localization
  • Assisted in the Price Value Capture project and helped increase the department sales efficiency by approximately 20%
  • Sales revenue was about US$ 500K a year
  • Increased sales by 50% by entering the steel industry and collaborating on new projects
  • Strongly positioned DuPont core sheet varnish in the steel industry
DuPont China Holding Co. Ltd.
3 years 1 month
2003-02 - 2006-02

Managing distributors in China

Supervisor in Sales Department
Supervisor in Sales Department
  • Responsible for managing distributors in China in the compound semiconductor business
  • Responsible for receiving orders and making quotations
  • Increased sales steadily by 20% a year by helping expand end-users? business
Sharp Electronics Co. Ltd.

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 year 8 months
2010-10 - 2012-05

Business Administration

International MBA, master degree, Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille (now KEDGE Business School)
International MBA, master degree
Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille (now KEDGE Business School)

3 years 11 months
1996-09 - 2000-07


Bachelor Degree, Tongji University
Bachelor Degree
Tongji University




Market segmentation Business strategy Go to market

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Business Development Manager with a global track record across the high-tech, chemicals and metals industries in B2B
  • Initiated, drove and scaled commercial projects across industry leaders like 3M and DuPont as well as ?Hidden Champions? like BlueBotics
  • Proud to have enabled significant increase in market penetration and profitability across geographies such as China, USA and Switzerland
  • Successfully segmented the market for high-tech robotics that enabled the market entry in China

Work Experience:

01/2020 - 11/2023

Place of Work: St-Sulpice

Role: Area Sales Manager

Customer: BlueBotics SA


  • 60 employees
  • CHF 8.1M turnover

05/2015 - 08/2016

Place of Work: Zurich

Role:  eDiscovery Department Business Support Admin

Customer: UBS AG


  • over 70,000 employees

04/2011 - 05/2012

Role:  SSP Business Group  Strategic Marketing Manager

Customer: 3M China Ltd.


  • over 8,000 employees,

02/2009 - 02/2010

Role: Beijing Rep Office Business Development Manager

Customer: CRU International Ltd.


  • 15 employees

02/2006 - 11/2008

Role: Sales and Marketing Specialist

Customer:  DuPont China Holding Co., Ltd.


  • over 3,500 employees
  • Electrical Insulation System Department

02/2003 - 02/2006

Role: Sales Supervisor

Customer: Sharp Electronics Co., Ltd.


  • 50 employees
  • Electronic Components Division






3 years 11 months
2020-01 - 2023-11

developing business strategy

Area Sales Manager
Area Sales Manager
BlueBotics SA is one of the references in autonomous navigation technology enabling the mobility of vehicles for the automation in the professional use market. Products are software and technical services.
  • developing business strategy, increasing sales activities, customer satisfaction and sales revenues
  • assisted in establishing the subsidiary in Shanghai and training the new hires
  • largely increasing brand awareness by initiating all kinds of marketing activities for China?s market, creating and maintaining Chinese social media accounts, hosting webinars, organizing tradeshows, becoming a member of China Mobile Robot association
  • taking care of new business leads in Middle East, Africa, South America and Russia
  • attending tradeshows throughout Europe
  • having increased sales revenue in China from zero to CHF 500K/year, gained market shares by 5% despite the pandemic impact
BlueBotics SA
St. Sulpice / Lausanne
3 years 4 months
2016-09 - 2019-12

Founding a Company

  • Helped small European businesses enter China
  • Promoted the European idyllic lifestyle and travel sustainability to Chinese middle class families and individuals
on Request
1 year 4 months
2015-05 - 2016-08

Supported the global head of eDiscovery Department in her day-to-day business

Business Support Admin and Personal Assistant to the global head at eDiscovery Department
Business Support Admin and Personal Assistant to the global head at eDiscovery Department
  • In charge of salary payment of eDiscovery team in Zurich
  • In charge of team event planning and organization in Zurich
  • Took an online course to learn everything about eDiscovery
  • Adapted and integrated in the European work environment
1 year 2 months
2011-04 - 2012-05

arried out market research for PPE (personal protection equipment) products

Strategic Marketing Manager at Safety, Security & Protection Business Group
Strategic Marketing Manager at Safety, Security & Protection Business Group
  • Carried out market research for PPE (personal protection equipment) products in manufacturing industry in China through primary research and desk research
  • Created market analysis reports in English for the senior executive management in China and in the headquarters in the USA
  • Developed business strategies and plans for 4 different market segments
  • Formed 4 project teams internally to implement my business plans
  • Led one M&A project and reported directly to the CEO of 3M China
  • Made 5-year business value forecast in China: from zero to grow to US$ 50 million
3M China Ltd
1 year 1 month
2009-02 - 2010-02

Sold off-the-shelf reports on metals & chemicals

Business Development Manager
Business Development Manager
  • Sold off-the-shelf reports on metals & chemicals to steel producers, steel end-users, banks and financial institutions in China
  • Made campaigns at trade shows, seminars and conferences to improve company?s image and to increase company?s visibility
  • Sales revenue was about US$ 1 million a year
  • Increased sales revenue by about 20% by reaching more customers in steel and finance industries
CRU International Ltd.
Beijing Representative Office
2 years 10 months
2006-02 - 2008-11

Provided technical support at customers? production lines

Sales and Marketing Specialist in Electrical Insulation System
Sales and Marketing Specialist in Electrical Insulation System
  • Got trained as a technical sales person in the labs in Germany and Austria for DuPont performance coatings (impregnating resin and core sheet varnish)
  • Found one strategic business partner in the steel industry
  • Initiated and completed production localization
  • Assisted in the Price Value Capture project and helped increase the department sales efficiency by approximately 20%
  • Sales revenue was about US$ 500K a year
  • Increased sales by 50% by entering the steel industry and collaborating on new projects
  • Strongly positioned DuPont core sheet varnish in the steel industry
DuPont China Holding Co. Ltd.
3 years 1 month
2003-02 - 2006-02

Managing distributors in China

Supervisor in Sales Department
Supervisor in Sales Department
  • Responsible for managing distributors in China in the compound semiconductor business
  • Responsible for receiving orders and making quotations
  • Increased sales steadily by 20% a year by helping expand end-users? business
Sharp Electronics Co. Ltd.

Aus- und Weiterbildung

Aus- und Weiterbildung

1 year 8 months
2010-10 - 2012-05

Business Administration

International MBA, master degree, Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille (now KEDGE Business School)
International MBA, master degree
Euromed Management Ecole de Marseille (now KEDGE Business School)

3 years 11 months
1996-09 - 2000-07


Bachelor Degree, Tongji University
Bachelor Degree
Tongji University




Market segmentation Business strategy Go to market

Produkte / Standards / Erfahrungen / Methoden


  • Business Development Manager with a global track record across the high-tech, chemicals and metals industries in B2B
  • Initiated, drove and scaled commercial projects across industry leaders like 3M and DuPont as well as ?Hidden Champions? like BlueBotics
  • Proud to have enabled significant increase in market penetration and profitability across geographies such as China, USA and Switzerland
  • Successfully segmented the market for high-tech robotics that enabled the market entry in China

Work Experience:

01/2020 - 11/2023

Place of Work: St-Sulpice

Role: Area Sales Manager

Customer: BlueBotics SA


  • 60 employees
  • CHF 8.1M turnover

05/2015 - 08/2016

Place of Work: Zurich

Role:  eDiscovery Department Business Support Admin

Customer: UBS AG


  • over 70,000 employees

04/2011 - 05/2012

Role:  SSP Business Group  Strategic Marketing Manager

Customer: 3M China Ltd.


  • over 8,000 employees,

02/2009 - 02/2010

Role: Beijing Rep Office Business Development Manager

Customer: CRU International Ltd.


  • 15 employees

02/2006 - 11/2008

Role: Sales and Marketing Specialist

Customer:  DuPont China Holding Co., Ltd.


  • over 3,500 employees
  • Electrical Insulation System Department

02/2003 - 02/2006

Role: Sales Supervisor

Customer: Sharp Electronics Co., Ltd.


  • 50 employees
  • Electronic Components Division

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